
The sound of raindrops clanking against metal bars heavily; the muted silence of his surroundings – a deserted playground; how ironic. Yoongi could only hear the unstable pumping of his heart against his flesh, his head was in a mess, and everywhere he turns to has been dyed steadily into dark red. He sighed softly with his mouth wide opened, his eyebrows knitting together helplessly, as he realized he had failed himself and his other half. Again.

But that was the last time I’ll disappoint you, so I hope you think of me in a better way from now onwards, Jimin.

======= throwback ======

Yoongi shuffles quietly from his room into the gloomy little corridor, lowering his head when he senses someone coming near him. His heart drops a little when he heard whispered conversations between them, and he catches onto the sentences on accident. “I heard Min Yoongi – that boy, do you see him? There, yes, him – is being released from the Boys’ Home later?” He pursed his lips slightly at the mention of his name. Yoongi doesn’t like people calling him by his full name; he finds it awkward. “I thought he was supposed to be in here for another, what, half a year?” He rolls his eyes in response to the question that wasn’t directed to him directly, mouthing the words “I was nice so I got an early release, woman.” almost the same time the first person replied “Apparently he was on his best behaviour so he got an early release.” Yoongi shook his head a little, annoyed at their nosiness, and walked onwards quickly. It’s a bit lonely without his usual buddies occupying their spots beside him, but at least he is free from now on. A bitter smile formed slowly on his face as he realizes how lonely he will be outside, even with his newly earned freedom.

His footsteps begin to slow. It was raining heavily outside; Yoongi could hear the thunderstorm getting gradually louder with each step he took towards the exit. What will happen once he steps out of this building that has been his shelter and temporary home for a little more than a year? Who will be there to welcome him back into their lives willingly?

 Is Dad still working in McDonalds’, Is Mum okay in Heaven, is Yoonjinnie hyung doing fine – and Jimin. Jimin. Jimin’s probably given up on us, I haven’t heard from him in forever and he never visits.

Yoongi picked up his walking pace whilst thinking of everything, and nothing at all; reaching the exit within a minute. The security officer reminds him to leave his name tag and uniform behind, and he nodded once while doing so. The people here haven’t been bad towards him, a few have even looked out for him on several occasions – but Yoongi swears he never wants to come back again.

He got a little dizzy while walking out the front gate of the Home, and he recalls that it’s been ages since he’s been out in real, actual sunlight ever since he was trapped in the building. He was convicted to 2 years in the Boys’ Home for beating up a boy so badly that he was unrecognizable. There was reasons to it, but all Yoongi would say about it was that ‘that bastard deserved it.’ That obviously wasn’t a good enough reason, and after constant insisting from the angered boy’s parents; he was sent to the Home for ‘punishment’.

Yoongi was going to try and walk back home at first, to test his memory, to see if he recalled how the streets looked like, until someone familiar grabbed his arm and stopped him. It was his father. 

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Chapter 4: This is pretty nice. I actually like the depressing-ness in this story so far. Thanks for the update, fighting! ^^ ♥
Sungjong_infinite #2
Chapter 4: Omg why why why is this so sad this is depressing
Sungjong_infinite #3
Chapter 3: I cant wait for the next chapter update soon buing buing ~
Sungjong_infinite #4
Chapter 3: Omg awwwwww that was so cute this was the best chapter thanks for updating omg thanks a lot
Huuuwwwaaaa asdfghjkl!@#$/^ /flip tables/
Chapter 2: OMG ;A; FRIENDS? AKFJKFIGAK... please update soon or i'll cry! <\3
Chapter 2: friends ;_;
Sungjong_infinite #8
Chapter 2: Omg thanks for updating but omg they have to be togther i mean more than friends
Sungjong_infinite #9
Chapter 1: Update soon please ^.^
minsyubssi #10
Chapter 1: i love it! angst yoonmin is always nice to read. update soon ^^*