her life

The best at being the worst


Sunny’s POV


After washing up, I immediately woke Taeyeon up.

“Unnie~ wake up.”

“Mwoh? 5 more minutes.”

“No can do. I gotta go home.”

At this, Taeyeon’s eyes snapped open.

“What? Why? It’s too early. How will you get there?” She asked looking concerned.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I need to go home now, arraso? Emergency.”

“What emergency?”

“I’m not sure. My landlady told me to go home.” I lied.

“This early?”

“Yup. Well, I’m going now. Bye unnie. I’ll call you guys later.”

“Aish~ arraso. Take care.”


Taeyeon accompanied me to the gate then watched me as I walked away from the Hwang manor. Actually, I wasn’t sure myself why I wanted to go home. I just felt like I needed to. As I headed towards my apartment, I noticed a box infront of my door.

“Oh, another one.”

I picked it up and went inside. I felt relived at the sight of my own cozy little home. Very relaxing. I went inside my room to change into house clothes. Afterwards, I decided to call Sungmin. Just as I was about to dial his number, I received an incoming phone call. I realized it was Sungmin. Wow, great timing.


  “Sunny~ good morning! How are you?”

“Uh, I’m fine. Why did you call?”

“Nothing, really. I just wanted to greet my fiancé.” He said emphasizing the word ‘fiancé’.


“Yeah, about that, could we talk?”

“We’re talking.”

I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

“I meant face to face.”

I could hear him chuckle.

“Arraso.” he replied.

“Great. Let’s meet up then. Later, 8:00 at the café near school.”

“No, I’ll just come over. Less hassle for you.”

“Do you even know where I live?”

“Of course. Uh, Sunny?”


“Open the door.”

What the? He couldn’t be here, right? I opened the door. I just proved myself wrong. He did, indeed, know where I lived. Standing right infront of me with all of his epicness was no other than Lee Sungmin himself.

“Annyeong!” He greeted.

I could only stare at him. This man is so . . . unpredictable.

“Ne. Uh, come in.”



Once he was inside, I noticed that he looked surprised.

“You live here?” He suddenly asked.

I tried to give him a glare but decided not to. Instead, I asked him “Why? My house isn’t that bad, right?”

“Oh, I didn’t men that. Quite the contrary. Your house looks nice.”

My house looks nice? Really? I looked at him questioningly.

“Do you have a job?” He asked again.


Looks like my answer stunned him. This time, I was the one who asked.


He shrugged his shoulders then answered me with another question.

“Then how did you get this house?”

“ . . . ” I was silent for a moment. I was contemplating on his question. How DID I get this house?

“I don’t know.” I answered truthfully. “All I know is that I’ve lived here since I was 11.”

“Where did you live before that?”

“An ajumeoni took care of me before. I thought she was my mother but she told me she wasn’t. She was just tasked to take care of me. I kept asking her where my parents were but she would never answer my question. When I was 11 she brought me to this apartment, which I call a house. Told me I had to live on my own. Of course I was scared at first, but I got used to it.”

“You told me you didn’t work, right?”


“Then how did you get all your things? Your money? How do you pay rent?”

I’m not even sure why I keep answering this guy’s questions. Anyway, I explained my life further.

“When I came here, the house was already fully furnished. I had everything I needed here. So it was easier for me to live alone. I was, however, scared I’d run out of supplies. However I think someone’s always watching over me. Every week, a box would pop up from nowhere infront of my door and it would contain things that I need. Everything from groceries, to clothes, to money, to receipts saying all my electricity and water bills and etc. have already been paid, to . . . everything. It’s like I always have Santa by my side. And this house? The landlady told me someone’s already bought it for me. So I don’t have to pay rent.”


After I finished my story, Sungmin was wearing an amazed look.

“Wow.” He muttered.

I smiled at his reaction. I would always get those kinds of response when I told someone my life story. I remembered when I told the girls about this, they also had the same look on their faces.

“Hey, can I look around?” He asked.

I chuckled. “Sure.”


Then I gave him a tour around my house. Truth be told, my house is bigger than the other houses around. At least for those also living alone. I have my own living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, bedroom, closet, and even a study room.


While he was looking around, he asked me another question.

“Hey, you told me this person gives you clothes, right?”


“Well . . . how do they know your size?”

I laughed. Silly Sungmin.

“They ask me.”

“Ask you?”

“Yep. Together with the things inside the box, there would be a note asking me things. I’d answer these questions then, poof! The next box would contain things with the specifics that I gave through the answers I gave to the questions.”

“Cool. Don’t you wonder who gives you these things?”

“I do. Actually, I’ve tried so many things just to know who’s behind all these. Each and every time, I fail.”

“Why don’t you put a surveillance camera infront of your house?”

“I did that, too. But the mystery person would block the camera.”

“How about you spy on them?”

“*laughs* Spy? Seriously? Nah. I’ll just let them do their work. Maybe they just can’t let me know who they are. I’ll find out someday, eventually.”


When we were back in the living room, I spoke up first.

“Why are you here anyway?”

“Didn’t you want to meet up?”

“Yes, but, how did you know where I live?”



Then I remembered Jessica is Donghae’s girlfriend. And Donghae is Sungmin’s friend. Wait. Come to think of it, all my friends are in some kind of relationship with Sungmin’s friends. Taeyeon with Leeteuk, Jessica with Donghae, Hyoyeon with Eunhyuk, Tiffany with Siwon, Yuri with Yesung, Sooyoung with Hankyung, Yoona with Kibum, and Seohyun with Kyuhyun. And now me with this guy. Weird.


“What did you want to talk about?” He asked.

“The ‘engagement’.”

He chuckled. Seems like he found this funny.

“Alright then, what else would you want to know?”

“Everything else that I need to know.”

“But I already told you everything.”

“Nope, not yet.”

“Okay then, ask me anything.”

I prepared myself with my questions. Lots of questions were clouding up my mind and I was determined to clear that cloud up.


“When will this ‘engagement’ start?”


“And who’s supposed to know?”



“Yup, everyone.”

“How do we do that?”

“Well, we need to do what normal lovers do.”

“You mean being mushy and lovey dovey?”

He chuckled at my terms.

“Yup, mushy and lovey dovey.”

I scrunched up my nose. I’ve never done those things before.

“You mean holding hands and all those other skinships?”


“But if no one’s around, we can drop the act, right?”

“ . . . Well, we should always be careful. Someone might be watching us.”

“Fine. *sigh* All of this seems planned out. But what if they find out the truth?”

“What truth?”

I looked at him incredulously. This is all an act, right?

“This. Aren’t we just acting?”

“Technically . . . no. You WILL be my fiancé for as long as my parents keep forcing me to marry. If by any chance they keep pestering me forever, then I guess we’ll just have to really get married. If not, then you’re off the hook.”

“What? So I’m like in an arranged marriage?”


“What do I get in return?”

“I told you, anything you want.”

I stopped for a minute. this guy is serious. When I regained my composure I answered him back.

“Sungmin, this is a really big deal. I’m not sure if I’d want to do this.”

After saying that, he seemed sad all of a sudden.

“Arraso, I won’t force you. You have all the time in the world to think about it.” He then stood up. “I should get going. I have to meet up with my friends.”

“Arraso. Mianhe. I’ll call you to tell you my decision, okay?”


He gave me a smile then walked towards the door. As I watched him leave, I kept thinking about the whole situation I was in. But before anything, I gotta do one thing. I pulled out my phone then dialed a number.


“Unnie. Where are you?”

“Still at Tiff’s.”

“Arraso, I’ll come over. I have something important to tell you.”

“Alright then. We’ll be waiting.”

Then the call ended and I was on my way back to Tiffany’s place.



Author’s note: Hey! Chapter 7's up! Sorry for the late update :( I wanted to enjoy my semestral break. Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Oh, I have two new oneshots :) It's a SunSun and a Haesica. Here:



Well, hope you read these stories ◕‿◕

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Pleease update soon, author!
I'm absolutely loving this story so far ^^
PLEASE UPDATE~ The story is getting too interesting to be on hiatus!!!!
nerdscandy #4
Hmmm who is sendingher the stuff?
Thanks for updating~~~<br />
SUNGMIN AND SUNNY = BEAU <3~~ I have a feeling that Sungmin is the one sending her all the clothes and money and stuff! :S dunno~~ plzplzplzplzplzplzplz UPDATE SOON!!!!! SUNSUN :33
sorry to promote here...<br />
<br />
do you like roleplaying?<br />
please join this! many male & female artists/ulzzangs are still avaible!!<br />
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-C.O.R-<br />
http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/95434 <br />
<br />
btw, I love the story!! SunSun & HaeSica, my 2 fav Sujugen couple!!
minstal_1 #8
More Haesica :)
salinaspamela #9
Ugh. You left me hanging again, you meanie. Finish it up!! Do it fast! Haha Can't wait to see where this would lead. :)