Entries of an 'official' fanfic writer

I am shell shocked at what is happening right before me. There isn’t a better explanation to make you understand even if I describe it at my best so I’m just going to entail you in our conversation.

“What the hell are you guys doing in front of my door?”

The seven boys grin at me and Jimin awkwardly speaks up. “Good morning Ai ssi!”



“Do you want me to die? Do you not value the life of an employee of your same company?” I scold them once we get into the black van which is headed towards The Company’s Building.

The boys all have their head down in retrospect and are quiet. I continue my lecture as if I am dealing with a couple of children; overgrown children at that.

“Honestly, what were you thinking? The world’s favorite idol group outside my house! Do you realize what could have happened to you guys? Just imagine. What if the fans found out and they began to crowd the place? You wouldn’t have any place to go. And before I actually forget, why were you there in the first place?”


“We wanted to play,” V oppa replies innocently. Wow, I could just go and hug him right then and… NO! I was in the middle of scolding them. Yeah, focus, Ai!

“Couldn’t you have played with someone else?” I ask, trying to keep up my failing seriousness. And this didn’t go unseen by the boys. “We wanted to play with you,” Jin oppa says and I can’t believe that it’s coming from him, of all people.

Realizing that I couldn’t keep up the façade of anger and fury anymore, I palm my forehead and let out a long sigh which depicted both my exhaust and defeat. “What,” I begin and the boys visibly perk up at this mere word, “Do you possibly want to play?”


I had read their schedule the previous night. They were completely free the whole day. And not to mention, two days after. Couldn’t they do something else instead? I mean, I don’t mean to be a and I totally want to hang out with my idols but it was dangerous. They could suggest something stupid (like going out into the open). Or worse…

My initial plan was (today being a national holiday of sorts) to stay cooped up in my room the whole day and complete as much stories as I could. But that plan definitely went across the Atlantic, pacific, Indian and every other water body the moment my doorbell ringed at seven in the morning.


“But first,” Suga oppa said and turned to Jin. “I’m hungry.”

Jin oppa crosses his arms and stops dead as we walked in the building and tried to settle into our common interrogation room. “What the hell are you looking at me for?” he asks, completely annoyed and confused. He doesn’t forget to add, “Besides, we all had breakfast together just an hour ago.”

Suga oppa just shrugs. “A growing body,” he replies and Jin makes a snarky comeback. “Like your body would grow any further.” This comment leaves the other members snickering especially Jimin.

It is at that moment that I realize that I myself haven’t eaten breakfast yet. I’m not blaming anyone but still (you idiot members…)

“How about we order something?” Rap Monster suggests. He must’ve felt my slowly rumbling stomach from a distance of five meters. No wonder he’s the leader! He’s got some weird spiderman-like senses when it comes to noticing other people’s hunger.

But V is quick to put up his hand in retort. “Yes, Taehyung?” Rap Monster turns to him. The rest of the members do too. “Let’s cook food.” Jungkook and Jimin actually looks excited but Jin cuts in very, very quickly; in a matter of a split second after he uttered these words, in fact. “You are no way on earth entering the kitchen. I will not have another episode of the exploding goo from the oven again!”

To this, Jungkook and J-Hope laughs and Taehyung pouts. Suga clicks his tongue and Rap Monster just smiles in memory. Jimin then comes up with brilliant suggestion (sense the sarcasm). “Jin hyung and Ai ssi can cook.”

Our murdering glances are flung at Jimin’s direction and honestly, I’m surprised that he hasn’t died yet because of the venom in our glares. “I can’t cook ,” and “Are you serious?” comes out at the same time so it is only heard as a muddle of incoherent words. (Note, I said the former sentence)

I quickly apologize for using a swear word but Jin overshadows it with his lecture. “Do you know how hard it is to cook for six eternally hungry boys? And how can you even suggest such a thing to Ai ssi?” But I continue to ponder about it. Since my plans of writing practically went down the toilet, what else could I do? I needed a plan for the day. And what better than to cook for ‘six eternally hungry boys’ and one furious mother? Besides, I could improve my cooking skills too.

“We’ll help too,” Jimin quickly adds and is about to face another session of high pitched lecture but I quickly interrupt and save him from the scolding. “I think that’s a marvelous plan.” Jin’s eyes turn to the size of discs and he turns to me. “I mean I can’t really cook well but I can use this as a training ground of sorts,” I say.

Suga narrows in his eyes. “So you’re basically using us as guinea pigs for your experiment with food,” he suggests ever so carefully. I express a sly, mischievous almost spine shuddering grin and reply with a menacing tone. “I never said that now, did I?”



The plan was cut out. And truth be told, it was more than simple. Jin and I had to cook in their kitchen to fill everyone’s hunger. (Yes, THEIR VERY OWN KITCHEN! TAKE THAT ALL YOU JEALOUS FANGIRLS!!! I’m totally kidding. It was however, exceedingly exciting to be in their kitchen though.) In the meanwhile, the other members had to do something in return for the selfless (not) deed that I was doing for them.

Write an entry in this journal/post and stay logged in my account for an hour each so as to show that BTS did actually read fanfictions and was very much aware of the love that the fans give them. (I know it was an advertisement thing but come on, someone has to be proud of me. I’m actually doing a good thing for the band, the entertainment group as well as the fans since they might get to interact with some of the online writers. It’s a win-win-win situation!) What can I say? I make good deals… Man, I should be a demon in the TV show Supernatural.

The members agreed to do so after Suga, the ever so co-operative oppa that he was, quarreled with me for a few minutes until he was smacked on the head by Jin. “You will do it if you want food”. Ah, the biggest threat for anyone to ever live.



So now, here I am, in the kitchen beside Jin oppa, trying to assist the master chef in cooking brunch for everyone. And about the experiment thing with the food and the boys, I was very much joking. I didn’t dare to touch the food because I was scared to even alter Jin’s genius.

“Why aren’t you doing anything?” Jin suddenly asks, noticing that I was plain stiff, standing at the corner of the room looking like a cornered mouse. I laugh awkwardly, my teeth full showing and my eyes crinkling into smaller slits than they already were. “I don’t want to kill anyone.”

Jin laughs lightheartedly and assures that I wouldn’t. “I’m here, aren’t I?” he replies, getting my reference about how bad my cooking was. “Besides, no one’s cooking is that bad,” he adds. “Excepting Taehyung’s, of course.” I laugh but there’s still that awkward atmosphere. I pray that it’ll be gone soon by the end of the time we finish cooking.

And it does go away. Sooner than I had imagined, in fact.


After five minutes of Jin handing me an onion to slice up, and me accepting it and beginning to dissect it somehow skillfully, we fall into a comfortable conversation where ever sentence ends with giggles and chuckles (I won’t tell who did the chuckling… cough, not Jin, cough).

He tastes one of the dishes that I took charge of. I don’t really know what I cooked but I just threw in all the things I could find in the refrigerator and tadaa, it became a gumbo or stew of sort. I wait anxiously and fearfully for a reply; or the inevitable gagging and falling unconscious of one of the most prettily handsome idols that I had ever seen but the latter never comes. What comes as a reaction is this. “Wow. It’s amazing. Where’d you learn this? You much teach me how to make it.”


“Are you sure it’s good? Nothing poisonous of sort?” I ask in total shock and walk up to the now simmering pot. “It’s good. I’m serious.”

Not believing oppa, I took a spoon and dipped it in the pot. The color look okay, I take note. Scooping up a generous amount of gravy and some pieces of vegetables, I put it in my mouth and… It doesn’t actually taste bad.

“See?” Jin says, noticing my surprised and pleased reaction. But I am too stunned to even reply. My cooking was a success! I wouldn’t kill anyone with my food today!


We put aside the finished dishes and waited for the noodles to soften as it was the final dish. During which, I ask Jin questions just out of plain curiosity.

“Oppa, did you always want to be an idol?”

His reply was simple: “Call me shallow but kind of. It’s fun and enjoyable but at the same time, it requires lots of hard work.”

He didn’t need to explain anything to me. Even after staying for a few months with the boys, just observing them without even intervening them, I could see how hard they worked. From long hours of practices which involved not only choreography but vocal, mannerisms and social etiquettes, language and all the rest, to keeping up a good image for the sake of the fans to producing and creating their own songs and dance moves to tedious hours of photo shoots and endless concerts and fan meets all around the world, everything was incredibly hard for them. And just watching them, heck, just reading their schedules made me exhausted. But they were doing an incredibly good job at being plain awesome and not breaking under the pressure. So I guess these three days of rest were well deserved.

“I get it, oppa. Really.”

Jin smiles at me, accepting the fact that I really did understand. “You’re a smart woman. You’ll get it.”

I blush at the compliment. No one has ever called me ‘woman’ before. Just goes to show how well mannered these people were.



I continue to ask as the seconds tick by and the grumbling stomachs of the boys in the other rooms resonate loud enough for us to hear even from the kitchen.

“Oppa, what’s the most fun part of being an idol?”

“Interaction with the fans, of course. They truly understand that we do our best whenever we perform and when they give us positive feedbacks, it really encourages me.”


“What do you feel about negative comments then?”

“It’s another way of improving ourselves. They act as building blocks. We take negative feedbacks very seriously so that we can change and mould ourselves to something close to being the best.”

I comment to his reply cheekily. “That and the fact that haters actually spread your popularity in their own way.” Jin smiles in an equally sly manner. “Yeah. There’s that to.”


“Still then, oppa. You shouldn’t overwork yourselves, you know. You may be amazing and unbeatable idols but you’re still humans… and oh my god, am I actually saying this to you? I’m gonna stop talking now.”

Jin laughs again. And it sounds melodious and heavenly.

“You’re really sweet, aren’t you? We try not to overwork. And we often take breaks from hard practices from time to time.”

I let out a relieved smile to hear this. Good to know that they’re not pushing themselves too hard.


The I get to a little more personal questions.

“Have you ever dated anyone before?”

Jin looks at me warily and then answers. “I don’t think I can answer that.”

“Oooh,” I say because it breaches some rules about their personal life that they had left behind which could very well cause problems in the near future. “Sorry for asking,” I say and give my signature grin again.

“You really remind me of Taehyung and Kookie when you do that,” he comments and laughs, all suspicions from his face dropping immediately. Really?

“And it’s fine. I can tell you that I have dated some girls but it never really worked out.”

“Oh,” I comment unknowingly and move on to the next question lest he feels uncomfortable.


“What do you feel about love?” I ask, the question which I have been dying to ask ever since that little incident, so to speak, in the interrogation room with a particular member a few days back.

Jin knits his eye brows and puts on his thinking cap. “Love?” he asks and scratches his head. He then turns off the gas and cover the boiling pot. The food is finally done.

“I think love is limitless. Love is simply something which is uncontrollable and spontaneous.”

“So you’re saying that we can’t help whom we fall in love with,” I assert and look for an answer which I pray he would say. And he doesn’t disappoint. The Bangtan boys never do. “Yes. Exactly. We can’t help it. True love doesn’t have boundaries.”

I smile at the answer. It’s really assuring to hear that such a person, who is so high up in the commercial world, still has wonderful morals about a notion such as love. “Why do you ask this?” he says and suggests me to help him carry out the food to the dining room. I help him immediately and reply that I needed insight for new fan fictions. That and I just wanted honest answers from my idols. It was a way to remind me that they were still human. Just like us.


“You’re so weird,” he comments and it’s not an insult. You could tell it from his face. “We are humans, Ai ssi.” I giggle a little and reply that I knew that. Jin ends our conversation with a loud call of the boys (like the way mothers call their children when food is prepared).


“Food’s ready guys!”





Hectic syllabus this semester, guys. I deeply apologize. I am not promising quicker updates but this fic will continue regardless how long the updates take. Apologies in advance and I'd totally be eternally grateful if you continue to support me...




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ferm9917 #1
OH MY GOD. This is perfect. Literally. There is no other words for this. Please update soon ^^
Chapter 7: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Just update soon................... Please...
xiuminified #3
I finally decided to read this (which was in my subscriptions untouched for way too long) and wow, i was grinning the whole time (im trying hard not to squeal tbh lol) I think I looked like an idiot walking the aisles of the grocery store. You portrayed the characters very well. The yoonmin was great the taekook was awesome; honestly i cant find the best word to describe how awesome this story is. You are seriously a very talented writer. Hands down. Can't wait for the next chapter.

P.S. Kim Taehyung, i got my eye on you. I wouldn't blame you if you fell for kookie (we're in this together, man. He's my ub nd you dont know how hard it is if he was your bias seriously)
Chapter 6: I finally found the time to read this and without spazzing much I just wanna tell you that this fic is absolutely amazing, Ai is the most gorgeous OC I have ever seen and you are such a talented writer, chinguyah. Please continue like this, I'm very excited for the next chapter!
V_suga_otp #5
Can't wait for your next update... Fighting Author-nim
ARMYS-are-awesome #6
Chapter 6: Ooooo!!! Jin, nice speech you said there! Please update soon!!!
Chapter 6: I want to be in their kitchen too! It seems amazing if you can cook with your idol :3
Finally another update! But take your time, author-nim! We surely can wait~ :D
'Love is limitless'... Sure Jin, sure it is....
Chapter 5: Is that Taehyungieee?? Omo you can't leave us like this! >A<
Thank you for updating!!
pearlspar #10
Chapter 5: DaAAaAAMN! You make a really good story please update soon! I can't wait xD