Entries of an 'official' fanfic writer

I think my first meeting with the members of BTS was okay, not good and not particularly bad.



 Alright, I was really, really excited but at least I wasn’t one of those screaming fans and I didn’t cry or faint.


Two days after signing the contract with the entertainment group, I told my parents about it. My dad, like all dads, was skeptical about it, not believing that it was practical. I just roll my eyes and wait for him to complete his ranting about how silly being an ‘official’ fanfiction writer was.

My mom, on the other hand, was a little more supportive even though she’s not very keen. She decides to support me, saying that this was an opportunity to experience more about the real world.


Finally, after a week, I was contacted by Mister Joon and they gave me instructions on where they would come and pick me up. I honestly could go by myself to them in Seoul but they thought it best to give me the best treatment and pick me up themselves (although I think they were just scared that I would never reach the destination. After all, I was well known in school to get lost in the school compound itself).

And just like that, I was given hundreds of rules and regulations about how I was now an official employee of such an esteemed entertainment label. And even though I would be provided security sometimes, I would be responsible for my own safety when it came to my daily life. I agree to all of the details without questions. After all, I did sign the papers already.


During the car ride to the building, Mister Joon informs me that the boys already know about my arrival. He also tells me some important stuff.

“You can spend as much time as you can with them for your stories. But make sure you don’t get in the way of their busy schedules which you’ll be informed of every morning. Since you agreed to write under a pseudonym and go to a regular school, please keep this job a secret lest you want sasaengs outside your house.”

I nod diligently. Mister Joon, despite his intimidating looks, was quite considerate and nice. “And here,” he hands me his card. “My number, in case you need my assistance. You’ll be given the numbers of anyone you need and require except the members’.”

“Why?” I ask. “Why can’t I get their numbers?”

“No offence but we just don’t want any trouble for the boys,” he replies and the answer seems legit. What if I got their number and decide to spread it to the whole world? It would be so much of a hassle, wouldn’t it? Call me crazy but I simply don’t trust myself with even that. So I simply nod again.



It’s been an hour since Mister Joon said that I would be introduced to the members. But I don’t mind. It wasn’t like I had to be somewhere else or anything. Besides, I wouldn’t mind waiting for a few more hours to meet my number one all time favorite band. But my companion seemed to be getting a little impatient.

He hands me a can of juice and waits with me. And even though it was unnecessary, I just make conversation to pass the time.

“Are you my official manager or something?” I ask. He gives a small smile. “Yeah, Kind of.”

“That must , huh?” I say. “Taking care of a kid when you probably have other jobs.” The man doesn’t look at me but he is still smiling. “You are my job, kid. If you screw up, I’m dead. So, try not to be a bother.”

If you thought that those words hurt me, well, you’re wrong. I’ve been through harsher ones before.

“Yes, sir,” I reply. Then he quickly adds that it was good so far. “My job, I mean. I thank you for not being one of those screaming and crazy fans who are obsessed with them.”

“Oh, I am one of those obsessed fans, trust me. I just don’t show it. Why do you think I write fanfictions in the first place?” I ask. He nods knowingly.

It is right at that moment that a man walks out of the room. Mister Joon bows and approaches him. They speak for some time and then they both come to me. The new comer introduces himself and I recognize him as one influential man I have seen in the videos. Chubby face, round body, drooping squinted eyes, cheerful looking smiles that kind of resembles a capybara or a wombat, I think you all know whom I’m talking about. Yup, the CEO of BigHit Entertainment himself, Bang Shi Hyuk nim.

I undergo a heart attack at that moment.

“Hello,” I say, unable to control my smile. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Mister Bang Shi Hyuk,” I blurt out. “I am a real fan. Your compositions are really amazing and I love what you’ve done with BigHit Entertainment.”

He just continues to smile and accepts all the compliments. “It’s an equal pleasure, Miss Yume. I really hope to see you working hard here,” he says to me and all I can do is nod my head furiously and listen to everything that he is saying.

“I apologize if I made you wait long. I just had to inform the boys of your work here.” I nod again as he says this.

He apologizes again and says that he has to go for a meeting. In Japan. Gosh, he’s someone to look up to, I think and stare at his retreating back dreamily. My level of respect for that man is just sky rocketing.

“Ai ssi?” Mister Joon calls out snapping me out of my mini-worshipping session of Bang PD-nim. He is now at the door to the practice rooms and his hands are holding onto the handles of the door. “If you don’t mind,” he says. I nod for the final time and arrange my cardigan in the last minute.

Mister Joon pushes the door open and I am suddenly comforted and surprised by the sounds of laughing boys. My gaze turns towards the laughs and to my utter happiness and joy, I see them. Right in front of me are the seven members of my favorite group, the talents, the legends, the artists, the idols. It’s BTS in the flesh.

Now, there are things that need to be said before I describe what happens after this. Like this little entry, for instance.

You see, there are two types of reactions that I make when I get excited. The first one is the normal one. I get so excited that I forget to breathe completely, and I start talking at the speed of light making everyone feel breathless and tired. Like how I reacted when I met Bang PD-nim. That’s the ‘normal’ reaction.

The second one is more rare and well, I like to term it ‘unique’. My second reaction is one where I get so excited and nervous that I stop moving and I lose sense of everything. I don’t faint, no. But I do get so pumped up that all the blood in my body seems to gather in my heart and fail to reach my other parts of the body.

You’d think the second one is better. But nope. The second one makes me look like an idiot. Kind of how I look like right now.

I stand there, speechless, motionless. I don’t think I’m even breathing. My gaze just focuses on the boys seated on the dance floor, looking exhausted and sweaty from the dance practice session that they just had. And I just stand there. For a whole ing minute.

I can see them staring at me like I’m stupid. Suga even smirks to see my reaction. J-Hope looks startled but he’s smiling. Jungkook, my total bias just stares at me blankly while Taehyung and Jimin are smiling like children. Rap Monster and Jin are the first to make a move.

They stand up and make their way to me.

MOVE! My brain says. But my ing body is not listening.


“Hello,” Rap Monster says. It sounds heavenly. But everything when I probably look like a deer in headlights.

He introduces himself calmly and slowly so that I could understand his accent. ‘I’m Kim Namjoon aka Rap Monster. I’m the leader.” He offers his hand but I’m too dumbstruck to accept it as I stand there with my mouth hanging open.

Jin and Rap Monster share a freaked out look and I don’t blame them. “Uhh,” Rap Monster says unsurely. His hand is still hanging in mid air, waiting for me to shake it. But damn my body!

“Ai ssi!” Mister Joon says and snaps his fingers near my ear. That helped. A little. It did get me out of my daze, yes but it didn’t help me look any better.

“Uhuh,” I say dumbly. Clearly my mouth and tongue were still refusing to listen to my brain. But hey, at least my hand accepted his and we exchange a handshake. Jin is next to introduce himself. I nod stupidly and accept his hands for a handshake.

Slowly, the other members come up to me and introduce themselves. Why were they doing this? It was my job to do that. It was my job to talk to them politely and impress them so that they could in turn impress me for my stories.

“So,” Rap Monster spoke after all the introductions. His voice is booming with confidence and kindness. And he has a very kind smile on his face which shows his beauty mark (according to me, of course), the dimples. I just continue to lose myself in my day dream. I think I even drooled.

“Miss Yume Ai!” Mister Joon says and claps his hands in front of me. Yup, that did it.

“I’m sorry,” I suddenly say and bow down in utter embarrassment. Look, just because my body stopped functioning doesn’t mean that my brain wasn’t aware of my surroundings. “My name is Yume Ai. You can call me Ai. It’s just that I’m such a huge fan. I love all of your songs and you choreography. Your choreography’s emphasis on power is just brilliant,” I say and turn to the choreographer in the back. Song Songdeuk nim. He takes an appreciative bow in thanks.

I don’t think I’m even making sense but the boys are very polite as they continue to smile and nod.

Then, I shut up all of a sudden which again shocks the members and even myself because my shy side sinks in. Again. “Miss Yume?” Jin calls out. And I can’t even say a word in reply. God, what an idiot I must’ve looked like!

Jin speaks to let me get accustomed to them. “I read some of your works last night, Miss Yume. And I thought they were brilliant. No wonder manager hyung and Bang PD nim suggested you,” he says and gives me one of the sweetest smiles that I have ever seen in my life, both on a male and on a female.

“You read my works?” I ask, finally enabling myself to speak. I have no idea why but mentions of books and written words and letters always manage to bring out my real side. Jin nods. “I hope you take care of us and write more amazing stories,” he says.

The maknae joins the parade to make me feel less awkward. “Hyung, you read her works? Are they good?” He then turns to me and asks curiously. “What’s your username? Do you intend to use a pen name or your own name?”

My confidence that once returned to me left my body again, like a friggen bullet.

“I… uhhh,” I manage to say. I have no idea why but my face is heating up rapidly. And my heart rate is becoming even faster than before. My eyes widen in pain I feel myself becoming more and more breathless by the second.  And all this is accompanied by a clutching pain in my chest. I recognize this all too well.

“Ai ssi?” I hear a deep voice and recognize it as V’s.

I fight the pain and force down my breathing. Yes, it’s coming back together again.

I manage a weak smile and turn up to them, apologizing for my weird behavior. “I’m just a hug fan, that’s all,” I say and explain in broken sentences about how great it is for me to work with my idols. The members give me wide smiles saying that it was their pleasure to meet me.

I laugh nervously and look at each boy. They’re literally sparkling in my eyes.

But a dark voice in my head is chuckling, teasing and taunting me. “Oh Ai,” the voice says but I’m not even startled because this is normal for me. Talking to my brain. “They think it’s a pleasure meeting you. That’s really funny considering how weird and difficult you can be.”




I guess they found out by the fourth day.


“What is this?” Suga looks at my laptop screen and screams out in his sharp voice. He has just finished scrolling through my newest work which I plan to proof read and upload it after a few days.

“I thought you already knew when you opened the file ‘MY FANFICTIONS’, oppa,” I reply as I pour myself a glass of ice cold water. It’s four in the evening. I had completed my admissions in my new school just that afternoon and so, here I was, in the BTS’ office, observing my seven muses so that I could get ‘inspired’. “Also, oppa, as much as I respect and idolize you, don’t you know that it’s rude to scroll through someone’s laptop?” I add.

But he has no signs of regret. “What the heck did you just write?” he asks again. I sigh and walk up to him with the glass in my hand. Suga oppa needs it more than I do.

He takes the drink and gulps it down in one go.

It’s amazing how warmly the members welcome me and to their ‘crew’. And because of this warm welcome and homely atmosphere, I am comfortable and even show them forty percent of my true side. One of my true sides, to be more precise.


“It’s fanfiction,” I say, clicking on the ‘close’ option on the screen. “What did you expect? Besides, it’s not rated or anything.”

The ‘cute-baby-faced-ball-of-adorability’ laughs at his hyung’s reaction. “What did you read hyung?” he asks. I honestly don’t think he would be laughing if he too read what I had just tapped down in my laptop.

“That’s just nuts,” Suga says and places the now empty glass back down. He looks at Jin who is very calmly massaging J-Hope’s shoulders for the fun of it. Rap Monster is just laughing at Suga’s reaction, pointing fingers and all. Jungkook and V are in the corner, playing video games on their phones and being all snuggly with each other even though they knew full well that a stranger was there right in the room (ME).

“Honestly, oppa. I apologize if it traumatized you. But this is nothing. Heck, there’s just one tiny, a single small smidge kiss scene in the whole story!” I retort not forgetting to emphasize on how small the kiss scene was. “Besides, you were never supposed to read this,” I say and pout. I know that I’m not very pretty but still, I also know that my pout can do wonders. “And this is nothing compared to the other writers’ works.”

“Seriously hyung,” Jimin says. “What did you read?” Suga refuses to look at Jimin for the rest of the time. Each time he looks at him, his face flushes tomato red and it’s really easy to see considering how pale he is.

I giggle silently and sit back down on my table, but I’m not very pleased by Suga’s reaction. I didn’t expect him to like my YoonMin fanfic but still, he didn’t have to seem so traumatized and appalled by it.

“Ai ssi?” Jimin turns to me and asks what he just read. I give a meticulous smirk and clicked my tongue rather disrespectfully. “A Sugamin fic,” I reply, hoping to see an even better display of theatrics from the loud teenager.

But he just looks curiously at the other members who are now hiding knowing smirks. Even Jungkook and V are laughing behind their screens. Only Suga seems distraught and embarrassed. “What’s that?” he asks. Oh Jimin, you clueless, wonderful boy, I sigh mentally and turn back to my beloved screen, not answering his question and leaving him desperate and whiny.


I don’t know how but I feel Jimin pouting from the back due to his unanswered question. I try not to say anything about it but then my weak heart for these boys just breaks into two when I hear Jimin saying “You guys are no fun”.


I spin around my chair and turn directly to the complaining boy and look deep into his eyes with determination. “Listen properly, oppa. I’ll say it once and only once. You got it?” I assert and he nods with all the interest in the world. He is now crouching down for unknown reasons and has now given his heartfelt concentration to me. Well, no turning back now.

“A sugamin fic refers to a fanfiction with the pairing of you and Suga oppa as a couple. It can be of any genre but since it’s a sugamin fic, you and Suga oppa are always together. And by together, I mean TOGETHER,” I say emphasizing on the final together so that he could get the message.

I wait in anticipation for the burst of reaction from him. But there’s none. Instead, he just sits there, staring at me, our faces remaining at that distance where it’s not awkwardly close nor is it too far. He doesn’t make any sudden movements like Suga oppa. In fact, he stays still. But then I realize something. It’s too still.

“Oppa?” I call out and inch in a little closer. “Jimin oppa?” I say again but Jimin is lost now. All of a sudden, my face is rising in temperature. But I know I’m not the blushing or anything and that’s when I notice the reddening features of the person right in front of me. I swear, if we were in an anime right now, steam would be coming out of Jimin’s head.

Somehow satisfied with the reaction, I lean back into my chair with a victorious smirk. By now, J-Hope is rolling on the couch, holding his stomach and laughing his gut out. Jin is giggling behind J-Hope on seeing Jimin’s reaction while Rap Monster has moved on from laughing at Suga. He is now laughing at Jimin. Jungkook and V have put away their phones and are now a part of the conversation where they are also chuckling to see Jimin’s reddening face.

Suga groans all the way from the water filter but the blush on his face is still inevitable. He is mumbling something but I can’t make out what he’s saying. He suddenly says aloud his mind. “For your information, Jimin is NOT that dense!” he clarifies. The others are looking at him in sheer confusion and curiosity and I’m glad that I am the only one who understands him.

“That’s why it’s called a fanfiction, oppa,” I reply confidently. I try to hide that smirk on my face, I really do, but my ‘sarcastic-mode’ has already been activated. And once any mode of mine has been activated, it’s hard to ‘deactivate it’.

He groans in defeat yet again. “This is so embarrassing,” he cringes and gulps down another glass of water. Rap Monster speaks in being so cool and commanding yet polite. “Hyung,” he calls out. “If you drink too much, you’ll want to go to the toilet frequently.” Great advice there, Namjoon. Serious words of wisdom.


I decide to speak again. “You mean you didn’t know about it?” I ask. Jimin is still not in any form to give any reaction and Suga is still mumbling mindlessly. So I turn to the youngest members then to the eldest.

“We do. We just haven’t read any,” J-Hope admits while Jin adds that he has read some of my works online. “Which one did you read?” I ask Jin. I had been meaning to ask him this question from the day we met but as you all know, I was a little… nervous when I met them.

Jin claps his hands together excitedly and tries to remember the name. His legs are swinging cutely, his lips are puckered up, his eyes are constantly shifting from one part of the ceiling to another indicating that he really is thinking back and his eyebrows are wiggling in sheer innocence. And I swear, the sight is a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e.

“I seem to have forgotten the name but it was a sad one. Angst genre. I think it was a Taekook fic,” he says and both the people who have been mentioned splutter on their own saliva and cough uncontrollably. Ooh, I guess someone’s joining Jimin and Suga in trauma land.

“Aah, I see.” I reply recalling the work. “That was not my best one,” I admit and turn back to my screen. “It was weak and rushed. You didn’t read the good ones.”

Jin looks at me. “Would you suggest me some good ones? Doesn’t have to be OT7,” he asks and I reply that I would do so when I had the time. Rap Monster then joins our conversation. “I’m curious. How many different types of fanfictions are there?”

I turn back to my one spectator (okay two, no three, if you consider J-Hope who’s probably listening and Jin who is still smiling to see his dongsaengs’ reactions) and crack my neck confidently like I’m an expert. I would’ve pulled out a chart at the moment but sad that I didn’t have one prepared.

“Infinite,” I say simply. Yeah, not much of an explanation there, Ai. “As long as the human mind grows with new ideas and plots, there are infinite amounts of stories.” I don’t think that makes much sense but it sounds cool so I don’t even try to take it back.

Rap Monster gulps handsomely. Yup, I said ‘GULPS HANDSOMELY’. And then he breaks into an impressed chuckle after which he asks what my favorite genre is. “To write or read?” I ask. “To read,” J-Hope asks. Wow, he was listening the entire time.

“I like angst but not always. I’m also a fan of fluff but again, I have moments. But one genre I can always read is crack,” I reply. “I don’t like it when there’s self harm though unless it’s really required.”

Jin nods, taking in all the information like he would be writing a test on it later. Rap Monster also nods occasionally to show that he gets it but I can see that he’s having a hard time coping up with the terms. “What about when it comes to writing?” Jin asks.

“Pretty much the same. Angst, fluff and crack. Not to mention horror and psychological thrillers. Although, come to think of it, I’m not very good with fluff,” I reply and get similar reactions.


I have no idea why I even called the boys in the first place. I knew that they were busy with their schedules and I knew that I had more than enough information about them to write seven whole books. So why did I agree at the first chance when Mister Joon asked me if I wanted to meet them for my stories?


Oh yeah. That’s because I’m a fangirl.


Suddenly, their manager knocks on the door and everyone turns (including me). He’s saying something about dinner. Turning in early because they have hectic schedules the next day.

They all let out cheers because there’s food involved in the sentence. I smile. Boys will be boys.

As they stand up to get out of the interrogation room, I pack up my laptop and wait for them to leave the room so that I could clean up and go home. But my thoughts and actions are interrupted by J-Hope, Rap Mon and Jin. “Why don’t you join us?” they ask.

I start blushing (which is not even relevant and possible because why the heck does someone blush when their idols are asking them to dinner?) (Oh wait…)

“That’s alright,” I reply and add that I needed to get home and prepare my first update. 

“Oh,” Jin looks apologetic. “Well then, some other time, okay?” he says. I know that that’s not possible but I just nod. Rap Mon adds that I should inform them when I’m free. I snort. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

But I still say yes. Then they wish me a good night and walk out of the room noisily leaving me to watch their receding figures from the glass doors of the room.

I scoff in amusement and return to packing up my most beloved laptop. I still can’t believe I’m getting to work for them.







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ferm9917 #1
OH MY GOD. This is perfect. Literally. There is no other words for this. Please update soon ^^
Chapter 7: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Just update soon................... Please...
xiuminified #3
I finally decided to read this (which was in my subscriptions untouched for way too long) and wow, i was grinning the whole time (im trying hard not to squeal tbh lol) I think I looked like an idiot walking the aisles of the grocery store. You portrayed the characters very well. The yoonmin was great the taekook was awesome; honestly i cant find the best word to describe how awesome this story is. You are seriously a very talented writer. Hands down. Can't wait for the next chapter.

P.S. Kim Taehyung, i got my eye on you. I wouldn't blame you if you fell for kookie (we're in this together, man. He's my ub nd you dont know how hard it is if he was your bias seriously)
Chapter 6: I finally found the time to read this and without spazzing much I just wanna tell you that this fic is absolutely amazing, Ai is the most gorgeous OC I have ever seen and you are such a talented writer, chinguyah. Please continue like this, I'm very excited for the next chapter!
V_suga_otp #5
Can't wait for your next update... Fighting Author-nim
ARMYS-are-awesome #6
Chapter 6: Ooooo!!! Jin, nice speech you said there! Please update soon!!!
Chapter 6: I want to be in their kitchen too! It seems amazing if you can cook with your idol :3
Finally another update! But take your time, author-nim! We surely can wait~ :D
'Love is limitless'... Sure Jin, sure it is....
Chapter 5: Is that Taehyungieee?? Omo you can't leave us like this! >A<
Thank you for updating!!
pearlspar #10
Chapter 5: DaAAaAAMN! You make a really good story please update soon! I can't wait xD