The Real BTS of EXO: Director's Cut
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Tao POV:

     I was laying on the couch in the living room, staring at my phone. Kai didn't answer when I tried calling last night. The only way I knew he was alive was by this text I'm staring at now. Just a simple "I'm alive :)" yet I was still worried for him about tomorrow. Was he really going to meet that sick son of a ? I hope and pray he doesn't go. At least, I hope he doesn't go alone. Did he tell Kyungsoo? How did that go? I sighed and threw my phone back on the table. I need to stop stressing over this when I know nothing. Why don't I have a single schedule today? Might as well go practice and pretend I'm busy, huh? I heard quick shuffling and seen someone land face first on the floor before he rolled and played it off. Of course I laughed but I didn't ask if he was ok since he does stupid stuff all the time.

   "Hey Zi, if I were you I'd do a little praying. Kris is home sick again." I quirked an eyebrow at Lay as he struggled to get his jeans over his overly perky .

     "So....why do I need to pray? He's been home sick before. He just gets sad and lays in bed." He sat on the coffee table in front of me and pulled on some socks.

     "That was before he got with you. Now that he's with you, you get to deal with what I had to deal with. He might be really really emotional. I'm talking Suho mood swings without the medication. Hopefully he won't be like that with you," Lay gave me a look and sighed, "Since he actually loves you....is in love with you. So you should actually be fine in t-minus 3......2.......1." Right then the door busted open loudly and there was very aggressive noises. "And this is where I leave. I'll be gone until 3 and I'll see you at practice at 4." He kissed my forehead and disappeared. Wait....he's gonna leave me with a Suho? I'm sure a Kris version of Suho is not good. I closed my eyes and began praying.

     "Tao! Zitao~~~!" My eyes opened. He sounded horrible. I sat up and turned to yell into the hallway.

     "I'm in here Gege." He came around the corner and beelined for me as soon as I entered his vision. He dropped to the floor in front of me and hugged my waist, talking into my stomach.

     "I missed you so much. Will you stay with me?"

     "What? Gege, I'm not going anywhere. I don't have any schedules today, you know that."

     "I miss them Tao. Everybody. I just wanna go home. I wanna see them and catch up on all the things I've missed, and....and....Tao~." He nuzzled his face deeper into my stomach and squeezed me tighter. I caressed his head as he spilled out all the things that he missed and I listened, feeling my heart sink as I realized that I too missed seeing my family all the time and that there was nothing I can do for him. "Please."


     "Don't leave me. If I don't have you here, god only knows what I would do. Promise me you won't leave me when I need you the most.........Yixing." I froze. Did he just call me--"He never stayed when I needed him. He was always too busy or running after someone else. I want to have someone I can spoil and take care of and love and all I want in return is for them to be there when I need someone and for them to love me back. I want that someone to be you."

     "Gege, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here and I'm staying here. I promise. I even cleared my day for you."

     "Really?" Nope but if I could've done that, I would've…just for you.

     "Yep. I made sure I had nothing to do all day. Just so I can be here for you." He chuckled at me.

     "You are such a liar but I love it at times like this. Thank you." I felt his grip on me loosen and his hands started feeling up my back. I think I see where this is going already. "I'm really glad I have you." I watched as his lips gently caressed my stomach through my shirt before he raised it and kissed my waist and he inhaled my scent. I never did thank Lay for buying me that body wash and I really should since its made our life more than it was life. "I'm glad I have you because I could really use you right now." He grabbed my hips and pulled them closer to the edge of the couch to gain better access. I hate him. I really do. He never has to do much to me before I become so breathless. How do we go from almost crying from home sickness to this?

     "I don't--ah!" I was cut of when his so called kisses got more aggressive and his fingers dug into my thighs. Trying to stop him never occurred to me as I just let him do whatever and watched with great interest and tried not to keep my body still (which I failed at) and to not moan at his touches (yep, failed that too).

     "Tao~ don't do this to me. You won The Little Mermaid bet yet we haven't had the slightest bit of intimacy. Why go through all of that just to be the one to deny me?" He tugged on the top edge of my jeans until the button popped off and the zipper came undone. "For once can we do something because I want to? It's always on your time, when you need or want me. Can't I just want to be lost in you because I need you and you not stop me? You barely even look at me anymore." I couldn't even answer him because the whole time he was talking, his lips were brushing against my now hard member in between the nibs he was given it. That made it impossible to say 'Yeah, that's because I want to piss you off first so we can have really great like last time you were mad at me.' Or even say a quick 'Because I've turned into a sick and twisted son of a .' Instead, the front door open and we both groaned. "We will resume this in a minute." He gave me a kiss before he took off just before the person entered the living room.

     "Um....Tao, you um...." Xiumin motioned at my unusual state of disarrayed clothes and heavy breathing as I crossed my arms in curiosity.


     "Never mind. Have you seen my gym bag?"

    "Chen's room. Wait, no. Hall closet. The smell got too bad."

     "Which is why I'm going to wash everything." He strolled over to the closet and grabbed his bag. When he shut the door, Kris was standing there glaring down at him. Xiumin squealed in shock. Though it was unnaturally high for him or any other male, I couldn't blame him. Scared the out of me too. Kris slowly stepped closer like he was about to murder the poor guy.

     "If I were you, I would leave right now and not come back until I allow you to. I also wouldn't plan on it being tonight and would warn the others of the same." I bit my thumb to stop my laughter as Xiumin shrunk another foot from fear.

     "B-but wh--"

     "I'm sorry, you seem confused. I guess you missed the obvious. As you walked from the front door to the closet, you passed the iest guy on this planet. I repeat, you did not notice that," Kris pointed at me and even though Xiumin knew who he was talking about, he looked just to make sure he was on the same page, "Drop dead gorgeous and naturally looking male with the most perfect personality and a big heart that lets me have him any damn well I please but for the first time it is on my watch. And in the process of ignoring his presence, you have interrupted something very important, because like I said, the first time I'm pulling strings since we almost killed each other. You were there so I doubt you want us to go through that again just for something as human nature as . Imagine the anger that is boiling inside of me, towards you, for interrupting such things and just what exactly I would love to do to you as punishment."

     "I'm sorry I--" Kris narrowed his eyes further, "Will get my out of here." And then he was gone.

     "Why hide if you were just going to scare him off? Hell, why even stop? He would've left after he seen us." Kris shrugged as he eyed me thoroughly.

     "I don't know, cause it was more fun seeing him scared like that and the gym bag smelled horrid. But it worked and that's all that matters. Take your clothes off." I snorted at him.

     "What do I look like to you? Just think you can demand I take my clothes off? No. Try asking nicely and I'll consider it."

     "I mean it. Now." I bit my lips and raised my arms.

     "I like when you do it better."

     "Too much work that I don't feel like doing."

     "But if you do it, it's a clothes off-no . If I do it, I'll tire you before we even have ." He huffed at me as his patience began to thin out.

     "Tao, just take them off."

     "But I'm the baby, remember? It's hard for me to do some things myself, like remove my clothes. And you're the father of the group and should help the baby at all times." I seen his face contort a bit and smirked. I think he knows where this is going. He took cautious steps towards me as he waited for me to say it.

     "You seem pretty able to do it yourself since your wearing a different outfit today. So why should I when I'm tired from working all day and you've been home doing nothing?" I cocked my head at him and folded my arms over my head as I remained in the same position he had placed me in, refusing to move. Like you said, you spoil me. You can only be mad at yourself for me being like this. "Tao, please stop playing with me." I gave him a  very inappropriate look (that was appropriate for this situation) and a smirk.

     "But Daddy, I want you to take my clothes off." Though it was just a whispered moan, I know he heard it plain as day by the way his spine stiffened before he leaped over the table at me. I was barely quick enough to open my legs and wrap them around his waist since he came pretty fast at me. For just a moment I thought I'd finally get the I've been dying for from. He literally tore my shirt off and ripped my jeans more as he removed them. I'll have to remember to charge him for those. His nails and mouth tore at my flesh before he removed my boxers and pushed me to lay out on the couch and climbed on top of me. I didn't even tell him how unfair he was being with all his clothes on as I destroyed his just like he'd done mine. What is it with guys getting by something so simple as being called daddy? I thought it was only when a chick does it but I easily found out its whomever they're sleeping with. They just like it for some reason. I don't think I would find it y but hey, whatever gets me this man is fine with me.

     I pulled him into a kiss as I him to full attention and he groaned when I lightly raked my nails down the path of the huge vein on the underside of his shaft. You know that hopeful idea I had about getting this my way? It died…quite viciously. As soon as he looked at me that puppy idea was put down. I know those eyes anywhere. He gives me the same look when I punish him for being inattentive to me. Damn you and your sweet side! Did I mention I hate him? Because I really hate him. I almost questioned him when I felt his fingers teasing my hole until I realized how long it's been since we've slept together. Almost a whole month. That's a month longer than we've ever been without. Even before we actually had we would fool around almost everyday. I'm definitely going to have to rethink my getting tactics because its robbing me more than getting me any.

     He studied my face as he gently forced two fingers in and I

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puckbunny #1
Chapter 19: Lol my adorable erted panda♡
Saneshine #3
thank you! :)
I love you