3.) A Favor?

Just Looking At Me
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"Namjoon, you're dancing is mosre stiff than usual." Said our coreographer.

"I guess I just have a lot on my mind," I shrug letting my arms slap at my sides in defeat.

"Okay well, rest up and stretch a bit longer tommorrow. I expect more from you next time okay?" His tone was serious yet my mood was solom, I just gave a weak nod then walked out once I was given the okay. 

It's December 7th, two days after the incident had happened and I haven't been able to shake the vision of Jimin with those bloody scratches down his body from my mind since. I need an answer for all of this dammit! Why is this creature picking on me? I've never hurt any spirit to my memory, I've never bullied a dead classmate or anything. Why. In. The. Hell. Was this all happening to me of all people on this ing planet?!

It was in the mixture of these thoughts that Yoongi stopped me in the hallway, "Namjoon, I want to talk to you."

I slightly sighed, "What is it hyung?"

"I typically don't belive in ghost...but what happened to Jimin the other night was some freaky . I've been noticing you being distant with us, when I was told you were pretty outgoing and correct if I'm wrong, but, I'm guessing it's because something is haunting you and if it is I want to help you."

His words put into shock but comforted me at the same time. "It all happened so soon, I just," I found myself spilling tears at this. Cheaks red and I was heaving uncontrollably. 

I was having an emotional breakdown.

Thankfully Yoongi pulled us into a dance room on the side to prevent any of the other trainees from seeing me bawl.

"Namjoon," Yoongi forced me to stop making noise after a while.

"I don't know what to do hyung! I promised Jiminie that I would get to the bottom of what was happening but I don't even know where to begin with this! All I know is one day, I was being stalked by a thing that eventually started to harm those around me. I want to get rid of it I really do, but I literally have no clue." I was still sobbing.

Yoongi stared at me and this was the first time I ever really looked at him. He was so pale it was almost like I was talking to a ghost, but I knew it wasn't him, he looked nothing like the thing that had been stalking me. It was more angelic and peaceful.

"I'm not scared of anything Namjoon, so I want to help you. I have an idea on what we can do but there is absolutely no gaurantee that it will work." The way he stated this was so blunt I had no choice but to believe him.

I swallowed my fear. "Lay it on me."

Yoongi removed the snapback he had been wearing backwards and sat down on the floor, I followed suit.

"From what I've seen in movie, when a spirit is haunting you it either means A.) You did something when they were living and now they're pissed and want revenge. B.) They have a mission they want you to fufil for them that they couldn't in the past, C.) You have something they want or D.) They want to make peace with you because of something they did to you when you were living. Which of those sound like it would apply to you?"

"Well, I'm seventeen there's nothing overly terrible I've had time to do besides bully which is nothing I've never been associated with. I've never been one to tamper with enchanted objects either so that means B,C, and D."

Yoongi nods. "You not lying are you?"

Namjoon puts his hand over his heart. "I swear on it." 

"Okay, we need to research how to confront a ghost or dead spirit. The only way we can get this thing to go is if we find out what it wants from you."

I look down. "I really have to confront it don't I

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zezezeze #1
Chapter 7: Youhaven't update yet
Chapter 7: gahh taehyung !!!!!!!!!!!! update plzz <3
Chapter 7: Why Can't You just Update Everyday TT.TT (Just Kidding :3 i know you have a life, exams....) However I was waiting long for your Update, i wanna see how this story would progress :D #Excited
IcyKeroro #4
Chapter 6: this is so scary and creepy. i couldn't read this alone in my room lmao. keep up the good work, author-nim
Joycielein #5
Chapter 6: Ah this is sooo cool
Chapter 6: Oh, I haven't seen this story for so long. I mean- it's been a while, I had to read the chapter 1 once again (not entirely since my memory doesn't that much). I read everything until now and I must admit that this is terrifying. (・.・;) Poor Jimin tho. :( That relationship that's building between Yoongi and Namjoon is interesting, as Namjoon seems to be in a serious danger. I wonder what's going to happen to him. ( ;∀;)
I noticed some typos but they're not really bothering, in my opinion.
Keep it up! (≧▽≦)
zezezeze #7
Chapter 4: What will happen?!
The way you wrote it in his point of view was just perfect. I started laughing at some parts although it was totally uncalled for. Jin... I just can't with you. You should write a sequel or continue this, I need more of this. Thanks for writing!
Chapter 1: omg. Good job author-nim :D The story was so scary. I got goosebumps when I read it.