
Keep it a Secret

Xiumin's Perspective


The usher escorted our group to our seats, that were directly on the he avoided eye contact with me and Tao,"Ok ladies, take a few minutes to get settled in your seats, the show will begin in a few minutes."

"You here that Sehuna? Ladies! As in women! Have mercy on your souls and let us go!" This was Tao's last minute attempt to escape.

Sehuna turned her head towards Tao's direction and strictly told him in a low voice, "Oh hell no, after what you did? Your lucky I didn't cut off your then and there."

I whispered in his ear "What did you do?"



My words cause his face immediately turned red. "N-nothing, she's crazy. Please just be satisfied knowing that I owe you big time?"

Well it obviously wasn't nothing we're at a ing male strip club but Tao doesn't seem like he's going to spill the beans easily right now so I'm just gonna drop it and eventually he'll crawl back to me because he's terrible at keeping secrets.


The preppy brunette showed Sehuna a pink gift box wrapped around with the same color ribbon and tied to a bow at the top.

"Aw! Tiffany! You really shouldn't have, really I don't need anything believe me!"

Tiffany, the preppy brunette, handed her the box."Just open it."

She carefully untied the pink bow and opened the box. Tears were forming in her eyes, in her hand is her new diamond necklace. The other girls gasped.

"You're like a sister to me, you've been there for me in every part of my life." Tears fell down both of their cheeks.  "This is just a small token of my appreciation,  please accept the necklace."

"Of, course!" Sehuna threw her arms over her best friends. The other four girls were tearing up.

Tao cupped his arm over my ear and whispered, "now's our chance to escape, while they're still gushing over the gift."

We both slowly arose from our seats and took small in audible footsteps towards the door. We were just a few steps away from freedom.

"Ehhemm going somewhere?" It was Sehuna, in her hand was a photograph of a-

Tao grabbed the photo out of her hands and ripped the photo into tiny pieces.  

She crossed her arms and assured the jumpy boy, "There's more where that came from, promise you won't leave?"

"Ok! I promise, I swear on my life I won't run away if you let that incident go!" He was clearly desperate.

So Tao can't leave, no biggie, if I just ask nicely I'm sure she'll comply with my plea.

"Sehuna, would it be fine if I could by leave? Unfortunately male strip clubs aren't my thing." He told his noona in a calm voice.

A smile appeared on her face, and in the most gentle voice said, "Tao, if he leaves, then I'll let post the photos online for the world to see." She turned her back to us and returned back to her seat. She's crazy.

"Well, at least we tried, haha." He patted my back.

I didn't reply back to his comment. I walked back to my chair head down. Tao followed me.

"Showtime in 30 seconds." Hopefully I can just block this whole ordeal if I just space out into my happy place.





Luhan's Perspective


Step one, step two, step three. I went through the choreography step by step in my head.

On my left are two dancers named Minho and Taemin, and on my right were Jonghyun and Onew. These guys were pros and legends of the company, dancing with these men made me nervous, hopefully I can perform with half the perfection these guys put into the performance.

The backstage manager, Key, reminded us, "Curtains up in ten minutes."

I decided to give myself a last minute pep talk. "Ok, Luhan, you can do this!" I cracked my neck and did some stretches.

"Luhan, you've practiced the choreography with us hundreds of times, don't sweat it so much." Minho said attempting to reassure me.

It wasn't the choreography that I was nervous about, it was the audience. Whenever I perform on stage, the stage lighting directed at us is so bright, it's impossible to make out anyone in the audience. I preferred that. I'm going to need something to help me get through the performance.

"Hey, Minho, could I have something to loosen me up a bit? It would help a lot."

He directed his eyes on his brown zebra print backpack, allowing me to search thru it. I ped the front pocket, and I held the orange pill bottle containing a dozen multi colored ecstasy pill inside the front pocket. I untwisted the lid, took three and clutched it in a fist. I twisted it the cap, put it back insode the bag, and I zipped the front pocket.

I returned back to my original spot.

"Curtains up in 10 seconds." Key handed out the hats.

I un clutched my fist and swallowed the small pills.  

The curtains rose and the spotlight directed at us.




Narrator's Perspective


The curtain rose, five men appeared on stage wearing groom apparel and back fedora hats their heads were facing downwards, the fedora hat blocked their faces. The song Psycho began playing.

When the multiple beats hit, the men turned their backs towards the audience synchronized.

Onew, turned around, took a few steps forward, threw his hat in the air, revealing his face and short brunette hair. He began rubbing his chest, his hands, his hands moving up and downwards. When the high pitch kicked in, he threw his jacket aside and he humped the air once.


After, Taemin stepped forward, threw his hat aside, revealing his amber highlighted hair. He threw moved his hands downward his body and started to rotate his hips. Both men reach to each other, threw their hands in air synchronized, they continued to mirror their steps on either side on the stage.

The singer changed and Jonghyun, who stood on the back of the stage stepped forward, he threw his hat then his jacket aside, revealing his bleach blonde locks.

The last two, Minho and Luhan, quickly stepped in the middle of the stage, inbetween Taemin and Junghyun, and threw their jackets aside. The beat changed to the slow chorus the five stated to rub their crotches. The girls immediately started going wild.

Their hats were securely on mid dancers heads so the audience couldn't make out their faces quite yet.

The song changed to the chorus of Quit Playing. The singer second to the right also threw his hat and jacket aside, revealing his short dark hair. The dancers on stage scattered on different area of the stage facing the audience. They swayed their hips and once the beat hit, they grabbed their crotches then moved their hands upwards towards their torsos, rotating their hips, and every time the strong beat hit, they would hump the air.




Xiumin’s Perspective


As much as I tried to look away from the performance, I couldn't. I was hypnotized. Their choreography was spot on and they each had their own unique charm that they used to make the crowd go wild, like the occasional biting of the lip, hair flips, and the over excessive body touches to themselves and when they would touch another dancer. They were true professionals, each gave it their all and it showed.


But for some reason, I couldnt keep my eyes off the dancer in the center. His movements entranced me. He seemed all too familiar. He was the remaining dancer with his hat securely on his head. I wanted to see his face. Who was that man?


Suddenly the music stopped, my question was about to be answered.

A man started to speak through the speakers. "Everyone give your a round of applause to our rookie dancer of the night-."  the man in the center gripped his hat, and threw it into the air, revealing a familiar face "-Deer!"

I thought my eyes were lying to me. I blinked a few times.

I thought to myself, "Is that... Luhan? The same Luhan that I know?" I started to rub my eyes. "No, It can't be. No it's not, he couldn't be. He's probably just a guy who resembles Luhan.....a lot. Get a grip man."

"But he has the same hair as Luhan, and he has the same height, and face..." After a few minutes, I came to the conclusion that, that man on stage is the same Luhan I know, and the Luhan that I know is a... stripper." This whole situation seemed surreal.



Author's Note:

Hello! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and the story so far! (sorry for any grammatical errors, they probably were a lot!)

(Whoop whoop! Surprise appearances from Shinee!) Now that Xiumin saw Luhan in action, it's time for him to recieve some, please look forward to the next chapter!

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Chapter 5: "Next chapter is Luhan and Xiumin’s first confrontation after that intimate night! Please look forward to it :) "
I will so when will be the update? ^^
Chapter 5: oho ~ update soon pls i bet Minseok is too shock and is he really turned in to gay ? Isn't it too fast :o
Chapter 1: ohoho i do have read this chap but its getting tickle, i do really like Minseok part when he picked up his desk over his head but in the next chapter Lu-ge can't do it kkk ~ i do found it their cute moment kkk ~ c}:
Chapter 4: Aigo ~
I guess Lu-ge will hide under his arrogant side to Minseok from now on, it happen naturally i think since they are classmate and both know each other beside Lu-ge still needs his job there hehehe :D
Chapter 4: Finally it's in the open *evil chuckle* looking forward to Luhan in action ; D
Chapter 3: ohohoho wonder Minseok reaction If he found out Lu-ge occupation kkk ~ Btw btw Minseok become more manly and cute recently ohohoho ;)
Chapter 3: Hey, it's me again ^^ Really enjoyed the new chapter, and I'm looking forward to see xiumin in the next chapter :D Keep it up!
Chapter 2: I really like the idea you have here. It's really interesting so far and I'm looking forward to the next chapter ^^