728 Letters

730 Letters

Heechul tossed and his unkempt bed. Why am I still awake? He thought while he stared absentmindedly in the white ceiling. Why am I worrying? Not like she’s my girlfriend or anything. He asked himself. I mean it’s only a day, nothing that bad could happen in a day, right? He questioned himself until the wee hours of the morning.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

“Aish!” Heechul opened one of his eyes to check what time it was as he sleepily  reached for the damned alarm clock. He slapped it and it fell and landed on a pile of dirty clothes on the foot of his bed.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

“Aish! Shut up!” He got up, terribly irritated looking for the source of the stupid beeping sound.

This is going to be a very bad day, he thought.

Heechul slumped into work; eyes red and swollen from the lack of sleep. His clothes were disheveled and not ironed.

People stared at him as he passed by which made him more irritated than he already was. He glared at the people looking at him as he grumpily walked to the elevator. I don’t want to be here, I want to be back in my empty bed and sleep.

Ding! The elevator opened and got in, pressed the button of his floor and waited for it to close. As the elevator closed, a hand reached out and stopped it. A bright and cheerful Minyoung got in.

“Good morning, Chullie!” She said with as much rainbow and sunshine she can put in her voice which disappeared when she saw Heechul’s sulking. The doors closed. “Are you okay? Do you need to go home, Chullie?”

“STOP CALLING ME THAT!” He glared at her, she looked taken aback, no matter how annoying she became, Heechul has never yelled at her until today. He sighed, “Sorry. I’m not in the mood today, Minyoung.

Minyoung looked away and did not speak, an awkward silence settled in the almost empty elevator. She stared at the wall and saw Heechul’s troubled expression. Poor Chullie. I’m sorry.

She continued to observe him through the reflection. Oh! I know! I need to cheer him up! We can go to the Noraebang tonight! She smiled as she mused the thought..


This is going to be fun. She thought as they got out of the elevator. 




......So, Yeah :P Another short chapter... I promise to update more often, Five subscribers makes me really happy! Comments would make me happy too! *wink* *wink* Any ideas what i have instore for you? ^^


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update this please?
mushisushi #2
Ohhhhhh it's not a coincidence!!!??!! Right???
HairNinja #3
Ahh so cute<br />
It's so.. fluffy<br />
I want more so<br />
<3 Still love <3 *promotes more*
Now you have one more subscriber ;D
Love Love Love *goes to promote* <3
I. Love. It. SO MUCH OMG!!! continue!!!!<br />