The only clue I have is the letter

exchange to korea

several days Minho accompanied Hana to her home, having dinner with her family and stayed to chat for a while after that Mr. Kang lead  Minho to his house, and that was only because they  stayed until late practicing what they had seen that day,  Hana loved to have everything very clear and Minho did not bother at all accompany Hana.
As usual Hana and Minho left the practice room, but  this time it was not that late night as usual, on their way to the house where Hana lives, they were talking about the things Hana would like to do , to eat and which places Hana would like to visit, Hana was making such a big and long list and Minho was doing his  best to remember everything and He wanted that  Hana would also have fun and of course spend more time with him ... Hana unlike her friends had very little free time, but Minho wanted to make her feel good, Hana could not stop talking when the phone  of Minho abruptly interrupted a conversation.

- hi - Minho answered  with a puzzled voice, Hana looked at him closely, She could only hear Minho say a couple  of yes and some  no, the conversation didn't last long  but it was enough, Hana knew that there was something wrong with  her friend, soon Minho end the call and saw Hana into her eyes.
- Hana could you excuse me with your family,  cause  despite that I want to go to dinner with you I can not ...-
- Yes Minho-oppa, but do not want ...- before Hana could finish her sentence Minho interrupted
- Sorry Hana, but do you think you can go from here alone ?, I truly care about you .... but I gotta go -
- Yes, do not worry Minho-oppa -
- Thanks Hana,  I will call you ok - Hana nodded and watched as her friend ran away, she could not stop  seeing the back of his friend going away quickly, she stand there until she  couldnt see Minho, Hana sighed and thought about how much She grown accustomed to the presence of Minho, especially when walking home, Hana thought of going to the convenience store and called her friends to know whether they wanted something.

Hana entered the store, walked to the  refrigerators and took  some bottles of Soju, placed in the bucket, walked to another hallway,  watching carefully what kind of food would take, when suddenly she collided with someone, and immediately apologized
- it's ok don't  worry - said a friendly voice, Hana turned to see the boy who was a little bit weird since no one  would wear a hat and sunglasses at 10pm, but Hana  smile politely. ..
- Such a beautiful smile you have ...- the boy with blonde hair said but then he grew worried thinking that he might sound like a stalker ...
- thank you very much - Hana said, in spite of what the boy looked alike,   Hana didnt feel that something bad were to happen -
- All that alcohol is for  your own? Dont you hink that's a lot ? -
- Hahaha, that's not it ... I'll be with my friends and  we will talk about all those  Girl things -
- Well no I don't know about girl things because I'm not one  - the guy said with a joking tone that made Hana laugh and because of that the guy also chuckled and immediately covered his mouth - such a bad new but  you already have plans with someone else, it would have been great if we could go and drink  together -  he had some bottles of soju and beer -
- But you do not seem the style that drinks - 
- Haha are very smart -the boy stood quietly waiting to say her name
- Hana-

 -you are Very smart Hana-ssi is true I don't  drink but my friends do and we will have boy talks and that stuff that you already know- he  said repeating what Hana  had said a few moments ago, Hana laughed again
- You're very funny -
- Do not talk to me formally, because we laughed so much together and apparently we understand our sense of humor  just tell me oppa- Hana smiled shyly and nodded - surely you're looking for some fries with that accompany the drinks? Well my hyungs say that this is what is the best when going to drink - he delivered three bags of fries -
thanks oppa- got all bag to the rack, they walked to the cash register, the boy made a gesture to Hana so she can go first,but she refused saying she had forgotten something, Hana turned and went looking for a candy that Karla had asked, the boy was watching as she walked alone, he let the cashier asked for his  autograph, he did not refuse and signed a piece of paper.
Hana returned but he was no longer in line, the lady at the cash register put all the stuff in a bag and handed them to Hana, she left the store thinking it was a pity that she could not say goodbye to that boy who behaved so nice to her ..
- Hana - she heard a voice yell and she turned, there was the guy at the store, then grinned at him as she approached him.
- You want me to walk you home? -
- You're not a psychopath or something like that right oppa?  - the boy  laugh  but covered his mouth
- Hana no, I'm not a psychopath but if you're not comfortable it's ok-
-Thank you, but can you go with me? -
- let's go Hana -

They started walking and it was kind of awkward but  neither of them dared to break the silence
- Hana , obviously you 're not Korean by your features but why are  you living here ?, do not take this the wrong way, I just want to know -
- I came here cause of an exchange for a year with my friends , we came to learn about Korean culture , language for traveling you know.-
- That sounds great Hana , but you 're only staying a year? -
- well if my Korean and my grades are high I stay here studying  my career ..-
- give your best Hana  so you can continue here in Korea and who knows maybe I can show you Seoul-
- That would be perfect oppa- she stopped  in front of her house - this is my  home oppa, so hmm . Goodbye ? Until then ? -
- Until then Sounds better - the guy grabbed his head and dared to say what He wanted to say - can you give me your phone number Hana? - He laughed nervous

the boy said goodbye to Hana with a grin, the boy began to walk back to where his car was but he  turned to see Hana every 10 steps and kept on saying goodbye, Hana also did the same until he saw the boy disappear, then she opened the door of the house and went straight to the room where Karla and Fer were waiting.
- what took you so long  Hana ? - Fer said jokingly as she pulled the things from the bags - what is this Hana?

-what is what? -
- This bracelet with the letter J - Hana turned around and grabbed the bracelet and saw it carefully, she had not bought this article and she was sure, when an idea crossed her mind, perhaps the boy who accompanied her to the house had stuck the bracelet and fell in  the bag 
- Then it's yours or no Hana? -
- Yes yes it's  mine ...-
the girls started talking and drinking, the bottles of alcohol soon ran out the girls  began to fall asleep while Hana was still very awake, thinking about who is the boy and what is his name? , but she had some clues, the laughter was unique, but had not been able to hear it cause he would always covered his mouth to make no noise, but it started something like euuuuuu !! His name could start with the letter J because of the bracelet ...
Hana was about to fall asleep when her phone rang, a new message had arrived, Hana smiled automatically to see who was ...

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Domino #1
I like this story, keep it up and write on. c: