Chapter Nine



Angela was awoken by the sun's rays beaming onto her tightly clenched eyelids.   A few more minutes.  She let the lapping of ocean water soothe her, but over the serene noises, she heard a shriek and a loud thud.  She sprung awake to find Kara had tripped over the side of the dingy and fallen onto the sandy shore.

Wait.  Shore?

After rubbing her  eyes, Angela examined her surroundings.  In the night, the small boat had drifted onto the shore of an island, seemingly empty except for the green arrangements and trees and brush bordering the beach.

"Oh good you're awake," Kara whispered in attempt to let the others continue sleeping, "I was just about to go explore.  Wanna come?"

"Are you stupid?"

"Maybe just a bit," Kara shrugged, wiping the sand from her knees, "Are you coming or not?"

"Well, I can't let you go alone," Angela smiled, rising to her feet.

"Guys?" a groggy Ji Hye pulled herself into a seated position in the boat, "Where are we?"  She glanced around, confused as if she were a lost puppy.

"I have no idea," Kara turned her attention to the wilderness behind them, "Let's go find out."

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" Ji Hye cocked an eyebrow.

"There's really only one way to be certain," Kara started forward, Angela following close behind.

"Wait!" Ji Hye spoke with a paniced tone, waking Minji who was previously sleeping beside her, "I'm coming, too!" 

She climbed out of the boat and onto the land.  The three girls, heading into the uncharted forest.  Minjiquickly trailed behind them.

"Where you going?" she pressed, "You don't know what's out there!  There could be bears or lions or snakes or something!"

"On an island?" Angela knit her brows.

"Ok, but still!" Minji said, "We'll get lost!  You can just leave the boys on the beach!  We can't just run off!"

"Chill, dude," Kara faced the older girl, "We won't get lost.  I promise we won't go too far."

Minji only huffed in her agravation and turned to leave, but as she began to walk away, she found that they had already strayed from thee beach, and, as she predicted, they were lost.

"Do you know how to get back to the boat?" Minji crossed her arms, ambling to join the other three girls.

"Nope," Angelas climbed over the ragged roots of a tree.

"We should really be wearing shoes, you'll lose a foot," she chided them.

"You're like a mother or something," Ji Hye laughed, "And I don't even have shoes.  In case you haven't noticed, I'm sort of in my pajamas."

"Well," Minji  pursed her lips, "Be careful, you guys."

"The hell?" Kara tilted her head to one side with a soft chuckle.  She knelt beside a bush where a coconut sat, but on its shell had been carved a face with two round eyes and a large smile.  She held it beside her head for the others to see.  "Looks like me, right?" she laughed.

"No, the coconut is much prettier," Angela quipped.  Kara only nodded.

"What should I name it?" Kara inquired, "Cocoa?  Kiko? Or is it a boy?  How about Martin?"

"You're missing the point," Ji Hye beamed, hurrying to Kara's side, "Someone must have carved the face.  A human, most likely.  Unless, of course, monkeys are evolving and have began utilizing sharp rocks as knives.  Anyways, this means that there's other people on the island."

"Unless they're already dead," Minji raked her slender fingers through her tousled, brown hair.

"If they're dead I suppose we have another source of food," Kara suggested.


"What?" Kara twisted her lips.

In that moment, they heard a sneeze, and they all stiffened and listened.

"Bless me," spoke a man's voice.

"Thank me," it continued.

"I'm welcome."

The four girls followed the voice, tredding through the brush and peering around the thick trunk of a tree to see a boy reclining in the shredded seat of what seems like the wreckage of a plane.  What?  The boy wore tattered jeans and a buttoned shirt tied around his waist, but it really should have been worn over his bear torso.  Scars were scattered over his body, deep wounds in his honey skin.

"Damn," Kara and Angela gawked in unison upon sight of the rather attractive man.

He snapped his head around to see the four faces of young girls watching him from behind a tree.

"Hi," Ji Hye awkwardly greeted him.

"Hi?" he knit his brows, just as confused as they were.  He approached them with a strut, extending his hand, "I'm Wu Yi Fan."

"More like Wu Yi Fine," Angela beamed in English.

"Normally people call me Kris," he laughed, having understood what she said and replied in English, "But Yi Fine suits me just as well."

"Someone's confident in his appearance," Angela curtly stated.

"Well I am a model," he struck a pose.

The four girls looked at him in disbelief.  A bit arrogant, are we?

"Are you talking to yourself again?" A second boy immerged from the other side of the tarnished air plane.  He saw the girls and stared at them in shock.

"Uhm, hello.  I'm Jiyong," he introduced himself.

"Kara," she spoke kindly.  She held the coconut she found prior to discovering the two boys in her arms.  Jiyong met its blank gaze, and something snapped inside of him, the change in personality could almost be seen in his eyes.  He lunged toward Kara with a violent scream.

"MR. COCONUT!!!" he cried, colliding with Kara, toppling to the ground on top of her, "YOU STOLE MY COCONUT!!"

"I'M SORRY!!!!" The girl shrieked.

"YOU WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED!!!!" He wailed, raising the coconut above his head.

"Damn it, not again," Kris sighed as if Jiyong's sudden insanity was but an inconvience and not a blatant need for mental help.  He pulled the scrawny boy off of the screaming girl, the other three just witnessing the  scene incredulously.


"Just take your coconut and shut up," Kris pushed him away.

"This Jiyong guy, he's not exactly sane is he?" Minji backed away cautiously.  Intimidated by the dememted gleam in his sharp eyes.


"Excuse him," Kris smiled hesitantly, "He sort of broke after being strcuk on the head."

"With what?  A freaking ram?" Angela's jaw dropped.

"No," Kris explained, "I sort of met him earlier today.  He scared me and I hit him with the damn coconut..."

"Again," Minji began, "You people are missing the point: WE'RE STRANDED ON ISLAND? How do you get here?"

"Me?  I was on the plane.  It sort of crashed," Kris explained casually, as if it were a typical thing, "And you?"

"We were boat," Kara answered simply.

"Speaking of that," Minji raised a finger, "We should get back to the others."

"There are more of you?" Kris cheered, "We can start a little village or something!"

"Let's just find a way to get off this rock," Minji kicked the sand.

"You're a bit grumpy, aren't you?" Angela poked her teasingly.

Minji swatted away her hand.  "Of course I'm grumpy," she let out a disgruntled groan, "We are stranded on an island!  AM I the only one here with any sense?  We are STRANDED ON AN ISLAND and so far the only thing you people have done is make a friend."

"We're friends now? Cool," Kris nodded in satisfaction.

With a bitter sigh, Minji trekked through the forest in search of the beach they had left.  The other five followed in suit, Kara enjoying the scenery and GD clinging to his coconut possesively.  Perhaps Minji was the only sane one.... In soon time, the group of six had found their way to the beach, farther down the shore, they could see the boat along the water.  But as they approached the dingy, they saw that it was empty of any life.  The various bags and materials were still there, but the boys were no where to be seen.

"Uh," Ji Hye bit her lip in anticipation, "Where'd they go?"

"If I knew that, we wouldn't be here!" Minji barked, vexated from the harsh day.

"Alright.  Don't panic," Angela attempted to calm the tense girl, "They couldn't have gone far."

"Let's just venture into the forest; we'll run into them eventually," Kara beamed as she started into the wood once again.


"Changjo!" Angela called out her boyfriend's name as the small group stumbled through the flora of the island.



"Marco!" Kara laughed, referencing the childish game.

But to their surprise, they heard a barotone voice chime, "Polo!" in response.

They were quick to follow the sound, and just through an array of palm trees stood the five boys.

"Jiji!" Zico gleefully shrieked, taking the girl into his arms, "I was worried about you!"

"I'm fine. I'm fine," she reassured him, "Are you?  Why'd you leave the boat?"

"We needed to find you guyss," Changjo sighed, taking Angela's hand in his, "We woke up and you were gone."

"I wanted to go on an adventure," Kara reasoned, "And look what we found!"  She smiled brightly, gesturing to the two boys.   "Can we keep them?"

"Or atleast the tall one," Angela stepped behind Changjo, "The other guy scares me a bit."

"He attacked me," Kara starred at Jiyong wearily.

"Well your boyfriend already broke your nose so..." Zico shrugged as Chanyeol nervously laughed as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Again, Sorry about that," he reitterated.

"Oh, oh!" Changjo spoke, suddenly excited, "Come see!"

He took his girlfriend by the wrist and hurried off.  The rest of the group trailed behind them to be lead through the wide opening of a stone cave in the side of a hill; its floor was coated in white sand just as the rest of the island.  The cieling towered above there heads and rounded as it were a rotunda.  The sounds of gentle running water echoed, for behind the back wall, a water fall rolled over a second opening that lead into a large pond at the mouth a flowing river.

"This is so cool," Angela stood awe struck by the cave.

"We found it while we were looking for you," Zico grinned, "How about we set up camp here?"

"This is like  paradise," Kara headed deeper into the cave.

The lot of them entered the cave, equally astonished.  The once serene was ended when Kara's blood-curdling scream reverbirated off of the cave's jagged walls.  Chanyeol and the others rushed to her side only to scream as well.

"GET THEM OFF OF ME!!!" She overwroughtly cried, wiggling her legs as three generously large spiders crawled along her bear skin.

"I'm not touching those!" Anglea gasped as she jumped back.

"Help me," Kara wailed.

"They're just spiders," Zico looked at the others with a belittling gaze. He crouched beside Kara and brushed them off of her legs as if they were merely dust.

Kara screamed as she jumped to her feet, jumping about in a paniced dance.  "GAAAAAH," she cringed, "I CAN STEEL FEEL THEIR HAIRY TARANTULA LEGS!!!"

"Look at this place," Ji Hye stepped pastthe falling water, avoiding it so that she wasn't to get wet, and onto a stepping stone path-like formation in the rocks beneathe her feet.

The others followed her amazed gaze over the crystal blue pond and to the surrounding landscape.  The body of water was bordered with exactly what you'd expect: various rocks and pebbles, greenery and dirt.  But the view was almost surreal.  It was simply nature and its unfathomable, natural beauty.  Like something you'd find on a canvas.

"It's like paradise," Kara admired the tranquil atmosphere with bright eyes, contrary to her previous state of panic curtousy of the eigth-legged beasts.


(Okay so maybe Minji isn't the sane one...)

"Dude, chillll," Angela cooed to Minji with a smooth motion of her hands, "We have plenty of food from the ship, thank you, Kara and Chanyeol,and after we run out of that, I'm sure we could find fruit or something."


"THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS SAYING!!!!"  Zico joined Minji in her rage, "Not only starvation, but disease or heat or thirst or something!" 

The couple proceeded to hold eachother in their arms, screaming and sobbing together over their inevitable, unpleasant deaths stranded on this secluded rock in an unknown section somewhere in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by idiotic strangers.

"No," Angela attempted to calm them, "Lay's a doctor...sort of...We won't die of disease.  Atleast some one here is useful."

"I think what we really need is a psychatrist..." Changjo scoffed, recieving him a forceful elbow to the ribs from his beloved girlfriend.

"I'm not crazy!  I'm the only one here in their right mind!" Minji freed her over consternation, "WE'RE TRAPPED ON AN ISLAND  AND YOU PEOPLE ARE ADMIRING THE SCENERY!!!"

"It's pretty though..." Kara mumbled, scratching her arm.

"Calm down," Angela chidedMinji, "If we all just work together, I'm positive that we can live peacefully together.  We can form some sense of order."

"I nominate Minji as leader then!" Zico quickly spoke, "She's a judge now.  That counts as a figure of authority, right?"

"Sure," Anglea nodded, playing to his wishes as if he were a child, "Why not.  ANd Minji," she turned to the girl who was struggling to regain her composure, "As leader, what will be your first choice."

"Well," Minji started, straightening her shoulders, "To begin, we need some sort of order, like you said.  I suggest we form a showering schedule."

"You're kidding me," Changjo let out an incredulous chuckle.

"Tao can't shower alone," Lay added.

"Uh-" Kara spoke up, raising her hand like a school girl, "Can I go first? 'Cause I'm still covered in gooey, mushy, wet food and it's really unsettling..."

"Well that's what you get for stuffing cake down your bra," Anela mocked her.

"Where else was I supposed to put it?"

"Anyways," Minji redirected their attention to herself, "The guys can bathe fist.  The first group of guys: Kris, Tao, and Lay.  The next will be Changjo, Chanyeol, Zico, and that GD guy.  The girls and I will shower afterward."

"But I wanna shower with Angela," Changjo complained, taking Angela's hand in his.

"Ew, no!" She yanked her hand away in protest.

"I'm just going to shower when I please," Kris rolled his eyes, "Alone preferably."

"No!" Minji cried.

"And I'm just gonna shower right now.  The cake is starting to sludge into some unwanted places."

"NOBODY IS SHOWERING YET!!!" Minji stamped her foot, "To shower when you want is a form of mutiny!  There is a schedule we must follow, if not we will descend into anarchy and chaos!!!!  I will ot allow you people to cause such trouble! THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW, WE'LL BE TEARING EACHOTHER LIMB FROM LIMB!"

"Obviously I'm not the only one here with issues," Jiyong clucked his tongue, "Who else wants a revote?  I think I should be leader!"

"No I should, you worthless sack of puny human flesh!" Jiyong snapped.

"What?" Zico narrowed his eyes, "Why is he-"

"He's arguing with GD, I mean, himself agian," Kris explained.

"Of course..."

"Okay sorry, sorry.." Minji breathed deeply, "It's getting a bit late.  Let's just bring the dingy in here and settle down for now, okay?"

"So can I shower now?" Kara awkwardly asked, "I'll just go..."  She disappeared behind the waterfall to bathe herself.

"Sure. Why not.  Let's all just rebel and kill each other," Minji flailed her arms in agravation.

"Good idea!" GD beamed.

"I'm just gonna go get the boat now," Zico exited the cave to retrieve the life boat and all of the supplies it contained, Chanyeol trailing behind him in case Zico needed his assistance.

The 11 of them sorted through the boat's contents, creating an organized pile along the wall of the cave.  Kris stepped into the empty boat.

"I'm sleeping here,"  he claimed the area.

"You can't even fit in it!" Changjo argued, "Angela and I should get it."  He turned to her, "You're like what, 4 foot 10?"

"5 feet..."

"Why do you get it?  I'm not going to sleep in the sand," Minji bargained for the boat.

"Just lay the blanket down and sleep on that," Changjo suggested, "That should be more comfortable than a wooden boat."

"Then you sleep on the blanket!"

"I'll just sleep in this corner," Kara seated herself at the edge of the cave.  Chanyeol crawled to her side and they began to settle down.

"No one gets the boat," GD interjected their bickering, "We can use the word for a fire or to build my throne."

But in the midst of their arguing, Kris had already fallen asleep in a fetal position.

"We'll settle this tomorrow," Zico yawned, taking Minji's hand and lying down beside her on the opposite side of the cave.

Following their lead, the remaining five people found themselves a comfortable section of the cave.  Despite the rough day and the many undoubtedly ahead of them, they were able to rest their eyes, and nearly all of them were already lost in sleep.  All was silent with the exception of leaves rustling in the breeze and the flow of rushing water.

"Mr. Coconut should be the leader!" Angela sprung to a seated position with an eager chuckle.

"Shut up and go to bed," Kara growled.


_HiLrK_-   Thank you for reading!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter, we enjoyed writing it, and we look forward to the chapters to come.

_vip_bbc_angel-  Yeah, and we hope to maybe add fluff or angst or something~

_HiLrK_-  Haha yeah angst.  What would we even do: Kill somebody off? (>u<)

GD- As you wish, creators~

_HiLrK_- Jiyong? what?

GD- No.  This is GD.  Can you not read?

vip_bbc_angel- Stop it, _HiLrK_, get him out of the author's notes.

_HiLrK_- I'm not writing him in here...

vip_bbc_angel-  Oh no!  He's becoming self-aware!

GD- Thank you to all of our readers!  Anticipate our adventures! Comment and subscribe, for I will work hard to kill off my peers for the previously mentioned angst!  Enjoy~

vip_bbc_angel- Wait, no---


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AHHHHH I love this so much!!