Chapter Seven


The sun began to rise over the horizon, it's blinding light waking most of the passengers aboard the small life boat.  All except for Ji Hye.  She lie motionless in the center of the boat while everyone else stared down at her small body with tired eyes.

"Guys, what happened to Ji Hye?"  Kara tilted her head to the side and knelt beside the unconcious girl, "Why won't she wake up?"

"OH MY GOD!!!" Zico paniced, "SHES'S DEAD!" 

Everyone aboard the boat erupted into chaos.  They all screamed and paniced and wondered what they would do with the rotting body.

"Guys-" Chaenyeol spoke quietly.

"Great. New we're going to have the smell of a dead body on the boat," Angela complained, ignoring Chanyeol.

"Guys-" Chanyeol spoke, and, again, was ignored.

"Dude!  She's dead!"  Kara scolded Angela for being so inconsiderate.

"GUYS!!!" Chanyeol burst, getting everyone's attention, "She's still breathing..."


They all looked to Ji Hye's body to see her chest slowly rising and falling.

"Ooooh~" they all chimed in unison.

"Sometimes you guys can be so stupid," Chanyeol clucked his tongue and waved his hand in the air, only to accidently smack himself in the face.

"Yeah~we're the stupid ones," Min Ji scoffed, sarcasm bluntly in her tone.

"So it's perfectly fine for you to call Chanyeol stupid, but if anyone dare insult your precious Zico, they have to be punished?" Changjo scowled.

"Because Chanyeol actually is stupid," Kara laughed.

"And I was kidding," Min JI snapped at Changjo.

"You still called him stupid..." Changjo mumbled, earning himself a cold glare from Min Ji.

"And you called Zico stupid!" she barked.

"He is!"

Zico awkwardly beside his girlfriend as the two argued.

"You don't need to be a college graduate to be smart!" she spat.

"No, but it would help to pass at least elementary," he quipped.




The two scoffed and turned their backs to eachother.  Everyone stared at the two rivals and didn't dare to break the silence.

"Why don't we have some breakfeast?" Kara suddenly spoke up as she reached for her back pack, "We have macaroni and cake and kimchi and noodles and pizza and various rices an-"

"Where did you get all of this?" Angela gawked.

"The international buffet on the cruise," Kara answered simply.

"I have a whole bag of it, too," Chanyeol added.

"I want some cake," Angela ordered.

"Everyone will get cake!" Kara beamed.  She reached down her shirt and took out a handful of mushed cake, extending her to offer it to Angela.

"Ew!" Angela squealed as Tao and Lay stared at Kara with disgusted grimaces.

"Just because it's crushed doesn't mean it's not edible," Kara protested as she took a bite.  They continued to stare at her in disbelief.

"Yeah," Chanyeol agreed, taking a handful for himself.

"It's gorss because it was in your fricking cleavage!" Angela feigned gagging.

"I put the good stuff in safe place.  I couldn't risk dropping it," she shrugged, "And if your going to be so picky then just go through the back pack."

Kara tossed the bag onto Ji Hye, abruptly waking her with a hard thud on her stomache.  The others gathered round and rummaged through the wide selection of food.  Mean while, Kara and Chanyeol sat off to the side, scooping brownies and cake off of Kara's stomache and eating it like some sort of savage beaasts.

Min Ji wasn't in the mood to eat though.  She stared out over the sea and let out a heavy sigh.  The ship they were all previously aboard was now no where inside, and they had drifted out to God knows where.  The soft breeze slowly carried them along.

"You okay?" Zico draped his arm over her shoulder.

"I'm fine," she lied, but she couldn't help but be bothered by the sudden realization that she needed to change her tampon....


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AHHHHH I love this so much!!