Blurred Lines

The Story Behind The Story



It was her usual shift at the Scar Crest hospital; as always it was boring. Even so, Chae Rin enjoys her work hours at the medical centre as she is offered various opportunities to give aid to people that need it. It is her dream. From the time the sun rises to the time the sun sets, patients come and go with newly patched up wounds. Even though working at Scar Crest hospital is her dream, Chae Rin is a mere volunteer who gets no money whatsoever out of her hours of hard work. Yet she's satisfied, maybe even happy and she expects no more from life.

Besides her occupation as a voluntary nurse at the hospital, she also attends high school like every other people her age. Again, like the odd person she is, Chae Rin likes school and finds pleasure in learning new things. She is smart like the typical nerd yet active like an athlete. Chae Rin aces in every single subject she partakes in and comes out at the top. 

She stepped into the nurse's area and donned the nurse outfit, pulling her hair into a bun and slipping on a pair of white shoes. Skimming herself one more time, Chae Rin made her way towards the reception where she saw one of the senior nurse. She smiled and greeted her elderly who smiled in return and handed her a board with papers attached to it. 

The elderly nurse pulled out a pen to hand to Chae Rin and said, "Your first patient is in room B013," Chae Rin looked at the clipboard to see that indeed, the patient was in room B013​. "He's a very kind patient and he's been here a couple of times to donate blood. I suggest you try to get close to him; he's around your age. Such a handsome young man." The nurse chuckled as her wrinkly face pulled into a smile, ushering Chae Rin towards her first patient. 

Chae Rin could only grin at her senior's antics at trying to couple her up with any patient her age. She pushed open the door of room B013 and was met with man around her age, tall and indeed as the senior nurse said- very handsome. She quickly made her way towards where the patient sat and asked if he was here to donate blood. He just nodded, silent yet observing as he eyed her every move. Chae Rin felt her heart beat faster as she moved around the small room gathering the equipment used to take blood. Finally having everything, she sat beside the man and cleaned an area of his arm with a cotton ball. Injecting a sterile needle into his arm, she notice that he did not wince nor made any action to show that it hurt. In fact, he had a passive face the whole time. 

It took a few minutes and the blood was gathered in a plastic bag. Pulling the needle from his skin, she securely placed a bandage over the area where he was injected. "There you go! Thanks for donating blood to the hospital." She smiled but was replied with a nod. She cleared , "Well, please enjoy yourself at the snack bar. Do you want anything to drink?" He shook his head and stood up, leaving the room without saying anything. Chae Rin was left very puzzled but decided that she preferred the silence.

Checking her clipboard, she ambled towards her next patient. Perhaps, it's better to forget about the handsome man that donated blood to her and carry on with other things she's got to do.



It was a few months before she saw him again. She almost forgot his existence, except his cold eyes refrained her mind from erasing that day. His eyes were mesmerising, like a hawk aware of every sudden move. As always, he remained tall and quiet; he nodded a few times but rarely said anything. His voice was deep and smooth, like velvet or silk, though Chae Rin has only heard him speak no more above a whisper. Around him was a cloak of a mysterious and questioning aura, leaving Chae Rin wondering every time.

'Don't get too close...Curiosity killed the cat.' 

She knows that she shouldn't bother making friendly chit-chat with him in order to dig some answers. She should've known! But he was too much to resist; his magnetic pull on her was too difficult to repel and Chae Rin can't help but let herself be pulled. So far, the voluntary nurse hadn't learn much about this patient except the fact that he attends the same school as her. It was still a miracle as to how she never noticed him at school. Perhaps it's because of the fact that he's her senior while she's a junior.

"Do you want to drink anything?" She asked, like she often has in the past. This time though- for the first time ever he nodded, accepting her offer. Chae Rin almost blanched openly but murmured her question as to what he wants. Placing the bandage on him arm, he replied, "Just coffee is fine."

She nodded and told him to wait in the small room which they met the last time as she made her way to the coffee machine located at the nurse's area. She decided to make two cups of beverages: one tea and one coffee. Again, she question herself, why in the world would she want to get to know more of him? To Chae Rin, like a book that grasp a reader's attention, this particular mysterious patient managed to grasp hers.

"I must be loosing my mind." She mumbled as she softly hit her head on the wall. Several patients walked past her wearing a confused expression. She brought the two drinks into the room, handing his coffee and downing her tea. He thanked her, his voice as usual- quiet. The sound of gentle blowing and sips filled the reticent space. 

She glanced at him, his eyes piercing into her soul. "So...what's your favourite subject?" 

He placed the empty polystyrene cup on the side table and continued to stare at her, "I don't really have a favourite subject." Chae Rin only nodded absently, searching something else to talk about. He spoke up again, "Perhaps P.E? Well, what's your favourite subject?" 

She smiled, rolling her cup around in her palm, "I actually like science very much. That's not to say I don't like other subjects."

Again, he nodded and remained silent. He stared at her, as if trying to read her. As if to know her better. There's so many question that he wanted to ask but his pride acted as a barrier; it keeps his mouth shut and stops him from knowing her more. She has big doe-like eyes that gleams with innocence, unlike his that only seems to gleam with no emotion. Just like a black hole, void of any feelings. Yet he is feeling something; he feels so many things when he's around her. In the short duration of time they've met, he came to the conclusion that she's a kind and caring person and is also patient as he noticed her struggle to converse with him. In all honesty, he finds her display of emotions adorable. 

Both of them struggled to talk and Chae Rin found herself looking around the overly clean, white room. Suddenly a question nagged at her. "Uh...I was wondering, it's not my business and all and you don't have to answer if you don't wanna'," She faced the floor, avoiding his curious gaze. 'Hah! For once he's showing emotion!' 

"Why do you donate blood all the time?" 

'Should I answer her?' Kris thought, afraid that she would consider him a devil. In his life, he has always acted badly, influenced by other gangsters and later joining them. Then again, he knew that if he wanted to change to improve, he has to answer honestly. Besides, she seem genuinely interested. "I am trying to be a better person by donating blood." She looked at him and saw his regret. Her eyes soften as he continued, his voice dropping to a quieter tone with every word. "I want to change and forget all the wrongs that I've done." 

He was not staring at her like he usually did and she found herself feeling guilty for asking him the question. Kris looked at her, startled as he felt her smaller and softer hands grasping his calloused, bigger hand. She searched his eyes and saw regret and self-loathing. "You shouldn't feel ashamed with yourself for you are changing for the better. If anything, you should feel proud that you choose to change." She said and retreated her hand, her cheeks dusted with a light shade of pink. 

He left, shortly after with less self-loathing than before. He felt better of himself and knew that she's affecting him in more ways than just one. Not only is he longing for her but he also respects her: as a motivator and as an optimistic person. Kris exit through the door but kicked himself in the head (not literally) for forgetting to not ask her name. He was aware that she wore a name tag on her chest but he didn't notice it! Dang' it!



Chae Rin looked outside her window, her face glazed with a dreamy expression leaving her older brother curious. Joonmyun glanced to where his younger sister was looking but found the front porch. His eyebrows rose. Clearly, something was going on. The older brother waved his hand in front of Chae Rin a few times but the only response was a longing sigh. Now Junmyun was worried.  

Joonmyun tapped Chae Rin on the shoulder but she remained daydreaming. Impatient after several tries to try to snap her out, he finally shouted in her ear. "Chae Rin, look out there's a cockroach!" 

That got her screaming and it definitely snapped her from her reverie. She started jumping on her brother's back as he tried to balance both of them but end up falling to the carpeted floor. Both siblings land with a thud leading to a series of pained groans and whimpering. After noticing no cockroach was around, Chae Rin turned to her older brother.

"Why you! I can't believe you did that you-" Her small hands met Joonmyun's back as he tried defending himself from the she-devil. She might be small but she packs a punch. 

He placed his hand over his arm where his sister hits the hardest, "Ow...Stop! Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He apologised and breathed a relieved sigh when Chae Rin retreated her palm only to hit him one last time. "Ouch!"

"Serves you right for scaring me!" She huffed as she collected herself from the floor and sat on the couch. He sent her a mischievous look. 

Joonmyun sat beside her, placing a heavy arm on her slim shoulders, making her struggle under his weight. "Hey, it ain't my fault that you were too caught up with your fantasies. I bet you were imagining your knight-in-shining armour...or were you thinking about ?" He wiggled his eyebrows in his sister's direction.

She let out a horrified gasp and proceeded to hit him again, "Jerk! I've never watched in my whole entire life." 

"I know, I know. Just making sure." He shook his head, wearing a smile as his eyes warmed at Chae Rin's pout. He pinched her cheeks causing her to puff them out and cross her arms across her chest. 

"Awh, is the big baby sad now? Oh well, I guess you don't want the fried ice-cream mom made." He said, standing up to make his way towards the kitchen but a bolt of lightning past him, and just like that his younger sister was no longer in the living room. Joonmyun almost fell on his if it wasn't for his amazing balancing skills and with the help of gravity, he stood on his two feet, shaking his head as he walked towards the kitchen in hopes to have a bite from the last fried ice-cream.



The next time they met, it was different. It wasn't in the hospital where he would be donating his blood but instead, it was at a camping trip. A trip that involves seniors and juniors. The teachers decided to split the students into pairs: one senior and one junior. It was by coincidence, pure, unplanned coincidence that Chae Rin ended up with Kris. Just coincidence and nothing more. Yes, coincidence. Though it seems as if fate played a significant role in getting them together, urging them to be closer. 

Watch out Chae Rin...You'll regret it

Chae Rin shook her head to rid of the negative thoughts. It's true, she knows that she shouldn't try to create special bonds with other people. She knew but she can't help it. It's out of her hands. Her fate is nothing she can control...not anymore.

"Do you want to start looking by the lake?" Kris asked, snapping Chae Rin out of her thought. She nodded sheepishly, hoping that he did not catch her deep in thought. 

They quickly learned each other's names when the teachers assigned pairs. Somehow, Chae Rin predicted that his name would be something like Kris and she agreed with herself, his name did suit him. On the other hand, Kris pondered on her name; Chae Rin reminded him of cherries for some reason. The fruit is dark red when ripe and sour when it's not ripe. Even so, Kris thought that the name suited her, a name that's cute and adorable. 

The pair arrived at the lake that was located at the centre of the campsite. It was void of anyone and the two students were free to roam for their next clue. 

The teachers decided to host one of the most famous game during camping- scavenger hunt. Each student is given a map and some clues to start of with which they have to use to find the next clue and eventually things that the teachers hid around the campsite. Students with the most items win. As simply as that. 

So far, Chae Rin and Kris were off to a good start as they've collected more than five items. They looked around the lake, following the sentence wretched on the strip of paper. 

'It's not always as it seems. This time, why not take it somewhere else where you don't expect? I am dirty and by no means clean but I am the reason why you live. By help and hard work, you will find me, as what you seek is in and underneath me.'

Kris's brows furrow as he looked around the lake, pondering on what the clue was implying. Like Kris, Chae Rin was also confused at the underlying meaning of the sentence. Clearly, it was not the water, despite the fact that it's possible for something to be in it and underneath it; water is clean. 'By help and hard work?' Instantly, the two students blurted out the answer.

"The ground!"

Chae Rin's eyes widened as her cheeks tinged red, turning away from him. Kris cleared his throat, the once comfortable atmosphere, awkward. Kris looked around at the trees that surrounded the lake, "I think it's underneath a tree somewhere so that it's harder to find; maybe there's a shovel nearby?" 

"I think so too. Maybe we should look around and see if we can find the shovel." Chae Rin suggested and they both took off, circling trees and keeping an eye for the shovel. Finally, for what seemed like forever but was actually a few minutes, they found the shovel. True to what Kris expected, the shovel was underneath a lonesome tree, standing on the other side of the creek. 

Kris quickly dug a hole while Chae Rin stood beside him, anticipating for the treasure they seek. When the item emerged from beneath the soil, Kris grabbed it and the team made a run for the next item. They only have about half an hour left. 



The students piled around the teachers that stood in the front, counting the number of items each pair of students managed to collect. The area was filled with loud chatter as the students were excited to know who won the contest and eventually, the reward. The reward was nothing grand, though it consisted of a big tent for the winner and some snacks and junk food. What was weird was that, the teachers allowed the students that won to sleep together in the same tent. That meant...

The teachers finally finished counting, ordering the students to quiet down and listen, "Congratulations to Chae Rin and Kris for winning the competition!" 

'What?!' The same thought ran through Kris's and Chae Rin's mind, shocked and astonished. Sure, they wanted to win and they were also aware of the fact that they will be forced to share the tent, however they didn't realise it until now. Both Kris and Chae Rin felt like as if they had been hit with tones of hard reality as the teachers called them to the front, handing them the snacks and food. 

Mr. Lee smiled at the two as he gave them the plastic bag full of sweets and candies, accompanied by bags of chips and cans of fizzy drinks. Chae Rin and Kris could only nod stiffly as they headed towards the tent which they both shared. The other students just whistled and smirked at the two of them, yelling 'Congratulation!' all the way.  That was odd.

Once in the tent, Chae Rin ped her bag and draped a hoodie on to stop herself from shivering in the cold. The golden-haired man sat at the corner of the tent, eyeing Chae Rin's every move and looking away when their eyes meet. She went through the bags of sweets and saw something that caught her eye- Smarties. Quickly fishing for it, she ripped the box open and took the pieces of chocolate one by one into , munching happily. 

The male watched Chae Rin with amusement; his eyebrows raising. She noticed his scrutiny and grinned, offering him the sweet. "You want some?" She asked between swallowing the Smarties. 

He nodded, extending his palm whilst she poured some of the bits of chocolate onto his hand, "Thanks."

The tent was soon littered with empty cans and packages and was filled with their quiet laughter. It wasn't as hard to converse with Kris as she thought. He became more open on many types of subject and she quickly learned that he was well educated in lots of things: school subjects and the world in general. 

Kris shrugged, "Well, I planned on becoming a doctor one day."

Chae Rin's eyes widened, she really did not expect him to become a doctor. Personally, if she has him as her doctor, she would faint. Not to mention the other women who would sacrifice their dignity and pretend they're sick in order to be his patient. Suddenly, an image of Kris wearing a white lab coat and a spectacle resting on the bridge of his nose caused her to giggle silently, but she grinned on the outside.

"Really?" She asked. "I guess I can volunteer to become your nurse then?" 

He choked. Literally. When Chae Rin voiced that sentence, Kris was in the middle of swallowing water which now went to the wrong passage down his throat. Chae Rin's face pulled into a worried expression as her hand gently patter his back while placing her other palm on his chest. He coughed up a bit, his hand patting his chest, touching the skin of her hand. 

When they finally realised their close proximity, it was too late to stop the growing blush on both their faces. Out of nowhere, Kris leaned in. He freaking leaned in towards Chae Rin. Correction, towards her lips. Her heart stop for that brief moment as her eyes shut tightly, praying to God this is not just a dream but hopefully reality. Thankfully, it is reality when she felt his lips made contact with hers. It was just a light peck, so light that it's like as if they never kissed in the first place! Nonetheless, it was Chae Rin's first kiss and it was not like she has ever imagined. Ever. 

For the past sixteen years of her life, never has she felt like this. Her heart was hitting against her rib cage in an uneven, fast staccato. Her cheeks were flaming red, so red like her lips. Kris was similar as his ears, neck and cheeks glowed furiously. His eyes seemed sleepy as it was half open, but Chae Rin knew better. 

I've warned you Chae Rin and now there's no turning back!

None of them said anything as they went to sleep, reminding themselves to clean up the mess first. It was quiet between the two but it was not awkward. It was far from fact it's like as if there's a silent agreement. An agreement and acceptance of a new bond. 



Right after returning back to school, Kris confessed to her. He asked her to become his girlfriend to which the logical answer was 'yes'. They quickly became inseparable after that, though Chae Rin's older brother disagrees with their relationship at first. Joonmyun told the golden-haired male, in order to date his sister, he will have to beat him in a basketball game between the two, much to Chae Rin's chagrin. Thankfully, Kris managed to beat Joonmyun, forcing the older brother to agree with their relationship. Now, however, Joonmyun became a loyal supporter of Kris and Chae Rin. 

The couple almost never spent their time apart, whether it was during school hours or after, they were attached. They would always stroll in the park or spend their time in the library where they would read each other stories. There had been various dates to which they would go to different places: theme park, museum and more. They even spent their time together in university and took the same course, medic. Both Kris and Chae Rin hoped to graduate together as they are nearing their twenties. 

During these moments, they were happy and they knew that they will remain happy forever. Or not. Recently, Kris noticed his girlfriend holding a hand to her chest with a pained look on her features and that got him worried. Of course, he would question her often but she would lie, thinking she had fooled him. 

Her round of torture more often than not, and Kris felt more curious than ever. He wanted to know, was she okay? Should she visit the doctor? Anything! But Chae Rin remained happy, like she had always been. Lately, Kris caught Chae Rin staring at him, as if memorising his features and later just laughing sheepishly when he asked. Call him paranoid, but Kris is starting to get really worried. Whatever it is that she's hiding, he vows to find out.

"Kris, can we stop by the bookstore?" His girlfriend asked, looking up at him. He nodded and they headed to the nearby bookshop. Kris followed Chae Rin around as she eyed books, sometimes reading the blurb located on the back of the cover. Kris wandered off, looking at books located on the other side of the bookstore, trying to find anything that might interest him but found none. He decided to return back to her. When he was nearing Chae Rin, he saw her form leaning against the book shelf with a limp hand over her heart as she took in hurried breaths. He panicked and ran to her, questioning again and again if she was okay. 

"Chae Rin!" He exclaimed, holding her lethargic form. "Let's go to the hospital, I'll call Joonmyun." 

She shook her head albeit very weakly, her eyes struggling to keep open as she refused to let Kris take her to the hospital. "I-I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital..."She murmured, her voice barely rising above a whisper. 

Kris could careless what she wanted right now. What matters most is her health and well-being and Kris was tired of not knowing what it is she's hiding from him. He scooped her in his arm, carrying her towards the car; he did not pay any heed to her small fists weekly pounding against his chest, demanding him to put her down. 

Turning on the engine, Kris buckled on both their seatbelts and sped down the streets towards the hospital. When they arrived, Kris carried her again despite her protests.

"Let me down!" She struggled against his tight hold. "I can walk by myself."

The worried boyfriend did not listen to her wish as he stopped by the counter, telling the nurse of Chae Rin's condition. They quickly brought the couple into a doctor's room. Luckily, Kris went to the hospital that Chae Rin volunteered in or else there would be a line to wait. The doctor ushered Chae Rin onto a bed and pulled the curtains, stopping Kris from being by her side. He  paced around the room, running a hand through his tousled hair. Two nurse later came in, ordering him to wait outside. 

Kris pulled out his phone and dialled Joonmyun's number and waited for Chae Rin's brother to answer. 

"Hello?" Joonmyun's voice was heard over the phone.

"Joonmyun! Hurry, Chae Rin's at the hospital." Kris said, his voice laced with worry.

Kris could hear Joonmyun's breath stopping before her replied, "I'll be on my way!" 

He was left to his thoughts again as he waited outside the doctor's room, pacing. He watched as patients come and go, nurse running around the corridor and doctors hurrying inside each room but no sign of Chae Rin nor the doctor. Scared was not how he felt right now. Not only was he terrified but he was angry at himself. He knew that she wasn't feeling well from her coughs and how she would always pause in her ministrations to put a hand to her chest, and yet he didn't think that it would be such a big deal! He can't lose her. No. She was the reason he changed. He just can't damn it. He has yet to see himself proposing to her. There's still so many things they haven't done yet. 

"Kris!" A voice from afar called and he turned, relieved to see Joonmyun and Mr. and Mrs. Kim yet slightly disappointed that it wasn't Chae Rin. 

They quickly bombarded him with questions, asking him anything and everything that he doesn't know. He tried his best answering but he himself was clueless. In return, he asked them a question of his own, "Is Chae Rin diagnosed with a disease of some sort?"

The Kim family's questions seized to a halt as Joonmyun's eyes cast downwards and Mrs. Kim's tears rolled down her cheeks. It was Mr. Kim who spoke, "Cha- Chae Rin...she was young when she got cardiomyopathy. We tried every single treatment but nothing worked. Nothing could cure her." He started, his eyes as hard as steel as he took in Kris's pale pallor. 

"The doctors said that they could slow down the process by giving her medication but sooner or later the pain will catch up. We even tried searching for anyone that can donate a heart but we found none. Mina and I tried to donate ours but the doctor declined since we both have diabetes. Joonmyun even offered his heart but again, the doctor declined since cardiomyopathy is an inherited disease." 

All the blood flowing through Kris stopped and his face turned paler and paler. His heart stopped beating out of fear. This was not happening to him! Not to him. Why him? 



Clearly, fate was cruel. Destiny? No such thing. Not anymore. Life was very, very short and Chae Rin wanted to spend her limited amount of time with him. Her newfound happiness but she realised that happy endings don't exist and it never will. All those cartoons that she watched as a young girl only created hope, fake hope. Hope that she wasn't able to use right now. No...Especially not when he was there, staring at her with glassy eyes. 

It was eating her from the inside. The disease and the regret. It was too late to turn back now and she wished that she would just listen to her conscious when she had the chance. She curse herself for thinking that it's okay to be close. His once cold eyes were now holding back tears as he stared intensely at her and took in her broken form and that smile that managed to stay on her lips despite going through torment, mentally and physically.

"I-I'm sorry..." She whispered, her voice cracking as she tried to hold back tears that threatened to spill. 

He shook his head as a sob left his lips, taking a closer step to her and taking her hand in his, bringing them to his lips. "No...I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not noticing sooner. I'm sorry for not taking the pain away. I'm sorry for making you go through all this pain alone." He whispered, tears staining his cheeks.

Chae Rin touched his face, running her thumb across his lips, the bridge of his nose, his forehead, his hair. She tried to memorise all this, all his facial features that she know, despite her determination to remember him, she will forget. She tried leaning towards him, tried to plant a kiss on his forehead but couldn't as another wave of pain coursed through her. 

Kris quickly held her, hoping that his embrace would ease away the pain and it did, even though a little. He brought his forehead to her plump lips, letting her peck it. She smiled at him again. 

"Kris, why does it have to be me?" She asked, looking at him sadly. 

He struggled to answer as he sat next to her on the hospital bed. "No, why does it have to be us?" He asked, shaking his head.

Joonmyun, who from the start was sat on the couch in the room eyed them wistfully. Clearly, they did not deserve this, especially not his sweet, angelic, beautiful sister. He stepped closer to them, patting his younger sister on the head and sighed, "Because any other person wouldn't be able to go through this pain. Any other couple would've given up. But not you two." He answered the question. 

The room was silent as they were all lost in their thoughts. The door to the room swung open, the doctor from before and Chae Rin's and Joonmyun's parents stepping in and greeting them. 

"I'm afraid Chae Rin will be needing a heart transplant." The doctor informed them, watching Chae Rin's face turn more sorrowful than before. "Thankfully, we recently received a heart from a willing donor." The doctor smiled, his eyes flicking towards Kris momentarily and quickly shifted his gaze on the patient. 

The room was drowned in cheers as Chae Rin hugged Kris, who returned her embrace twice as harder. 



Within the week when the doctors were checking and preparing Chae Rin for her surgery, Kris decided to propose to her. Like last time, she obviously said yes. Joonmyun and his parents were filled with joy, seeing Chae Rin happy once more but her happiness came with a high cost. A cost that was too high to pay back. 

It was Saturday when the surgeons deemed Chae Rin ready for the operation. She was dressed in a hospital gown, like she had the whole week and a hair net that sat comfortably on top of her head. She had needles injected into her arm with wires attached to an iv drip. With a last chaste kiss on the lips from Kris, Chae Rin was taken to a room. 

Kris was also taken to a room, dressed in the same fashion as Chae Rin. His eyes were determined as he was taken into the room and the bed he rested on stationed beside hers. His fiancé.

'Chae Rin...' That was the last thought running through his mind before darkness consumed him.



Her body felt numb and her mind foggy as she tried to recall where she was. 'It's so bright...wha-?' 

She could hear the faint chatter but couldn't put her finger on who. It wasn't Kris...Kris! Where was he? She tried focusing her vision as she took in the blurry sight of Joonmyun and her parents. "M-om...Dad, Joonmyun?" She said, her voice hoarse and her lips chapped. 

She could make-out the faint gasp coming from her mother as they came to embrace her, asking how she was feeling. She only nodded as she hugged each of them back, well she tried to. Her mind was telling her to ask for Kris who she noticed wasn't in the room. She turned her head here and there but he was nowhere to be found. 

"Where's Kris?" She asked and took notice of their eyes widening as they shifted uncomfortably. "Is he in the bathroom?" She asked again, growing restless as her family dragged the silence.

Her eyes began scanning the place, despite herself knowing he wasn't there. Chae Rin wasn't stupid and she could predict where Kris went...but she didn't want to grasp the truth. Not like this. She was well aware that happy endings didn't exist but it can't end like this. Not him, not her and definitely not their relationship. But it did. 

"Where's Kris?!" She asked, louder. Her vision began to blur but not because of the lingering effect of the anaesthetic but because of the tears. The tears that are streaming down her cheeks as she waited for her parents' answer. They remained silent. She turned to her older brother who also struggled at keeping his feelings at bay. 

"Kris...He said that," Joonmyun's voice got stuck in his throat and he tried as best as he could to force them out. "He said that you are the most beautiful woman that he's ever seen. H-He's thankful for your existence." 

Joonmyun handed Chae Rin a phone, Kris's phone to be exact. Her hands shook and her lips quivered. Chae Rin's fingers trembled as she listened to the recorded message. His voice was heard and her tears leaked again. 

Her lips quivered and she bit it in an attempt to stop it from shaking. 'Chae Rin, I just want you to know that I'm sorry.' Her whole body shook as she brought a listless hand to . 

'I was happy that you agreed to become mine forever. I know, I know I promised that I would never leave you but I had to, just for you. I'll still be watching you so don't do anything I wouldn't.' She could hear his fail attempt at a laugh. 

'I wanted to end your pain and I did, didn't I? I've always wanted to become a doctor and I healed you didn't I?' He sighed, causing more tears to spill down her cheeks.

'Chae Rin, I've fulfilled all my promises so now I just want you to do one thing for me. I want you to continue to be happy no matter what.' She shook her head softly.

'I will always love you. Always.' The recording ended. Joonmyun took the phone from the bed where Chae Rin had unintentionally dropped it. The family watched with heavy hearts as their youngest family member cried out for the one she loved. The other half of her soul. Her heart disease may be healed but not the heart that she carries now. Her (Kris's) heart will never heal properly without him nearby.



Saturday; Dongjak-gu, Seoul, South Korea

She kneeled beside the grave and placed a hand on the headstone where a sentence was carved. She ran her fingers across the carvings as her eyes softened. It was five years ago when their relationship ceased to an end and when he left her. He was everything to her and now he is a part of her.

He may be gone and his soul rests in peace but his heart remains beating on and above Earth. They may be a world apart but they were one, hearts and all. Now, Chae Rin acts a protector of his heart and donates blood to the hospital as much as she can in hopes of carrying on his good deeds. As for moving on, well, she could never forget him, ever, but she also gained someone in her life who she cares for deeply. 

"Mom, can daddy hear us?" The little boy beside her asked, his hand also touching the headstone. 

She smiled, ruffling his golden hair, "Maybe." 

The boy only nodded and stood up, tugging onto his mother's sleeves, "Mom, can we go to the orphanage now? I want to meet my friends!" 

She let herself be pulled towards the car and casted one last look at the headstone and smiled, mouthing a 'Thank you' towards it. 

'Kris, wherever you are, I will always love you. I promise to live up to your dream of becoming a doctor and save people and I promise that I'll care extra for our son like I know you would.' 

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Sorry for not updating sooner! I just completed 'The Story Behind The Story' and I hope you guys enjoy reading it! Warning: It is sad and I really mean it.


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Chapter 1: Its too early to cry right now TT_______TT
Chapter 1: Awwww...angst and fluff...thats an amazing story right there~
Chapter 1: This is sooooo touching! Sobsob.
Chapter 1: Oh, by the way, your writing improved a lot! Really. Wow, two years of not seeing you proved me that yes, it is THAT long - people improve over the years. ^^

I enjoyed this and I hope you'll be making more fics like this one ^^

Hwaiting, Dandy! <3
Chapter 1: Oh, my God. What is this. This is so touching, my God.

I am crying.

Oh, dang.
Woah~ I've been waiting for this to be uploaded on here, and now, here it is! Thank you for crediting me for the poster I've made! ^^

I'm waiting for your updates~ Continue to do great! I'll always be here supporting you!

Love ya~ ^^ ♥