Find Me

Fate's Handprint




“What did I do?”

“Why did this happen?”

“Was I not good enough?”

“Why did she do this?”

“I wasn’t enough…”



The wind. I forgot my jacket.

My body began to go numb, but I didn’t stop running. I wouldn’t stop running. But it didn’t matter.

She wasn’t even trying to stop me.

I ended up at the park. That park. That was probably the worst place that I could have ended up. But I didn’t care, because I was tired. Tired of running, tired of love, tired of feelings of any kind. I can’t take it anymore. First Yuri, now Sulli. Why am I never good enough for people? I’m tired of it. I need someone. It hurts to be alone.

I’m always alone.

I sat on the park bench. That park bench. The worst possible park bench that I could have sat on. I looked up at the stars, trying to find something to tell me that this wasn’t it. That it wasn’t over. I desperately searched the sky above me, finding nothing.

I looked forward.


I looked to the right.


I looked to the left.

Still nothing.

The wind blew past my face, rustling the grass and the leaves on the trees. I sighed, looking down at my feet and saw a flower. A white rose. I reached down towards the single flower, feeling the rose to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. I chose not to pull it from the ground. It was too beautiful to destroy. I pulled my hand back away from the flower. But then, something strange happened.

It started glowing. The flower, it glowed. Its petals bloomed even farther before it descended back into the ground, being covered by the long grass and soil.


I looked up as I heard my name being whispered through the wind and saw a wall that wasn’t there before. It was so...


I stood up from that park bench and stepped over where the beautiful white rose was originally.


I was called again by the whisper through the wind. I stepped forward again towards the colorful wall. Something caught my eye.

A white handprint.

Amongst all of the color and designs, all that I could see was the handprint. I slowly took another step towards the wall. It was irresistible. I couldn’t stop myself from moving towards the wall. I stepped slowly through the long grass until I reached the wall. I didn’t pay attention to the designs of flowers or the different colors that were plastered all over the wall. All I wanted to look at was the handprint. It was so strange that I was so allured by it. Patterns of all sorts began to form around the single handprint. Strings of flowers of all colors. I reached my hand out to trace the patterns. Just as I was about to bring my hand back, the handprint glowed. Just as the flower did. I couldn’t stop my hand from reaching out to touch it. It sent a light in through my fingers before fading away. It ran up my arm, through my shoulder, across my chest to stop at my heart. It glowed even brighter before fading over my heart. I placed my hand over my chest where the light had stopped to feel my heart as it beat faster.


I turned quickly as I heard my name again behind me. But it wasn’t a whisper.

I only caught a glimpse of him before he faded away just as the flower did. Just as the handprint did. My heart beat faster and my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. I stopped myself with my hands and looked down at my wrist to see a leather bracelet that I wasn’t wearing before. My eyes widened. I tried to pull it off, but it just wouldn’t budge. My chest rose and fell as I tried to assess my situation. My mind wasn’t connected to my body. I stood up from the grass and brushed my hands on my pants as I heard another whisper.

“Find me…”

I ran towards where I heard the voice.

“Find me, Minho…”

I felt as if I had to obey the voice. I looked around at my surroundings. I saw nobody in the park and nobody at the street by the park. I ran in the direction which I thought I heard the voice coming from. The cold night wind was hitting my face as I ran my hardest. My hair flew back as I sprinted in the direction. I ran through the field of tall grass, down the street, passing countless buildings until I reached the beach where I stopped. I stepped onto the cold sand, looking around me, again seeing nothing.

“Please! Where are you?” I called out.

I looked towards the water and saw nothing. I turned towards the caves father down the beach by the water and saw nothing. I ce again towards the rocks which the waves were crashing against. I fell to my knees as the most beautiful person I had ever seen turned towards me. He was stood on the rocks when he looked right into my eyes. I couldn’t believe my eyes, was this who the voice belonged to? He had amazing dark brown hair that flowed down the sides of his face perfectly. His eyes were a deep brown that captured my gaze in a second. As our eyes met each others, he glowed.

Just as the flower did.

 Just as the handprint did.

“Minho… You have to find me.”

“Please, you have to tell me who you are!” I yelled out to him.

I started sprinting towards the rocks. I have to reach him. I need to know who he is.


I heard his mesmerizing voice say before he faded away from the rocks just as I reached them.

Just as the flower did.

Just as the handprint did.


A/N: First chapter, hope you enjoy ^^ next chapter will be up tomorrow.

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ShineeMaril10 #1
Chapter 3: Ooooh it's getting interesting! I look forward to it!:D
Chapter 3: Please update soon!!!
Chapter 3: So sorry if I sound stupid or if I sound like I want you to spoil it for me but why can't Jonghyun save Key and Taebaby? Not that I'm complaining on Minho saving his Minnie :)