It's You

Saving Us

"Seoyoon, come here."

Dream-Me walked closer to the voice and I felt a fluttery touch on my cheeks and a strong embrace. 

"I love you."

I didn't even need Dream-Me to know that the voice really meant it.


The alarm rang and I bolted out of bed. "First day of school, oh my gosh!" The voice of the person in my dream, undoubtedly 2001 Seoyoon's boyfriend Daehyun, left butterflies in my tummy. I wanted a Daehyun, like my former life had had.

I threw together my outfit and ran down the stairs. Sure, I almost tripped, but I saw no reason to lag behind. Going outside, I slammed into someone. It was my best friend Oh Sehun, along with our other best friend Kim Seolhyun. We were all neighbors, and I found it a wee bit ironic that we became best friends.

"Damn, Sehun! Your backpack hurts!" I whined at the tall boy and he laughed. "Seol, do you have our breakfasts?" The, also, tall girl grinned and handed boxes filled with delicious bibimbap.

Our deal was to switch off who brought the breakfasts each morning. We'd then sit on the front lawn and eat together. The benefits of living 10 minutes away from school, right?

We walked to the familiar high school, where we were going to be seniors in high school. We all started eating when I made an odd noise to catch their attention. "I had.. one of those dreams again."

Seolhyun squealed. "Oh my god! Hey, I bet present-Daehyun will sweep you off your feet, just like old-Daehyun did."

"Seolhyun.." Sehun laughed. "Calm your fangirl hormones." She glared at him, but he tasered her and she, well, just about died. 

"Fu-" Seolhyun nearly screamed the profanity, but remembered we were on school grounds. "Ugh. Thanks a lot, Oh." Sehun smiled sweetly at her and she punched him.

"Anyway," I continued, "I only call them flashbacks because they seem like it. I have no way to know for sure."

And then, fate brought me my early birthday present. Just kidding, but it was Daehyun himself. "Hey Daehyun!" It was a really tall boy, who looked like he was at least a year my junior. 

Under her breath, Seolhyun couldn't stop talking to Sehun. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! What if that's him?"

I looked around the tall boy's area and found him, Daehyun. The boy that gave me the worst case of butterflies ever - and I didn't even know him. He looked exactly like the Daehyun in my dreams did, and even from where I was sitting I heard his oh-so-amazing voice. I almost melted into a puddle - and my best friends noticed. My protests of not feeling anything for the boy - they all went down the drain. It sounds cliche, but no one made me feel like he did - even if it was his former life that did it. 

"Sehun, it's him." Seolhyun started shaking poor Sehun's shoulders like there was no tomorrow. "It's Seoyoon's soulmate!"

Sehun had to stop, drop and roll to get away from her, but did an analysis of the gorgeous boy standing about 20 feet away from us. "Well.. he looks nice enough for Seoyoon. His face goes well with yours, Seo. I just hope he's as good as we think he is."

"Seolhyun!" I whined, facepalming in the process. "He's not my soulmate. Stop convincing Sehun that he is."

"I think he issss!" Seolhyun wriggled her eyebrows at me, and Sehun flicked her forehead.

"Stop teasing her, Seol." Sehun's eyes told a different story, though. The twinkle in his eyes told me he wanted to burst out laughing. 

I let out a humph and turned away, and then Seol did something amazingly embarrasing. She enlisted Sehun to drag me over to Daehyun.. while I still had a mouthload of rice in my mouth. Because I didn't want to spew everywhere, I had to avoid protesting and instead focus on chewing. Why, oh why, did I eat like such a pig? On the last swallow, I choked and fell out of my best friend's arms. Seolhyun and Sehun nearly fell over laughing, but luckily someone took charge. I struggled to keep rice in my mouth while coughing and hacking.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay, noona?" A sweet looking boy - who obviously was a junior (his nametag told me so) - rushed to grab a water bottle and get the cap open. The boy, Jongup, was reassuringly patting my back to try and calm my shaking shoulders. My best friends, however, were still being useless and kept laughing their heads off. 
"Thanks, Jongup." I patted his shoulder when I finally stopped my hideous coughs. 
"You're welcome... Seoyoon noona." Jongup, the nice junior, gave me a smile. "As you know, I'm Jongup.The brainy one - that's Youngjae hyung, there's Zelo, the super tall one, I mean - just call him Junhong - the gruff one is Yongguk hyung, the pretty one is Himchan hyung, and the really pretty one is Daehyun hyung." The only ones who seemed really aware were Zelo and Youngjae - the rest were distracted by the large school. 
I tried really hard not to stare as I introduced my friends. "I'm Seoyoon," I said, waving, "and the two useless ones are Sehun and Seolhyun." 
"Yah!" Seolhyun smacked me and I recoiled. "Don't listen to her, we're her best friends."
Youngjae laughed nervously and Zelo took the chance to talk to us. "We're new here. Jongup and I are in our third year of high school, and the rest are seniors."
I, however, was still reeling from embarrassment and agony from not having Daehyun notice me by then, so Sehun took over for me. "Really? I kind of thought you were." He flashed them a smile and continued. "How about we give you a tour?" 
"Oh sure, now you help." I muttered.
As we started to embark on our tour, I bumped into someone. Someone who muddled my mind and tied my stomach up in knots. That's right, it was the boy of my dreams.
Daehyun held my shoulders for a second and I searched his eyes. I finally saw recognition, and he burst into a smile. "You're, you're her!"
"What?" Was it possible that Daehyun got.. the same dreams? 
"You're the one from my dreams. I finally get to know you, Seoyoon-ah."
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I love this fanfic soooo much its so interesting and awesome ~