Boy Of My Dreams {Introduction}

Saving Us

{I still double post - Wattpad and here}



"Seoyoon, come on!" A blonde boy with a bright smile grabbed my hand as I giggled. 

"Calm down, Daehyun!" I don't how I knew his name, but we apparently knew each other. 

He dragged me over to a bench and I took a glance at the old newspaper next to me. According to the date, it was November 6th, 2019. My 18th birthday, which was nearly three months away. But wait, the year should be 2119! 

I tried to point out the typo, but my mouth wouldn't open. It seemed like this was a flashback of some sort, so I just gave up and went with the flow.

The boy, Daehyun, brought me back an ice cream and I felt myself smile sweetly at him. "Thanks, oppa."

The very cute boy grinned at me. "Anything for you, my love." I felt myself blush, but he continued. "Not only is it our three month anniversary, but your 18th birthday!"

Three months... That sounded awfully little, because my dream-heart was doing thousands of somersaults. Surely, a guy I dated for only three months couldn't make me feel like this!

He leaned in for a kiss, and that's when my alarm went off. 


Sitting up with a groan, I smacked the dumb clock and it shut off. Those damn beeps, serves them right. I thought back to the dream, and I realized that I'd seen him before, in my other flashback dreams. 

We had gone to the movies together, had dinner with our parents.. Couple things. 

I was completely baffled as to how I knew him, but I knew that he made me feel insane. His name was Jung Daehyun. Except... the century was always off in my dreams. Everything seemed outdated, and the dates on the newspaper were always wrong. 

Then, for a little laugh, I had come up with a seemingly impossible idea - Former-Daehyun and Former-Seoyoon were lovers. I laughed my head off - me, having a nice boy like that? It was crazy. 

I just didn't know how right I was with this crazy thing.


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I love this fanfic soooo much its so interesting and awesome ~