Dragonriders of the Matoki

Dragonriders of the Matoki

                His dragon was large with black, scaled skin the color of obsidian, and eerie red eyes that viewed the landscape before them.  The boon of her larger size seemed inconsequential in light of what they faced, though he had willingly enough donned the mantle of leadership years ago before it had come to this.  She rumbled a silent query beside him, massive draconic head resting ever so gently against his shoulder as he firmed his jaw and watched the shadows from the false sun flicker despite the impending gloom.

                “Steady Matoshi,” he soothed, wrapping one leather clad arm about her elongated snout as warm breath spilled between her numerous teeth to brush against his neck and face.  Smooth, membranous wings shifted once, settling firmer against her sleek back when a set of shadows crossed their position, the rapid shift in lighting making them both blink as they turned their gazes towards the sky.

                Dozens of enemies awaited them in the open air.  Dragonriders all that had lost their guiding spirit and were cast into madness, as they would soon be themselves did they not succeed.  The thought sent a chill down his spine and his fingers tightened against Matoshi’s nose, pressing harder into the unyielding surface.

                His deep brown eyes rose from the rumbling ground, fragmented by stone spires that jutted through the uneven surface, to the fragile glowing orb hovering in the air far above them.  It had appeared shortly after the spirits started falling en mass, growing larger with each passing until it was the size they saw before them.  “Think you that is our salvation?” he sighed quietly, brow furrowed under windblown onyx strands, the mop of hair utterly untamable under the best circumstances.  Matoshi merely tilted her head towards him, brushing the smooth scales against his cheek in a fond gesture.

                “Yongguk!”  Feeling a spike of dread and adrenaline pool in his gut, he turned to regard Himchan with deceptively calm eyes, letting none of his inner concern shine through.  His gaze brushed over the other five dragons nearby, each hovering close to their rider as they hunched down low against the enormity of their task.  Their riders looked equally subdued, clustering together in familiar pairs as they sought some measure of comfort in their final, free moments.  “The matokis are fading,” Himchan warned, angular face pinched and careworn under straight black hair as he cradled something close to his leather clad chest protectively.

                in a quick breath, Yongguk opened the hard leather pouch at his hip to reveal a small, furry, red creature huddling in the dark depth within.  It looked like little more than a baby rabbit really, but the creature held a deceptive amount of power; at least it did before the great Matoki spirit finally fell, swarmed by the very creatures that filled the air above them.  And with it, the last vestiges of life on their home as they knew it.  “ShiShi?” he murmured, pulling the small creature out to peer at his shivering, weakened form with concerned eyes.

                Already, he could tell the loss of the Matoki spirit was affecting him and if they didn’t do something soon, he too would die.  Along with any chance of resurrecting the spirit itself.  He looked up when raised voices caught his attention, sending fuzzy black bangs to obscure his vision before he noticed Daehyun and Youngjae arguing while their dragons minced worriedly behind them.

                “It’s hopeless!” Daehyun scowled, his fingers buried in his messy, dark brown hair as he paced in front of his dragon Matoke, the hunched down, winged creature black, like her sisters, save for the silver eyes that followed her rider agitatedly.

                “No it’s not, Dae!” Youngjae snapped back, flipping his asymmetrical blonde locks away with a toss of his head.  “It’s just highly unlikely that we’ll succeed,” he pointed out stolidly, one finger directed at his companion while Matoko flapped her wings, trying vainly to settle herself as she looked between her rider and Daehyun, golden eyes blinking under the effects of nictating lenses.

                “Have you even seen what we’re up against?!” he railed defensively, gesturing towards the ominous sky with an open palm, staring darkly at Youngjae who only bleakly followed his direction.

                “It’s hopeless, isn’t it?” Junhong murmured, his unusually tall frame hunched over Toto, the blue creature cradled in both hands and nearly hidden by the crop of blonde curls that practically obscured him from view.  Behind him, Matoto whined softly, equally blue eyes focused on her rider as she nudged his back with a careful snout before edging close enough to draw disproportionately large wings around his body in an awkward embrace.

                Himchan whirled on his heels and gestured emphatically with his free hand.  “No!”  Yongguk could see the defiant tension straighten his spine even as despair threatened the others and he was suddenly very grateful for his childhood friend.  “We have but to reach the sphere!” he reminded them pointedly.  “The Matoki promised us,” he stated firmly, clinging to what hope he could find.

                “But how?”  The thin question rose from Jongup whose naturally narrow eyes peered at them in obvious fear under the fringe of uneven brunette strands.

                “Matoshi?” Yongguk murmured as he patted the long neck once.  She drew herself up to her full height, front legs braced powerfully on the ground with her wings mantling behind her beautifully, and huffed once, the sound a sharp, guttural utterance that drew all the dragons to their feet in a similar position.  Red eyes raked the circle and all five peered back at her with renewed determination, various colored gazed mirrored in the matokis held by each of their riders.  Likewise, their riders could do no less, though they were still unsure… still afraid.  “As ever we have before, Jongup,” Yongguk finally spoke what comfort he could.

                The words were heavy and hollow on his tongue, offering nothing but a thinly veiled hope he couldn’t guarantee, but it was all they had.  Once more, he looked up and the others followed suit, counting the bodies in their path before they stopped, the numbers growing too large the longer they tried.  “What are they waiting for?” Junhong asked, big brown eyes locked on the sky.

                “For us to come to them,” Yongguk grumbled, turning to tighten Matoshi’s saddle unnecessarily.  It was still firm from their flight here when the Matoki spirit sent them away for their safety.  “They need not chase us when they have but to bide their time.”  Another worried glance at ShiShi told him already time was not on their side.  The little bunny looked up at him and twitched his nose once, beady black eyes holding his with humanlike intelligence.  “Mount up!” he announced harshly, his deep tone gruffer than usual.

                “This is suicide!” Daehyun railed, though there was no true argument in his voice as he glumly turned to climb atop Matoke, her silvery eyes following his progress intently.

                “Would you rather wait here and become like them without a fight?” Youngjae demanded crossly, clambering onto Matoko’s back with much greater speed, settling himself before he glared at his friend and companion.  Even so, the reins looked shaky in his hands and his bottom lip trembled once before he masked his own fear.

                “Enough!” Yongguk snapped, stepping onto Matoshi’s leg so that she could lift him up, further showcasing the discrepancy in size between their mounts.  She was nearly double the mass of them and as such, he would be a magnificent target in the sky atop her.  He felt utterly small and insignificant just then as he settled over the smooth, hard leather of the saddle, booted feet finding the sharp stirrups with practiced ease.  “We fly in formation.  Stay close and watch each other’s backs.  There is no room for error today,” he reminded them evenly, letting his proud, stoic gaze fall upon each of his riders and friends.

                They had grown up together as a group, proudly becoming riders under the Matoki spirit who championed their brotherhood when they sought to enter the tourneys as a team, seeking honor and glory, even as their fathers retired at last.  Together, they had been nearly unbeatable against similarly sponsored opponents who even now flew above them as unknown enemies.  Curse the fools who sought to throw down their spirit sponsor!  It was their fault any of this had come about and now it was left to the Matoki riders to save what was left of their dying realm: if they could win through those who would do all they could to stop them.

                “Riders!” Yongguk roared while he pointed his finger towards the orb in the sky.  “Our future lies there or not at all!  To me!” he rallied with a quiet signal to Matoshi who opened her wings wide and bellowed to the sky, her defiant challenge unmistakable.

                “Yah!”  A unanimous chorus of shouts rose behind him as the great, black dragons launched into the air, wings beating furiously to raise them up swiftly.

                In a chilling response, the horde above answered with a raucous, keening cry as multiple voices shouted against their would-be courage, the mass shifting to greet them menacingly.

                Yongguk’s hands tightened about the riding straps before him, helping to anchor his body in place while Matoshi plotted her own path, knowing the skies better than he.  Well versed in their formations, the rest of his group followed close behind, watching for any signals he might give to direct them otherwise.  Tension coiled like a familiar friend, weighting his stomach with lead as he eyed the oncoming horde with a glower.  “Let’s make a hole for them shall we?” he growled so that his dragon would hear.

                Beneath his legs, he felt Matoshi bugle her answer, a great breath of air filling her lungs before she cried again in terrible defiance, the sound grating roughly on his ears even as those above answered.  Three packs of dragons converged on Matoshi and Yongguk; three dragons nearly matched her in size while the rest of their teams spread out behind.

                She furled her wings as her opponents approached, protecting the delicate membranes from fang and claw preemptively.  Talons dug into Matoshi’s body as she let the three alphas close with her, jockeying for position to take her down, as they had predicted their enemies would.  It was their dissent that saved her and Yongguk as the dragons vied for the final blow, wings snarling each other’s progress while the four pairs fell, sticky ropes of dark blood streaking through the air as claws and fangs ripped at unprotected skin.  “Now!” Yongguk called when the three finally seemed to realize their own delay, but it was too late.

                Keening from the wounds already suffered upon her form, Matoshi freed her front claws from her targets to grab the jaws of two of the dragons, talons sinking inside their mouths to jab at tender gums painfully.  Wasting no time, she yanked their heads to the side forcefully as her fangs found the Angel spirit alpha, jaw clamping fiercely just under the throat as Yongguk recognized the Star spirit and Elf spirit alphas falling away when their bodies unwillingly followed the turn of their heads.  Matoshi’s wings opened after they passed, pivoting enough to cup the air to slow her fall, yanking Yongguk against the saddle and his straps so that he was forced to grab on reflexively, determined to remain on his dragon.

                “Yongguk!” he heard Himchan cry, and he shook his head, silently bidding the others to remain in the safe pocket behind him since the smaller dragons had yet to close.  They could not delay though.  The Star and Elf alpha wouldn’t take long to recover and his companions would be their next targets.

                “Climb, Matoshi!” he ordered, feeling her sluggishly respond as wings strained against the combined momentum of both bodies before she started clawing her way up the Angel alpha’s body, shoving her opponent down even as Matoshi released her hold with her jaws and sought the challengers above.  “Ware!” he called in warning as the larger dragon tumbled awkwardly through their ranks below, breaking the formation they had been able to hold until that moment.

                “Regroup!” Himchan commanded, hunkering low over Matota’s neck as she flapped hard and banked back into the space she’d been forced to vacate.  He looked around to see Youngjae and Daehyun flying parallel to each other as they evened out just behind him, both wearing equally determined expressions, but behind them only Junhong recovered his position as he was meant.  Where was Jongup?

                “Himchan!  Watch out!” Youngjae warned as Matoko surged forward, golden eyes gleaming while she tried to bridge the distance between them as the first of their opponents slipped past Matoshi’s greater bulk.

                The wind was knocked from his lungs as Himchan felt the impact reverberate through Matota’s body, sending them both plummeting from the sky.  Painfully, he yanked his body to the side, giving his dragon momentum where she didn’t have it and allowing her to open a wing so she could begin a slow spin that only increased in speed.  Centrifugal force pulled at him and he was nearly torn free himself when she snapped her wings open, sending both dragons flying apart in erratic tumbles.

                Alphas rose up in his view and he gasped in vain denial.  “Holy Matoki!” he grimaced, leaning away from the open maw that threatened to crush him.  One eye closed preemptively while he waited for the blow but the clack of empty jaws told him he was safe when a green eyed dragon rose up beneath it, kicking into the bottom of the alpha’s mouth with all the force it could muster.  “Jongup!” Himchan laughed, seeing the short rider clinging to Matoke determinedly as the Star alpha floundered away, thwarted in her target.

                “Up!” he pointed determinedly, streaking by Himchan as his dragon labored to catch up to the others already in combat above them.

                “That’s my Uppie,” Himchan grinned, casting a glance at the recovering Angel and Elf alpha behind him, massive wings bringing them closer with every flap.  “e!” he yelped, urging Matota on with frenzied determination.  Proudly, he saw Youngjae and Daehyun playing off each other, pairing their dragons to shove apart as necessary, or bank either direction to avoid incoming targets.  Junhong’s Matoto used the falling dragons as springboards where she could, dragging them down faster as she leaped off their spiraling bodies.

                And above them all, Matoshi continued to battle up and up, spiraling in a corkscrew maneuver that batted many of the smaller ones away with her wings, but she was slowing and weakening, her body plagued by numerous wounds and burdened with smaller dragons that latched on and gnawed at her like fleas.  Yongguk tried to assist as best he could, but as riders, there was only so much they could do save remain on their dragon.

                “Riders!  Fly on!” he called in one final, desperate cry as Matoshi stopped trying to climb and simply flung herself wide, wings and limbs and tail punching a way clear for the five behind her to rocket through unimpeded save for the incoming group above them.

                “Blackjacks!” Daehyun warned while he rode ahead with Matoke, flying so close to Matoshi’s body he had but to reach out and touch it.  He drew level with Yongguk and his eyes widened in denial as he reached out vainly, seeing the acceptance in the other’s gaze.  “Yongguk!” he screamed as his dragon ignored him and flew on, yanking them to the side when an alpha and three Blackjack riders struck out at them.

                Youngjae yelped in alarm and Junhong barrel rolled out of the way of the alpha, though Himchan and Jongup had to break off beneath Matoshi while the Blackjack leader crashed into her with all the terrible power of his downward flight.  “No!” their collective cry rose up as Yongguk fell with his dragon, the descending pair locked in combat even as they were joined by the other three alphas, leaving the remaining packs to contend with the rest of the riders.

                “To the orb!” Daehyun shouted in the lead, ducking away from the blast of air that struck his face when a blackjack rider swooped low enough to nearly take his head off.  Yongguk’s efforts had won them space enough to break free and rise above the false sun.  They would need momentum enough to break into it after all…

                Banking hard, he felt Youngjae draw near at his right flank, just behind Matoke’s wings.  A glance over his shoulder showed Junhong doggedly keeping his position near Matoke’s tail while Himchan and Jongup brought up the rear.  All of them were exhausted and bore marks of dragon’s claws on their bodies but none had given up yet.

                As they reached a tentative pinnacle above the orb, Daehyun frowned at the converging forces beneath them.  “Blasted, spiritless riders!” he snarled, feeling Matoke echo his fury as she roared at them defiantly.  Beside him, Youngjae and Matoko did the same while a similar cry was released from the three at his back.  “Arrow formation!” he announced, pointing at the approaching enemies while still more came from the sides.  Was there no end to them?!

                “I’ve got point!” Youngjae called before Daehyun could lead the charge, making himself the prime target as he began the dive.  He heard Daehyun curse him before the other male fell into place as Junhong struggled to catch up while Jongup and Himchan followed in the relative safe zone.

                The blonde hunched low over his dragon’s neck, feeling the wind tear at his eyes and face, making it hard to see.  Somewhere beneath the mass of dragons in their path was the orb, but they had to get through.  He suddenly understood Yongguk’s willingness to use himself as a target since their leader had known they wouldn’t all make it.  Damn him…

                “For Yongguk!” he crowed while Matoko folded her wings and dove headfirst into the riders below, the impact nearly knocking her senseless as she collided with four and five in a row.  Youngjae wasn’t much better.  Snapping teeth closed far too near his head and he flinched away, angling their fall in a slightly different direction so that Matoko collided with more riders, finally sending her into unconsciousness.  “No!” he yelled in denial, shielding his eyes with his arm preemptively.

                Tears nearly blinded Junhong’s vision as he rode Matoto in Youngjae’s wake, and he gasped when his dragon plucked the floundering rider from his failing mount.  “Hold on!” he warned while the blue eyed creature cradled Youngjae close and used Matoko’s established momentum to finish breaking through, abandoning the unconscious dragon for the orb instead.  He dared not wipe the water from his eyes for he needed both hands, but pain clawed at his chest from knowing Daehyun hadn’t made it either, the rider torn from his mount and thrown through the air even as he sought to reach Youngjae.  “We’re almost there!” he gasped, focusing so hard on the orb before them.

                The pearlescent shell flickered of its own light with an opaque barrier they couldn’t see through, though it held the promise of continued existence.  “Incoming!”  It wasn’t much of a warning but it gave Junhong just enough heads up to brace himself for the dragon that swooped in from under his sight.

                His breath fled from his lungs as the forced stop smashed Junhong against Matoko’s back before it additionally knocked him free, sending him tumbling through the air in a nauseating freefall.  Junhong flailed weakly while he tried to find something to hold onto, something to focus on but there was nothing but the orb followed by dark, cluttered skies, followed by the orb, followed by-

                “Hold on, Junhong!” Jongup warned as he nearly jerked his arm out of his socket when he managed to grab the young giant’s leg and pull him over Matoda’s body before she turned her head away and ran into the outer shell of the orb at full speed.

                Jongup screamed as the barrier cracked with the sound of shattering glass, sending fragments falling with them as he reeled from the impact, hands losing their hold on the riding straps.  He didn’t know if Junhong was still behind him or if Matoda was even alive for she fell limply, her body unresponsive in the open air.

                “Matoda!” he yelled in a thick voice while his legs held on purely out of habit, keeping him on her back even as the ground rose up to meet them.  “Please wake up, Matoda!” he begged, finally gaining control of his hands enough to snatch the riding straps before he tugged with all the strength he had left, desperately trying to pull her head up.  “Matoda!” he shrieked once more, turning his head as he clenched his eyes shut tight so he wouldn’t see when they hit the ground.

                He gasped when his dragon managed a muted roar beneath him, body surging to consciousness while wings snapped with a terrible cracking sound, followed very quickly by pain everywhere as they landed.  Agony resounded in his body and Jongup swore he was dying, though merciful unconsciousness claimed him before he could await death’s embrace himself.

                Something tickled his nose.  That was the first conscious thought Jongup managed to scrape together as he focused on something other than how much his body ached.  He was moderately happy with ignorance and was actually terrified to open his eyes and see the damage done.  But the thing at his nose was persistent and he scrunched up his face, trying to deny it didn’t exist.  “Ow!” he yelped when something sharp attacked his nose.  Brown eyes flew open to stare straight at a tiny, green ball of fur.  “Dada?” he groaned with squinted eyes, watching over the welling dot of red that appeared in his crossed vision.

                The green matoki wrinkled its nose at him and raised up on tiny paws, placing two on his injured protuberance while he looked at the downed rider expectantly.  When Jongup didn’t try to move from his spot, Dada turned in a circle before he walked away and then returned with a running start.  The matoki bounded from the grassy ground and knocked Jongup in the forehead, startling them both.

                “Ack!” he winced, holding his hand up to forestall Dada trying again.  Swallowing hurt, as did just about everything else, but a slow and hesitant inspection of his person found Jongup to be surprisingly whole, if incredibly sore.  Turning his head, he caught sight of Matoda splayed awkwardly on the ground, wings bent at strange angles and a trickle of blood pooling on the ground in front of her nostrils.  “Matoda!” he groaned, painfully shoving to his feet so he could stumble to her body and cradle her bloody head against his chest.  “Come on girl,” he whimpered, running a dirty palm against her smooth cheek.  “Wake up.”  Jongup’s bottom lip trembled when he could feel no pulse beating under his hand; no warm breath ghosting against his skin.  “No,” he exhaled brokenly as he shook his head in denial.

                Dada caught up to him then, hopping over his legs like a ramp as he made his way along Jongup’s body.  The rider barely noticed him as the bunny scrabbled up his arm and finally stood atop Matoda’s head, for all intents and purposes just staring at him.

                “What?” Jongup sniffed as he finally picked his head up to meet the matoki’s eyes.  Dada turned his head, very pointedly looking at something else before he focused on the rider again.  “What do you want?” he asked, staring at the matoki in confusion.  Impatiently, the green creature did the same thing again.  “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,” Jongup mumbled, finally turning to follow Dada’s gaze.  “Junhong!” he gasped, relinquishing Matoda’s head and dislodging Dada when he shoved himself away to run for the fallen young man’s body.

                Like Matoda, Junhong lay in an awkward position, his limbs twisted wrongly with an unnatural stillness about him.  Jongup clapped a hand over his mouth and stared at his friend with watery eyes.

                “Junhong?” he whispered while he settled beside him, finally letting his fingers crook into the leather riding gear painfully.  “Wake up, Junhongie,” he pleaded, futilely shaking the body.  “No!  Don’t leave me too,” he begged, ducking his face to press it against the chest of the fallen boy, crying softly.  “What am I supposed to do!?” he howled, finally sitting back on his heels to vent his confusion.  With everyone else gone, including Himchan who had sacrificed himself to buy Jongup more time, the young rider was utterly lost.

                A soft rumble of sound alerted him to something behind him and Jongup whirled to see… Matoda standing before him.  But something was wrong.  She was still not whole for all that she stood upright.  Her wings were useless masses of bone and skin hanging from her shoulders like so much refuse, though worse still was Dada lying on her head, a green patch of fur against her black hide, unmoving.

                “Matoda?  Dada?” Jongup whispered, clumsily getting to his feet so he could retrieve the matoki’s body off his dragon’s snout.  “I don’t… I don’t understand,” he admitted in a thick voice as tears continued to spill down his face.

                His dragon whined softly in the back of before she limped closer and tried to nudge him with her head, knocking Jongup towards her body where the saddle clung to her torso by the barest of threads.

                “But you’re hurt.”  Never mind alive.

                She didn’t seem to hear him and tried again, butting him harder this time so that he nearly dropped Dada in the process.

                “Matoda!” he gasped, torn as to what he should do.  “What about Junhong?”  She stopped to simply stare at him with incredibly green and intelligent eyes for all that she couldn’t speak.  But apparently she knew something he didn’t.  Swallowing uncertainly, Jongup cradled Dada’s body close and painfully slid into the saddle on Matoda’s back, wincing at every motion.  He had no idea how nothing was broken but everything still ached.  That fact was exacerbated when Matoda started walking at an ungainly pace, jostling him in the saddle with every step.

                It didn’t matter anyway.  He’d made it into the false sun but even now that he was here, in this cruel parody of a paradise, he didn’t know what to do.  If he closed his eyes, it felt just like a warm, spring day with the noonday sun caressing his skin.  Opening his eyes, he marked endless fields of grass and an expansive blue sky with nary a cloud in sight.  But neither was there a sun at all… though there was light enough to see clearly.

                “What do we do?” he asked into the unnatural silence.  Nothing else stirred in this place.  There were no birds or insects.  No animal or creature to be seen of any kind at all.  Nothing except for him, Matoda, and… Dada.  With a heavy heart, he pet the tiny body, feeling soft fur under his palm as the warmth continued to fade.

                He honestly wasn’t sure where they were going or how long Matoda would walk for.  Her wings dragged against the grass with a strange hissing sound and her breathing was labored, but still she went on until she just stopped.  With no warning whatsoever, Matoda collapsed to the ground, dislodging Jongup unceremoniously.

                “Yah!” he yelped, sprawling awkwardly on the bare ground, feeling no soft grass when he came to rest.  Even more alarming, Dada came to life again, shaking his head so his ears flopped while his fur fluffed out, nearly doubling his size on the patch of dirt where he’d landed when Jongup fell off.  A frightened glance at Matoda showed the dragon to be still once more, all traces of life gone again.  Were they connected?

                Jongup was given no time to think on it for Dada was hopping in place now, trying animatedly to get his attention.  his lips, Jongup got to his hands and knees and crawled closer until he was directly in front of the matoki in the middle of the circle of bare earth.  He was briefly confused when he watched the green creature lay down, looking pointedly at Jongup.  Then he got up, ran in a circle, and did it again.

                “Do you want me to lay down?” Jongup mumbled, brow furrowed in confusion.  Dada simply repeated the process until Jongup figured it couldn’t hurt to try.  Easing his battered frame to the ground, he stared at the matoki and blinked, waiting for further instructions.  A sudden wave of sleepiness hit him though, making his lids grow heavy.  For a few breaths, he fought the desire to sleep but as Dada shuffled close to curl up under his chin, Jongup sighed and gave in.

                He dreamed of many things then.  The ground swallowed him whole and cradled him close in the heart of the earth.  It felt he was home and safe, embraced by those who loved him.  His warm blanket fell away and presented him instead to a blue sky that shattered and fell apart, showering him with sapphire motes of crystalline dust.  The earthen bed turned to sand and he was swallowed up by both, cocooned in a powdery encasement that stifled his senses but left him unafraid.

                His cocoon grew wings that encircled the earth in a protective shroud of darkness under which a humanoid, black matoki moved, little more than a shadow within shadows.  It gathered shattered, crystal fragments of brilliant colors within its hands and made them whole, releasing an angel which glided away and an elf that danced in delight while a star shot into the bleakness above, glittering in a sea of nothingness.  More and more figures emerged, spreading out and lighting up the world with their luminescence, bringing life where there was none anymore.

                And when at last the final figure was completed, the lingering darkness fell away entirely as the wings faded, leaving Jongup alone in his cocoon.  He thought he might wake up then for there was nothing left to do, but the Matoki stooped once more, gathering one final collection into its arms.  Five figures, though they were blurry and impossible to make out, their forms indistinct with his limited sight.  The Matoki reached out to pluck his crystal cocoon from the air and at its touch, the hard substance became little more than sparkling dust, falling away as so much debris, leaving Jongup uncovered and open once more.

                “Well done, my rider,” the Matoki smiled as it drew them all against its chest, smothering Jongup in the blackness.

                He couldn’t breathe and he couldn’t see.  Something was pressing against his face and he was burning up.  He needed air!  Clawing at the unknown material, Jongup shoved it away and gasped for breath, freezing in confusion when he realized he was under his dragon’s wing.  “Matoda?” he queried, craning his head up and back to get a glimpse of the dragon that cracked one sleepy green eye to peer at him.

                “Jongup?”  Immediately, Jongup let the wing go as he rolled onto his stomach at the sound of the familiar voice, feeling the hot membrane settle over his back uncomfortably.  “Now I know you know where Jonguppie is, don’t you Matoda?” the deep voice continued as footsteps drew near.

                The dragon chuckled then, slowly lifting the wing Jongup was hiding under to reveal the sweaty young man as he winced away from the sudden influx of light to his eyes.  “Hey Yongguk,” he waved, squinting harshly.

                “There you are,” the elder male chuckled, squatting next to his companion.  “Don’t you know we have a match in an hour?” he teased, ruffling the damp strands of hair fondly.

                “We do?” Jongup blinked in confusion, the last vestiges of his dream clinging to him stubbornly.

                “Ne.  Come on sleepy head.  And for goodness sake.  Get out from under there before you and Dada die of heatstroke,” he chuckled with a shake of his head as he stood up to leave.  “The Matoki says we’re up against the Angel spirit’s crew,” he added with his back to his companion.

                “Dada?” Jongup murmured, his hand immediately going to the hard leather case at his hip where the matoki usually stayed when he wasn’t inclined to wander around on foot.  He nearly jumped in surprise when the green creature almost seemed to appear on his shoulder.  “Yah!”

                Curiously, Yongguk paused and turned back around, eyeing Jongup in concern.  “You alright, Uppie?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

                Jongup ran a finger over Dada’s head in a gentle pet and then looked around intently.  He was lying in a grassy field under a blue sky with fluffy white clouds and a much too bright sun.  Nope.  No strange orb thingy and no dead earth.  There was a manmade structure in the distance but that was the arena where the match Yongguk had mentioned would be.  More baffled than ever, he scratched his head with blunt fingernails and looked at the elder male once more.  “I just had the strangest dream…” he trailed off, frowning as he looked around again.  “Junhong’s alright, isn’t he?” Jongup asked, looking at his dragon as if she would give him an answer.

                “Why wouldn’t he be?” Yongguk asked honestly.

                “I don’t know,” Jongup shrugged, eyeing Dada with suspicion.

                “You sure you’re okay, Uppie?” Yongguk murmured again, unfolding his arms as real concern started to show.  “Maybe you should sit this one out.”

                “No!” Jongup yelped, scrambling out from under Matoda’s wing while Dada clung to the leather gear with surprisingly sharp nails.  “I’m good!  Really!” he assured his leader, brushing himself off hastily.  “The Angels you said?” he asked, nearly falling over when he lost his balance as he inspected the bottoms of his feet.

                “Must have been a helluva dream,” Yongguk chuckled while he continued to observe Jongup.  “Ah.  There’s Matoshi now.  And that’s probably Himchan behind her,” he laughed, catching sight of a smaller dragon in her wake.  “Come on ShiShi,” Yongguk murmured, pulling his red matoki from the side pouch to place him on his shoulder.  “Hey Himchan!” he greeted when the other ride arrived on his magenta eyed creature.

                “Ugh!  Those two are at it again!” he scowled, hopping off Matota to jog over to Yongguk.  “Can they never get along before a match?!”

                “That’s just Dae and Jae,” Yongguk snorted with a dismissive wave.  “They’ll be fine when we get in the air.  You know that,” he chided with a knowing smile.  “How’s Junhong?”

                Himchan rolled his eyes before he waved at Jongup to hurry, fluffing his straight black hair impatiently.  “His ankle’s a bit tender but he’s wrapped it good and tight and it shouldn’t be a problem during the match.”

                “Good,” Yongguk grinned, looking at Jongup with a raised brow.  “Meet you guys there,” he waved, settling in place with some assistance from Matoshi.

                “Ne!” Himchan called, turning to look at Jongup again.  “How do you always get so messy?” he scowled, quickly coming over to help brush the dirt off, finding more than Jongup thought possible.  Jongup merely shrugged and Himchan sighed with a laugh.  “Come on then.  I hope Matoda’s ready for today.  We’ll need her speed with the Angels.  Hey!” he yelped as the wiry tail flicked him in the back.

                Matota snorted in amusement behind him and he turned an affronted look on his dragon.  “Don’t worry, Himchan,” Jongup urged, moving close to spring onto his dragon’s back.  “Matoda’s always ready for anything.  Aren’t you girl?” he beamed, patting her neck fondly.  Now, he knew dragons couldn’t smile since they lacked lips but there was amusement dancing in her eyes when she looked back at him and deliberately winked.  Dada nosed his ear and Jongup flinched coltishly before he frowned at the matoki.  If he didn’t know better, he’d say they both knew something he didn’t.

                “Spirits to Uppie!” Himchan called loudly, alerting the younger male to him spacing out.

                “Sorry!  I’m coming!” he yelped, kneeing Matoda around so they could follow Himchan and Matota.  Like Dada, he noticed the magenta matoki Tats perched on Himchan’s shoulder, peering at him with what seemed to be a pleased expression.

                “Alright!  Let’s go show those Angels who’s boss!” Himchan cheered with his fist in the air as his dragon bounded up enough to give her space to flap without hitting the ground.

                Jongup watched him for a few seconds more and leaned close to whisper, “Remind me not to fall asleep under your wings anymore.”  Matoda huffed in amused agreement and bobbed her head before she jumped up and lifted them both into the cool midday air.

                As they flew away, neither noticed a tiny whirlwind of glittering blue and brown crystalline dust swirling away from the spot Jongup had lain only a few moments ago, disappearing as if it had never been.

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*gasp* We have a beautiful poster now!!! This makes me want to do more with their world now... >.> lol


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Chapter 1: OMG! This was so captivating, and I felt their pain when they got injured or killed, and when Youngjae's dragon fell, it s scared me so badly! When Junhong wouldn't wake up, it was heart-wrenching. The action was great, and it kept me on the edge of seat the entire time. Jongup broke my heart at the end, feeling that he was alone. The ending was amazing, with conclusion you added. I loved this story.
I've been meaning to read this for a while, so I will do so now:). It looks amazing, and that poster you got for it just pulls readers in, so here goes nothing!!
Chapter 1: Wow...just wow..
Chapter 1: SO I LOVED IT. It was really good.

The description was on point and usual and freaking sad. You and killing people, but it was epic.

I honestly expected them to stay dead, because you usually aren't one for bringing people back but I cant say I didn't love it. It was a nice touch.

OMO you did it 0.o
One word:
sCeNeBLUETattoo #7
Chapter 1: Ok. Now that I've come to the end, I have to say that only the word 'Breathtaking' seems to fit here. That's it. That's all I have to say... Simply Breathtaking!
sCeNeBLUETattoo #8
Ok. All I've read, so far, is your intro/description. Yet, I find the need to comment... "Junhong rides Matoto and has the Matoki Toto." He's also been know to say, "Toto we're not in Kansas anymore" when encountering anything Emerald Green or witch-like... Yeah, I'm only sort of sorry. I just couldn't resist. NOW, I'll actually READ the story. ;D