Chapter 1

The Queen of Fate

"Ma'am, there have been reports of the oposing nation's development on freedom," said an officer.

"Send Commander Lu to my office later. Please prepare all the files of the newborns and have them sent to my office quickly before the next batch. That is all, you are dismissed," stated the lady.

"Right away my Queen."

Work has been piling up over the days because of the news from his nation. The Queen can no longer take her time to admire her land. She took a moment to the first three buttons of her dress shirt and hopped onto her seat as she began to look at the files. There were 20 more born today, and there would be 20 more tomorrow. All the lives in her hands will be pre-determined. Who they'll fall in love with, what their job will be and how they'll act. In order to have a world without chaos, all of these elements must be considered. A farmer to to sustain our food source. A business man to keep the economy flowing. An actress to film the movies that would be watched during the citizens leisure time. All of this planning was not known to the commoners of course. Who likes the idea of having their lives controlled. Only the Queen and her trusted advisors were aware of this.The other servants were only given a vague briefing on their job. But the only wish she shares with the public is that they must swear to stay lotal to her. This was in no way an ant colony where all the smaller ants work together to keep the colony alive. The Queen always believed it was different. She knew it was different.

The Queen's mind was amazing. She is knowledgable on just about everything-if not everything already-and her plans always worked out. There were no problems in the development of her people. Everyone would live the norm. There will be love rivals, but everything would work out in the end. There would be crime, but not to the extent of a large scale war. Her plans never messed up. That was until he came into her life. 


They met when they were 5. He was found to be a prodigy like her majesty but he was also an orphan and was taken into the care of the Queen's family ever since he left. They were the best of friends. Reading each other's minds. Planning the things they would do in the future. Sharing a simple lunch out in a park to admire the land. But that all changed when the Queen, Princess at that time, turned 15 and was summoned to her father's office. 

"My daughter, it is time for you to fully take over. I have only been in your place because our people would not accept a young ruler. You are the brilliant one here and our land needs you," praised her Father. And with a polite nod and bow, she gracefully left her father's chambers. It's time, she thought.


"Jong In, I have great news! Father says it is time for me to officially be crowned the Queen," announced her Majesty.

The boy looked up from the maps he was studying and gave the Queen a gracious smile. "Indeed that is great news." And he went over to embrace her into a hug. They stayed like that for a moment before breaking apart. Since they were young, they already agreed for Jong In to be the Queen's closest advisor in order to carry out their plans. The days leading up to her coronation were filled with joy. From planning out the outfits to the decorations. It was bliss and the Queen prayed that the following days would be the same. But that was ruined on her big day. 

"Your majesty! Kim Jong In has been arrested and banished from your land after found conspiring against our nation!" exclaimed a guard. 

"Nonsense! How could this be true?" It couldn't be true. The Queen thought. Why would Jong In turn on me. "Release him at once!"

"That isn't possible my Queen, the man of discussion has already fled to the neighbouring nation," scoffed the guard.

"My daughter, it is time for the ceremony." And without any time to spare, the Queen went out into the public and began her coronation. She later returned that night, to her room without the sight of him. He was gone. 


Without a knock, the door bursted open and the Queen was greeted with Commander Lu. He walked over to her and gave her a big hug before he was shoved aside. "Why are you being like this?" pouted the man. 

"Shut up Lu Han, we need to work."

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