Chapter One

Keep Buying Stars


"Wake up beautiful" Kris said, gently pulling Xiumin from deep sleep.
Xiumin groaned, he was definitely not a morning person.
"Five more minutes please!" He pleaded but Kris wasn't having any of that.

Before Xiumin realised, Kris pulled him up off the bed and into his arms.
"Wake up, you're going to be late for college" Kris said, before gently nibbling his ear lobe.
Xiumin gasped, that was one of his most sensitive places.

"Okay, I'll get up now just don't do that again" Xiumin replied.
Kris got up from their bed and into his walk in closet finding his very expensive suits to wear.
Kris was a millionaire, in-fact probably a billionaire.
He works for his fathers company in Gangnam.

Despite his status as a rich man, Xiumin always wondered what Kris saw in him, Xiumin was middle class, had money but lived comfortably.
Xiumin got up, brushed his teeth, did his hair and put some clothes on.
He checked the time, it was 8:30 which means he had to leave in 10 minutes to get to college.

He ran down the stairs and made some toast, Xiumin's favorite breakfast food.
Kris was soon waiting for Xiumin to finish so he could take him to school quickly.
After Xiumin nodded to go they both sat in the car and drove through the misty, gloomy day.

"We're here" Kris said in a cold manner.
"Yep, guess we are" the short boy replied.

Xiumin opened the door and waved to Kris, he just ignored him.
Xiumin always wondered why he would be nice one minute yet so cold the next.
It's not like he did anything wrong to make Kris be like that.

"Xiumin baby how are you?" Luhan shouted with Sehun running up to him.
They both were Xiumins closest friends in school and outside of school.
He didn't get to see much of them outside school though, Xiumin always had to ask Kris for permission.

"I'm good thanks, just so tired and hungry!" He replied back in a pouty way.
"Xiuminnie, you're always hungry" they both laughed.

The trio walked through the college doors and down the corridor, the trio were very popular and practically everyone knew them and treated them with respect like kings.
Although Xiumin is the friendliest of the three, no one approached him, they just watched from a far.

The trio had English together, they usually got sent out for laughing too much but today they concentrated as their exam were pretty soon coming.
There would be a new studant coming in soon, all the more fun to see what he'd be like.

"Xiumin, let's get our lunch and sit under the tree at lunch time" Sehun said.
"Yeah sure,let's get lunch then." he replied.

Luhan, Sehun and Xiumin were sat under the biggest tree in the school, so much shade for a nice sunny day.
"Can't believe you got the pepperoni pizza slice instead of just a plain cheese." Luhan said to Sehun.
"Well you know me boo, I love it." Sehun responded.

Xiumin looked at his phone to see a new message from Kris.

Kris- I'll be home at 6, cook something nice.

Xiumin sighed, he always had to cook, clean and be presentable when he'd have to go to family parties with Kris to meet influential people and appear like a trophy wife


Hey people this is the first chapter of the story it's a little short but hopefully chapter 2 will be longer.
who do you think is going to be the new student? ;)

Sehun and Luhan is in the story yay!
Maybe I can do a subplot if :P


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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 2: Please update authornim. This story seems really interesting. :))
Chapter 2: Eh? Gimme next chapter, autor-nim, cause I love this concept and strory so much. ;_;
Chapter 2: Are you planning to upload the next chapter anytime soon? Because i think i'm gonna like this story very much! Keke! Waiting for your update!fighting!;)
Chapter 2: This seems really interesting. Just like @rachmaiaia said, Chanyeol would be a good pick for the new student. Or maybe Lay.

Also, awesome decision in making XiuRis the main pair of your fanfic.

Looking forward to the update.
Whenkris #5
trishplusmama #6
Interesting, can't wait for your update. <3