

Normal POV:



As usual, the Thailand Airport is full of fangirls with big bazooka lens of cameras. They are waiting for EXO. This is the last glance for them to see their idols in their country.


Even though there are lots of fans, they still manage to discipline and sustain themselves when they saw EXO doing an airport runway. They scream and shouted their idols' names, took pictures, waved goodbye and there is no pushing happened.


EXO on the other hand, is making poses while they walk like fashion models on the VIP passage. Latet on, the last three members to walk are Lay, Xiumin and Chen.


The boys walked simultaneously that they even saw a familiar figure went into the comfort room.


"Hyung, the mysterious guy!" Lay whispered to Xiumin.


"I know, I've seen him too." Xiumin lowered his voice and try not to act suspicious because fans might hear what they are talking.


"Should we go there?" Chen asked.


"No. We just wait until he comes out." Xiumin suggested.


"I agree. We still have one hour so we can wait until that guy comes out." Lay said.


They waited for their boarding time and for the mysterious guy to come out. But it has been 50 minutes and no guy in black suit came out.



Lay, Chen and Xiumin got tired of waiting and decided to cease. 


"Aww hyung. I am tired of staring at the loo's entrance." Chen groaned.


"It seems we will not sew the guy again today. Let's just get ready. We are going to board anytime now." Xiumin said to Chen and Lay.



They are getting ready when Lay saw a familiar face again. She was wearing a red jacket and white sweater underneath. Wearing a red jeans and white shoes.



"Isn't that..... KM?" Lay was a bit confused. This is the first time they saw KM wear colored clothes. They are used to seeing her in white.



Xiumin and Chen looked at where Lay is looking. And there they saw KM passing through the VIP pathway and directly boarded the plane.



Lay ran to their manager and asked if KM is boarding with them. The manager just raised his shoulders sign that he doesn't know.



"KM always travel alone. She boards ahead of us everytime we go to different country. You must be mistaken someone as her." The manager said to the boys.



It is now their time to board. While looking for their seats, Chen was tickling Lay's armpit so the latter accidentally dropped his phone on a woman's head.



He was about to pick it up and say sorry but the woman gets his phone and threw it at the seat beside her.



"Hey! That's brand new!" Lay shouted at the woman.



"Then you shouldn't have dropped it on my head." The woman said arrogantly without even looking at Lay. She is wearing a white sun glasses.



"W-wait..." Lay went into the seat in front of the woman and checked if he is not dreaming.





The woman took off her glasses and raised her left eyebrow. After doing so, she put her sun glasses back to her eyes and positioned herself to sleep.



Chen and Xiumin joined Lay as the latter keeps on poking KM's nose tip.



"Yoohoo! KM! Wake up!" Chen shouted.



"Yow KM." Xiumin added.



"KM, let's talk. This is the first time we're with you on the plane. Come on, open your eyes!" Lay still pokes KM nose.


KM is so still. She doesn't even move a muscle so the three boys planned to shout altogether to wake her up.



"KM!!!!!" They shouted, garnering intense stares from EXO's leaders and the manager. They didn't care for the leaders and their manager just shushed them.



"What the actual fck?!" KM gave a rude response to them.



"Can't you see, I am trying to sleep here and you are bothering me!" She added.



"Whoa whoa whoa. Watch your mouth. It is not nice to curse at your oppas. Respect us." Lay said to her.



"I'll give you the respect you want if you fcking leave me alone, you jerks!" KM said in an intense voice.



"Calm down KM. You don't have to be rude." Xiumin commented.



"I would chill my fcking if you fcking get out of my sight." 



"What's your problem? Why are you being a brat?" Lay asked irritably.



"Yeah, why are you mad?"



Before answering, KM sighed heavily. "You wanna know why? It's because nobody helped me when I needed help. Nobody pitied me when I need a fcking napkin because I have my period. Nobody gave a fck when I went back to the hotel with blood-stained pants." KM was staring them as if she is going to cry.



"B-but... I bought napkins for you and asked manager hyung to give it to you." Lay defended himself.



"Oh really? Well thanks for that because I received none. Your manager donated them all to the hotel. The hotel was selling it to me thrice its original price. I have no money because I spent it on the fcking cab fare." 



"So you mean, you are not wearing any napkin today? Is that why you wear red? So the blood stains will not get any attention from people?" Chen was grossed.



"I am wearing napkin duh! The guy who gave me shoes was there and gave me four packs so I am really thankful." KM blink her eyes dreamily.


The three boys was so intrigued.



"Wait... did you just say the guy who gave you the shoes?" Lay asked.



"Well yes. He even chatted with me for few minutes."



"R-really? W-what did you talked about?" Lay, Chen and Xiumin leaned at the seat in front of KM.



"None of your business." KM arrogantly answered. She put her glasses back to cover her eyes and pretended to sleep.



"KM tell us!" Lay shouted and shook KM's shoulders. Chen and Xiumin joined in too.



Their noise attracted the attention of other members. They went to the place where Lay, Chen and Xiumin was. They were a bot shocked when they saw KM there.



"KM, first time to travel with you my dear." Suho said cheerfully.



"Yeah, and probably the last." The EXO members went into silence wondering why KM said that.



"What do you mean?" Luhan asked.



"I won't be your translator anymore."



"What?!! Are you serious?" Kris couldn't believe it.



"Well yeah. I checked your next sched for the next months, and you won't have any Asian tour. I am relieved when I saw that. It's a good thing for me. I won't get scolded by your jerk managers anymore and I can do whatever I want without limitations. I am done putting up s with you." KM said without even looking at the guys around her. She even crossed her arms to look cooler.



"Wow, you know how to talk back now huh." The manager interrupted. He was holding a wine glass and poured it on KM's head. 



The girl was so shock that she immediately stood up to shake off the beverage from her clothes.



"Goddamn it! Look what you did to my clothes! Argh!" She yelled at the manager who is wearing an evil smile.



"Oh sorry, I just thought that it serves you right. That is for calling me a jerk. It's okay if you wanna get even. You can slap me now." The manager leaned himself so that KM would reach his face.



But instead of slapping the manager, KM leaned to kiss his cheek. EXO and the manager was shocked.


"The best way to end a confrontation with a kid is to give a kiss. If you do not want it, then wipe it. If you still want a war, you better step off right now. You won't win against me." Then KM took her bagpack at the luggage cabinet and started walking to the plane's comfort room.



"Hahaha. I am so scared..." the manager said. " can't even defend yourself. Hahaha. Me against you is really an interesting fight. But mind you dear, I am man. I always win." He continued.



"Oh really? From your reaction awhile ago, you already lost." Then KM continued to walk towards the cr.



"Hyung. That wasn't right. She is a girl." Suho said.


"Don't tell me what is right or wrong. Just take a rest and don't mind her. We will still meet her at SM Building." The manager went to his seat and closed his eyes.




"Just send the money here." KM gave Mr. Soo Man a poece of paper containing a bank account number.


"Okay. It is nice to work with you Miss Song. Can we count on you if we have emergency? I mean, if we need a translator?"


"I still can't say you can count on me but you can call me here." KM gave a calling card to Soo Man. She bowed and shook hands with the CEO then walked to the door.


Right before she opened it, EXO with the manager entered the CEO's room.


"Oh hi !" The manager blurted out.


"Hi and Bye." KM said and about to go out but EXO blocked her way.


"Stay here." Xiumin, Suho and Lay gently guided KM to a chair. The girl didn't resist for she is weaker than the guys in front of him.


"Annyeonghaseyo Mr Soo Man!" EXO greeted in chorus.


"Hello EXO. How was your tour in Thailand?"


"It was nice. The hotel is comfy and cozy." Kai started.


"And the fans are so disciplined." Kyungsoo added.


"I hope we can go back there." Lay said.


"Overall, it was fun." The manager said.


Soo Man turned around and looked at the people sitting around the long table.


"What else do you want to share?" Soo Man asked curiously. He did not call for EXO but the group just barged in without even knocking.


The members of the group look at each other saying : tell him how KM cursed us.


But before they speak out, the manager took over it.


"I was just want to share how this girl talked back to her masters."


"Excuse me what was that? What masters?" Soo Man doesn't know what the manager is talking about.


"This girl is a cussing machine that she talked back to us. She is an arrogant who doesn't know her place. She is our translator, our slave and we are her bosses, her masters."


"What are you talking about? She is not your property why do you treat her as if you own her?" 


"Because she is being paid by our Entertainment."


"Yes she is. But she is not our property. She didn't even signed the contract because of what you did to her. If she talked back to you, it must be her way to defend herself. You are lucky to have KM because without her, you won't experience your Japan and Thailand tour."


After the long lecture, EXO and the manager remained silent. Km stood up and bid goodbye.


The manager and EXO was about to say sorry. But Soo Man had a call. He put the landline into loudspeaker then shushed the people inside his office.


"Hello, we are so thankful for the donation you gave to our orphanage." The woman talking on the other line was very grateful.




"Yes. We have recieved 500,000 Won from you. We are from the Lost kids' Orphanage."


"I am sorry. Are you sure? Are you the one who has this account number?" Soo Man stated the account number and the woman from the orphanage confirmed that it was theirs.


"Oh. Okay, your welcome." Soo Man said and ended the call. He looked at the group and the manager. "See, KM is kind too. So please do not argue with her."




Lay's POV


We rest until night. Each of us walked out the SM building and went to do whatever we want. 


As usual, there are many fans who are still waiting for us. I told them to go home early and take care.


I am with Chen and Xiumin. We are going to a restaurant to eat. We went into a cheap resto that serves delicious Chinese food.


We saw a girl from the corner. It was KM. Why is she out in the middle of the night? We are about to join her but a guy wearing black hoodie approached her.


I saw KM looked a bit shock. I am shocked too. This guy who approached her was wearing the same brand of clothes as the mysterious guy who saved me.


The guy just left something over the table then left quickly. We went to check out for it.


"Hello." I greeted KM but my eyes are on the piece of paper left by the mysterious guy.


"W-what are you doing here?" KM's eyes widened.


"We are here to eat. It's midnight, why are you still outside?" I asked.


"None of your business." 


"Can we join you?"


"You can have this table." She stood up but I held her wrist. 


"Why are you being cold to us?"  I asked. I really do not know why she turned into a brat. When we were in Japan, she was not like this. She was so demure and shy. But after the 'napkin issue', she is now avoiding us.


"I am not being cold. I am being myself. Now take your hands off of me. I don't want to see myself in the internet and be involved with any issues." She said. I released her when I realized some people are taking pictures around us.


She left. But she forgot the paper given to her by the guy. Xiumin-hyung took it and showed it to us.


"Lay, do you think it's the guy who saved you?"


"I think so." 


"Do you think he knows KM?" Chen asked me.


"I do not know."


"But why does this guy always go near KM? Does he like KM?"


"I think not. KM was shocked when she saw the guy. If KM and the guy know each other, then KM would have been happy to see the guy." I explained.


"Let's follow KM then." Chen said while munching some food on sticks.


We followed KM secretly. She went into a five star hotel. We couldn't get in because somebody might see us. This will be a big issue if someone knew that we entered a hotel. 


We are about to go back to the resto but we saw the guy looking at the hotel. The guy must have felt that we are looking at him. He looked at our direction and gave a smirk. We couldn't see his whole face because the hoodie covers most of his face.


After he smirked, I saw him giving hand signs. Signs for letters. An E, X, and O. He spelt our group's name. That means he knows who we are. He then rode his motorcycle and drove off.


I am still confused of what is happening to us. Lots of guys who wear black hoodies and jackets are appearing and I am starting to be paranoid.


I do not know why these guys follow us. I do not know who among them are good and bad. I do not know why they bother KM too. I do not know this. And I do not know that.



All I know is we must be careful.



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Rosie_May #1
Chapter 11: what will happen between them?
I'm so curious about it.