


"You have to pass these to manager-hyung." Lay gave KM a list of requirements for the legal hiring of SM as EXO's translator.


"B-but..... w-why do I need to give them a resume and government documents? I am just going to be your translator for few months." KM pouted.


"Haha. Don't worry, it is just for legal purposes. And you don't have to be scared if you give us your information." Lay shuffled KM's hair as the girl nods.


"You have to pass those documents before we go to Thailand next week. And, you need to talk to Mr. Soo Man too." Lay gave his thumbs up.


Lay left KM on the corridor of SM Building. Few hours later, all documents were already passed to SM's CEO and KM is ready to meet Mr. Lee Soo Man.


The girl wears a white dress, paired with white sneakers, white headband, white purse and white weird-looking watch. She didn't wear any make-up. 


She is on her way to the CEO's office when EXO saw her.


"Whoa whoa. The white lady is back." Trolling Chen started laughing as he glanced at KM who often wears white. Maybe it is the reason why Chen calls her a white lady.


"Miss Song, what are you doing here?" Suho formally asked.


"I am here to talk to your CEO. Is he in?" A smile was shown by the girl.


"Well yeah. We are here to talk to him too. Let's come in together." Lay grabbed KM's wrist and pulled her inside the office.


"Take your seat." A man wearing glasses ordered EXO. Soo Man turned around and counted the boys. They are complete and there is also an unfamiliar face he saw. He gets the folder at his table and opened it.


"Song KM. Twenty one. Can speak 10 different languages fluently and a graduate of Seoul University, Major in Music." Soo Man take a look at KM.


The girl obviously got concious and she bowed her head immediately.


"So tell me. Why did you choose to be a translator instead of being a professional music artist? Is it because you are informed that you're gonna work for EXO?" Soo Man directly confronted the girl in his front.


"N-No sir. I c-chose to be a translator because I get to visit different countries when I translate for people. And for your information, I didn't know that I will work for your idols. And to be h-honest, I really do not want to work for them." Although shy, KM made a straight-forward answer to Soo Man's question in front of EXO.


"Then, why did you agree to be their translator?"


"They blackmailed me."


"W-what? B-blackmailed you? Why would they do that?"


"They are desperate in having a translator so they used my weakness to make me agree with your contract. Said they are going to post my pictures on the Internet so I have no choice but to agree and signed their contract."


"Contract? What contract?"


"Contract, stating that I will be their translator for uhm six months I guess."


"I didn't give them any contract. They must have fooled you Miss Song. Don't you know the reason why you are here?"


"W-what d-do y-you mean sir? I-I d-don't understand."


"You are not yet their official translator. You're here because you are applying for the job and because your documents are good, I should hire you now." Soo Man smiled. He went to his table and took a folder.


"Now this is a real contract." Soo Man smiled at the girl.


KM was still a bit shock of what is happening so she did not even bother to take the documents given to her by the CEO.


"Don't worry Miss Song. Your salary is 500,000 Korean won per month. And you will get a bonus if you extend your year of contract with us."


"I-I am s-sorry sir. But I-I... don't want a contract."


"What? This is a rare opportunity. Are you taking it for granted?" Soo Man was frustrated.


"I will work for you but I don't want any contract because..." KM paused and hesitated to tell Soo Man what was on her mind.


"Because what?"


" I really don't want to be exposed in the social media. T-Two years is very long." a typical answer from KM.


"Then perhaps we could change what's in the contract? Instead of two years, let's make shorter. How many months?" 


"Not m-months sir. I will be the translator when EXO is going abroad."


"And again, what do you mean?"


"EXO will only be seeing me when they go on Asian tour. They will not contact me when I am here at Korea."


"Why? Give us a more valid and appropriate reason. Is it because of the sasaengs?"


"Y-Yes. That is one reason."


"Well okay then. We will change the contract and let you sign it when you go to Thailand next week." 


KM immediately stood up and bowed. She ran outside the office. EXO was about to follow her but Soo Man asked them not to.


"Don't follow her. She may be shocked because you blackmailed and fooled her. Let's talk about what you have done." Soo Man asked EXO to sit again.


"Suho, Kris and Lay. You guys are the most honest in the group. Explain to me what happened in Japan."




It has been a week. EXO is ready for their flight to Thailand. They are trying to contact KM so that the girl will accompany them in the airport.


"Lay-hyung, did the white lady text you?"


"Hmm. Nope. Why?"


"Nothing. She's not answering my calls too. How are we supposed to talk to the Thai people if she is not around?"


"Let us just try to contact her again." Lay dialed KM's number again. And at last, the lady answered his call. Lay quickly put his phone onloudspeaker mode. Everybody gathered as the lady talks.


"I am already here in Thailand." KM said.


"W-what? You did not even bother to tell us ahead of time." Chen was a bit irritated.


The girl on the other line was just in silent for a moment.


"If there's nothing you would say I would hang up." 


"Hmm. KM, we will just text you where we are going to stay. We will be boarding now." Lay said and then he hanged up.


After the call Lay, Chen and Xiumin accidentally looked on the upper floor of the airport. The three of them saw a guy, wearing black hoodie jacket, black jeans, black converse, black watch and black shades. The guy is not creepy-looking but the eyes of the three boys was nailed to to that mysterious guy.


The guys just waved at them and smirked.


"XIUMIN, CHEN, LAY! Let's go!" The manager shouted causing the three boys to turn around.


"Yaaaah we're gonna follow you!" Xiumin shouted back.


As they looked back at the place again, the mysterious guy was not there anymore. They freaked out so they raced to the boarding area.


They were panting when they took their seats. 


"Did you see that?" Chen is holding his chest.


"Yes. Who was that? He looks decent but creepy." Xiumin said.


"That is the mysterious guy I always see almost anywhere!" Lay exclaimed.


"Really? You mean you see that creepy guy even in our dorm?" Chen couldn't believe it.




"Why didn't you tell us?!" Chen and Xiumin almost shouted.


"Shhhh. Lower down your voice." Suho scolded the two noisy boys.


"Actually, I did tell it to Suho-hyung. But he said that it must be the sasaengs."


"A sasaeng that wears branded clothes?" Chen commented.


"Wait... How did you know that he is wearing branded clothes?" Xiumin was intrigued.


"Simple. His hoodie is same as Luhan's. You know that hyung loves givenchy stuffs." 


"Ahhhhh. Anyway, back to the topic. Lay, do you think that guy is a sasaeng? I mean, most EXO sasaengs are female. This is the first time I've encountered a guy sasaeng."


"That is what I think too. The first time I saw that creepy guy was at our concert. He was wearing shades even though the venue is dark. He often smirks at me, just like what he did to us a while ago." 


"The only peculiar thing is, even though I always see him, he wouldn't do anything wrong. Well, except for freaking me out of course."


"I also find it very odd because I feel that he is not the only one following EXO. The one we saw today is not that tall. He is like a bit shorter to Kyungsoo. But the other day, I saw a tall guy. Wearing all-black and his fashion is not the same with the guy today." Lay explained.


"Holy cow! Do you think they are a bunch of gays who wants to EXO." Chen was exaggerated.


"I think not. From what Lay said, they don't do anything that harms us so stop being delusional." Xiumin poked Chen's forehead.


"Let us just forget about this for now. We still have tour at Thailand. We need to focus." Lay suggested as he released a big sigh. He leaned his head at the window and closed his eyes to relax.






 "Where the hell is KM?!!" The manager is very angry as he tries to call KM for the 5th time. They are now at an exclusive tea shop in Thailand. It is located at the basement of the hotel they are staying at. EXO is enjoying their teas while the manager tries to call for their translator.


An hour have passed and there is no sign of KM. The manager and EXO decided to go shopping at a very expensive mall. In this mall, there are only few people who can enter. VIPs, artists and members are the only one who can visit this extraordinary shopping place. 


While strolling, EXO went to a branded shoe shop. Just as they stepped at the entrance, Xiumin, Lay and Chen saw a familiar figure. It was the mysterious guy. He was wearing the same outfit and still wearing shades. The guy is trying a pair of high cut shoes.


When the mysterious guy felt that somebody is staring at him, he immediately took off the pair of shoes and went to the cashier.


The three EXO members was about to confront the mysterious guy but it was a bit late. The guy already paid the pair of shoes. And before leaving, he glanced at the boys. Gave them a mocking smirk then left the shop.


"Lay, Xiumin, Chen! Have you chosen which shoes you want?" The manager asked causing the  three boys to wake up from the happening a while ago. THey went back to the other members and chose the designs they want.


Few minutes later, somebody poked Lay's shoulder from behind. Lay's mind is still with the mysterious guy so he obviously jumped out of shock.


"Oops! S-sorry... Did I scare you?" The person who poked Lay was KM. The girl is carrying a number of paper bags from a branded clothing shop. The girl, is of course, wearing a white top and faded jeans. Her accessories are white watch and white dangling earrings.


"KM. Good thing you are now here. Manager hyung has been looking for you since we arrived." Lay avoided the question of the latter. 




Lay nodded.


"KM! We've been calling you for like forever! You got lost pr you're just too stupid to find this mall?" The manager shouted at KM as if she was their maid.


"I-am s-sorry."


"Sorry? Do you think you can replace the time we spent waiting for you?"


"N-no. S-sorry. I-it's just that..."


"What reason are you going to say now huh?" The manager is very angry but he needs to lower down his voice to avoid issues.


"I b-bought these..." KM is stuttering.


"You went shopping for yourself?!!" The manager scoffs. He wanted to hit or at least slap the translator but he couldn't.


"Hyung, let her speak first. You are scaring him." Lay said and placed himself between KM and manager's body. The manager held the side of his forehead and calmed himself. He looked at KM and let her explain.


"I am late because I had to buy these..." KM raised the paper bags she's holding.


"... Mr. Soo Man asked me to give them to you as soon as I see you." Then KM gave each of them the paper bag. There were fifteen bags and the thirteen was given to EXO and the manager. The two paper bags are KM's.


"I- I am s-sorry again for being late." KM bowed 90 degrees.


Realizing his mistake, the manager hugged KM as an apology.


"Hey white lady! You bought a shoes from this shop too?" Chen noticed the other paper bag and snatched it from KM's hand. He went to Lay and Xiumin. The three boys peeked at the design of the pair of shoes. 


Chen get the pair and showed it to the other members.


"Woooow! That looks so cool!" Sehun exclaimed.


"I want those kind of shoes too! Do you have stocks for it?" Kai asked the salesman beside him. Luckily, the salesman is Korean and he enderstood what Kai had asked.


"I am sorry sir. But the last pair was bought a while ago." 


"Is she the last buyer?" Lay asked curiously.


"No sir. The buyer was a man wraring black outfit."


Chen, Lay and Xiumin looked confused. This pair of shoes is the same as what the mysterious guy bought. They stared at KM with wrinkled foreheads.



"Actually, I did not buy it..." KM at last spoke. Everybody looked at her.


"... somebody gave it to me. He also gave me the receipt." And she showed the receipt of the shoes too.


"A random guy gave you a pair of shoes?" Lay asked again.


"Well, I guess so." KM answered.


"But why?" Lay again.


"I-I don't know."


And all of them were left puzzled.



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Rosie_May #1
Chapter 11: what will happen between them?
I'm so curious about it.