Chapter 2

Bundle of Lies

Skies clear and blue, birds chirping left and right, music humming softly in the background, a beautiful day it was, for Nami, well, that was a different story 

She continued to run into people from all directions and she started to lose train of thought as she didn't know WHAT she should exactly be thinking nor feeling. She thought she loved him, she thought she COULD love him all her life, she thought no matter how much they fight they won't be like other couples and fall apart. In reality she only seemed to live in a fairytale for wanting such a dreamy romance but there is simply nothing wrong with that, it was the fact that the married couple wasn't doing anything to make their fairytale romance come to life, sending Nami in 4 different stages as she continued to make her way home mindlessly. The first being angry with Jongin and his playboy ways as well as herself for not trying to do anything IF doing anything really was a solution for the supposed married couple. Then came depression, an emotional toll that smacked Nami across the face like a hit and run accident, depression because of the realization that their love wasn't strong enough to overcome all. Thirdly, pity, who wouldn't pity themselves in the situation that Nami was. She felt like she was in the worst situation of the worst day of the worst time of the year, she couldn't help but think why did this happen to me. It was the truth that she had to continue to accept that she continued to pity herself. Lastly, was the most dangerous string of emotions, desperation. Nami felt herself willing to do anything in order to repair the broken glass called marriage. The desperation that caused her to continue to spiral downwards
The moment I entered the building I sped up the stairs and took out the luggage I had used for our honeymoon, started to pile all of my clothes messily into the bag with the hangers attached to it. Neatness not being the first priority but saving time, throwing in all of my belongings from my bra to jeweleries, whatever belonged  to me I just tossed inside. 15 minutes was the world record in packing for me but instead of having time to feel pride, I felt anxious. Making 2 trips up and down the stairs carrying the heavy luggages, I finally put on my shoes ready to head out until I saw a pair of shiny black dress shoes in front of me. I groaned in silence in realization that it was my husband. 

"Where are you going?" he asked, noticing the bags behind me. I was scared out of my mind at the moment, but I decided that pushing away that thought for now was best and telling him honestly would be a better option 

"I'm leaving, I can't stand another day living with you," was all I said as I started to grab my luggage so I could leave the house but I felt a hand on my arm. Hope filled in me but soon crashed down 

"You're going to end up living on the streets if you leave this house," 


"Your parents aren't even in the country and you don't have any friends for you to go to. Where else will you stay? The motel. Impossible, you don't even have money," he spat incredulously and I felt my eyes fall towards the ground at the truth that was spoken. I felt my jaws tighten and my fists clenched into fists, turning pale white. 

"I don't understand you, you treat me like you don't even want me in your sight and yet you want me to stay?"

He replied with a smirk "Do you really think that I want you to stay because I want you to? Imagine the reputation I've built crash and burn if they find out that my wife is a runaway," 

Type in Kim Jongin into google or any other site, his name would pop up immediately along with a picture of him, below with a list of articles of all the accomplishments he's made as a businessman. I felt pathetic, I felt that I was able to trap him into a corner and be able to hear him say it was because he wanted me to stay, or because...he loves me. 

Idiot, idiot, idiot 

My thoughts were interrupted when the doorbell rang rudely, echoing throughout the house. Jongin being the closest one to the door, opened it and I could see his eyes twitch upon the sight of the teenage looking girl standing in front of our door 

"Can we help you?" I asked, seeing how Jongin wasn't going to see what the girl wanted 

"I think it's best if we sit down and talk instead," she said, eyeing my husband and for some reason I knew it wasn't going to be good. I let her enter the house while Jongin just stuck by the door. 

"Sit down, Jongin you too," I said and they both sat down. Jongin sitting on the couch next to me while the girl sat on the opposite, staring at the wall 

"May I ask what your reason of visit is?" I asked politely as I knew I was interrupting the eye conversation between the girl and my husband 

"I'm sorry, my name is Park Jiyeon and I'm currently a senior at University of Seoul Art,"

"It's nice to meet you but I still don't understand why you visited..."

"I met your husband at a club one night," she interrupted and I felt my body freeze at her statement, my sixth sense tingled as I could sense what she was going to say but hoping it wasn't true. I felt Jongin's eyes on me but I tried not to break down in front of them 

"W.We had a one night stand and..."

"That's enough, I think I heard enough," I said as I got up and started to head towards the staircase 

"Did you know he had a wife?" I asked in a whisper, confidence starting to deflate 

"Yes," I closed my eyes in anger and grabbed the handrail of the staircase, starting to make my wa up to the guest room 

"I'm pregnant with your child Kai oppa," I heard the girl say and I turned around swiftly in surprise

"Kai oppa? Pregnant?" My chest heaved heavily as I could feel myself fall into a state of panic. The world started to revolve around me and I held onto the staircase for support. 

"His name is Kai...isn't it?" the Jiyeon girl asked as she looked back between my husband and I, I closed my eyes and breathed heavily in order to keep my emtions in check and not kill the both of them in the house right this moment

"How long?"


"P.pregnant, how long were you pregnant," I asked as I could feel myself become weaker and weaker within seconds

"2 weeks," was all I heard before black enveloped me into sleep 
I felt gunk surrounding the corners of my eyes as I started to wake up, finding myself on a hospital bed. 

"You're awake," I heard a female voice call at the side of my bed and I turned my neck to find the same exact girl that announced the horrific news to me earlier 

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly, not appreciating that she was in the room when my husband was no where in sight 

"Kai oppa left cuz he had some work to take care of, so I stayed instead," and I couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and disappointment wash over me. 

"My husband is really the father of your child?" I asked, wanting to confirm that it wasn't a dream

"It is," once again the feeling of dizziness spread over me and I laid back again to keep myself from fainting again 

"What is it that you want?" I asked her and I witnessed her eyes grow larger at my straightforward question, but I just wanted to cut to the chase. She would've wanted SOMETHING if she appeared in front of me knowing that the man she had a one night stand with had a wife. If she didn't want anything to do with the baby or Jongin then she would've either walked away and raised the baby herself or just gotten rid of it. 

"You want my husband's care and love, you want his money, what is it that you exactly want that you would possibly appear in front of this Kai, knowing he has a wife?" I questioned 

"I knew he had a wife but that does not change that he is the father of my child and 
referred to himself as Kai when I met him at the club so that is how I'm going to call him you bitter old lady," she spat and I was taken aback by her sudden change of behavior, this little girl had no right to talk back to me when I cold possibly be 5 years older than her 

"I could kick you out of this room if you don't keep your manners in check so cut to the chase and tell me what you want from me and my husband!" 

"I want to live under your house until I have the baby, I do not want to be the mother of this child but you and your husband can decide what to do with it, give it up for adoption or keep it. However, while I'm at your I will be provided the regular necessities along with other things that I might need," she said and I stared at her in shock, not expecting her condition to be living at our house. I stared at her for awhile contemplating what I should do, closing my eyes and letting out a deep breathe 

"So what do you say lady?" 

"My name is Nami and I'm 28 years old, so give me the respect I deserve," I started but I couldn't help but stall 

"I have to leave for night classes, can you hurry up? So is it a yes or no?" 

"*sigh* Deal," 

So I just wanted to start of with letting you guys know kind of the format of how i'm going to write

mostly in the beginning, the narrator's pov will be in bold, flashbacks will be italics and nami's pov is just regular

I know it's kind of confusing but hopely you'll get used to it

Also, I'm so very sorry for not updating in like forevr because I was away on a camping trip and then I moved on Friday and hahaha I'm using my hot spot connection on my phone to update this cuz I don't have wifi for another 2 days so please forgive me I will try to update more when I'm more settled in 

Most Importantly, I just graduate high school so I'll be moving out for college in late August so I won't be able to update much then so I'm posting this as a future warning but I'll remind you guys once it gets closer and my classes start the 27th of August so it may be a bumpy ride for the readers but I hope you guys continue to read and support this fanfic :) 

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Chapter 2: Wow Jongin can never keep his ding dong in his pants wat a hoebag