Chapter 1

Bundle of Lies

I sat on the couch, staring at the wall, an after affect of what happened once my so called husband walked through the door at 1 in the morning with a rugged appearance, as if he just hopped out of bed from having with another . I sighed and ruffled my hair as I stood up, taking in the entire view of my house. The once clean white house suddenly turned into a disgusting pile of broken glasses and tipped over shelves in a matter of minutes. I dropped down to the floor with a sigh as I started to pick up the broken silverware with silent tears. 

"Where have you been?" but she was simply ignored with a wave, she scoffed and ran after him and grabbed him by the wrist 

"What's wrong with you?! You think you're the only one hurting?!" she asked in disbelief, finally letting the words she wanted to say after the incident flow out of and he turned around glaring down at her. 

"You couldn't even take care of the baby,why? Did you not want OUR CHILD?!" he asked completely losing it and started to throw everything that was in his sight. 

"Honey, stop! PLEASE!" she yelled and tried to grab his arm to prevent him from damaging anything further and also because she didn't want to see him hurt but she only got pushed in the process

"ow," she whispered as glass shards were pierced her palms and she felt herself whimpering at the newly found pain but he didn't even try to help her

"You can't even take that? You would have been a terrible mother," he spat and she felt tears swallow her face as she found herself enduring all of his poison-like words for a month now and each time he said something was killing her little by little. 

"You think you're the only one hurting from losing our child?" she started with a whisper and this time he didn't cut her off, " you think it was easy for me to wake up and find out that the baby I've been nurturing inside of me for 6 months was no longer there? YOU THINK IT WAS EASY GOING THROUGH THE PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL PAIN MYSELF WHILE YOU WENT AROUND SLEEPING WITH OTHER GIRLS! YOU GAVE UP ON ME THE MOMENT OUR CHILD DIED! YOU'RE THE DEVIL, YOU'RE THE EVIL ONE!" 

Instead of throwing another fit, he just stormed upstairs and slammed the door in the process

She was left in the dark by herself as she replayed in her head the words that were cast down at her, words that contained no sign of love 
I continued to clean up, until the house was clean and when I had the leisure to rest I realized that it was already 3 and the sun was slowly starting to rise. I fell onto the couch and sleep overcame me. 
I groaned as I tossed around on the couch, feeling the sunlight aim right at my face. I got up slowly and looked around the house to see that it was silent. I was at home by myself with Jongin at work, at least hoping he was at work and not some whorehouse 

"Hello?" I answered, the phone vibrating on the coffee table 

"Hey Nami-yah, you free?" my best friend Hannah asked over the phone excitedly so early in the morning 

"Yeah," I simply answered 

"Meet at the usual," was all she said before she ended the call. I let out a small giggle and went upstairs to get ready. I opened the door gently and I felt myself freeze at the smell of his cologne. Every single time I hugged him, the warm embrace was followed by the sweet smell of his cologne, the smell that made me so sure he was going to sneak behind me to scare me or if he had been nearby but right now all I could feel was anger. I picked up the white collared tshirt, once again the smell penetrating my nose. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I saw a lipstick stain close to the chest area. I threw his shirt to the floor and went out without even getting ready. I couldn't stay at the house any longer. I can't take it anymore, I can't. 

I pushed open the door, startling the other customers in the cafe and searched the room to find Hannah on her phone. I stormed over to where she was and sat down. She looked up in surprise but immediately her expression turned into worry after seeing the state I was in. 

"Nami-yah, what happened?" she asked and I felt pathetic but I knew that she wouldn't judge me 

"I need your help," 

"Sure, what is it,"

"Help me get away," 


"I can't take it anymore Hannah, I can't. I feel like dying every single time I'm at home, I can't take seeing him come home drunk everyday. I can't take seeing his clothes stained with lipstick. I can't take him staring at me with hatred. I can't take it anymore..." and I stood there with a pause with my face stained with fresh tears 

"Nami-yah," she called softly 

"He promised me that he would love me unconditionally, he promised me that I would be the love of his life even in the next lifetime, lies LIES!" I yelled and once again the attention was on me. Hanah pulled me by the arm upstairs, her cousin owning the cafe. 

"Nami-yah, it's okay, I know it doesn't seem like it, but it's going to be okay," 

"HANNAH!" I yelled in frusteration and she jumped in surprise 

"Don't you dare take sides with that bastard," 

"I'm not siding with a..."

"Stop..just stop, Hannah I know you're friends with him and I know that your husband is best friend's with him but please just for once can't you act like my friend? Please? I have no one by my side right now and I can only lean on you but you know what forget it. I don't need your help," I said and stormed out 

"Wait Nami-yah! Nami!" she yelled but I was faster than her and I started to run back home and I've decided that I've had enough 

If he can't keep his promises then neither can I, I'm done trying to pretend everything is okay by myself

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Chapter 2: Wow Jongin can never keep his ding dong in his pants wat a hoebag