Two Moons


The two moons pack was discovered by scientists a few years ago. They're considered interesting because all of them are males and there is no heirarchy in their pack. So, scientists have been tracking their whereabouts and keeping them at close range for study. But when all twelve wolves disappear from the radar, what will happen when they show up as new members of Sun Hwa Arts School? It appears they're perfectly human..for now.


This story is coming to me on a whim, so work with me while I write it. I don't know how long this inspiration will last but I guess we'll see. As for now, enjoy it. C:


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exoLbeautyot12 #1
Chapter 2: Seems very intersting .I love these kinds of plots.
I also loved the way you introduced their profile.
Can't wait for the next update
xMayberry #2
Chapter 1: omg, was so waiting for a fic like this!
Please update soon ! ^^
baeknips #3
Chapter 1: pls udpate soon aurthor noimm!!!!!

i'm joking but omg yes please update soon *^*