Getting Tail


This was the first K-Pop roleplay I did with my best friend in 2010, the week we first discovered SHINee and U-KISS. Now seven years later, we still go back to read it and cringe at how awful it was. We hope you enjoy how terribly and inaccurately written our old roleplay is. Maybe it can bring you a few laughs. She plays Kyou and Taemin, and I play Key and Kyler. It's self-insert so be warned. All characters are male so if you're uncomfortable with gay relationships please do not read. The roleplay was never fnished and never will be. Make up your own ending if you'd like. Please do not take this story seriously, we didn't know what we were doing and didn't know their personalities, so literally everything is wrong. Everything.


This roleplay is gay and oh so wrong. It's just so wrong. All of it's /so/ wrong. The harder you cringe the better. Why would I even want to date Taemin??? He's not even my bias he was the only person I knew. If you're clicking this for the sake of your cringe meter or just because you're bored.... good luck. You've made a valiant effort, but turn back before you cringe so hard you stop existing. Still going? Again, good luck. You'll need it.


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