First and Last

Song Of The Heart





"Go Xiumin! Kyaaaah!"


"Go Luhan! Kyaah! So manly!"


"Kris oppaaaaaa!"


"Kai oppa! Oppaaaa!"


The crowd of girls shrieked from the benches while frantically waving up the banners of each player of their school's soccer team.


Kai was doing tricks with the ball at his feet, confusing his opponent that wants to steal it. He suddenly turned right and swiftly kicked the ball passing it to Luhan, who ran towards the net but was blocked by two players of the other team.


"Damnit!" He hissed while thinking of a way to pass through the two players when he saw Xiumin running towards the net too and signaling him to pass the ball. He obeyed immediately and kicked the ball towards Xiumin, who gladly received it.


Upon receiving the ball, he quickly ran to the net and as he was near and was about to do a goal, the ace player of their opponents team appeared before him with a grin on his face and said, "You're not going anywhere, shortie."


Xiumin scoffed, a little bit pissed by the nickname that was given to him but he just grinned at his opponent before turning around and passing the ball to Kris, who quickly kicked it again with strength as Xiumin swiftly passed through the boy in front of him, not forgetting to pushed him slightly with force making the annoying monkey, he thought, stumble before running towards the ball and kicked it again making yet another goal for their team.


"WOOOH!" The crowd went wild, specifically the students from their school. With Xiumin's goal, it means that their school's team will proceed and compete for the finals this year.


"Yeah! Way to go boazi!" Luhan said as he approached Xiumin, who was grinning happily at their victory, and smacked his back playfully.


"That's my hyung!" Kai said half laughing as he approached the two, followed by Kris and their other teammates and their coach.


"Guess this cause for a celebration then." Kris grinned while looking at Xiumin.


"Alright! ITS KRIS HYUNG'S TREAT TONIGHT!" Kai shouted and the rest of the team screamed in joy while the others playfully thanked Kris for his generosity.


Kris just shrugged and said, "Of course. Because I'm the most handsome here." Nodding with satisfaction to what he said.


Kai made a straight face trying to mock him while Luhan showed his oh-really-now derp face and everyone just laughed.


Xiumin just chuckled at his crazy friends.






~ x ~






"Just court her already." Luhan said to Xiumin, breaking his train of thoughts.


"Ha?" Was all Luhan got.


Luhan clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, "Ask Cho Kyla out already!"


"Yah! Shh! Keep your voice down." Xiumin said to Luhan and made a hush sign. They are having their history class now. And Xiumin just kept on staring at Cho Kyla, one of their classmates, that Luhan noticed.


"Mr. Luhan, is there any problem?" Their teacher said then their classmates looked at him, making him a little bit embarrassed.


"Uhh. Nothing Ma'am." Luhan replied, shrugging it off. Then their teacher started their lesson again and their classmates focused on the lesson. Xiumin chuckled and it kind of pissed Luhan.


"Yah! Stop laughing or I'm gonna ripped your pants off." Luhan scoffed and Xiumin just nodded while holding in his laughter.


Luhan rolled his eyes then grins at Xiumin, "As I was saying. You should ask your crush out." Then he wiggled his eyebrows playfully at Xiumin.


"Yah! What crush?!" Xiumin's eyes widens a little by what Luhan had just said.


"Duh! Just duh! It's so obvious Kim Minseok!"


"O-obvious? W-what's obvious?" Xiumin's eyebrows furrowed a little while trying to hide his nervousness. Was he that really obvious?, he thought.


"Aish! First, yes, it's obvious. It's freakin' obvious, Minseok!" Luhan started to point at his fingers one by one as he says the reasons to Xiumin, who just raised an eyebrow to Luhan.


"Second," Luhan continued, "You keep on staring at her all day! If she was some sort of candle or something, she would have melted a long time ago. Third--"


"Yah!" Xiumin tried to cut Luhan off but to no avail. He still kept on babbling.


"Third!" Luhan continued, glaring a bit to Xiumin, "When she's not somewhere you can see, you keep on asking us where she is. Dude! You keep on asking US where SHE is! As if we know her whereabouts." Luhan rolled his eyes but kept on continuing. "And fourth--"




"No, Mr. Kim. I'm just still at the fourth reason and the list still goes on." Luhan mocked.


"Aish! Luhan will yo--"


"Fourth!" Luhan continued, glaring at him, "You give death glares to any guy who comes near her. Specially, when their making a move on her. If looks could kill, you'll be at the prison now. Jailed because of giving death glares to those guys who made a move to your crush." Luhan said, emphasizing the word crush. "Or rather your love one." He wiggled his yebrows playfully for a momment.


"I was not!" Xiumin denied.


"Oh yeah? Do you also want me to give an example about--"


"Alright! Alright! I give up!" Xiumin raised his both hands in the air for a moment, a sign of defeat. "I'll admit. I've got the hots for her." He said while covering his slightly blushing face with his hands then looks out the window.


Luhan grins widely while leaning a bit closer to him, anticipating his next words, "And....."


"And I'm going to ask her out--"


"FINALLY!" Luhan shouted, suddenly standing up while raising both of his fist in the air like he won something big.


Xiumin got surpprised by what Luhan did and so is the whole class.


Just before Luhan had realize what he did, the teacher shouted at him. "Mr. Luhan, get out of my class now!"


"But Ma'am, I d--" Luhan tried to reason out but failed.


"Get out! Now!" Their teacher pointed at the door frustratedly.


"Ma'am I--"


"I SAID GET OUT! NOW!!!!" Their teacher's voice boomed inside their classroom.


Luhan didn't said another word again and proceeds out of their classroom not forgetting to give a death glare at Xiumin who was frantically laughing at his chair.





~ x ~





"Yo guys! What's up?" Kai said to Luhan and Xiumin as he sat across the table with Kris at the cafeteria.


Luhan just rolled his eyes and bites his burger. While Xiumin was laughing out loud.


"What's wrong with this guy?" Kai pointed to Xiumin while looking at Luhan. And Luhan just shook his head and continued eating.


Kai just stared at the two of them, jaw slightly dropping when Xiumin decided to talk, "Because Luhan- hahaha! Was sent- hahaha! Outside of the classroom by the teacher." Xiumin calmed himself down a bit.


Kai then burst out laughing, "Really?!"


"Uh-huh!" Xiumin nodded, half laughing.


"Why? What did Luhan do?" Kris asked, chuckling.


"Because.." Xiumin said, gasping for air from laughing so hard. "Because he suddenly shouted in the middle of class like he won something."


"You did what Luhan?" Kris turned to Luhan while holding his laughter.


Luhan smirked and swallowed his food before talking, "Well its because Xiumin here," then he gestured to Xiumin that was beside him who just stopped from laughing and is now biting his upper lip, "Said that he'll ask Cho Kyla out."

"I-- Well--" Xiumin stuttered a bit.


"FINALLY HYUNG!" Kai shouted and did a reenactment of what Luhan did earlier at their classroom.


"Yah! Sit down!" Kris pulled him down to sit again while Xiumin was shocked with his reaction.


"What the heck." Was all Xiumin could say.


"Told you, you're obvious." Luhan said then shrugs, a bit boasting because he was right.


"Finally hyung, you decided to ask her out because if you didn't? I won't be able to hold back anymmore sooner or later." Kai said while smirking.


"What do you mean by that?" Xiumin furrowed his eyebrows and glares a bit at Kai.


"Hyung!" Kai just chuckled and said, "Cho Kyla is a chick. If you know what I mean." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully. Xiumin just scoffed and Kai continued, "But I noticed that you've got the hots for her, that's why I haven't made any move to her yet."

"Yet?" Xiumin repeated.


"Uh-huh. Because if you don't ask her out today, I will." Kai smirked teasingly.


"I'll ask her out. You'll see." Xiumin said to Kai.


Luhan and Kris just looked at each other and chuckled.





~ x ~





It was a nice afternoon but Xiumin's mood was not far from fine. He was nervous and preparing himself mentally on how he'll ask Kyla out. Kyla is not the popular type of girl, unlike him, he was known at their school. He has the looks and talent and to put it up, he's the vice-captain of their school's soccer team. Making him and his circle of friends, including Luhan, Kai and Kris, popular specially to girls.


But Xiumin doesn't care about the girls who always follows and bugs him everyday. He only has his eyes to Cho Kyla, a petite, brunette girl. He didn't really fall for her looks but he fell deeply when he first heard the girl's voice.






Xiumin was wondering around the campus when their coach gave them a five minute break from practice. His mood was far from okay. He had an argument with one of his teammate. He was cursing and cussing when his foot led him at the rooftop. And there he heard an angel's voice. A voice that can take away all the anger and frustration from him. Right then and there, he fell in love from that voice.



( [A/N] This song is 365 of EXO covered by Silv3rt3ar. I do not own this song. )



"Relax with me, listen to songs,

Sleep in a bit and give a yawn, "
He opened the door slowly and entered the rooftop.
" All of you pains; Laugh them away,
Be a big carefree, it's okay,"

There he saw Cho Kyla singing and playing a guitar.


"Life might be hard and you might fall,
You might cry but give it your all, "
She was so immersed in singing that she didn't noticed his presence.
"If you just wait and you will see,
Everything will end happily,"
He just stood there. Watching her with awe.
"I'll always cheer for you,
All your wishes might come true."
Falling to her with every notes she makes, with every she does to her guitar.
"3-6-5 I'll be here for you
Every morning and night
Right here in your arms
3-6-5 Each time of the Day
Boy, I'm willing to be right here in your arms."
He just falls for her. Melts in her soft, sweet and perfect voice.
"Wo-oh-oh-oh Oh-wo-oh-oh-oh!
 3-6-5 Our hands together
Wo-oh-oh-oh! Oh-wo-oh-0h-oh.
3-6-5 will help each other
3-6-5 Inlove forever."
Then as she the last chord, she noticed him. Standing there, just staring at her while holding a bottled water on his hands, while smiling sweetly.

She didn't budge or dared to move a muscle.

Just stare back at him was all she could do and did.


That gummy smile.


That perfect little nose.


Those pretty eyes.


Those beautiful round brown orbes that's sparkling as he stared at her.


Everything about him made the time stop and her heart skipped a beat.


She felt like everything around her was in slow motion.


She didn't dared and didn't want to look away.


He did the same.






He didn't looked away.






He didn't want to look away.






But he has to and Luhan got him back to reality as he shouted from the stairs to him.


She opened to say something but shuts it again, realizing she doesn't know what to say.


Instead she just look at him a bit confused because he was a bit panicking and its like he can't decide what to do at that moment.


After some time, he decided to follow Luhan but stopped at the door, looking at her again before running away, quickly mumbling an 'aish' to himself.


She was left there dumbfounded but found herself smiling and humming.


Luhan was expecting Xiumin to be cursing and cussing but boy he was so wrong.


As he saw him coming down from the rooftop, Xiumin was grinning to himself happily and somewhat humming a song he hadn't heard before.


"What's wrong with you?" He asked mockingly. Then they started to walk back to the field where they are having their practice.


"Hmm?" Xiumin just hummed, still smiling.


"What happened to you?"


"Nothing~ I just heard an angel singing." Xiumin said smiling at him then starts humming the same tune he was humming before.

Luhan just shrugs and let him be.


From that time onwards, that song didn't left his head. Same goes to the girl who was singing it but it just didn't stayed in his head, it also stayed in his heart. And he knows for sure that she'll stay there forever. In his heart.



End Of Flashback.





~ x ~





Cho Kyla went at the rooftop. Her favorite place at their school. That is were she can be by herself and.. This is were I stupidly fell for him, she admitted to herself.


She thought that it would be just another ordinary day where she'll spend the time daydreaming about him and singing her heart out for him. But she was wrong.


As she was about to enter the rooftop, she heard someone singing and humming.


It was that song. That song she sang that day. He'll never forget. He never will.


She stopped from her track for a moment before quickly going inside then there she saw the guy she stupidly fell for.


Standing at the same spot where he saw her singing. He closes his eyes. He clearly remembers that time. Where he first felt the heaven. He starts singing and humming as the memory flows through his mind.


Its just for a moment when he felt someones presence.


He quickly turned and saw her. Cho Kyla, the girl who got his heart.


He showed his gummy smile at her.


She stood there for a moment but found herself smiling back at him.



Again with this feelings, they both thought. Just like that time when she was singing and he was listening, they both fell for each other. And now, same place but with different situation, they found themselves again falling for each other. Their heart doesn't stop from beating like crazy as they just look at each other's eyes.


"3-6-5 Our hands together." He suddenly sang.


She smiled then sings with him.


"3-6-5 Inlove forever." They both sung while staring at each other's eyes.


"Will you go out with me?" Xiumin asked softly.


She blushed furiously then nods happily.










[A/N] Sooooo, yeah. Comment what you think about it. And upvote? C;



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Mirandahappylife #1
Chapter 1: Cute ^-^ <33333
lazyoongi #2
Chapter 1: jasdkfakl so cute *^* I liked it~~
wonwooeu #3
Chapter 1: Awww!! So adorable!! It makes me happy to find a good minseok story once in a while...:)
HunTy1204 #4
Chapter 1: SO CUTE!!! *die*