Chapter Seven: Icy and Lively and Bitter

Being Normal

December 3, 1733

Airdrethian Forest



            15 year-old Yuna giggled and continued running, her friends, specifically Sehun, attempted to catch up to her.

            The group of young teenagers were engaging in a game of keep-away, and Oh Sehun was the target of mistreatment.  Yuna had been given the boy’s ring and been told to run.


            Yuna immediately halted and turned, the snow under her feet allowed her to spin easily.

            Flower crowns were not something the young princess was willing to risk, even if it meant she could antagonize Sehun a bit longer.

            “Don’t fall for it Pixie, Sehun would never be able to push himself to actually do it!” Kim Kai shouted as the group of her friends’ distance diminished from her.

            The tall, gangly, 14 year-old maknae made it to her first, his hand already stubbornly out, waiting for his ring.

            Not long after, Hyoyeon, Kai, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol had all caught up, and a Korean-Chinese-English mixed argument had ensued.

            Yuna’s new friends, none of which actually knew her real identity, were immigrants from Exotopia.  They were surprised when one day they were discussing in Mandarin how to tell Yuna that they had to leave politely, when “Pixie” answered them in the same language, that she completely understood.

            After that day, the group frequently spoke in Mandarin and English, later implementing Korean, a language Yuna had not heard of before.

            “Exotopia is a huge country, and Korean is the language that most people from our region of Exotopia speak, as well as Mandarin, depending on class status,” Hyoyeon had explained.

            Little by little, with the help of her friends, Yuna had picked up on this language as well.  The group then interchangeably would speak whatever language suited what situation.  They especially enjoyed confusing adults by speaking all of them at the same time.

            Yuna chose not to take part in the argument and stood to the side of the group, drawing shapes with her foot in the snow, adjusting the crown made of holly on her head.

            “Hey, Pix,” Chanyeol greeted in Mandarin as he joined her in the outer crest of the confusion.

            “Hi, Chanyeol,” the girl answered, smiling up at her best friend.

            Even though he was the loudest of all, Chanyeol seemed to understand Yuna on a deeper level.  She loved spending time with him, and the two naturally clicked and could hold a conversation with simply their eyes.  An eye joke bothered their other friends to no avail.

            “I must say, even though I do miss the flower crowns, these holly and branch crowns are quite dapper,” the sixteen year-old’s voice resonated.  Yuna nodded with a small smile.  After having met Yuna, Chanyeol had demanded her to make him a flower crown.  Over time, Yuna had grown accustomed to having a second crown prepared for her tallest friend.

            “I miss my tulips,” the princess replied.

            “Yah, Pixie!” Hyoyeon, the princess’ other best friend exclaimed as she and the other three boys ended their multi-lingual argument to join the other two.  “Will you be free tomorrow?” she asked with a puppy dog face.

            “No, I’m sorry,” Yuna answered, a small smile in her eyes.  Hyoyeon pouted, but did not question further.

            There were things the group did not tell Yuna and things that Yuna did not tell the group.  Both parties knew where the line was drawn.  The Exotopians knew not to ask for “Pixie’s” actual name, and that home-life was a forbidden topic for their Airdrethian friend.  Yuna did not know a single thing about her friends’ lives in Exotopia, except for where in the country they were from.

            “Dang it,” Baekhyun grumbled.  “I guess we can just bother Kyungsoo tomorrow.  That is still an enjoyable hobby.”

            Kyungsoo was the Exotopian son of the Airdrethian capitol’s most popular bakery.  He was also a part of the group, but rarely had time to play because of the popularity of his family’s business.  He was always needed as an extra hand in the kitchen.

            “That will have to do…” Hyoyeon trailed off.

            The group spent the rest of the afternoon frolicking in the snow.


            When Yuna awoke the following morning, she could barely contain her excitement.

            It was portrait day.

            This event was the reason she had to miss out on accompanying her friends on another round of shenanigans.

            After returning to her room, she had spent the entire night choosing a dress from her yellow, green, and brown wardrobe to wear.

            She wanted to look her best for spending time with her family.

            Yuna saw even less of her family, if that was possible, than before.  They frequently travelled out of the country over the past three years to attend Mingle Balls, and visit the Camano Royal Family.  Princess Galleria was set to marry the Camanese crown Prince Adrian in the next few months, and naturally, Yuna was not allowed to travel with the family to deal with the arrangements for the wedding.

            Yuna did not mind, – even though nights were still horrendous and lonely – because whenever her family left, sword-fighting lessons commenced.

            Over the past three years, Madame and Monsieur Blott had proudly trained Princess Yuna into a skilled sword-fighter.  Her momentum with a sword was unmatchable for a pupil of her age, and both of her teachers could not be more proud.

            This, combined with her cultural lessons from Madame Blott as well her group of Exotopian friends, had almost returned Yuna to her bubbly, sweet self that she had been before the isolation.

            A full transformation, however was impossible without a re-connection or at least a real conversation with Queen Amethyst and the rest of her family for that matter.

            She had not had a meal with the royal family in nearly nine years.

            Being around her sisters was more awkward than ever, as she had not shared any of the overseas experiences that had brought Lorraine and Galleria closer than ever before.

            Her father was even busier; magical training, domestic affairs, and Galleria and Adrian’s wedding plans took up nearly all of his time.  Yuna considered it a treasure to spend even a short moment with King Ephraim nowadays.

            And Queen Amethyst did what she had done since she discovered her daughter’s lack of magical ability; avoided her at all costs, whilst making her life hell behind the scenes whenever she could.

            Yuna had been looking forward to this portrait day as soon as the previous year’s had ended.  She had even practiced holding her smile for long periods of time.

            Yuna’s preparation was cut short, when a timid knock and head of a butler poked into her room.

            “Princess Yuna, their majesties King Ephraim and Queen Amethyst wish to see you in their chamber.”

            I had not been notified of an appointment with mother and father…how strange.

            The young princess did not object and followed the butler to her royal parents, a million thoughts flying through her head as she went.  What could they possibly want?

            However, it was not a they she faced when Yuna had entered the chamber.  It was simply a she.

            Queen Amethyst sat alone in a ravishing red gown upon her silver bejeweled throne.  She wore many accessories, including a cynical smirk.

            When the door was shut behind her, Yuna could not help but wish to be on the other side of it.

            Her mother looked scary.

            For once in her life, Yuna was afraid of her mother, not the prospect that she was losing her.

            “Hello, Yuna.”

            There was an edge to the woman’s voice.

            “Hello, Mother.”

            Long, tension-filled silence.

            “Yuna, what is happening next week?”

            More silence.

            “We leave for Galleria’s wedding to Adrian in Camano.”

            “Very good,” Queen Amethyst purred.  She tapped a rythym into the arm of her throne, her gaze never leaving her daughter.  Her eyes’ cynical nature turned icy (somehow, Yuna felt almost comforted by this action).

            Princess Yuna nervously shifted her feet against the marble floors and pulled on the sleeves of her forest green gown she had spent so long picking for the portrait that was now nowhere near the front of her mind.

            “Yuna, I have made the executive decision,” the Queen began, her voice now of a diamond-cutting state, “that it would be best for you to not attend Galleria and Adrian’s wedding.”

            The world seemed to stop in the young princess’ mind.

            “Excuse me,” she uttered in disbelief.

            “You will not attend your sister’s wedding.”


            The revelation did not seem real to the teenage princess.  She felt as though she was in a cruel nightmare.  It couldn’t be real.

            But, it was.

            “That is all.” Queen Amethyst declared and snapped, the doors to the chamber, immediately opening.

            “WHY DO YOU HATE ME?”

            Yuna had not screamed this loud since her toddler years.  Amethyst was shocked, as were the butlers, as was the screamer herself.

            “Seriously,” the girl reiterated with irritation when she was answered with silence.  “WHY do YOU hate me?”  Her coal-colored hair shook as she yelled.  Years and years of pent up frustration and lonesome were being released.

            Yuna was given no answer to her question.

            A force of supernatural icy wind blew her out of the room, and sent her flying far away from Queen Amethyst, who’s purple eyes were beginning to take a glossy state.


March 8, 1734

Exotopian Palace Courtyard


            “Kris!  It’s here!”

            The 18 year-old prince literally flew out of his bed chamber window into the middle of the courtyard where his younger brother, Prince Xiumin was holding a brown package.

            The Airdrethian portrait is here – Yuna, my love, how have you changed.

            Xiumin watched with amusement as his brother ripped the package from his hands and hurriedly opened the brown wrapping.

            Kris was filled with anticipation, he could not wait to see his beloved.

            He stopped cold when he saw the portrait.

            Tears were streaming down beautiful Princess Yuna’s cheeks, and a frown was painted across her face.

Hey Guys!

I know this feels short (and its not ver good, sorry), but I have good reason for this, that you will discover in the next chapter.

Kris has also not been talked a lot about, but also next chapter, the world of Exotopia will open up a bit.

I'm glad so many of you like this story, 50 subscribers is absolutely unreal to me.

I should hopefully update within the next few days, so anticipate, and while you are waiting, go check out my new Chanyeol fic, The Shirt - I'll put the link below - IT IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN THIS FIC.  And those of you who are already reading The Shirt - Chapter 2 is finished, and will be up very soon :)))

Thank you so much for all of your support and patience!

Continue to read, subscribe, upvote, comment and enjoy! :)


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Chapter 15: Pooh they finally meet!!! Please update soon!!!...
Research_I_Swear #2
Chapter 15: New reader here, I'm loving the story! May I ask, is this story abandoned? If not, I hope you update soon! Can't wait to see what happens next
Lovenhope #3
Chapter 15: Update very soon please I am absolutely in love with your story it would be great if you update it as soon as you can thank you for the amazing story
MiracleOrange #4
Chapter 15: I love this story but it hasnt been updated in so long :(
ILoveKDramas1 #5
Chapter 15: I Hope That U Update These Fic. Soon!!!