Chapter Fifteen: Prince Kris Arrives

Being Normal

June 11, 1737

Airdrethian Royal Dockings, Midas


            Kris could hear the hustle and bustle of the Airdrethian people before his boat had even docked to land.  The wind that blew his crisp golden hair, also brought noise of excitement.

            “Oh brothers, it appears that we are the first to arrive,” Prince Chen gleefully announced after having looked over the side of the vast Puff.  “This means we will receive the warmest welcome, specifically from the ladies!”

            “What about your ladies back at home?” Prince Xiumin asked with a raised eyebrow.

            “The key phrase was ‘back at home,’” the younger prince retorted with a smirk.

            Kris shook his head at his younger brothers’ banter as they all peered over the side of the boat, exclaiming about this cake stand and that beautiful girl in the blue dress and those colorful streamers flying across the sky.

            It was all quite idle to Kris.

            He was focused on one thing: Princess Yuna.

            It was wonderful that Airdrethia was in celebration for his beloved princess, and he did hope all of their celebrating brought joy to her.  However, Prince Kris was more worried about presenting himself to the people that appeared to love their young princess so much.  It was absolutely imperative that he gave off a good first impression.

            “Yah,” Prince Lay interrupted his thoughts, “Stop worrying.  You have rehearsed with Sehun.  You’re powerful and everyone, even Princess Yuna herself, will approve of you, brother.”

            I hope she approves of me…

            Kris stiffly nodded and thanked his brother, despite his nerves still electrocuting any positive thought that entered his head.

            When the captain called down to the royal family and their high advisors that the entrance was officially finished for their arrival, Kris’ stomach began to somersault.

            He was the first to arrive, therefore he would set the standard for the suitors to follow.

            I shall make it difficult for them.

            Kris did not even consider the suitors a minor threat, it was whom he and the suitors would be pleasing that worried him the most.

            His brothers exited the ship as they had been trained, in straight lines.  King Heechul gave Kris a warm, yet pointed look before he exited as well.

            Kris, the main event of the Exotopian party, would be the final person presented.

            The Prince stepped into the light, his white suit catching the entire attention of the crowds surrounding both sides of the dock along the path that led up to the stony, enchanting Airdrethian palace.

            The sounds of breaths catching, as well as a few excited squeals began to erupt.

            He had set the standard for the suitors to follow very high, that was clear.

            But, he no longer cared.

            Oh Sehun, his closest advisor had informed him plenty about the demeanor and habits of Princess Yuna.  He knew nearly everything Sehun did at this point.

            That is why his own breath was taken away at the sight of every citizen of Midas wearing a crown made of woven flowers.


            “He has definite potential,” Queen Amethyst commented as she and the rest of the Airdrethian royal family, minus their youngest member, stared out a long window on the second floor that overlooked the Airdrethian harbor.

            “Heechul raised him right, and I think he could very well be the one for Yuna,” Ephraim commented a little too quickly.

            “I beg you not get so ahead of yourself, Dear,” Amethyst countered.  “We still have nearly 200 other young men to asses, all of whom will have good qualifications to be Yuna’s husband.”

            “Well, he sure is handsome,” Galleria commented with a smile.

            “As I previously stated, the Exotopian prince most definitely has potential,” Amethyst agreed, her violet eyes looking about the room.  “Where is Yuna?”

            “She’s in her ch-” Lorraine mumbled, her voice collapsing slightly on the end.

            “Her what?” Joonmyun clarified.

            “Chamber.  I apologize, I believe there is something in my throat,” the princess shook her head lightly.

            “No matter.  I will have a maid notify Yuna that dinner will be held in two hours, and that she must wear one of the blue dresses we had tailored for her a couple of days ago,” Amethyst ordered.  “No more with the ratty material she had worn before.  It is not remotely fit for a princess.”


            It had been a long time since Prince Kris had hidden any foul emotions for anyone.

            With his position in the Exotopian Empire, he had no need to please any of his subordinates, including those that bothered him.

            But at this moment, Prince Kris’ tongue was harshly clamped in between his teeth, and a charming smile quivered upon his lips.

            “Prince Kris, you and the Exotopian party made quite the entrance,” Queen Amethyst complimented as she shook the young man’s hand.  “I have no idea how our female citizens will recover fully for the arrival of the suitors tomorrow.”

            “Thank you, your majesty,” his deep voice resonated through the royal entrance parlor of the Airdrethian castle.

            A loud guffaw interrupted the formal introduction as King Heechul and King Ephraim embraced each other in a very informal way.

            “I am overjoyed to see you again, Heechul,” Ephraim proclaimed, “My friend, it has been far too long.  Your sons are now men!”

            Kris allowed a true grin to coat his face; he had always liked the Airdrethian king.

            “They are nothing in comparison to the woman your daughter has become!” Heechul exclaimed, “I have heard rumors of nearly 200 suitors.  That is practically unheard of, even when there are multiple women open to marriage!”

            The two shared a look that puzzled the other royals.

            “Anyway,” Queen Amethyst interrupted, “a traditional Airdrethian feast has been prepared for dinner, shall we move this lovely gathering to the Royal Dining Hall?”

            The party gave a murmured approval before proceeding to their meal.

            Kris’ heart began its flurried pumping that it always did when he thought of his beloved.  His stomach had begun to churn, and perspiration was forming upon his brow.

            In merely moments, Princess Yuna would no longer be a thought.

            She would be real.

            She would be as real as she was over a decade ago.

            Kris continued to brace himself mentally, as he allowed his body to simply go through the motions of sitting in his designated seat and maintaining simple etiquettes.

            Where is she, I…I think I am ready…

            He was not the only member of the table noticing the most important guest’s absence.

            “Eunji!” Queen Amethyst called in a slightly irritable tone.  The Exotopian maid scurried into dining hall with her lovely eye smile.

            “Please ask the other maids to Yuna down like they were told to earlier,” the queen instructed.

            “Your majesty, they seem to have run into a slight problem with that.”

            “Excuse me?”

            “Princess Yuna is not in the castle…”

            Amethyst’s sharp intake of breath betrayed her feelings for a mere second.  Her face crinkled for a wink in distress before her pleasant smile took its place again.

            “Please send some of the guards outside to ensure her safety.  Should she not return by midnight, we will call a Generate Issue among all staff.  Thank you, Eunji,” Amethyst’s voice strained as the words left her lips.

            “Everything all right, Your Highness?” King Heechul questioned with a raised eyebrow.

            “All is as it should be.”

            Kris stared at Queen Amethyst’s posed smile and knew she meant the opposite of what she said.  Nothing the Queen had wanted was going to plan.

            But, are things going to plan for Yuna?


            Kris had waited around the well-sculpted Airdrethian Castle for the remainder of the day.  He absentmindedly followed Tao around as he fawned over the artistry hanging upon the many halls of the royal quarters.  He was internally regretting his choice to arrive a day early, as his entire reason for arriving had disappeared.

            Tao pointed out a tapestry with a squeal, clutching Kris’ arm to register a reaction.

            To be completely honest, he was not paying attention.

            So, Prince Kris was taken by surprise when Tao stopped in front of him in a defensive stance a few minutes later.

            “Ge, I think somebody is climbing in the window,” his youngest brother muttered.

            Sure, enough a dark covered figure was climbing onto the balcony on the third floor, a sword attached to its hip.

            Kris’ palm immediately went down to the hilt of his own sword.  He was prepared to fight anyone who held bad intentions towards Princess Yuna.

            The black hooded figure pushed into the window, stumbling as it did so.  The figure was much shorter than he was, but he did not underestimate the possible threat before him.

            “Yah, who are you and what do you want from the Airdrethian royal family?” Kris questioned, shoving Tao out of the way to get a good look at the attacker.

            However, the figure ignored him and simply walked in the opposite direction, clutching the cloak upon its body, and taking light, blithe steps.

            “I was speaking to you!” Kris exclaimed and reached forward, pulling the back of the cloak off of the figure, a head of charcoal hair and flowers was revealed.  As if he had touched fire, Kris’ hand shot back into his side.

            The figure slowly turned around, and her emerald green eyes peered curiously at Kris and Tao.

            “Excuse me, but I do not particularly believe that I pose a threat to my family or to myself,” the girl murmured as her gaze pierced the two.

            Tao shrunk back.

            Kris’ breath clouded in the back of his throat.

            “On the contrary, I believe, that you are the harmful ones here,” she continued, unsheathing her sword from the depths of her cloak.

Hey Guys!

I have updated!  And if you were wondering, COLLEGE IS GOING WONDERFUL!

So, Kris and Yuna have officially met in person!  What will occur next - you will have to wait to find out, sorry.

Thank you so much for the support!

Please continue to read, subscribe, upvote, comment, and enjoy!

You guys are truly wonderful, and I am lucky to have all of you as my readers - thank you all so much.


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Chapter 15: Pooh they finally meet!!! Please update soon!!!...
Research_I_Swear #2
Chapter 15: New reader here, I'm loving the story! May I ask, is this story abandoned? If not, I hope you update soon! Can't wait to see what happens next
Lovenhope #3
Chapter 15: Update very soon please I am absolutely in love with your story it would be great if you update it as soon as you can thank you for the amazing story
MiracleOrange #4
Chapter 15: I love this story but it hasnt been updated in so long :(
ILoveKDramas1 #5
Chapter 15: I Hope That U Update These Fic. Soon!!!