Homeroom 12A

We May Have Some Chemistry

Does anyone know a good poster shop I can request a poster from? 

“Welcome to Homeroom 12A and to your final year as high school students. I am Baek Seonsaengim, your homeroom teacher for this year. However, unless you are taking Chemistry, you won’t be seeing me except at the beginning and the end of each term. I will be handing out your course schedules for the year after roll call. Byun Haemi?”

Seohyun looked around the classroom. It was a luxurious room with high ceilings, tall paned windows and state of the art technology. What seemed like a real Monet hung in the back of the classroom. The student desks were solid oak and braced with steel so that they formed 4 orderly rows of 4 pairs. Even the chair she was sitting on was comfortable and cushioned. This was definitely a school for the country’s wealthy and Seohyun wasn’t sure she was comfortable with the blatant display of wealth.

“Seo Joohyun?”


“Hello, are you a new student?” Seohyun turned to meet the large and inquisitive eyes of a very pretty girl who sat beside her.

“Um, yes. Please call me Seohyun.” Seohyun whispered back. “Shouldn’t we be listening to Baek Seonsaengnim right now? I don’t want to come off as rebellious on my first day.”

The girl leaned in conspiratorially. “Don’t worry too much about talking right now. It’s just roll call and Baek-ssaem is really chill.”

“Song Victoria?”

“Here!” The girl shouted before turning back to Seohyun. “Nice to meet you. I’m—“

“Victoria, right?” Seohyun smiled and offered her hand.

“Right. Let’s be friends!”

“That would be nice.” Seohyun smiled shyly.

“Yah, Victoria, stop hogging her. Introduce us too.” The both of them turned around to see a girl and a boy sitting behind them. The girl had long straight hair, bright eyes and round cheeks. The boy had tousled hair, adorable eyes and the biggest smile Seohyun had ever seen.

“Alright, alright. But I’m keeping Seohyun on my side. You guys always pair up, leaving me alone.” Victoria pouted. “This pushy girl is Krystal and the one with the idiotic smile is Minhyuk.”

“Yah!!” The both of them yelled as they reached out simultaneously to smack Victoria.

“Did I mention that they are so in sync, they might as well be a couple?”, said Victoria weakly, hiding behind her new friend as Seohyun chuckled.

“Yah!” Krystal stood up. “Do you want to be hit a second time?!”

“Sit down, Jung Soo Jung!” All four of them fell silent and stared as Baek Seonsaengnim joined them. “Here are your schedules. New kid, you might want to pay attention before you get lost. Victoria, stop being a bully. And you two, take your lovers quarrel somewhere else.”

“Baek-ssaem, we’re just friends!” protested a tomato red Minhyuk as Seohyun and Victoria began laughing again.

Baek-ssaem just winked.

“Eeew, Seonsaengnim, that’s gross!”

 “I got Mr. Watts for Physics.”, said Victoria, glumly, sitting down at the table with a tray of food. “All he does is make us copy notes all class. Even on the first day of class, we had to copy down all the notes for Chapter 1.1 to 1.3. My hands are so sore! This is what photocopiers were invented for!”

“That’s what you get for taking Physics…he’s the only teacher that teaches physics. You should have known, Victoria.” chided Minhyuk, unwrapping his utensils and starting in on his Club Sandwich.

“I knooow, but I was hoping Mr. Watts might finally write that thesis he’s been talking about for years and we could get a younger, hot, teacher.”

“Your physics woes have nothing on me. I got Kim ajhumma for English.” said Krystal, pushing a fork through her chocolate cake.

“Dessert last.” scolded Minhyuk, as he moved the cake away. “I thought you liked English?”

“Yeah but she’s making us do Shakespeare for the WHOLE year.” groaned Krystal. “What about you Seohyun? How’s History with Lee-ssaem?”

“Well…I think she’s great and it’s going to be a really fun year.”

The three of them stared at her in shock. Even Minhyuk looked a little awed. They whispered amongst themselves as Seohyun grew more and more bewildered.

“It’s still the same Lee-ssaem right?” said Victoria in hushed tones.

“Yeah, I had History too.” confirmed Minhyuk.

“Oh my god. She’s one of them,” gasped Krystal. “She’s one of the smart ones. She’s like a Minnhyuk in Math, except in History.”

"There's one way to prove it."

They turned back to Seohyun. “Who’s your idol, Seohyun?”

“Um…I don’t know. It’s a little weird to say it out loud.”

“Is it someone from DBSK? SJ? Or maybe Big Bang? Just tell us!”

“Ban Ki Moon.”, said Seohyun, with a completely straight face.


“Ban Ki Moon. You know, the UN Secretary General. I read his book; it’s my favorite.”

Victoria burst out laughing, as Krystal broke out in a broad smile. Minhyuk more or less managed to reign back his laughter as he noticed the reddening in Seohyun’s cheeks.

“My idol is Stephen Hawking.”, he shared.

“You’re adorable, Hyunnie.”, cooed Victoria. “Can I call you that?”

“Hyun. It has a nice ring to it.”, said Krystal. “Let us call you that!”

Seohyun nodded awkwardly. It was a bit different from the nickname she was used to; her friends called her "Cat" when she was Catherine in the states.

“Stop it, guys. You’re making her uncomfortable.” said Minhyuk. “Do you have any questions about the school, Seohyun?”

“The class system is still a bit confusing.” She replied.  “So we have a homeroom and a locker but we all go to different classes?”

“Yes, because everyone takes slightly different electives, our schedules turn out a bit different.” explained Victoria. “For example, you and Minhyuk are taking History but Krystal and I are taking Economics.”

“Then what’s the significance of homeroom?” asked Seohyun.

“It’s a way for the school to organize students. Homerooms make it easier for the school to hand out reports, schedules and notices etc.” explained Minhyuk. “Homerooms are organized in terms of your school grades. The better you score on exams, the closer your homeroom number is to A. So our homeroom, 12A, represents that we’re in grade 12 and our grades are amongst the top 30 in our school.”

“Hey, that you guys are all really smart too! Why did you act all surprised that I like History?”

Too?” asked Victoria, with a grin. “We’ve got a sneaky indirect brag here.”

“The rankings change every half term though. Just thinking about it stresses me out” sighed Krystal, shoving more cake into . (Minhyuk gave it back after she had finished her lunch.) “I’m always near the brink so Minhyuk always has to help me with math and physics. And Victoria has to help me with foreign languages.”

“I’ll be happy to help out too!” said Seohyun. “Don’t worry. The rankings are just a number anyways.”

“Yeah, no matter how you score we’ll be here,” said Minhyuk.

“Besides you always make it anyways.” smiled Victoria.

“Aww, you guys are making me cry!”

They all laughed as Krystal wiped away an imaginary tear.

Brrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnng! Brrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnng!

“Time to head to Chemistry, guys.” said Minhyuk.

“The class we all have together!” cheered Victoria. “Who would miss out on Baek-ssaem’s class?”

“Is he just really chill?” asked Seohyun.

“He’s chill but he makes sure that we work for our grades and that we learn.” explained Krystal. “In short, he’s lax but he’s responsible.”

“Alright, I never liked Chemistry but I’m excited to start!”

“Neeerd.” teased Krystal. “Hyunnie gets excited for school.”

The four of them took the seats they had sat in during homeroom and continued their talking as Seohyun described what school was like in the States. Meanwhile, in the back of the classroom, Yonghwa sat in his desk near the windows, casually observing his new target.

“She’s pretty, isn’t she?” remarked Jungshin.

“Hmm? The new student?” asked Yonghwa. “She’s smoking hot. And she’s going to be mine.”

“My girlfriend mine? Or my "nighttime roll around" mine?”

“It doesn’t have to be nighttime.”

“I don’t know, hyung.” frowned Jungshin. “She seems like a nice girl.”

“Just relax. The quiet ones are the wildest in bed. Rawr.” winked Yonghwa as Jungshin just sighed. At this point, nothing was going to change his hyung’s greasy playboy attitude.

A/N: So this is it guys. The infamous filler chapter. I’m taking this chapter as an opportunity to explain how the school is going to work and also show Seohyun’s friendship with her new friends. Victoria’s the preppy one, Krystal’s the one that’s a bit stressed out and Minhyuk is the diplomat of the group. And if anyone has seen Heirs (I’ve only actually watched clips) they’ll understand why I want to keep Minhyuk and Krystal together. You guys ready for Yonghwa and Seohyun to meet for reals?

Dialogue is honestly my weak point so please be gentle ^^

Haha yup, Yong’s a ert. And Jungshin seems to think all hope is lost. ;)
Btw your username, jonghyun as in Lee Jonghyun? He’s currently on the top of my CNBlue bias list. Sorry, he’s not showing up till a little later though. ^^

Thanks! I hope you continue to enjoy the story

Well I should finish what I started. And I do love them together. Here’s the update! Even though it’s just a filler :/

Thanks for your support! Here’s the update. :)

Thanks for the compliment. I hope it stays interesting!

And fianlly, here’s a teaser for all my readers!
TEASER: The title for the next chapter is “Kiss in the Rain”.

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Thank you!
I was moving recently so I had too much to do. But finally, here's the update!


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Chapter 5: I don't want to lose hope that you'll still come back & update :(
Heybeautiful #2
Chapter 5: Please don't leave this story hanging! I just saw this and I'm really interested in the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 5: Just found the story
I like the story
Please update because i can't wait for the next chap
Chapter 5: Hehe he's so cute, Yong is just a hormonal guy XD of course Seobaby is like the cutest thing ever sooo it's okay!!
Chapter 5: That was cool... I like read all 5chapters less than an hour I really like it
oniongring #6
Chapter 5: I guess we can look forward to the racing that'll happen at night? Hopefully in the next update? Haha...not gonna lie tt I went back to re-read the previous chapters to remind myself of the story line again :p Thanks for the update! ^^
Heybeauty #7
Chapter 5: I love your fanfics ! Hopefully you can update soon when you have the time (:
Chapter 4: Lol can Hyerin just evaporate haha! I always imagine Sistar's Hyorin as Hyerin. why idk :p
ok I'll just live with your updates, short or long they are so good! This could just be a starting to the date or not?
Even though this is just a story, would you let a handsome playboy bleh class fellow to drive your car because you need to run away?

I totally would :D haha
hope to see the next soon :D
cnsdGirl #9
Chapter 4: Hey!!!!! I got one point!! Just not about the father, but the brother! Yah Jungmo! Dude..that is too sudden man! What with the run away thing? Oh my!! I forgot!!! Wait! Let me pack my things!!! Let's run awayyyyyyyy!!! xD
But seriously, why? Author-nim........... (Yup, I'm glaring you :p and sticking out my tongue too) Uh, arranged marriage? No, I think it's too common. Or maybe, he want to be in band. LOL! Since in real life, he is in a band. So yeah. Hehehe. Get my point right? x3

And geez! Hyerin..wow! WOW!! WE, GIRLS, SHOULDN'T BE THAT CHEAP!! HOW COULD YOU???? *drama alert* Hahhh! As if I care about you! Big L for you. Yonghwa doesn't seem enjoy your tongue right? (I'm mean. Why am I being like this???? Well...it's fun x3)

Yonghwa-ssi, I found that your flirtiness is convert to caringness(?) if you with Seohyun. Shouldn't you realize that? It's charming when you switch your paper with Seohyun. I'm jealous! Can you give me that kind of man to me too, authornim? Of course minus the playboy behaviour. Hehehe. Peace!! ^^v

Seohyun, be strong!!! Hm..good thing that you 'elope' with Yonghwa! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! xD

Update soon!
Chapter 4: Awww, you're so sweet for replying to all of our comments! This update was very intriguing, time to bring in the plot!! XD go go go :P