The night was all we had (and then I had to go)

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24 Hours

The first time I woke up Chanyeol was pressing butterfly kisses across my collarbones. He whispered my name like a prayer and lured me from the clutches of sleep.

I managed to open my eyes enough to see a bright smile already plastered onto his face. He looked much too cheerful for me to handle at that moment, grinning down at me.

“What time is it?” I groaned, moving my arm to cover my eyes. I wanted nothing more than to turn over and bury my head back into the pillows (or his chest) and fall back asleep.

“Almost noon,” He said with lips pressed against my throat, “Which is why you need to get up.” Chanyeol pulled away and swung his legs over the side of the bed. “I have to go.”

“Wrong answer.” I replied, blinking away the sleep from my eyes. I sat up slowly and watched him look for his pants. I immediately realized the state of undress I was in and pulled the sheets up higher. “You make some really questionable life choices.”

“I’d like to take a shower before sound check,” He chuckled as we slipped one leg into his pants.

I unabashedly followed his half-dressed figure as he moved from one corner of my tiny room to another, gathering various articles of his clothing. I bit my lips as his arms flexed and the taut skin of his back shifted with each movement—not to mention his was pretty cute too.

“Stop staring at my ,” He said as he slipped his belt through the hoops, tightening it and fastening it.

“Then stop sticking it in my face,” I teased, sticking my tongue out and eliciting a smile from him.

Chanyeol sat by the foot of my bed and began to put on his socks, “Are you coming to see the show tonight?”

I was already being lured back to sleep but I fought to keep my eyes opened, “Sorry, Park but my parents are already pissed I’m using up all their money by going to culinary school. I don’t think they’d be too pleased if I spent any more of it on a boy band.”

“Would you like to go to the show tonight?”

“Well, if you’ve giving me tickets, I’d never say no to a free show.”

He just laughed and began to put on his shoes. Chanyeol was still in all of his shirtless glory, and though my brain was hardly functioning, it was functioning enough to remind me of how his arms felt wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him.

“I’ll have you put on the list, alright?”

I just hummed in response as he put on his undershirt, hiding his bare torso from me. He pulled on his puffy LA Dodgers jacket and zipped it up, while my eyes began to relax once more. It was only when he was pulling my arms up, and slipping an article of clothing over me that I was woken up again.

“What’re you doin’?” I asked as I slipped my arms through the long sleeves of the top. It was warm smelled like him. As I popped my head through the right hole I looked down and realized he had clothed me in his sweater. It was the words ‘HOOD BY AIR’ printed in big gray letters across the front of it.

“I’ve always fantasized about a girl dressed in my clothes.” He smirked as he examined his work.

“And the verdict is?”

“Even better than my dreams.”

I just rolled my eyes as he gathered his belongings, his wallet in his back pocket, his phone in the front, and his snapback just waiting to be put on.

“I’m afraid it’s time for me to go.” He said, ruffling my head.

“No,” I protested. I took this as my chance and grabbed his arm, pulling him closer to me. “Stay.” I tugged at his limb harshly and he gave in and sat next to me on the bed.

“I can’t.” He said, defeated. He instead pressed a kiss to my forehead. And in a moment of panic, I pressed my lips to his when he was pulling away.

I had come to the conclusion that I would never get sick of kissing Park Chanyeol.

He pulled away with a sigh, resting his forehead on mine, eyes closed, “You’re going to kill me.”

“That’s the plan, Park.”

With a slight chuckle he finally pulled away and I let go of his arm. “I left a note on your desk with my number and instructions for the concert, okay?”

I only nodded and pulled the sheets up to my chin.

He ran his fingers through his raspberry red hair one last time and slipped his snapback on, “Sweet dreams, babe.”

I wanted to say something to him but I didn’t know what. So I stayed quiet instead and watched him send me a smile and turn away from me. He closed the door behind him and I waited until I heard the front open and close before I shifted in bed, closing my eyes and falling back asleep.


The second time I woke up the sun was beating down on me through my windows. I groaned and shifted around my bed, trying to position myself in a way that the sun would not get to my eyes. When I turned around I saw Aiko through my barely opened eyes, sitting next to me.

“Yah, wake up, Hyemi.” She said, nudging my shoulder.

I groaned in response, but I tried to wipe away as much sleep from my eyes as I could. Aiko was staring down at me with a large grin on her face.

“You know, when I told you to jump him, I was joking. I didn’t think you’d actually do it. Do him.”

“How did you know I—“ I started, but she simply gave a pointed look toward the oversized sweater I was donning and what I could tell was a serious case of bed head. I could only flush in embarrassment.

“How was it? There isn’t much gossip about this boy. Is he a beast in the sack?” he teased as I sat up straighter, rubbing my face in a sad attempt to wake myself up.

“I don’t think I’m ready to talk about that without at least two cups of coffee in my system.” I said, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and searching for a clean pair of knickers.

“Well, it seems everyone else is fine talking about it.” She said, standing up as well.

“What?” I asked as I pulled up my underwear, “What are you talking about?”

“It just… seems there was a major world event. And you were part of it.” Aiko said as she started walking out.

I stared after her in confusion, unsure whether or not I really wanted to know what she was talking about. I pulled my hair out of my face and piled it on top of my head in a tight bun and walked out into the kitchen.

I desperately wanted to take a shower. I still had the make up from yesterday caked onto my skin and a thin sheen of sweat covering my body, but Aiko and coffee were more important right now.

My laptop was opened up on the breakfast nook nestled into the corner of the room. The flat was too small to have an actual dining room, so the breakfast nook was where we had all our meals and not just breakfast. I slid into one of the stools and Aiko slid my mug over to me, filled with fresh brewed coffee—the one thing we allow ourselves to splurge on.

Aiko allowed me to at least drink half of my cup of coffee before she attacked.

“What happened last night?!” She asked, body already posed to attack. “I mean, I know some of it, but not enough! Fill in the gaps! And I mean, more importantly, how was the ? Because I got in a little past nine and you two were already passed out. What happens now? Are you going to see each other again? Do you have his number at least?”

She continued to fire question after question, and I assumed it’d be best if I just let her get it all out now instead of explaining and have her cut me off after every five seconds.

“YAH! Jung Hyemi!” She yelled, slapping the hand I had left on the table, annoyed I had not responded immediately.

“What?” I grumbled grumpily, eyes narrowing at the look she was giving me.

“Are you going to start explaining any time soon? Because, like, I’ve seen the pictures and I need you to fill in the gaps and tell me all the juicy little things that happened in between.” She said, eyes wide in exasperation.

“We just hung o—“ I began, already prepared with an incredibly condensed version of my night before I stopped myself. “Wait, what?” I backtracked, “What pictures?”

Aiko looked genuinely confused. “Uh, the pictures Chanyeol posted?” She recalled, furrowing her brows at me.

“I-I-I don’t—I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You… don’t know?” She asked, her once eager expression, now a sullen one.

“I don’t know what?”

Aiko stayed silent, but instead reached for my laptop and opened up a web browser, typing something into a search engine. In just a matter of seconds she turned the screen for me to read.

Park Chanyeol’s Tokyo Rendezvous?

If you follow Park Chanyeol’s Instagram (and don’t lie to yourself, you definitely do), then you probably caught the numerous photos Chanyeol posted just last night, depicting a very fun and spontaneous night out in Tokyo. While the photos themselves are interesting, they went viral in minutes because of what—or rather who—was in them. Has the EXO rapper found himself a lady friend? Being a member of one of the hottest boy bands, he’s no stranger to being linked with different ladies, but now the red haired happy virus has taken to posting his own photos on his SNS accounts. Cue the heart-shattering screams of millions of girls worldwide (and the angry cry of many sasaeng fans).

The first photo was posted at around 12 AM KST (photo below) and gives us our first glimpse of our mystery girl, who is seen in fuzzy cat ears, jut about to take a bite of what looks like a very good meal of Katsudon. The pictures only get more interesting from there, from posing with giant Rilakkuma bears to (apparent) empty museum haunts. Perhaps what was more devastating for fans than the actual photos would be captions he’d put for each photo. They’d range from funny and lighthearted to down right mush (“I think I understand art now.”? Help, we’ve fallen on the floor and can’t get up).

Right now we’re all full of a number of questions: Who is this girl? How does she know Chanyeol? And most importantly—is Mr. Park off the market?

We’re hard at work trying to find answers to these questions, but for now, all we can do is longingly stare at these photos and pretend we’re Chanyeol’s mystery girl.


The gossip inducing photos have been taken down. Whether it was SM Entertainment stepping in, or if loverboy had a change of heart, we don’t know. But don’t fret, we’ve taken screenshots of these photos (and comments, too! Yikes!) for your visual perusal

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tipani1 #1
Chapter 8: I read the uhhh mature stuff around the middle-ish to the end with my mouth wide open lol. I thought they were tired lol. They are toooo cute! !!! KAWAII!!!!!
ficsystem #2
Chapter 13: i read it yesterday but i come again to drop my thought.
i didn't read idols pairing except chanbaek (i'm not strict with baek+OC or chan+oc tho) so when i finished this i told my friend: i didn't sleep to read chanzy, yknow chan+female idols isn't my style but this...i even subscribed the sequel. it's freak. my friend: lol yes you're freak!
And Belle... the fact that i found it when i couldn't sleep and read this 8 hours straight sleepless is just funny!
thank you, Belle this is cool!
i forgot what chapter but it is when chan wanted to go to the river. i like hyemi's mental monologue saying: ask me jump the cliff blah3 i'll do in a heartbeat. asdjasdjasdjasdj.
wait for your next work. bye!
hello belle miss ko na to gusto ko lang sabihin okay
okay lang
Chapter 13: I loved this: )
lemonnez #5
Chapter 12: Ohgod I'm waiting for the sequel okkkokkkkk
farabigail #6
Chapter 12: Oh my god i dont know what to saaaayyyy
I reaallyy in love with this storyyyy, i imagine suzy and chanyeol uwaaaaahh <3
Really can't wait for the sequell^^ <33333
littlemxcn10 #7
Chapter 12: Ahhhhhh this storyy! Just freaking amazing <3 you don't understand how hype I got when I read the afterword about there being a sequel! Ahhh you're amazing author-nim!! ^^
Chapter 11: Sequel, yes... It can be like sleepless in Seoul, lol. But I like Seulgi aswell, so I really would that idea too. Argh conflicted!
Chapter 11: I HATE YOU