Halloween Party

Thanks To Him


It's been a few days since the incident between U-Kwon and L.Joe in the cafeteria. Ever since, I kept my word to myself by avoiding L.Joe in any way possible and it's finally Friday. From what I noticed, U-Kwon seems a lot better now. I haven't had any awkward encounters with L.Joe because I learned not to ever go anywhere around the school alone like I usually do. Well except in the morning since me and U-Kwon arrive the earliest out of the group. 

"So what do you want to dress as for Halloween?" U-Kwon asked me as we both stood on the bus to school. 

"I really have no idea, I don't usually dress up for Halloween. How about you?" I asked him back. 

With his free hand, he placed his index finger on the side of his cheek and pretended to think hard. "I'm not sure yet either." he said with a cute pout. 

Him and his aegyo, it always gives me energy in the morning. "I wonder how the others want to dress like." I said. 

"We'll see after school then." he just smiled as he looked outside. 

"Yeap," I nodded. 

I felt someone's stare on me. I looked around and saw Jay just glaring at me. When he saw me look, he coldly looked away. I sighed, 'What happened to him?' I thought to myself. 

We got to school and did the usual. We separately went to our lockers and after we'll meet in the cafeteria. Like always, L.Joe was waiting at my locker. 

I did the usually and just opened my locker to place my backpack inside then closed it. 

"Still ignoring me," L.Joe said as he leaned against his locker with his hands in his pockets, "I see."

I took a glance at him, I couldn't tell what kind of expression he had on his face but I decided to just walk away. He was pretty different from other days. 

Jay's POV

its lunch time and we all sat down at our usual table. The guys continued to talk about the Halloween party that was happening in a few weeks. 

"Are you going?" Chunji asked me and the others just waited for my answer. 

"I don't know yet." I replied, I don't see any reason for me to go. 

"Oh come on, you need to come. You didn't attend last year." Changjo just pouted. 

I just looked at my phone, still showing no interest to this Halloween party. 

"It's our last year, we should all go." CAP told me. 

"You're not going?" I heard L.Joe ask as he sat down beside me. 

All of them, including me, looked at L.Joe with a shocked expression. 

"You're here early." I told him, he usually joins us later. 

He just nodded and just sat there. He wasn't even holding his phone in his hands. 

"Yah..." Ricky whispered, "What's wrong with him?"

I looked at L.Joe with his emotionless expression. He looked straight outside, not moving a bit. 

"Not with a girl today?" I joked with him. 

He shook his head, "Nope." he simply answered. 

The table was quiet for a while until L.Joe spoke again. 

"This is going to be harder than I thought." I heard him whisper to himself and cross his arms. 

Oh, that's why. Making Hyemi like him? That's what he's talking about right? I wouldn't be surprised if she does end up liking him. All the girls do eventually but I'm surprised she didn't already start liking him. 

Your POV

Its Friday and school is done for the week! I watched all of them as they all playfully tried on different accessories and costumes. Except Sierra, she just stood there and pouted the whole time. I guess she didn't feel like dressing up yet she still wanted to go the party. 

I started getting curious about what U-Kwon mentioned on the first day so I went around the store looking for him. He was with Minhyuk and Taeil. 

"U-Kwon!" I called him and made a hand gesture to make him come to me. 

All three of them looked at me then U-Kwon came. 

I pulled him lightly to spy on the rest where Sierra was. We both poked out our heads on the side. 

"What are we doing?" he asked me as we both looked where Sierra was. 

"Remember that thing you told me on Monday?" I asked him. "Which one of them were you talking about?"

"Huh?" he looked at me, confused. 

"Which one likes her?" I curiously asked him. 

"I said 'I think'. I'm not sure if he really does." he replied. 

"Oh, but still." I wanted to know who. "Which one?"

He looked back towards them. "There." he nodded his head towards Sierra. 

I looked and saw someone sneaking up on her. "Is that Kyung?" I whispered. 

"Yup." U-Kwon nodded as he replied. 

We both watched attentively and saw Kyung lightly place a headband with cat ears on her head. Her eyes just widened. She turned around and saw Kyung. 

Kyung cheekily smiled, "You should be a cat for the Halloween party. It suits you well."

"What do you mean it suits me well?" she asked him with crossed arms. 

"Cats are cute." he simply answered. "Like you!" he added with a huge smile. 

I noticed her expression, I can tell that caught her off guard but she was flattered. She embarrassingly smiled. "Thanks."

I noticed Zico facepalm at Kyung. I giggled as I saw his reaction. 

"That was cute." I told U-Kwon. 

"I think there's more up his sleeve." he replied and laughed. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him. 

"That was pretty weak for Kyung." he just looked at me. I still didn't get what he meant. "You'll probably see eventually."

Only two days before Halloween, we all sat at our table at lunch time. 

Zico held his wallet and looked through it and slowly looked at the Halloween ticket. He took it out and just looked closely. 

"Did you guys notice the number on the corner of the ticket?" he asked as he pointed it out for us. 

The guys all took out theirs and saw it too. 

"What is it for?" Taeil asked Zico. 

"Not sure." he replied. 

I wanted to check mine so I opened my wallet. I slid out what I thought was my ticket but it turned out to be something else. Where is it?

"Mines number 110." Sierra said as she stated at her ticket too. 

"Our numbers go in order since we all bought it together." Minhyuk said. 

"What's yours?" I heard Yukwon ask me. 

I continued to look through my wallet. "Uh, I'm not sure, it's in my bag." actually, I wasn't sure if it was. 

L.Joe's POV

"Why are you holding your ticket?" Jay asked me. 

"My ticket?" I held the ticket I found on the floor this morning. "It's not mine."

"Then who's is it?" Chunji asked me as he tilted his head to the side. 

"I don't even know." I told them as I sat down. 

"Oh check the number!" Ricky said excitedly.

"Why?" I just asked him. 

"Apparently there's a prize for the two people that have the same number." He explained. 

I chuckled. "Really? What numbers do you guys have?"

They told me their numbers. 70-75. Then there's Jay with 111. 

"Wait, why is there such a big gap between theirs and yours?" I looked at him with a confused look. 

"We all bought it at the same time, I don't know." he replied. 

From our table, I noticed Hyemi walk out the cafeteria in a bit of a rush and she's alone, finally. 

"Be right back guys." I smirked and got up. 

Your POV

I looked around my locker and inside too. Not there. Did I Ieave it at home?

I heard footsteps coming my way. Oh please don't tell me...

"What are you doing here alone?" L.Joe's voice caught me off guard even though I knew it was him. 

"Nothing." I replied as I still looked around. 

I heard him chuckle. "Let me guess, you lost your ticket?" he asked me. 

Oh my god. Are you serious? He has it? "Of course not." I lied and looked through my bag again. 

I saw him give me a look from the corner of my eye. "Well I guess this doesn't belong to you." he held a ticket in his hand. 

I sighed. I tried grabbing it out of his hand but he moved away. 

"So it is yours. Lucky me." he smirked at me. "It’s been a while since we had a decent conversation."

I bit my lip and got hold of the ticket but he snatched it away. 

"If you ask, then I'll give it to you." he said with a curved smile. 

"Give it." I demanded. 

"Ask nicely, and say my name at the end. It'll sound nicer that way." this guy is having fun isn't he?

"Can I please have it?" I didn't want to say his name. 

"You're missing something." he told me as he held the ticket high. 

I crossed my arms. 

He took a peek at the ticket then his eyes widened. He just smiled and looked at me. "You know what, here?" he simply gave me the ticket. 

I was confused, why'd he just give it to me? 

"I'll see you at the party." he waved and winked then walked to the cafeteria. 

"I really don't get you." I said to myself and scratched my head. 

Authors POV

it’s finally the Halloween party and the party started only minutes ago. People lined up as they showed their tickets to get their mask. 

Meanwhile, at home...

"Awwh, ______ you're so cute!" her mom said excitedly as she looked at her costume. 

"I wore this last year." she said stubbornly as she pouted. 

"Well, you can't go to a Halloween party without a costume." she fixed the headband on ______'s head. 

The doorbell rang. 

"He's here!" my mom had a giant smile on her face and started pulling me to the door. She opened the door and Yukwon stood there in his costume. 

_______ blinked a few times one the door swung open. 

Yukwon shyly laughed at her costume. 

________'s mom brought them to school since the party was after school. 

"You two have fun today!" her mother excitedly said and pushed ______ out the door. 

"Pika." Yukwon joked at her costume. 

"Shut up!" she pouted and crossed her arms as they started walking. "... Nerd." _______ said as she looked at him and giggled. 

He chuckled. "Suits me right?"

"Mhm, yeah whatever." she simply replied and they both shared a laugh. 

Your POV

We entered the school and the first thing we saw was the line up to enter where the actually party was. It's amazing how everyone was dressed, usually there’s some people just dress normally. 

I heard a bunch of guys laughing hysterically. I looked at saw the rest. All of them were laughing except Sierra and Kyung. Sierra just facepalmed. 

"Seems like you missed one." Yukwon said and simply laughed. 

"Missed what?" I asked him. 

"Kyung's... Greasiness." he replied. 

We walked up to them. I noticed that Sierra dressed as a cat like Kyung suggested. 

Sierra looked my way with a relieved expression. "Thank god you're here!" she came and link her arm with mine. 

"What happened?" I asked her, confused. 

"Kyung is being... Kyung, that's all." she replied. 

I just nodded. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Ricky with the others including Jay. I sighed and looked back at Sierra. She just gave me this look. 


"Is Jay seriously the guy?" she asked my with an eyebrow raised. 

"Is Jay seriously the guy what?" P.O stood in front of us with his head tilted to the side. 

Both our eyes widened. 

"Nothing!" we both replied in sync. 

He just made an 'o' with his mouth and nodded. 

"Let's start lining up." Zico suggested. 

Me and Sierra were the last ones out of our group to get our masks. We both gave our tickets to the one that was giving them. The girl looked at Sierra's and gave her a mask. Then she looked at mine and looked at me. 

She smiled, "Have fun." she said as she handed me a blue mask with black lining. 

"Thank you." I said and put on my mask. 

The party was in the gym but by the way it was decorated, you couldn't even tell. The lights were dimmed with flashing lights everywhere. The music was loudly playing making it hard to have a conversation with someone. 

"Where are they?" I asked Sierra as we walked through. 

"Sierra, Hyemi!" I heard P.O's deep voice call us. 

L.Joe's POV

'Where is that girl?' I thought to myself as I looked around the gym from where the guys and I were standing. They weren't kidding when they said that everyone is going to be wearing a mask. 

"Remember what people kept saying last year about the school parties?" Chunji asked all of them. 

"Yeah, but I don't remember exactly what it was. Wasn't that two years ago though?" CAP replied and leaned against the wall. 

Chunji just nodded, "Oh, true."

Ricky's eyebrow raised, "I think it's about the dri---" 

"Where's Jay?" I noticed that Jay was gone.

"I think he went to get food." Ricky simply replied. 

"Yah, let's go there!" Changjo said excitedly as he pointed towards the dance floor where most people were. 

Your POV

We all watched as Minhyuk freestyled on the dance floor surrounded by a bunch of people in a half-moon shape which made it easy for us to watch from where we were. With his mask, he looked kind of mysterious. 

"Wow, he's really good." I said as I continued to watch attentively each move after the other. 

The song ended and he simply bowed in each direction then came back to us. 

"Was I too much?" he chuckled and smiled. 

"I didn't know you can dance." I lightly punched his arm. 

He just laughed, "Well now you know." he started fanning himself with his hand. "I'm going to get a drink." he told us and went. 

"I see that someone might like Minhyuk." I heard P.O's deep voice beside my ear. 

I turned and shook my head. "No I don't. I just didn't know that he's a dancer." 

"Mhm." he didn't believe me. "Then who do you like? Yukwon? He dances too." 

Really Yukwon too? I hope I get to see it today. I just looked at P.O, "I don't like anyone in that way yet." I froze at how I said 'yet'.

"Yeah, whatever. We'll see throughout the year." he smirked and stood beside the guys. 

"I'm thirsty." Sierra linked her arm with mine. "Let's get juice."

I just nodded and followed since she let go. 

The person distributing the drinks gave us ours and I noticed Ricky coming. I can tell that it's him because of his hair and I was able to see his face pretty well even though he had his mask on. 

"Hi Ricky." I waved with a smile. I couldn't help but say hi. 

He tilted his head to the side and squinted then widened his eyes, "Oh! Hi Hyemi." he waved back and stood in front of me. 

"I'll meet you back with the others, okay?" Sierra said with a thumbs up with her free hand. I nodded then she left. 

"Have you seen Jay? I mean Jaebum?" he corrected himself. "You know, your science partner?" he hastily asked me. 

"Uh, no, why? What's wrong?" I asked him. 

"Not sure, it's just that I haven't seen him since we got in." he simply replied. 

"Maybe he's outside, he usua---. To get some fresh air." I corrected myself. Good job ________. What happened to your lying skills?

"Hm, you're right. Thanks!" he thanked me and waved bye. 

"Hey baby." I heard some guy say, I wasn't sure if it was for me so I didn't bother turning around. 

I took a sip of my drink but immediately choked on it. Now I remember the thing I couldn't remember. Our year planned to mix alcohol with the juice when it was our senior year. The taste of the alcohol burned my throat. 

The same guy from earlier spoke, "I can make your thunder bolt." Oh my gosh, that was terrible, I couldn't help but laugh. Now I knew that this guy was talking to me, unless there was another person dressed as Pikachu. 

Curious me, I turned around to see the guy. He looked at me with the most flirtatious smile. I just turned around and tried looking for the rest. I heard a loud thump sound as I tiptoed to see over the dancefloor. Well that plan failed. 

I felt a hand grab mine. Thinking that it was the guy with the lame pick up line, I tried shaking off his handed without taking a single peek at him but he wouldn't let go. 


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Chapter 26: omg just quickly tell her you know! omg olspls update more soon
ohshytsitzmarina #2
Chapter 26: </3 Jay babyyy. just kiss her! that'll make it all better.. lol teehee
but i loved this chapter.
Chocolatemushrooms #3
Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon please!
Chapter 24: asdfg this is getting good can't wait for more Myungsoo/L ^^
curlyfriesLOL #5
Chapter 21: I'm on chapter 15 with 9 more to go. So far, I'm loving it. *0*
Chapter 23: #teamjay.
Awh. Ive lost hopes for Yookwon and L.joe.. I want her to be with Jay...
OHHHH now i get it! L was her best friend when she was Chaerin!
So, what would Jay and the rest do now that they know her real identity?
Ahh, Jay or L? x( Update soon. :) <3