What A Long Day

Thanks To Him


L.Joe's POV

We got off the metro and walked outside. I looked at Hyemi and she was so quiet. I checked the schedule and we had the choice between a movie and an amusement park. I looked at the rest of the schedule and noticed that some activities repeated but at a different time. Typical activities. 

"What do you want to do?" I asked her and she just stood beside me with both of her hands in her pockets. 

"Amusement park." she answered. 

Jay's POV

The annoying bell rang meaning that class is over. I lazily got up and picked up my books then went to my locker. Once I got to it, I checked on the complete opposite side of the hallway to see if L.Joe was there. Usually he's there because of Hyemi but it seems like not today. 

I went to our lunch table and all of them just looked at me carefully. Why're they staring at me like that? 

"What?" I asked them and just eyed them. None of them answered so I just decided to look around my phone for fun. 

"Do you remember what we did last night?" Chunji asked me carefully. 

I looked back up at all of them and thought about his question. What did we do yesterday? And why can't I remember? 

Ricky placed his hand on my shoulder, "You really don't remember?" he asked me. 

I chuckled, "Why? Did something happen yesterday that I don't know about?" They all stayed quiet. I just looked at all of them, waiting for an answer. "Whatever." I coldly said. "Where's L.Joe? He's not at school today?" I asked, hoping for an answer this time. 

"He's on a date." Niel naturally replied. 

I guess I should've known. Either too lazy to go to school or with a girl. 

"With who?" I, for some reason, was curious to know. 

They kept quiet again. What's with them today? 

"Hyemi." Ricky finally answered me. 

"Oh, the new girl?" I asked to make sure. "She actually agreed?" That’s surprising.

"Well, not really." Chunji started explaining. "The both won a contest yesterday and that's what they won."

I tried thinking about yesterday. Oh, Halloween party. So that's what we did yesterday. "Oh." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth and nodded. 

Your POV 

I waited for L.Joe to buy our entry passes for the amusement park. I looked around and I was able to see some of the rides. So this is what it looks like in real life. I sighed as I looked at the scenery. I wish I came here with mom and dad... Like the way they promised me when I was younger. A tear almost escaped my eyes but I blinked just in time to make it go away. 

I saw a pair of tickets appear in front of me. Then I felt an arm around my shoulder. I looked at the side and he stared at me with a smile. "Let's go?" he asked. 

I nodded without even thinking about it. Why didn't I even hesitate?

We went in and I looked around in amazement. 'Wow...' I mouthed. It looked even better than I had imagined it to be. 

"Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned look on his face. 

I bit my lip and nodded. 

We both walked side by side, trying to figure out what ride we should to start with. 

"Is it your first time at an amusement park?" He simply asked. 

I felt his stare on me. "Yeap." I answered and nodded, I don't know why but I decided to look at him to see his reaction. 

He looked surprised then he let out a soft smile and looked at me. "Then let's make this a memorable first." he grabbed my hand lightly and started pulling me towards the entrance to a giant roller coaster. Luckily there was barely anyone so the wait was pretty much nothing. 

We both froze as we got to the top of the stairs. We both looked at each other with a sort of neutral face. The person waited for us to sit in the carts. 

"Scared?" I daringly asked L.Joe with a smirk on my face. 

He chuckled then a smirk formed on his face too. "Psh, not even." he walked towards the first cart and waited for me to come. 

F-First cart? This is my first roller coaster and he expects me to go on the first cart?!

"Seems like you're the one who's scared now." he daringly smiled. 

I had the same reaction he had earlier then I chuckled and walked to the first cart. 

"Ladies first." he motioned his arm for me to sit down. I took my seat and he immediately sat beside me. We pulled down the security bar. I looked up to see how high the first ramp was... That's pretty high... Are they even allowed to have rides that go this high? I bit my lip. 

"You okay?" he asked as he looked at me. 

"I'm fine." I replied and looked back at the ramp. 

I saw his hand appear in front of me. "Need it?" he asked with a curved smile. 

I slapped it away, "I don't need your stupid... Small hand."

"Small? Your hands are smaller than mine." he scoffed. 

"That because I'm a gi--" I got caught off guard by the ride and made a short scream. I heard him chuckle again. I heard the loud clicking sounds as we slowly made our way up the first ramp. I looked down and saw how high we were already. Okay, I am so going to die now. I am really going to die. I wanted to see if we were almost at the top and we were. Just a few more seconds away from the top. I took a deep breath and waited for the cart to drop down the ramp. 

L.Joe's POV

Oh my god, this is going to be hilarious. I looked at Hyemi and she looked so nervous. You're going to regret not holding on my hand. Just a few more seconds now...


Her scream was loudly heard by probably everyone at the park. I couldn't help but laugh. I have to admit though, I was a bit scared going up but watching Hyemi makes the ride not scary at all. I suddenly felt her hand interlock with mine. Woah, didn't see that coming. She tightly held my hand. I looked at her and her eyes were shut closed. I held on tighter to her hand. She slightly opened her eyes and let out a small smile. I smiled back. 

Your POV

Once the ride was over, I quickly fixed my hair then noticed something... I touched the side of my face. My glasses... I forgot to take them off before the ride. Damnit! 

We had to get out of our cart so I got up. I noticed L.Joe wasn't following; he was still in the cart making this face. I squinted my eyes but I still couldn't tell. I walked towards him and grabbed his arm. 

"What's wrong with you?" I poked his forehead after we exited the ride. He looked surprised but he didn't answer me. "Yah." I said and tilted my head to the side. I crossed my arm and turned then tried walking somewhere else but he put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me.

He stepped in front of me. "You're... Hyemi, right?" he asked. I simply nodded. His eyes slightly widened, "You look so different without your glasses." he said and continued to look at me. 

"Different in a bad way? Or in a good way?" I surprisingly asked. "Wait, why am I even asking?" I turned around and started walking. Where? No idea. 

"In a good way!" I heard him shout. He was pretty far but he catched up to me easily. He suddenly grabbed my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. 

I stopped walking. "YAH! Do you want to die?!" I tried shaking his hand off mine. 

"You started it." he had a grin on his face and purposely swinged our linked hands back and forth as we walked. 

After riding a few more rides, we got hungry so we started going to our next schedule. 

"Wait I almost forgot." I opened his backpack and took out one of those instant picture cameras. 

"Why do you have that?" I suspiciously asked him. 

"We have to take a picture at every schedule we go to so that they know we actually went to them. Come!" he suddenly wrapped his arm around my shoulder and made a peace sign with that hand. I just pouted. 


"Yah! I wasn't ready." I pushed him lightly off me. 

He waited for the picture. "It's okay, your pout is cute." he smirked while he looked at the picture. "See?" he showed it to me. 

I pouted. "I'm taking the next one." I told him. 

"Fine." he smiled. 

I looked at the time on my phone and noticed that it was already 6:03pm. The nightlife here looked so pretty as we walked to our final schedule. Bright lights on the streets, delicious food smells floating in the air... It was really nice out here. 

"So where do you want to go last?" I heard him ask me. He held the schedule in his hand and I held the other side so we can both see. 

6:00m ~ 7:00pm 
- Amusement Park 
- Movie (Any that’s available)

I stared at our two choices. "We don't have many choices." I said aloud. 

"We did so much today." he said and placed both of his hands behind his head. "Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked me with a smirk. 

"But we won't be able to even finish the movie, it'll last more than an hour." I pouted. "I can barely see too..." I added. 

He laughed, "Who said you'd be even watching the movie."

I see what you're trying to do... I put my fist up, "Do you want to die?"

He kept his smirk; "You said that so many times already." he turned to me. "You're so stubborn."

"No I'm not." I told him. 

"Of course not." he replied sarcastically. Mehrong. "Want to go back to the amusement park?"

I thought about it... I actually don't mind going back there. "I don't mind." I bit my lip and smiled. 

"Let's go." he grabbed my hand and we both started running since it was already 6:20pm. 

The first thing we did when we got there was those crane machine games since we didn't get to do that this morning. We both decided to do it at the same time to see which one of us would get a stuffed animal. 

"3 2 1 ... GO!" we both said in sync. 

It was my first time trying this type of thing and sadly I didn't end up getting anything. I pouted at my failure. I looked over at L.Joe and he looked like a little kid excitedly playing.

It's only now that I realized that I managed to spend a whole day with this guy. He's so different from when he's at school. He's kinder and less arrogant. I mean, he's still cocky but I'm able to deal with it. He's really weird and confusing though. I don't get this guy...

He interrupted my thoughts. 

"I WON." he had a giant smile on his face and held two mini white stuffed bears. He's so childish too. "Here." he gave me one of them. 

I got caught off guard. "Thanks." I thanked him. I checked the time again and it was 6:40pm. "Maybe we should start going back to school..." 

We both continued to walk around the park since he said we still had time.

"Look!" L.Joe pointed at a sign but I couldn't read it since I didn't have my glasses. "There's going to be fireworks soon." 

"Really?" I asked him. I checked my phone, 6:51pm... "I guess we have time to watch the fireworks." I said because I wanted to watch. 

L.Joe's POV

I took a deep breath. What a long day. I looked outside while we sat on the bus going home. 

"And you wanted to go to school today." I broke the silence but she didn't answer. I suddenly felt something land on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Hyemi's head resting on my shoulder. I chuckled and looked at her for a while. I wonder how it would've been if Jay was the one to go on this date with her since he was the one that had the 111 ticket at first. He was supposed to be the winner. Not me. It would probably be awkward since they don't know each other. Good thing I asked him if we can exchange tickets.

I took out the instant camera to see if there was really no more film. I slightly leaned my head against hers to not wake her up and looked at her while she slept. I held the camera in front of us as if I was taking a selca of her and me. 

I took the picture without the flash then waited for the picture to develop. So there is still some film left. Once it was done, I took it out and looked at it for a while. I compared it to the first one we took today. The first one, I was smirking but the one I just took now is more like... A soft smile. I looked over at Hyemi, still sleeping. I looked back at the two photos, it's not that. I'm just tired that's all. I shook my head to get rid of what I was thinking about. 

I felt my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered. 

"Byunghun!" my dad's voice shouted through the phone. "Why aren't you at school yet? It's passed 8 already!"

"We're on the way home dad." I told him. 

"We're? You're with a girl again?" he asked me, with disappointment in tone. 

"Dad, it's the prize I won at the Halloween contest. It's nothing serious." I explained. 

"Every time you're with a girl it's always 'nothing serious'. Especially when it's girls you pick." he said coldly. 

I sighed, "I'm hanging up now." I hanged up even though he was in the middle of saying something. 

We got off at her stop and I started walking her home. She looks so dazed but she was able to walk perfectly. "I'm leaving now." she said and turned at a house. 

Wasn't that the house from this morning? I walked her to the door. "Hey, I don't get a good night hug or anything?" I joked because I knew she'd reject. 

She stopped opening the door with her key and turned around. To my surprise, she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Good night!" she said in such a jolly tone. She pulled away with a smile across her face, still her arms wrapped around me. 

"What's gotten into you?" I smirked and tilted my head. "Are you even Hyemi right now?"

Her eyes smiled at me and she shook her head. "I had fun today." she added. "Bye bye, get home safely."

She went inside and waved before closing the door. I zipped up my jacket because it was getting cold. 

That girl has like two different personalities. I chuckled at the thought. 

As I was about to leave, I heard the door open and people started screaming.

"I don't know! Just get out of here!" one shouted. 

I turned around and saw Hyemi and two people that I thought were her parents. 

"But --" 

The mom slapped her across the face. What kind of mom hits her own daughter?

I stepped in front of Hyemi to protect her. "L.Joe..." I heard Hyemi say my name from behind. 

"Why are you protecting her? What are you? Her boyfriend?" The mom continued to shout. 

"Why are you slapping your own daughter?" I hissed back. 

"Daughter? She's not our daughter." she coldly replied. If that’s not her daughter... 

"WHERE'S MOM?" I heard Hyemi scream from behind me. I looked back slightly and her hand was on her face where she got slapped. 

"WE DON'T KNOW OKAY?" NOW LEAVE!" the two older people throw out three baggages then slammed the door.

Okay... What just happened? I turned around and Hyemi looked lifeless. The same way she did this morning but worst. "Hyemi..." 

"Mom..." I heard her mumble in a shaky voice. 

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Chapter 26: omg just quickly tell her you know! omg olspls update more soon
ohshytsitzmarina #2
Chapter 26: </3 Jay babyyy. just kiss her! that'll make it all better.. lol teehee
but i loved this chapter.
Chocolatemushrooms #3
Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon please!
Chapter 24: asdfg this is getting good can't wait for more Myungsoo/L ^^
curlyfriesLOL #5
Chapter 21: I'm on chapter 15 with 9 more to go. So far, I'm loving it. *0*
Chapter 23: #teamjay.
Awh. Ive lost hopes for Yookwon and L.joe.. I want her to be with Jay...
OHHHH now i get it! L was her best friend when she was Chaerin!
So, what would Jay and the rest do now that they know her real identity?
Ahh, Jay or L? x( Update soon. :) <3