L Was Right ?

Thanks To Him

 L.Joe's POV

What am I even doing here? I sat in the car as I thought to myself. 
"I can't believe you made me cut school to see this girl. YOU. Of all people. The school principal making his own son skip school to see a girl. That's a first." I told my dad as he drove. It really didn't make sense to me. "What's worse is that she wasn't even there. Pft. Told you that this was a waste of time." He didn't reply, probably because he knew I was right. Pfft, that's what you get when you don't listen to me. Can't believe I missed a whole day of school for this. I didn't even get to see Hyemi today. 
"Can you at least drop me off at the library?"
He nodded, "Sure."
I knew he'd agree. He always does when I ask him to bring me there. What he doesn't know is that I don't really go to the library to study or anything. I actually go to Jay's house or meet up with the guys. 
Author's POV
The doorbell rang yet no one realized it. Jay and _______ were lying in their beds just zoned out. Blurred and distracted by their own thoughts. L.Joe door belled again, that’s when they both noticed it. As a reflex, they both got up their beds and left their rooms, only to cross each other. 
'Why am I even going to answer the door? It's not even my house. But it'd be weird if I just walk back to my room now.' _____ thought to herself as she was walked towards the stairs. 'Oh well, I'm thirsty anyway.'
They both stopped their steps as they waited for the other to go downstairs first. The doorbell rang for a third time; Jay just decided to go first. 
"Stubborn." he mumbled to himself as he walked to the door. 
"Am not." she whispered to herself, making sure that he didn't hear her. ________ passed by the door, trying to see who it was but Jay was blocking her view. She simply went to the kitchen to get a glass of water instead. Waiting to see who was at the door since she was bored and tired of being in her room. 
"Where were you the whole day? Decided to cut class?" Jay asked as he welcomed L.Joe inside. 
"Nowhere special and nope. Just one of my dad's stupid ideas." L.Joe said as he made his way to the living room and he saw Hyemi standing in the kitchen. He let out a relieved smile, "Hey." he waved. She waved back with an unsure smile. She was clearly still mad at Jay so she didn't want to show much. L.Joe noticed something weird, something about the atmosphere. He looked at Jay then back at Hyemi. "Did something happen at school? Why does it feel so awkward?" 
She chugged down the rest of her glass of water and placed her cup in the sink. She walked by L.Joe and Jay, made sure Jay noticed how she felt about what he did at school, then towards the stairs. "Your best friend is stupid." she scoffed as she walked up the stairs. 
L.Joe, caught off guard, looked at Jay when Hyemi was out of sight. "What was that about?" 
Jay rolled his eyes. "It's nothing." he tried avoiding it. "You know..."
"You might have competition."
"What do you mean?" L.Joe asked with a confused expression. He sat down on the couch. 
"Competition for that thing you call a girl." Jay pointed upstairs as he said, meaning Hyemi. 
L.Joe simply chuckled at what Jay said. "Who? You?" he joked. 
Jay laughed, "Psh, not even. I meant that Yukwon guy. He likes Hyemi." 
L.Joe raised an eyebrow but then nodded. "Yeah I know that. Why do you think I changed her schedule?" He said playfully with a smirk.
"There's another thing too though."
"What is it?" L.Joe spinned his phone with his hands. 
"Hyemi might like him too."
L.Joe dropped his phone after hearing what Jay said. Speechless. It took him a while for him to answer. "What makes you think that?" he asked, not caring about his phone that he just dropped. 
"Something happened at school today..."
Your POV
I woke up early so that I can take one more look around the house for my keychain. I slowly opened my door, trying not to make too much noise. The door slightly creaked as I opened it. I bit my lip and let out a breathe of relief as I opened it enough for me to fit through. 
"Where should I look?" I whispered to myself. Hmm... I went downstairs without making much noise and started my search. I looked carefully around the main floor but had no clue where to look exactly. I looked under couches, under tables even under carpets but still no luck. I looked at the time on the stove. "Damnit, Jay is going to wake up soon." I ran around first floor, gliding with my socks on the nice sleek floor to look faster around the house. 
After much searching, I landed on the couch and heard a weird noise. "Oh my god, please tell me..." I quickly jumped up and took out the cushions and saw the keychain. I grabbed it and placed back the cushions. "FYEAH!" 
I heard a loud noise come from upstairs as if something fell. I covered my mouth but still jumped up and down several times out of joy. Just when I was about to attach it on my phone, I realized that... It wasn't my keychain. It wasn't the right kind of blue. I facepalmed myself as I held Jay's keychain and not mine. I sighed and put back the keychain where it was. Yup, back in the couch you go! 
"So I guess mines at school... Somewhere... Hopefully."
I heard Jay's footsteps upstairs followed by the sound of his door opening. I saw his shadow as he walked down the stairs so I pretended to sit down casually on the couch. With my phone. 
"You're already awake?" Jay asked as he squinted at me, eyes barely opened since he just woke up with bed hair. I just noticed that he was topless, exposing his well-defined abs and nicely formed arms. Oh my god. 
I immediately looked away, feeling my cheeks burning up. "Yup." I simply nodded awkwardly, forcing myself to not look at him. 
Jay's POV
My phone vibed as I got a text. 
'Hey Jay, it's mom. Your dad and I will be home tonight. We'll see you then~'
. What am I going to do with Hyemi? I turned to her, earphones in her ears nodding her head to her music. I guess I'm going to have to explain everything so they don't misunderstand.
Your POV
I walked down the hallway with my books on the way to math class. I pushed my glasses up to see clearer the hall ahead of me and once I got closer to the class, I saw L simply standing against a locker as he looked my way. I felt myself cringe at his stare again that looked straight at me as if he can read my thoughts. I swear he can. He chuckled as I got closer to class. I took a deep breathe. Not this feeling again, I thought to myself. 
"After such a big scene yesterday, I guess you're going for Yukwon, huh?" L's voice daringly teased me. His eyes gazing at me the whole time. 
I tried ignoring him and was about to walk in class until he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I bit my lip as I felt uncomfortable around this guy. "What do you want L?" I simply asked him, hoping he'd leave me alone sooner if I asked. I tried to shrug off his arm off my shoulders.
"Quite cute of a persona you're holding up at this school. So different from your other ones."
I swear, this guy is creepy. I have no idea how he knows everything. I barely even know him.
"Wondering how I know?" he asked so on point. As if he knew exactly what I was thinking about. "Just think and you might remember me." 
The second bell rang, meaning class started. Great, now I'm late thanks to this guy. I did think but nothing came to mind. It was just blank, no clues whatsoever. "Remember you? How can I remember you if I only met you recently?" I scoffed. 
He chuckled, then looked at me with his capturing gaze. "That's what you think." he passed right by me, not even going to class. "Let me know when you remember, don't take too long though." he said as he walked away down the hall. 
I rolled my eyes then went into class. 
Jay's POV
After school, Hyemi and I stood on the bus to my place. I noticed my pockets feel lighter than usual. I took out my wallet and my phone from my pockets. Everything seems to be there. I put back my stuff in my pockets then realized what was missing. I took out my phone again and saw the missing keychain. 
"." I bit my lip. I roughly brushed my hair back and looked around the crowded bus to see if it fell here. I sighed. I don't even remember seeing it this morning now that I think of it. I checked my backpack to see if I put it there instead but nope.  
The bus reached my bus stop so Hyemi and I got off. She walked at a faster pace, not waiting for me. Still mad at me, I see. 
I started thinking of where it might have dropped. It wasn't on the bus. Maybe someone found it at school and dropped it off at the lost and found. Maybe I should go back and check so I decided to call L.Joe. 
"Hey, it's Jay."
"What's up?"
"Uhh, is the school still open?" I asked. 
"Yeah it should be, why?"
"I lost something; I want to check the lost and found to see if it's there." I told him. 
"You can't wait till tomorrow? I can just help you find whatever you lost tomorrow." he yawned after he answered. 
"I need to find it ASAP. Where exactly is the lost and found though? I'm planning on going back to school now."
"Oh okay. It's in the room next to the secretary's office. The box should be labeled so yeah." he explained. 
"Okay, thanks. See ya." I hanged up. 
I ran a bit and caught up to Hyemi who was still completely ignoring me. I poked her shoulder, to get her attention for just a second but she kept walking. Aish, this girl. I took out an earphone out of her ear. 
"Yah!" she pouted at me and stopped her pace. "What do you want?" she crosses her arms and looked away. Who knew someone can be so cute when they're mad. 
Wait; get a hold of yourself Jay. "Uh, I'm going out. Here's the key." I handed it to her. She just looked at me, surprised with wide eyes. 
"You expect me to stay at your house when you're not there? You know how weird that feels?" she asked me, frustrated. 
"You want me to call L.Joe for you?" I jokingly said and smirked. 
She puffed her cheeks then blew her fringe away from her face. "Pft, never mind. Bye." she turned her back on me then started stomping back home. 
I went through the front door but it was locked. "Damnit, I thought he said it was opened. Maybe the back door." I told myself as I ran towards the back. 
Luckily, the back door was unlocked. Guess I'll have to remember that if ever I need anything. 
I walked to the secretary's office and checked the next room but it was locked. Damnit. I looked inside the secretary's office since it was opened and checked if there were any keys. There was a whole bunch of them. I sighed and started trying each key one by one. After about 15 keys, I finally found the right one and pretty much barged in the room. 
Found the lost and found box so easily and emptied it on the desk. So much clothes and school supplies. Still no sign of my key----. Never mind got it!
Wait a minute... What the hell is this doing here? I held onto the keychain that I thought was mine. I felt my heart stop for a second. 
What is her keychain doing here?
I took it and placed back everything inside the box. Locked the door and placed back the keys where I found them. I walked towards the exit as I thought about it. No it can't be, maybe I'm seeing things. I looked at the keychain again to make sure it wasn't mine. It was clearly hers... The color is brighter blue... Her favorite color. What the hell is going on? Out of frustration I punched a locker and slightly winced in pain. Forgot I hurt it yesterday. I bit my lip and roughly pushed the exit door open. 
'If she did come back, wouldn't she go back to Yukwon? And not you?' L's words again. Ignore them, Jay. 
She can't be back. I would've known...
I walked towards the bus stop and waited. I looked at the keychain... It's been a while since I've seen this. It's been over a year now. Wow...
Just when I thought the bus was coming, it was the bus but going to opposite way. It stopped at the bus stop across the street. I watched it pass and noticed that my bus was around the corner. To my surprise, Hyemi was crossing the street. Did she just get off that bus? What is she doing at school?
She rubbed her exposed arms for warmth. Wow this girl never brings a jacket. 
"Hyemi!" I called but I guess she didn't hear me since she didn't even look back. The bus stopped but I decided to see what she was up to so I secretly followed her. Making sure she didn't notice me. 
She went straight to the back door. Oh, I guess she knows that the front door is locked. Wait, what? I grew more curious. As I followed, I realized that she was going to her locker. Oh, I guess that makes sense. I was about to walk back until I heard a bunch of stuff fall down. I looked back, still hiding. Looks like she pretty much emptied her while locker. She but her lip and brushed her fringe back. "Where is it?" she asked herself and continued to look through her locker and scattered books. After a few minutes, she seemed to have given up. 
I wonder what she's looking for. Shouldn't be that hard to find a book. Or whatever it is. 
She closed her locker after she put everything back. Then started walked somewhere else. I stayed in my hiding spot waiting for her to pass by without seeing me. And she did, almost running now. Someone's in a hurry. 
I followed a little after she turned the corner and noticed her at the secretary's office. I heard the sound of the keys. She lost something too?
She struggled putting each key in the keyhole. I felt like helping but she'd probably think I'm stalking her. Which I'm not. Well not really. But 'stalking' isn't the right word. 
Finally she opened in then went inside. I waited. 
"It's not even here. Where else could it be? I checked everywhere." I heard her talk to herself, sounded frustrated. She left the room, locked it and put back the keys then just leaned against the wall as she held up her bangs from her face. "I can't believe I really lost it. Where's Ricky when I need him?" she now sat down against the wall.
Ricky? Why does she need Ricky all of a sudden?
"Stupid keychain." 
My eyes widened. My heart skipped a beat. 'Keychain'. You can't be serious... No way that's her. Nope, I'm probably just hearing things. She took off her glasses and wiped her eyes. Once her hand was away from her face that's when I saw. _______... Oh my god... It's really her... What the hell. 
I walked back to the bus stop to make sure she didn't see me. 
So this girl has been staying at my house and I never noticed it was her? Wow how stupid of you Jay. Who knew that the girl you missed was staying at your house. How did I never notice?
The girl that I've been helping L.Joe with is _______. 
And the girl Yukwon likes is _______.
Why is she pretending to be 'Park Hyemi' though? This whole situation is just so overwhelming. I can't even think straight. 
But I guess L was right... 
She did end up going back to Yukwon...
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Chapter 26: omg just quickly tell her you know! omg olspls update more soon
ohshytsitzmarina #2
Chapter 26: </3 Jay babyyy. just kiss her! that'll make it all better.. lol teehee
but i loved this chapter.
Chocolatemushrooms #3
Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon please!
Chapter 24: asdfg this is getting good can't wait for more Myungsoo/L ^^
curlyfriesLOL #5
Chapter 21: I'm on chapter 15 with 9 more to go. So far, I'm loving it. *0*
Chapter 23: #teamjay.
Awh. Ive lost hopes for Yookwon and L.joe.. I want her to be with Jay...
OHHHH now i get it! L was her best friend when she was Chaerin!
So, what would Jay and the rest do now that they know her real identity?
Ahh, Jay or L? x( Update soon. :) <3