
Mission Impossible: Reunite
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“Stay close.” Sehun warned before he opened the double doors leading to a big room.   Mina had squealed in fright, and Sehun reached down and scooped her up into his arm, cuddling her protectively against his chest. Mina tried to wiggle out of his arms, but Sehun tightened his grasp on his daughter. “Hey, it’s okay.” He tried to comfort the young girl but Mina didn’t like Sehun.    Chaeyoung gave Sehun a sad look, and took Mina into her arms where she immediately settled down from her earlier fit. Sehun was disheartened by it, but he tried his best to hide how much Mina’s dislike for him didn’t affect him.   Looking back to the scene, it was a wonder why Mina squealed.   It was surreal that the building was even standing since most walls were destroyed and dented and other furniture were severely damaged in whatever conflict happened earlier.    The violet drapes that were thick and heavy were all sliced up and torn, barely hanging in its place, there were also the shattered windows and battered up chandeliers hanging loosely on the ceiling but the one thing that caught everyone’s attention was the white wolf surrounded by guards and the King’s Pack.   “Mummy.” Mina gasped out, “It’s Yoon.”   Chaeyoung already knew that it was Yoon, of course she would recognise her own daughter but she almost couldn’t since Yoon was in a wolf form.    Mina had pried away from her mother’s grasp and quickly dashed towards Yoon. Chaeyoung followed closely behind, concern and a sense of fear lurking in the depths of her. She had hoped Yoon had been safe but it was obvious that she hadn’t been. As a mother, Chaeyoung loathed herself for not finding Yoon any sooner than this.   “Yoon! Yoon!”  Both Chaeyoung and Mina ran towards their relative.   The white wolf perked at their voices, and it made a soft growl. It suddenly rooted on its paws and made some noises of trepidation because of the mighty wolf. With each step Yoon took, the smaller she became and the more of her human features returned until she was in her younger form, running towards Mina and Chaeyoung with tears falling from her eyes.   Chaeyoung took off her coat and draped it over her daughter who cried and leaped into her arms. Her little legs wrapped around Chaeyoung’s middle while she whispered comforting words to appease her child.   “I’m so sorry baby.” Chaeyoung held onto her daughter close, caressing her black, glossy hair.   “I wanna go home.” Yoon hiccupped.   Chaeyoung had never seen Yoon act so defenceless before nor even shed tears. The only time she had teared up was once, but that was because Tao had told her jokingly that she’d end up single until her hair greyed and her skin frayed into fine wrinkles.    When Chaeyoung glanced up, most guards had filed out the room, followed by others who were complete strangers
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Chapter 45: Finally a happy ending! How I wished the fluff could be longer but anyways thank you for your hardwork! It is very rare to find wolf concept with great storyline. Please upvote the story guys. It's amazing! ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Oh the drama. I mean they just met. Let them be happy at least :'((
topbias #3
Chapter 43: Finally. I finished both in one sitting and didn't get to sleep at all. I just cant wait to read their happy ending.

I'm so glad with how it ends. Really really. Love it to bits!
22 streak #4
Chapter 45: Amazing!
BubuBaek_Na94 #5
Chapter 45: Wow I read this in one sitting ! Amazing stories as always!
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD CHAEYOUNG WAS GIVEN SECOND.. I cried so bad at mission impossible : find mate.... huwaaaa.. sehun-ah...... she's back. I'm gonna continue reading XD
Chapter 43: I'm so happ for theeem! Finally they can be happy together!
Chapter 39: SO SATISFYING!!
Chapter 35: Do the right thing and man up Henry!
Chapter 34: God I hate her so called family!!