Lunacy and His Necklace

No Turning Back

All I can think of right now is how insane Luhan is acting. What is going on? I know this happens all the time but this time it has gone to a much scarier level…if that’s even possible. He almost made me kill myself. What kind of boyfriend would do that? I’m already use to most of this crazy, scary he does but this…this is too much. He is scaring me beyond belief and if I continue to let him use me like this, I’ll be in big trouble.


I swallowed hard.


“You okay, baby, you look really pale” Luhan said placing the back of his hand on my cheek and caressing it gently. “Um..yeah, I just feel really nauseous and dizzy. It’s probably the medications,” I swiftly lied.


“Luhan?” I asked shyly, feeling like he has a knife ready to kill me at any second if I don’t choose my words carefully, literally. He turned back to face me, this time HIS face looking pale. “Y-yes?” he stuttered, why does he look so afraid all of a sudden? He was so confident.


“Are you feeling well?” I asked with a gentle tone. “Actually Clarisse, I’m not. I think I’m going to go home and take a rest. Please continue to keep healing though, my love.”


I nodded in response, and saw him walk quickly out of my room, not turning back once to look at me. I sat in my hospital room on my bed, dumbfounded. I don’t know what is going on. This whole incident makes me feel so confused and alone in this whole situation.


I turned my body so that I could lie on my side with much trouble considering my arm and wrist were inaccessible. I looked out the window Luhan had looked out of earlier. He looked so mad, I thought. I love him so much but feel like I have no idea who he is…in essence…I really never have. He has so many sides to him. He can be a perfect, protective angel one second and in another, he can be my worst nightmare.


10 Months Earlier


“My beautiful Clarisse, come to me. Don’t be scared. I’ll never hurt you, I promise.” Luhan’s sweet addictive voice echoed through my head. I was casually walking down my neighborhood. My neighborhood turned into a different one and then to the main road at the end of it. The main road greeted a darker part of my city with dimmed flickering street lamps accompanying it. I have never been to this foreign area before.


“You’re almost there, beautiful” his voice kept motivating me to move forward but as I got closer and closer my judgment was feeling more and more impaired. I knew I was getting closer to where he was taking me for his voice was getting louder and clearer in my head.


“One more turn, Clarisse,” my eyes seemed trained ahead of me, as if they forgot to pay attention to whom they belonged to.  My pace increased as he kept bringing me closer. The street was getting darker, but I didn’t care.


Once I turned, a street of abandoned houses sat ahead of me each consisting of broken interior and tattered front yards. I also noticed that there were absolutely no street lamps on this street. The road ahead of me was dark, but I wanted him more than anything.


“Walk down this street, my love” on command, my legs began to move me forward. Before I made it far, a chain connected to a gate had a sign that read, “UNSAFE HOUSES AHEAD: TURN BACK,” it was in bold black and red print. A part of me began taking in what the sign was saying. Unsafe houses? What does that mean? I thought, my adrenaline pumping with fear.


“Don’t let them keep us apart, Clarisse” Luhan whispered sweetly. My heart sunk hearing that he wanted me to keep going. I was so scared but I couldn’t stay away knowing Luhan was just a little further. I can do this, I thought.


I climbed over the gate blocking the street as well as ignored the warning sign and continued walking down the mysterious and dark road ahead of me.


“You’re doing great, keep walking down to the last house on the right, Clarisse” Luhan firmly said, giving me the directions to where he wanted me to go next. I walked at a normal walking pace and my head started to fog up and I couldn’t think straight. I clutched my head, “what is going on?” I voiced aloud, “what’s happening to my head?” I yelled, falling to my knees.


“Stand up Clarisse, keep going. You’ve made it this far” Luhan egged me on. “Why don’t you just ing show up and help me make it then, if you want me there so bad, like a normal person would do?” I yelled, holding my head and placing my forehead down against the road. All of a sudden, I felt a hand rest on my back and I shot up in shock.


“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy,” Luhan said raising his hands up in surrender. My breathing was heavy from fear and confusion and relief all at the same time. I rain into his arms. I was so scared this whole time and now my protector was here with me. I had nothing to be afraid of.


“You okay?” Luhan said holding my head to his chest and kissed the top of my head. “I should be now, I’m so scared of this neighborhood and I felt sick in my head and…”


“Everything is going to be fine now baby, I’m here” Luhan said cutting me off, my back lovingly.


“Let’s just make it to the house, I wanted you to meet me at” he said putting his arm around my shoulder taking me to where my final destination was that night.


“Luhan, why are we going to this abandoned house in such a dark neighborhood?” I asked looking up innocently at him.


“This house is a family heirloom and has been for more than two centuries” he said looking forward, “I wanted to show you a piece of where I come from” he said finally looking down at me, smiling sweetly, assuring me everything would be fine from then on. I smiled back.


There is something so different about Luhan. It’s exciting, a little frightening but definitely addictive. We finally made it up to the big, broken, and dark house. I swallowed hard. Luhan lightly chuckled. “As long as I’m with you, I’ll never let the scary ghosts hurt you” he chuckled, teasingly. I managed a fake smile, this place really creeps me out. He reached for the doorknob and it was locked. Luhan let out a heavy sigh, “hold on, stay right here, Clarisse” he said removing his hand from my shoulder and walked around to the side of the house.


Yeah, like I would go anywhere, I’m pretty much frozen in fear, thanks. I heard a crash and my eyes widened in fright. I stepped away from the house. I suddenly heard a click from the doorknob. A hand placed itself on the small of my back, “it’s okay, the door should be open now” Luhan smiled assuringly. Great, I was really hoping it would be, so you could take me inside this creepy house…not. “What was that loud crash?” my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “What crash?” Luhan asked cocking his head to the side as if I asked an insane question.


I opened my mouth to speak again, but Luhan once again cut me off, “here we go, welcome to my old family’s home” he said, motioning me inside. I hesitantly stepped inside and it was pitch black. The door slammed behind me.  Then all of a sudden, a fireplace and my eyes almost popped out of my skull, from fear. What the hell was happening? I did not see Luhan turn that on, is there someone else in here?


I turned around to see Luhan, but he was gone. Where the hell did he go? He was just behind me? I went to the doorknob and tried opening it but it was locked, “Luhan! Luhan! I want to go home! I’m scared!” I banged on the door as hard as I could and I finally dropped down to the floor in defeat, and started to cry, “please…someone…help me” I started pleading between sobs. I seriously felt like Luhan was the worst person in the world. Why did he bring me here? He knew I felt uneasy about it, but he brought me here anyway and then he left me.


“I hate you, Luhan, didn’t you see how scared I was and then you just leave me here in this haunted house alone” I spoke aloud. I felt two hands grab me around my waist and turn me around, I face no other than Luhan, he placed his forehead on mine and held me close to him. I wanted so bad to yell and scream at him for scaring me so much and leaving me alone. But, I didn’t…I just let him hold me like this. After what seemed like five minutes, he placed a kiss on my forehead. “Are you okay?” he asked using his fingers to direct my face up to meet his eyes. There was something in his eyes I’ve never seen before. I couldn’t exactly describe what it was but it looked to be something like anger mixed with fear and laced with compassion. I just shook my head and looked down.


“I’m sorry, if you were scared? I didn’t mean to scare you” he stated, moving hair away from my face and placing it behind my ear. I looked back up at him, “where were you? The fireplace out of nowhere and then the door was locked and wouldn’t open and you were nowhere to be seen. I cried for you but you were gone and this house freaks me out” these words just slipped right off my tongue, causing me to cry because of all the desperation I felt a few moments ago when he was gone. He just looked at me with a blank expression. “You know what forget it” I began standing up, “I’m going home, open the door.” I got up all the way and dusted dirt off my pants.


Luhan also stood up and next thing I knew I was pinned to the door, Luhan holding both of my wrists firmly with his hands. I struggled to free myself. “Luhan! What are you doing?” I yelled. “I, personally, wouldn’t want to leave with the lights off,” Luhan glared into my eyes as a smirk appeared across his face. All of a sudden the fireplace turned off and we were left in complete darkness. I started screaming. Luhan mashed his lips to mine to shut me up, I suppose, but he just kept kissing me more and more passionately.


At first, I tried to resist but my hunger for finally having a first kiss made me respond. Luhan’s hands traveled to my waist, pulling me closer to him and my hands made their way up to his hair and I curled my fingers through every strand. He finally let our lips part, and I tried to pull him back but he held my waist firm to the door. “I thought you hated me?” Luhan said searching my face, that same smirk plastered on his. I sighed, “I don’t understand you.” I asked moving my hands to his to remove them from my waist and struggled to take them off but he only tightened his grip. “What is it that you don’t understand about me?” he asked, his eyes like daggers.


“One moment, you’re so sweet to me, the second, you frighten me and I fear you.” I said my voice cracking, on the verge of tears once again that night. His eyes softened and he let out a defeated sigh, “What you consider ‘scaring’, I consider ‘teasing’ but I hate seeing you cry so much, so I’ll try to stop ‘scaring’ you” he said looking into my eyes apologetically. I sighed in response and shook my head, “you make me feel insane” I said, resting my gaze on his hands that were still fastened on my waist. “Then…why do you still stay with me? And go and do what I tell you to, if you go crazy every time you’re with me?” he asked innocently. “That’s the thing, I have no idea. I’m scared but the feeling is addictive with you.” I said looking up into his dark orbs, which I can barely see since we are still in the dark.”


“I’m glad, I don’t want you to leave again” he said almost like he lost air to breathe. “Again?” I asked, eyes squinting in confusion. “Um, yeah…like how you were trying to back away from the house earlier. I-I really thought, you were going to leave me” he said looking around nervously. I didn’t even try to leave earlier, I was just backing away because I was scared? I thought. He is acting really strange right now, almost desperate.


“Okay,” I responded not wanting to give him the chance to make a fool out of my misunderstanding again like always. “Luhan, can you take me home now? I’ve had a long night obviously.” He sighed, “sure” and he grabbed my hand and with ease opened the door with no problem. “How come you can open the door so easily? It wouldn’t open when I tried earlier!” I asked in disbelief, “baby, you probably didn’t even turn the doorknob when you were trying to open it” he said, irritated. I just shook my head, he makes me seem like I lost my mind. I know I turned it. I’m not stupid.


“Whatever” I said, slipping out my hand from his and crossed my arms across my chest. He laughed, “you really have had a long night, haven’t you?” he exclaimed, wrapping his arm around my waist, walking me down the same deserted street, I came here on. My head started clearing up and I felt much lighter. We made it all the way down to my neighborhood, “good night, Clarisse, try to get some rest” Luhan said, kissing my temple gently. “You’re not going to—“ I began, and all of a sudden Luhan disappeared. Now I know I’m not crazy. Luhan is something supernatural, something paranormal. Or is he?


I shook my head, I almost never want to see him again. I glanced back and I saw a figure walking back the way I had just come…was that him? I squinted to get a better look…I don’t even know. I just want to go to sleep. He doesn’t even try to explain anything about that creepy house, except that it’s an heirloom. He didn’t even tell me where he went when I was trying to get out of the house, he just leaves me guessing and making me turn into a lunatic every single time I’m with him. I don’t get him at all. Maybe I should tell him I don’t want to see him anymore. Part of me thinks this is a good idea, the other is curious to know more about him and get wrapped up in his mystery.



I finally made it home and went straight to my room not even caring to tell my parents I made it. They obviously don’t care anyway, they are sleeping so whatever. I opened the door to my room, feeling so much safer and comfortable just knowing, I’m in my woman cave now.


 I fell back on my bed. Ugh…Luhan is so frustrating. I can never figure him out. Another thing that I don’t understand is, earlier when I was coming to that house, I swore I heard him speaking to me in my head. I know earlier that day he told me the directions to the house but for some reason, instead of my own voice relaying the directions to me, Luhan’s voice replaced my own head voice.


 I know he isn’t speaking to me in my head that’s just not normal but maybe I’m just getting addicted to his voice and now that’s all my head can think about. His voice is so soothing and so sweet and so perfect in every way. Okay, Clarisse, you really need to go to bed now, Luhan is driving you to lunacy.


 I sighed and laid my hands down on my stomach and felt a slight bump in my jacket pocket. I furrowed my eyebrows, what the hell? This jacket is brand new, the pockets should be empty. I reached into my pocket and took out a note with something wrapped inside of it. I opened the piece of paper and held out in front of me, a necklace. Okay, this is weird, did Luhan put this in my pocket? I unfolded the note, that contained Luhan's neat and calligraphic handwriting and read aloud:


“As frustrating and confusing as I may seem, I hope you still keep coming back to me.”


A shiver went down my spine. I analyzed the necklace, it was a ruby with a gold chain. I looked at it closely and studied every detail. Should I put it on? No, he’ too much for me right now. I’m not going to give into him that easily. I cannot handle another one of his mysteries tonight. I placed the necklace on my nightstand and turned off the lights, too lazy to change into my pajamas, and pulled up my covers around me, and fell asleep.


Light came in, intruding my sleep and I woke up and rubbed my eyes and glanced at the clock, It was 10am. Coincidentally, the thoughts from last night replayed in my head and I remembered the necklace, I glanced over to look at where I put it the night before and it was gone. My eyes widened, where did it go? I looked down at the floor and all around my bed. I held my head in frustration, I past by my body-length mirror and looked at how crazy my eyes looked right now. I AM really going insane because of this stupid boy Luhan! Just as I was scanning down my body, my eyes landed on the red piece of jewelry around my neck.


None other than, Luhan’s ruby necklace was clasped around my neck and laid simply on top of my collarbones. I brought both of my hands to my mouth and gasped.


I came to, from my flashback of that night, now 10 months ago and I looked down and my fingers wrapped around that same necklace that I never took off, even after all this time. Ever. 





Yeah, so this took a while to write. This story is going to have so many twists and turns and secrets in it and may take a while to write each chapter because I'm trying not to spill the secrets. So I hope you like them every time they do come out. Thank you for your support of this fic it means a lot! Keep reading! <3 

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just_stay_smiling #1
Chapter 2: I had goose bumps!
In the first chapter this story was reminding me of another fic (just a little), but not anymore. This seems like a very interesting plot^^
You can't stop reading. I'm so curious how this will go on:)
I have no clue;P Seems like I have to keep reading...
just_stay_smiling #2
Chapter 1: This story is so exciting. And that was only the first chapter! Luhan is scary O.o
I hope you will post the next chapter soon! ;P