MinJun Love

4 days later,


            Kyu Jong not went to Jung Min’s mansion because he don’t want other member knew about it. Jung Min also off his phone in this 4 days.



Incheon Airport,


            Jung Min and manager hyung just got arrived. They were come into the van and heading to the dorm.


Minnie : Hyung, I want to stay at my mansion.

Manager hyung : No.

Minnie : Hyung…please…only 2 days… *puppy eyes*

Manager hyung : No. You must back to the dorm. Settle this problem before we continue your schedule…arasso?

Minnie : Ne…*pouting*


SS501 dorm,


Ding~ Dong~


Junnie : I’m coming! *open the door* *manager hyung stand*

Junnie : Hyung, where are you going? *manager hyung came in* *close the door slowly, but, he stop*

Junnie : Ju…Jung Min? *hug* *Minnie push his body* *came in*

Joongie : Jung Min? Where are you going?

Manager hyung : Okay, Jung Min want to say something to you all…so, better I will leave you all… *pat Minnie shoulder and walk out* *four of them starring at him*

Minnie : For…forgive me! *kneel* *they really shock and stand him up*

Joongie : What are you doing? It’s okay! Why ask forgive? You don’t make any wrong to us…you know us really well, right? That never ruin our friendship forever…we don’t mind if you love Hyung Jun…don’t feel guilty just because this matter, okay? *pat his head*

Minnie : Thanks hyung! *hug* *then he hug Saengie and Kyunie*

Junnie : Mianhae! *hug Minnie* *Minnie kiss his check*

Minnie : Nan…Saranghaeyo! Jeongmal saranghaeyo! *whisper* *Junnie smile and kiss Minnie*

Joongie : Okay! Okay! Let’s enjoy now! I can’t wait anymore! *walk happily to the door* *four of them look each other with' WTH' face*

Joongie : Yah! What are you looking? Want it or not? Let’s enjoy because we will busy with our second album after this. *look at them*

Saengie, Kyunie, Minnie, Junnie : WHAT?! JINJA?! *jaws drop*

Joongie : YES! We will have second album. In 3D.*smile happily*  *their jaws drop again*

Joongie : YAH! Close your mouth! The fly will come in! *they close their mouth*

Joongie : It’s up to you! You want enjoy, follow me, if you don’t want, just stay here.

Saengie, Kyunie, Minnie, Junnie : OKAY! *they walk out*





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Chapter 1: I love SS501 and I ship MinJun. This was a nice little fanfic. I love this short story so much. Its too cute. Make a cute short story for KyuSaeng too please.
Chapter 1: Omo. All of their nicnames are too cute. I love this so much. Well done!
jonghyunie143 #3

jhfj fj
cute wuri tom&jerry couple xDD<br />
always so cute together hehehe<br />
and ldr at the end was funny and totally 4D as usual :D