MinJun Love

Near the beach,


            After he entered the mansion, he walked out to the veranda. He looked at the beach. Suddenly, his phone was ringing. He opened the phone.


Minnie : Hyung…

Joongie : Where are you? We really worry about you.

Minnie : No need to worry. I’m okay.

Joongie : Where are you now? Back to the- * close the phone* *lying on the couch*


            His phone was ringing again and again. He don’t want answered it and let the phone rang. He went to master bedroom. He change his clothe because he want walked along the beach.


The next day, at the mansion,


            He felt really bored and stressed. He needed someone to heard his problem. So, he decided to call Gyu Ri to came.


Minnie : Gyu Ri… I need your help now. Meet me now.

Gyu Ri : Sorry, oppa, I don’t want.

Minnie : Wae?! Is that about the gossip? *Gyu Ri silent*

Minnie : Okay. We don’t meet at outside. Come to my house. I will give you the address.

Gyu Ri : Op- *stop the call* *text Gyu Ri the address* *off the phone*


The same time, SS501 dorm,


Joongie :  Bas**rd! He off his phone! *throw his phone on the couch*

Kyunie : Leader, let him alone first.

Joongie : But! It’s getting worse now. All media need the explanation from him.

Saengie : Hyun Joong, relax. Let him alone and I am really sure he will explain it later.


Kyu Jong’s phone was vibrating. He took his phone. There a massage that coming in. He read it.


Kyu… I need to meet you now. But, don’t tell the other. I will tell you later where we need to meet.


Kyunie : Guys, I need to go now. *walk to his room* *change clothe*

Saengie : Where? *watching drama*

Kyunie : Meet with my friend.

Joongie : Okay. *Kyunie walk out*



Hyung Jun’s room,


            Hyung Jun covered his face with pillow. He still cried since yesterday. He still sad about the news. He also missed with Jung Min after he knew that Jung Min was left the dorm.


Junnie : Mianhaeyo…mianhaeyo…mian…haeyo… I really miss you so much…really miss you. Come home now, honey…I need you…I love you…lo..ve… you…


            He felt asleep because he really tired mentally and his physical. Hyun Joong opened the door and saw Hyung Jun was slept.


Joongie : He sleep now…Make me worried so much…

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Chapter 1: I love SS501 and I ship MinJun. This was a nice little fanfic. I love this short story so much. Its too cute. Make a cute short story for KyuSaeng too please.
Chapter 1: Omo. All of their nicnames are too cute. I love this so much. Well done!
jonghyunie143 #3

jhfj fj
cute wuri tom&jerry couple xDD<br />
always so cute together hehehe<br />
and ldr at the end was funny and totally 4D as usual :D