Chapter 3

Friends No More

Today was NichKhun and WooYoung’s third date. This would decide a lot of things. NichKhun wanted to make a step further. Not only holding hands, simply a kiss on the cheeks like a friend. But maybe a real kiss? Since the day he heard that JunHo loves WooYoung, the desire to own that boy rose inside Khunnie WooYoung had to be his. No one else’s. Because he is the cutest boyfriend on Earth…

“Sit down baby!”-Khun smiled and gently pulled the chair for Woo.

“Thank you!”-WooYoung smiled in return.

Woo was glad that the older didn’t care but he didn’t know that the other’s mind was in a mess. Needless to say, NichKhun realized how close Woo and JunHo are. Had another friend of him told him, Khun even thought that WooYoung and JunHo is a couple. Since that eventful lunch, Khun always scared that the younger would leave him. He tried to be perfect, even more perfect than usual. He wanted to show Woo that he was the one.

Khun’s hands wouldn’t stop caressing Woo’s. His eyes gazed lovingly, sweetly. Their hands intertwined. NichKhun was excited but Woo, on the other hand, was very anxious. He felt nervous, suddenly didn’t want them to be so intimate like this.

NichKhun smiled satisfactorily when he saw the other boy blushed. Woo is indeed cute. He held the younger’s hand, leaned in closer and closer. WooYoung shut his eyes closed, his heart beating loud and fast. He could even feel Khun’s breath on his skin. Their lips touched and kissed passionately. Khun’s held his arms behind WooYoung’s neck to balance then the tounge slowly parted those thin lips and ed inside. Khun nibbled the upper then lower lip of Woo, softly but full of passion.

But there was one problem, WooYoung felt nothing. He just froze. Not because Khun isn’t a good kisser, the older was too good in fact. But that sparkle, that electricity he felt when kissing JunHo wasn’t there. Nothing.

Woo suddenly pushed Khun away. The older startled. Woo felt confused.

“What are you doing WooYoung!? He’s your boyfriend. Why are you being like this?”-Woo kept his head low. “I’m …I’m sorry…”-he mumbled.

The Thai prince was no less awkward. He gently patted on WooYoung’s head, smiled : “It’s okay! It’s my fault! Let’s keep eating baby…”

WooYoung knew something just wasn’t right. Who is the one he really loves? NichKhun or JunHo? Why has everything become a mess like this? Is he lying to Khun? Or is WooYoung lying to himself?

Train of thoughts filled his head to explosion. He couldn’t take it anymore. Woo stood straight up, still babbled. “I’m….I’m sorry Khunnie…I ..I have to go…”-not even wait to see NichKhun’s reaction, he ran away, leaving the confused boy behind.

Is he really in love with JunHo? Is JunHo the one he has been looking for? WooYoung ran and thought about all those memories of them. JunHo’s and his’s “fake boyfriend” moments which were very happy and full of laughter. That eyesmile, that impulsiveness and hot-tempered personality. All of that cuteness. The slightly open mouth waiting for WooYoung to feed him, that red hair kept snuffling his shoulder whenever JunHo is asleep. Not a white horse prince, JunHo may be a cute drawf?

WooYoung could not erase the smile on his face when he thought about JunHo. He didn’t have any regret for leaving that NichKhun prince. He needed to see his best friend right away.


It’s getting dark but lights in the school basketball court still shone brightly. JunHo played with the ball but his mind was drifting somewhere else. This morning when he slept in class, he woke up when he smelled that familiar scent. That mild but manly scent of WooYoung who was only centimeters away from him, he knew for sure it was his bestfriend. It’s  a torture for him not talking to WooYoung for days because JunHo misses the other boy so much. But once again, everything became meaningless when he heard Khun and Woo had another date. He should have let WooYoung know that he was awake, pulled that boy closer and kissed him longer. But JunHo hadn’t done that, how stupid he was.

Footstep coming in made JunHo stopped playing, picked up the ball and turned around.

“Woo…WooYoung, what are you doing here?”

WooYoung just smiled simply and approached JunHo.

In a blink, JunHo’s lips were stolen. WooYoung titled his head, pressed his lips tight to his best friend’s ones. Ho widened his eyes, too surprised for all this. This kiss was more bold than the previous one this morning, more passionate, more fierce. But once again that sparkle of electricity swept through both of them again. JunHo slowly closed his eyes when WooYoung on his lower lips and pushed his tounge in, swirling with JunHo’s hot one. The ball became annoying was soon thrown aside. Woo had his arms on the wall to stay balance when JunHo sneaked his arms around the other’s neck, pulling WooYoung closer. The kissed became more hot and steamy. Their tounges played with each other, lips never wanted to part. They both shivered, both blamed themselves why hadn’t done this sooner.

When air is needed, they reluctantly let go. JunHo gasped, looked at Woo and smiled. Finally his friend accepted his love. He caressed those puffy cheeks, felt the presence of his loved one, afraid that this was just a dream, heart still beated fast.

WooYoung giggled of JunHo’s action. He collided their forehead together, even saw some drops of sweat on JunHo’s face. Right! This true love is only for JunHo. Not any white horse prince. It’s JunHo, his best friend.

“So we are no longer friends right?”-JunHo leaned his head on WooYoung’s shoulder. They were seating in the schoolyard.

“What do you mean by that?”

“So we are now lovers right?”-JunHo turned to the other, gave his best eyesmile.

WooYoung smiled back. “So let’s change how we address each other!!”

JunHo seemed confused, then surprised when a kiss was put on his cheek.

“I love you babe. I love you, Lee JunHo.”-WooYoung wishpered.

-The end-

A/N: Thank you for all the love and comments! I didn't have time to reply all but you know that I love you right? This story was more daebak than I thought, even though it's my first non-KhunWoo story haha! WooHo is just too cute to resist, maybe I should write abt them more, what do you think? *wink* Anyway, thank you again for the support <3

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Chapter 3: im sorry but, km gonna ruin the mood now, the last sentence, mispelled 'whispered'
Chapter 3: agaaaaaaiiiiinnn. I wnat more authornim. I wnat more wooho from you. please please please. I love you authornim. just give me story about wooho again. :-) ne nde nde?kekekeke

you are right. I also can't resist about the cute twins. how I can? now I prefer wooho. lol.
but how about chanie? emm. I know chan is a wise person, he can share his with woo, because I know too, chan loves woo. ye ye ye yeeeeeeeeee......

cute couple. another story authorniiim :-)
Chapter 3: annnnnd happily ever after. though poor khunnie, to be just left like that without further explanation. i only hope woo was kind enough to explain after your story ends.
Chapter 3: Glad that they're happy ^^
Chapter 3: Omo so cute ^.^ please make more wooho fanfic I love them. Great story
2483 streak #6
Chapter 3: Awww, the ending was so sweet!! x] Wooho is my 2PM OTP, so this was lots of fun to read!! ^-^ I'm so glad Wooyoung discovered his true feelings for Junho and the two ended up happily ever after!! :')
Chapter 3: Lol so the ending is wooho nga? Kkk ~~ they're cutie pie..
Chapter 3: Aigoo he better have! Good Job Woobaby you kick Khunnie to the curb and went and got your man lol Loved the ending! ^^ ♥
ainto87 #9
Chapter 3: mee tooooo! i love u too lee junhoooo! ^_^
prettynpiink #10
Chapter 3: OMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOMGOMGOMGOGMM!!!! KKKYYYYYYYAAAAA!!! My feels...they are through the roof. Never once in my life would I ever thought that I would actually like Wooho. I don't know what to do with myself *screams and rolls back and forth on my bed* You should write more wooho because this was amazing.