My Pregnancy Journey 1

Expecting a Bundle of Joy



I’m trying to improved my grammar and please don’t throw bricks at me if you notice any error on it. And this was my first mpreg story so please don't harsh to me okay?




Baekhyun POV

I’m really sure all of you had known our love story right? It’s was very different from other love stories in human nature. It’s really supernatural if a wolf suddenly enters your life and claimed you as his mate. Not I against it or anything but this was like what I read on the books. Wolf love is so beautiful and full of passion. They fight for their loved one and keep faithful for the only one.

And, I’m keeping my faith to the only one my giant wolf, Park Chanyeol.

For the first time we had a mating session (I’m too shy to called it as ), honestly I felt scared and unsecured about all this while. I keep repeating myself the same question ‘did Chanyeol really love me?’. Don’t get me the wrong idea, I’m just afraid if he suddenly leaving me alone in the cabin house after he take my ity.  I never encounter any intimate relationship before this and to be ually bonded with the same gender is like a whole different perspective for me. I totally lost in what I should do to initiate the first touch.

Chanyeol seems understand my situation very well. Of course he knew what I’m thinking after we’d be a best friend since kid. Every touch by the Alpha wolf is so delicate but full of seduction. I’m too shy to let out my voice but I can’t help it because the feels is so good. I don’t want to tell more on detail about how I feel when we’re mated because it will be so gross.


8 July 2013.

The day my tears non-stop fell down from my eyes. Chanyeol casually in his boxer and shirtless kneel down in front of me while I’m busy making pancakes. I’m totally speechless and shocked with his sudden act but after seeing a small royal blue box in his big hand, I hugged him tightly saying yes for a few times. Chanyeol lift me up hugging and kissing me and we’re lost in our own world. I burnt one pancake as I busy make out with Chanyeol in our kitchen (I know it’s so unhygienic).

We’re having a small ceremony as per my request. No, it’s not about a same gender marriage I feel ashamed of. I just want a simple but warm ceremony which everyone enjoys their meal, music, dancing and everything. Sehun and Luhan insists we should have a big one ceremony as for celebrate Chanyeol for being a next Alpha but instead we spend a lot of money on our ceremony why don’t we donate it on orphan shelter. Chanyeol feel proud about what I do and praised me for being his good wife. And finally, we decided to hold the ceremony on the backyard of Park mansion and all of my family is there to be with me before I’m officially become a Park family. Yunho came to me after the ceremony and telling me he’s on the planning to propose JaeJong his own roommate. I knew their story as Yunho keep messaging me about his dilemma to love his own friend. After seeing Chanyeol proposed me, he decided to confess his love.



This word, I’m not afraid if it’s happen but what I’m afraid is how I should handle it. Male pregnancy is not something usually happen in most pregnancy cases. It was rare and high risk. Our reproductive system is different than female. But for most cases of wolf mate, the pregnancy for male surely happen as their is strong rather than normal male. Chanyeol never mention about to having kid but I knew from his delightful eyes while seeing the group of kid in park, he have a greatest desire to have a bundle of joy. I never opposed him to having a kid but maybe he’s afraid if I’m not ready to have a kid at this moment.

Wrong. He totally wronged.

After half year of our marriage, I started to feel weird with Chanyeol sudden behavior. He seemed tired lately after going back from office. His face is pale and he frequently vomited after eating a lunch or dinner. And when we’re going to bed, Chanyeol refused to sleep with me because he can’t stand with my body scent. His word kind made me hurt but he kneeled and apologized for almost hundred times after he realizes I’m sad with his word.

“I’m an idiot Baek but believe me you smell so damn good. It’s just my stupid nose suddenly refused to inhale your scent. I need a surgery to remove this stupid nose.”

I’m not mad. I’m just feeling disappointed to not having Chanyeol as my pillow. I missed his strong musk scent and deep breathing coming from his mouth. But, after seeing him keep vomiting while sleeping with me, I need to let him go as I understand his situation. Moreover, Chanyeol need a lot of rest as he has to handle his company. Chanyeol make sure I’m comfortable in our huge bed and give me a kiss on my forehead before he take the quilt and pillow and go to the living room.

For five days, the couch being Chanyeol’s temporary bed.


8 January 2014.

Again I spilled my tears on something precious.

I never expected this gift was given to me. Truly, I never stop saying thank you to god.


“Park Baekhyun, congratulations. It’s already three weeks your pregnancy happens.”


Luhan first gave me a fierce look as he is mad on something, but after 5 minutes he’s hugging me tightly cried with me. Luhan rubbing slowly my stomach where the baby is and having a small talk with the baby. I think he is ridiculous as the baby is still in early stage and not completely grown up. Luhan take a phone to tell Sehun and Chanyeol about the news but I insisted on it. I told him I’ll tell Chanyeol when we’re going home and I want it to be special. And more importantly, I don’t want Chanyeol find out I was fainted when working at the bookstore. Chanyeol must be furious and not allow me to go outside anymore.


Of course Chanyeol found out about the fainted accident. We forgot that the doctor who treats me was his cousin.

When Luhan take me home, a cold looking Chanyeol was greet us in living room. The words let out from his mouth is once I stepped in the living room is,

“You will not working anymore, Baekhyun.”

To be in stable relationship, argument is not a best solution to solve the problem. I understand his vacillation on me. As for husband responsible to take care of his wife and his work these two can mess up his life. I take his decision well even in my heart tell me not to do so. Chanyeol love me and I can see in his eye. His sweating neck, forehead and body is a proved why he willing to run rather than take his car. The company is not far away only a few building from our condominium.


That day, Chanyeol refused to go back his office and cuddling with me in our couch. He rubbing my stomach but he didn’t know yet what the inside of it.


Next morning, Chanyeol condition is getting worse. He keeps throwing up until he can’t stand with his own feet to support himself. I giving him a pity look but what can I do right now is comforting him. I refused to let him go to his meeting as he looks like a dying man right now. Chanyeol lie in the bed lifeless and staring at the ceiling for hours. I put a small basin in the nightstand in case Chanyeol can’t get up and want to vomit again.

Chanyeol refused to eat a single food and I become more worried because he’s getting thinner. I take a decision to bring him to the clinic to find out what the cause of his sickness. I called Mr. Lee, the official Park’s driver (actually Chanyeol ask him to be my personal driver) to bring us to the clinic.

Chanyeol covered in my wide shawl hugging me like koala when we’re in the car. I can feel how cold his body was.

“Don’t worry Mr. Park, you’re fine like a strong man. There is no cancer or virus in your body.”

I almost burst in laugh when I look at Chanyeol’s face. His face like telling us ‘so why the I feel like a dying man right now?’

The middle age female doctor looks at me and giving a mischievous smile.

“But as I knew, indeed this was a disease that rarely happens.”

Finally, I laugh at the doctor’s word as she giving Chanyeol’s a serious face suddenly. Chanyeol look at me and I can sense he almost cries.

The doctor walked to me and smile showing her beautiful teeth.

“Mr. Park, can I know what months do you in right now?”

“It’s three week’s doctor. But I think it’s almost one month.”

Chanyeol is scratching his head in confusion. I know he can easily feel annoyed if he can’t get what happen surround him. He keeps looking at me then at the doctor. Then he is repeating the same action again. He mouthed a word ‘what happen?’ to me.

“Mr. Park, please take care your husband very well even I believe it’s should be him to take care of you.” Yee Jin smirked at me.

“Doctor, can I know what is happening right now?” Chanyeol interrupted impatiently.

“Don’t worry. Nothing serious happen though. It’s just the morning sickness is happen to be you. Congratulation Chanyeol, you’re now a big giant daddy.” Yee Jin Chanyeol’s aunt patted his back proudly.

“W…what?” he is shuttering. I loved shuttering Chanyeol because he looking so cute and naïve. As if.

“Baekhyun, I’m so proud and happy for both of you. You should be lucky this dumb wolf got the morning sickness instead of you. I guess god must love you to as he transfer the sickness to Chanyeol.”

Yee Jin leaved the room to give us some private space. Chanyeol still look lost and his mouth can’t stop repeating the word ‘daddy’. I wanted so badly to tell him his crying face is so ugly and not manly but as for today I let him cried as much as he want while raining me with his kisses and sweet words.

That evening, I have to drag him out from baby outlets because he almost buys everything in that shop.


For the first trimester of my pregnancy, nothing seems bad happen to me. My mom really surprised when she knew I’m not having a morning sickness during the first stage. She really jealous towards me as she’s does suffer a really bad morning sickness while she is pregnant.

But, what I’m more concern is my lovely husband. Chanyeol morning sickness is really bad. Every 30 minutes, he has to go to the toilet either to throwing up or to pee. I need to watch out my words when talk to him because his mood swings can change anytime. Is not that he like to mad or yelling at me without reason. His mood swings can be like he easily cries over something ridiculous as such

‘why tomato labeled as vegetable? They are fruit species!’.

After that, I made a note in my mind do not bring mood swing Park Chanyeol to the market anymore.

And I have my first appointment with the doctor. Yay! The first check up is important to know your high blood test and your body condition. Yee Jin is the doctor (appointed by Chanyeol) will observe my pregnancy from time to time. She recorded all my information and told us I’m in a good condition. But she will focus on my cases more because this is her first time to handle male pregnancy.

Chanyeol jumping like a bunny when Yee Jin informed us we will do the ultrasound test. I’m at 12 weeks of pregnancy and she said the baby can be seen through ultrasound test. Of course your husband will be happy as he can see the image of his own baby.

Yee Jin applied a clear, water-based gel on my belly and pelvis area and then moves a hand-held probe over the area. She told us the gels help the probe transmit sound waves. These waves bounce off the body structures, including the developing baby, to create a picture on the ultrasound machine.

My tears fell down when I saw the image of my baby on the screen. The baby not grown up big but when Yee Jin pointed on the baby fist I touch the screen and said “Daddy is here, dear.”

I forgot to mentioned, Chanyeol never stop crying and never leaving the copy of the baby image in his hand. Tell me again why I accepted this crying baby as my husband.



Second trimester (stage I hate the most).


Most women find the second trimester of pregnancy easier than the first. But for me, I started to feel the symptoms. I can feel my abdomen expand a bit because the baby continues to grow. My body starting too easily feeling tired. When I sit to read a book, my back aching will disturbing my activity and I have to lie back to soothing the pain.

And then we have Chanyeol who looking at me like a maniac. He is so lucky his morning sickness just stopped last week ago. Right now, he digs up the food like a person who didn’t eat for hundred years.

Now I understand why most of women feel unsecured when they started to have kids. The feeling I pressed to is about your beautifulness.

I noticed the stretch marks on my abdomen, thighs and buttocks. When I dressed up, I take about half hour staring at the mirror and sighing. I’m not beautiful and that’s why I feel so afraid if Chanyeol leaving me alone. Chanyeol is so flawless and compared to me, it’s just like earth and sky. He so high up there and I’m trying to reaching him. When Chanyeol initiates intimate touch I will pretending to be tired and need enough sleep for tomorrow. That’s only excuses made by me to avoid him see my ugliness behind these clothes.

One day, I trapped under his body after he suddenly drags me up to our bed. He kissed me like never kiss before. Then his hand crawls under my shirt which is giving me a hard time to push him anymore. He removed my big t-shirt by force and I starting to sob quietly. Then, I can feel Chanyeol rained my stomach with his kisses.

‘You’re so beautiful.’

‘Please don’t cry my dear.’

‘I’m here for you.’

‘You’re so beautiful. Please believe me.’

‘I’m saying the truth.’

Chanyeol understood me. Chanyeol’s love is most precious things ever happen to me.



Third trimester of pregnancy.

I remember when the last time I met my mother in law, she advised me to restore a lot of energy. Wolf pregnancy is a lot different with normal one. We’re easily getting tired and the bump is visible through my clothes. It was a huge one!

I do feel discomforts when my stomach stretches really big. Chanyeol already thrown away my clothes and replacing with the one. The one means here is the big size and no tight jeans. Chanyeol not allowed me wearing anything tight after he saw my baby bump. I’m always wear big size of plaid shirt and sweatpants only. Mostly the plaid shirt is belonging to Chanyeol and I really loved his scent.

‘How much I wanted to ravish you right now.’ I need to pinch his cheek every time he’s saying that.

Appointment with doctor is fun. Every appointment I had, Chanyeol never failed to accompany me. I tried one day to go alone or with Luhan as he is so busy with meeting and occasion. But, he’s insisted to go with me to know about my and the baby condition. Actually, I found his journal under his rack clothes. He wrote about my pregnancy journey and even he took a picture of my stomach. The last picture he took was when I’m sleeping on the bed showing my big baby bump. Did I see I’m drooling when sleeping? Gosh! Chanyeol must see this every night.

Chanyeol panicking when he found me sat on the kitchen floor hardly breathing. He’s quickly scooped me up like nothing and run into his car drive to the nearest clinic. Don’t worry. Nothing serious happen though. The doctor told us it was just the symptoms of pregnancy. Shortness of breath is always happen to mostly pregnant women. This is because the baby is getting bigger and it is putting more pressure on our organs. Don’t scare too much. The baby is fine and these problems will lessen once you give birth.

Chanyeol is annoyed me when he keeps playing with my belly button. He told me it was cute when it sticks out. Before we sleep he will hold my waist and draped his long arm onto my baby bump. Our bed right now is filled with lot of pillow. It was because I whining to him about my trouble sleeping and tomorrow after that the courier service send the dozen of pillow in front of our door.

Honestly, I made an agreement with Yee Jin. I told her please don’t tell anyone including me about the baby gender. She had done my third ultrasound last week and she knew about the gender. The reason is whatever gender we gifted to, we will love them with our heart. My mom and mother in law persuade her to inform us about that information. What do you expect? Of course she’s hold his faith on me. 

My due date is expected to be on the middle of August. A lot preparation we made to welcome the new Park’s family member. Mr. Park who never wants to know about my development before this, keeps coming to our house with his personal interior designer to design our baby room. I’m happy to see the father and son will argument about what theme color and design should be set up in the room.

‘You idiot! Why should be the rainbow theme you choose?’

‘Because we don’t know yet if it’s the boy or a girl.’

‘That is why I choose blue for the god sake.’

‘Instead of blue, rainbow is the safest color.’

Of course, Mr. Park giving him ‘ you’ look at Chanyeol and asked his interior designer to use blue theme because blue is uni color and it was the safest step rather than you choose rainbow.

Actually I secretly agreed with my father in law.




Hey ho lovelies subs, thank you for subribing this story. One vote and 15 subs is surely give me a heart attack. Hehe.

Don't worry, this is not a series chapter. I separated into two because I noticed I wrote too much in the first chapter. 

I'm trying to finish the second one immediately. Until then, please don't leave me yet. :D


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Chapter 3: It's been 7 years since you last updated the story and since then, I've keep coming back to see if you update it yet because I'm afraid that maybe I didn't notice the notification on story update. Been waiting here author-nim, hope you can reconsider to give this chapter a new update.

Your story line is so good and amazing and I really like it so much, will be waiting patiently for you to update it soon.

Keep fighting author-nim, and good luck!
Chapter 3: Please update authornim.. Jebalyo.. Im waiting for u
Chapter 3: update soon authot nim.. i can't wait to see the delivery..
MiszOceanJasper #4
Chapter 3: Update soon author-nim.. I can't wait to know bout their baby.. Hehehe..
BluEstKissXo #5
Chapter 3: update pease authornim~…………└(^o^)┘└(^o^)┘fighting!
softiejongdae #6
Chapter 3: Aw....This is so cute
And the Yura husband!
Change is such a cry baby!
Lobe it!
Girl you do got jams!
Update soon!!
Chapter 3: excited for the baby's arrival !!!!
L_giou #8
Chapter 3: Fighting for ur next update , author nim ^_^)9