
cold beers.

Baekhyun could feel his heart goes ba-doom-ba-doom as their eyes met each other that night, the night that's being so obvious. He's trying, he's trying hard not to be so obvious even though he believed the rumours will come out tomorrow, telling the world that the two of them are dating, even though they're not - now. But how can you not staring when you see your old high school crush in front of you, being such a pretty person she always be? Baekhyun would believe that you guys would do the same like him - he one hundred percent believes.

"B-Bomi!" He called out in the , making the girl with a blonde hair at the end, turning her head to his direction in flawless. Bomi waved her hand to the black haired guy, before telling her members that she'll come to the dressing room in a minute which makes the other girls cringed as they spot Baekhyun. 

"Baekhyun sunbaenim!" She grinned, showing him her cute eyesmile as she came closer to the guy that used to be her highschool sunbaenim, back then. "It's been a while, isn't it?" 

"Y-yeah, anyway are you free tonight? Maybe we could catch up about-" he paused for a little while, searching for a right word to continue. "Life?" 

Bomi raised her eyebrow for a little while, biting her lips as she thought about how to get a rid of her manager then she snapped as she remembered something, but keep her thought inside. "Sure, i'm free tonight." She twirls her long hair shyly.

"Cool, i'll text you the place later- or i'll just pick you up."

"Isn't that too- you know we're an idol now."

"Ah, it's okay. No one will notice about it, believe me." He winked playfully, before a shout from his leader rang on their ears. "Seems like the leader is calling, i'll pick you up later. See you!" He waved his hand as he left his hoobae standing shyly there.

Bomi could feel her cheeks burning like a fire burn it as she walked back to the waiting room, not to forget the member who well — she felt like something would happen and does she ready for it? Just by thinking about it, her smiled gone wider than before which makes the other happy virus, Jung Eunji, poked her side teasingly with a laugh. "Baekhyun and Bomi, k i s s i n g."  She sang, making the older one by months glaring at her before she tickles her.

Baekhyun, on the other hand, couldn't stop smiling as he walked pass the leader. Suho could only shake his head, thinking what excuse he should say to the manager to cover up Baekhyun. 


To: Yoon Bomi.

i'm at the lobby now - baek.

To: Baekhyun Sunbaenim.

How can you know my dorm? e u e

To: Yoon Bomi.

I have my own way ㅋ now come down hurry ㅋㅋ


The tension is awkward for both of them. The girl were cupping her burning cheek, while the guy is playing with his beer in nervous. As they looked up in unison, they hurriedly look down in shy.

"It’s been a long time, how have you been?" Bomi finally broke the silence.

"I’m the same, just working hard. How about you? Still dating that same guy?" Bomi chuckled a little bit, remembering her ex back then before she shook her head that made Baekhyun screaming yes inside. 

"You guys broke up? Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up, but good to see you anyway." Baekhyun acted like he felt sorry, even though he's dancing happily inside. - He remembered well when his friend told him that Bomi had a boyfriend, it makes him sad for almost a month.  

They keep talking about their lives, sometimes they would share some laughs together that made their own hearts gone ba-doom-ba-doom everytime they looked at each other eyes. The cold beers accompany them that night even though they are not the drinker in their group, one beer won't hurt right? 

"Time goes by so fast, we’ve already come all this way, but how come you haven’t changed at all? You’re still pretty." Baekhyun blurted out with a smile on his lips, making the girls pressed her lips into a thin line as her cheeks started to burning again. 

"A-ah," She paused, searching a new topic to change the subject in shy, "Do you remember Mr. Kim? He used to scold me a lot, telling me that i won't be an idol because i'm so noisy." She chuckled awkwardly.

I was half joking, half telling the truth, why are you changing the subject? Is it because of the alcohol or because you’re shy. Baekhyun thought silently as he put his chin on his palm, listening to Bomi's story with a smile on his face.

"I used to like you in high school," he blurted out again, making the girl's cheek turning redder than it should be before she nodded her head, telling him that she knew about that. "My friends used to tease me a lot about that, saying 'you know the weird sunbaenim, Byun Baekhyun? I heard from my brother, he likes you!'" She told him the story behind it.

Baekhyun slapped his forehead, remembering how weird he was back then. Bomi chuckled by his action before she pats his forehead softly, "I don't think you're weird back then, I found you- cute?" She smiled cheekily, showing some of her teeth and her eyesmile to him. 

As the beer slowly finished little by little by them, their love stories somehow finished too. As Bomi told him about her latest heartbreak, Baekhyun could only ruffles her light brown hair, telling her that someday her prince will come, just like any princess in the fairytale world, and Bomi chuckled by his words.

"We should go to gyeonggi-do again together sometimes," Bomi nodded her head, agree with the nice idea, "And meet our old friends and teachers there."

"Agree!" she exclaimed.

"And you should call me with oppa now. I'm tired using formal." 

The clock keeps ticking even though the love birds wish they could stay longer, but then cinderella has to go home. And being a gentleman he is, Baekhyun walked her home, and being a mischievous he is, he took the longer direction so he could be with her a little bit longer than it should be. One, two steps, their fingers slowly finding each other - maybe they were drunk a little or maybe they just want to hold each other. 

"We're here," Bomi announced "I had so much fun tonight, it was nice to see you again." She looked down, swaying their intertwined fingers to back and forth. 

"It was nice to meet you again too, Yoon Bomi." He ruffles her hair with the his other hand before he pulled her into a hug, a tight one, which makes apink members and some of the paparazzi aw-ing as they spot the lovebirds hugging.

"Good night." he whispered on her ear, leaving a little peck on the cheek. "Dream of me, okay?" He said playfully, recieving a lightly punch afterward. 

"I'll call you later, okay?"

Bomi nodded her head while cupping the boy's cheeks with her palms. "Don't be so obvious again okay?" She told him with a playful glare, before she tip-toed and kissed his cheek. "Good night, weird sunbaenim." She chuckled.

"Aish, this kid." Baekhyun messed her hair, not caring about her whining that telling him to stop. She frowned with a messy hair that looks cute on her from Baekhyun's point of view, "Okay, okay. Come here, hug me again." she chuckled before she wrapped her arms around him again.

"Goodnight. okay?" 


"I'll call you tomorrow."

"You said you'll call me later." she frowned while pouting her lips.

"Fine, i'll call you later. No need aegyo for that." 

"Yay, okay. Now let me go. We said already good night like ten minutes ago."

"You want me to go home now?" She nodded her head playfully, making the guy rolled his eyes before they heard a snap. "Should we confirm it today?"

"We aren't even dating." 

"Well-" he wiggles his eyebrow.

"Byun Baekhyun." 

"Fine, i'll go home now." He pouted while pointing to his cheek for a few times, "Please?"

"Bomi rolled her eyes before she pressed her lips on his skin for the last time tonight. "God, i'm going to die tomorrow. Your fans would killed me in any minute." She mumbled, making the guy chuckled.

"It won't happened and now, go upstairs, take a bath, change your clothes, and sleep. Goodnight." And finally, he waves his hand in the air with a big smile on his face before they turned each other back while smiling uncontrolly.






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Chapter 1: SO CUTE~!!!
Coolyolh #2
Chapter 1: Huaa so cute, i hope they are dating in real life like in this tory :'D :3
Lovelybee0506 #3
Chapter 1: ouwwwwwwwww i need sequel.. continue this pleaseeeeeeeee?
very good story :"
Chapter 1: so cute~ we need a sequel please.
Byungchan_angel #5
Chapter 1: Cute >.< Sequel please~
Exopink31 #6
Chapter 1: sequel please >.<
twish96 #7
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee ><
Sequel pleaseee
Chapter 1: omg !!! that was cuteeee !!! did it really end there already ??? for reall ??? omgghhh
wow update soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️