Love, Love, Love

The Story of SeoHan


Before I forget again, each drabble is related with the others, and the times is jumping, it can be after they're together or before and then after again. Depend on how my mood and my inspiration comes to me^^ So, bear with that warning. Okay >.<




Love, Love, Love




“Seohyun, your boyfriend is outside.” Hyoyeon said as she opened the door and Seohyun who was working on her homework immediately groans, feel annoyed because disturbed, again.

“What. What’s boyfriend?” Seohyun closed the book after first giving the marker and looked at Hyoyeon, her lovely roommate.

“As usual, Luhan.” Hyoyeon said with mischievous eyes and immediately jumped to the top of Seohyun’s bed.

“What did you see??” Seohyun asked with annoyance. That guy again.

“Come on..” Hyoyeon playfully nudged her shoulder, “Did you actually should accept him. I heard he’ve wealthy family in China.”

And Seohyun immediately stood up with resentment that likely will not disappear easily, “I do not care.” She said and quickly left the room.


Seohyun opened her dorm door with a bang, would not she have said previously to Luhan that he should never, never and never come to her dorm. What is he doing now? What’s he looking for dead.

“What are you doing?” She asked with a straight face after look at Luhan who was squatting near the door of her dorm.

“Oh hiii Seohyun..” replied Luhan, trying to stand up and then smoothed his clothes. His right hand holds a bouquet of red roses. Seohyun grunting, OhMy red roses again.

“You still look beautiful..” Luhan said then, and Seohyun immediately stared into his face. What does he mean? And when Luhan formed a circle around his eyes with his left hand Seohyun immediately realized.

“Ohhhh...” Seohyun immediately took off her glasses, which she only wore when in the dorm. Her cheeks slightly flushed with embarrassment, usually no one had ever seen her in this state before, except Hyoyeon of course.

“It’s okay.. you’re always look beautiful anyway.” Luhan bowed his head and Seohyun immediately struck back if that is in front of her right now is Xi Luhan, the guy who had four months continues to chase her and repeatedly confessing his love to her, ten times if she did not miscount. Of course Luhan will continue to praise her, even though she was dressed like a vagrant.

“What are you doing here?” She asked again and Luhan immediately looked up and gave a bouquet of flowers which he held. Seohyun took it half-heartedly, a bouquet of flowers which last she received still has not withered in the kitchen. It’s Hyoyeon who insist on not throw it away. Not her. Okay.

“I just wanted to give you a flower...”

“Again.” Seohyun hissed softly.

But Luhan not surprised, or perhaps pretended not to hear and instead issuing something like a piece of paper from his pocket. Making Seohyun want to run away immediately. Hey wait, is not this her dorm, so it’s Luhan which should go out, not her.

“This is a concert ticket of EXO...” And Seohyun could not help gaping with wide because oh , that’s EXO ticket for their first concert ever. Her favorite boyband forever. But it’s sold out just after 1:47 seconds. Damn it. Seohyun was still in her class when the ticket sales open, so she could not staring at her phone without missing a second.

“I want to go with you.” Seohyun cried aloud before Luhan had continued his words.

“Heh..” Luhan stunned, of all his efforts to make closer with Seohyun. Start from declare his love in the middle of the cafeteria, sweaty because learning to make cupcake because it was Seohyun’s favorite cake, to even follow her almost every day (he’s not a stalker) and it turned out Seohyun only said yes for a concert tickets. Damn it. Luhan cursed inwardly, who is EXO anyway. It’s later for concern with them. If it were not for Jongdae who is computer genius and successfully hacked Seohyun’s twitter account of course he would never know.


“Are you sure you want to go with me??” Luhan still staring at her in disbelief.

“Of course.” Seohyun said with so much happiness and immediately took the ticket from Luhan’s hand, "Ohmygod. It’s for the 25th May. Ohmygod. It’s real. Ohmygod. Thank you so much Luhan.” Seohyun immediately approachs and hugs him tightly and Luhan still frozen in place, Seohyun abcdsjfsjdkjxdl hugs him. Repeat. Seohyun is freaking hugs him. Ohmygod. It’s really far from his expectations.

Okay. Maybe he ever expected it like that before.






Seohyun now stands in disgust with pouting lips. Luhan was prancing beside her happily as he continued to shout Oh Sehun’s name, the cutest maknae from EXO.

This time who needs attention???

“Ohmygod Seohyun.. I do not know if EXO is so cool. I thought only TVXQ that handsome. They are so cute Seohyun. Look. Look.. Sehun smiling to me. Ohmygod.”

And all day until the concert ended, Seohyun continued to pouted, no matter when Suho, her favorite guardian angle, smile toward her direction with his dazzling smile. Who’s care???




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Actually I'm so upset with the whole scandals/rumors that happen after BaekYeon's dating. So while this forgotten I'll take a rest^^


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ambai90 #1
Chapter 4: hoho .. im loving each one of it
luhan with his possessiveness and seohyun with her quirky mood
haha seohan too much adorable
Chapter 4: Hehe author-nim you know I love all you're fanfic's!!!
Update soon^^
eugenenni #3
Chapter 4: Haha Luhan is one of kind!!! Cute cute cute^^ I can't help loving them!!! And of course author-nim you are great!!! Always your story make me happy^^ Thanks for the update~~
echoleshyver #4
Chapter 4: I love all your story authornim...
I will wait patiently it so fluffy I like it....
Chapter 4: I'll miss your stories:"(
Take care. Don't stress yourself.
eugenenni #6
Chapter 4: Don't worry author-nim. I'm patiently waiting for your comeback!!!
I love this story so much!!! Take care of yourself~~~
Chapter 3: Lol. Possesive Luhan ㅋㅋㅋ
Anyway, after reading this, I saw this picture of Seohyun (today's picture).

Really matches how you described her in this chapter :)
Hot pants + tight shirt + jacket tied at her waist :D