
The Secret Wife
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Jiyong dated a lot. 

Of course, how could I not know that if not by being his best friend. Though he found a male best friend in Young Bae's persona,and I found a female best friend who is Jessica Jung, we never fail to tell each other about who captivated one's heart.   Jiyong is the type of guy who easily  falls to pretty ladies. So if 'pretty' is registered on a girl's aura, he'll definitely ask her out. He has his own definition of pretty. He said once that if he likes the girl, then she becomes his ideal type instantly, and he'll marked her 'pretty.' He says that what captivates him the most is the personality and he doesn't really look at the outward appearance.    I can't recall how many girls he has introduced me to. I can't even remember their names if they are not one of my circle. Yes, Jiyong dated some of my friends. They'll be surprise seeing me hanging out with GD but then Jiyong would just say that we're mere acquaintances, just introduced by common friends.   I had a few dates, too. Some are guys my friends introduce me to, some are Jiyong's friend he match-make me with. All of them did not leave any superior impression. They just come and go.   Among Jiyong's friend, only Young Bae knows about our friendship. While, I, on the other hand never told a soul amongst our members. Not that I'm selfish, it's just better to preserve fuels to prevent fire. Letting them know that we are childhood friends would not be good, it'll just a trigger a scandal out of it.   So back to Jiyong's girls?  Lets just say that being Jiyong's best friend makes me a front-liner evaluator. After meeting them he would always ask me what my jury is. The nonchalant me would just always say they were fine. Not that I don't care at all, it's just that Jiyong dating a girl would not last a month or so. Just as how Jiyong easilly likes a girl, that's how fast he also gets sick of them. There are a few who hurt him because they just make use of his fame and riches. Then that's how he would compose songs of songs.  When I started assessing his songs, most of it are angst, bitter feelings towards a girl. Sometimes it's for the people who look down on him.  I think that when your emotion is really on its deepest hole of brokenness then that's the time you produce the best combination of music and lyrics. It is as if you're wholly putting your emotions into the song.  But it doesn't mean that all of his work are full of bitterness. Some are really full of happiness and some are being romantic.  Well, I might also schedule a time to thank the girls who've hurt him, for the reason that Jiyong may not be able to write songs if not by the girls who used him and hurt him. I can still remember the stories of each song he composes, but not the girl who make the song possible.  Jiyong can make his own destiny, his own decision on girls, as long as he's happy then I would gladly support him. All I care about is his well-being. In short, I don't care about his girls at all.  Wait... I mean, I didn't care... not before this girl who came suddenly into the picture and made me care on Jiyong's stance towards women. This girl who did not only come into the picture, but the girl who erased the picture and started painting a new art, the art of making me realize how love and pain can't be separated.   Lies First time I saw him so sad was when he have to lie for this girl he likes a lot. He treasure her that much that he doesn't want to let her encounter future condemnation from his fans. He end it abruptly with a lie. Saying that he doesn't want to see her any longer because he doesn't feel the same feeling anymore.   "I'm so sorry,but I love you"   That girl, no she didn't leave a great impact on me.   Last Farewell One of the girl who used him. She acted as if she's really in love with him, then suddenly she left him without any word. She was just hanging out with him to garner attention. Right when he was about to move on, she suddenly returned. Jiyong was confused, but decided to make things work. Although he knows she's toying with him
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pieceofwings #1
Chapter 7: Aah still waiting
Chapter 8: Where is the next chapter......... i'm waiting for you, author-nim!!
zeeee99 #3
Chapter 8: Loving this story soo much.I hope You can continue it
Cvlsone #4
Chapter 8: Where are youuuu?
armievita #5
Chapter 8: update pleaseeeeee
yunyuncake #6
Chapter 8: Please update soon ~~ author
zhaviya98 #7
Chapter 8: hai i am a new reader here,and i very enjoy this Fanfic
Chapter 8: I really hope jae bum make jiyong jealous bcoz of his relationship with tae.. I don't know why but I started to like tae & jae bum right now... Make them more closer or maybe doing some intimate things in front of ji.. Tae should play hard to get & ignore ji or spend more time with jay.. Btw,I love your story.. I hope you update soon.. (☆^ー^☆)ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ
cincaa #9
Chapter 8: Suddenly, i remember this ff but forgot the tittle.. I search one by one, finally i find it..will u update this authornim?i am really curious jiyong pov and what will happen..
sheishei88 #10
authornimmm..when will you update this ff..i am dying to know what happens next...