
Be Alright

Be Alright


A phone ringing a familiar tune.

Shuffling of feet across the floor.



“Fany-ah? What’s wrong, baby?”



“I miss you Taetae-ah~” a faint sound of sniffling could be heard through the phone.

“I miss you too, Fany~ Just a few more days ok? I’ll be back before you know it.” Despite the words, the girl can’t help but frown.

A sigh echoed through the phone, followed by a mumble coming from the person in the other line.

The girl smiled, “Go to sleep Fany-ah~”

She heard a whimper coming from the other line, her expression turned worrisome, “Taetae?” her name was called.

“Yes Fany?” all her attention directed to the person on the phone.

“Can you sing for me?”

She nodded, even though she knows that the other girl couldn’t see her. “Anything for my Wifey.”

She smiled at the given nickname and the gold band on her ring finger.

“Thank you hubby, I love you” She was certain that the person on the other line was smiling as well.

“I love you too, now lie down comfortably and put me on speaker. I’ll just hang up when I know you’re asleep.” She starts singing and soon she could hear light snores coming from the phone. Taeyeon smiled before she kisses the phones mic, “Goodnight, baby. I love you.”


Taeyeon stood at the airport’s arrival gates, waiting for her driver. What she didn’t expect was to be tackled by her wife with a bear hug, but really she could care less if she would get crushed.

“Taetae you’re back! You’re finally home.” Upon the word ‘home’ Taeyeon came back to her senses. She pulled back a little from the hug to get a view of her beautiful wife’s face. She tried stopping it, she really did. But seeing her wife with teary eyes, made hers teary too. No, it was not sad tears. That she was sure of. They were happy tears. They were happy that the other one was finally beside them again.

Tiffany kept her arms around Taeyeon’s neck when she saw the latter moving in for a kiss, she didn’t mind the stares they got. That wasn’t enough to make her say no to Taeyeon’s kisses, she waited for so long to feel those pair of lips on hers, to feel that warmth Taeyeon always had,  the shorter girl’s presence was definitely one of the things she missed. So no, she would not deprive herself of any of Taeyeon’s kisses, nor would she let go of the girl.

Sadly, there’s this thing called air, plus the fact that they would have to drive home. Because really, someone else was waiting for Taeyeon at home, and Tiffany’s pretty sure Taeyeon would cry again when she sees this person. Reluctantly, Taeyeon pulled away from Tiffany and the latter gestured for her to follow. Something then clicked to Taeyeon’s mind.

“Fany, if you’re here, who’s watch-“

“The girls are taking care of her.” She got interrupted, but that was enough to put her mind at ease. But only for a while, cause then she realized,

“Fany you should be resting.”

“I’m fine Taetae.” Tiffany said with a smile.

“Still, you should be resting, I don’t want you getting tired. It’s-“

“Not good for the baby. I know Tae, but I wanted to see you as soon as you got here.” A pause due to them reaching the car.

Taeyeon proceeded on loading her luggage inside the car’s trunk. Once done, she noticed her wife already inside, but on the driver’s seat. Before Tiffany could start the car, the driver’s seat door opened with Taeyeon standing beside it.

“Passenger Fany. Passenger.” Tiffany got out of the driver’s seat and went to the other side to sit on the passenger seat. Once both were inside, Tiffany wasn’t sure if Taeyeon was mad, but just to be safe…

“Taetae I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad…” for a while, “or worried.” Taeyeon didn’t need to look to know that her wife was pouting. Truth be told, she missed seeing that pout, those brown eyes, she missed Tiffany all and all. But she definitely did not miss the girl being sad. No, because during the five months she was away, she was sure that was what the girl was feeling. Plus other things that concerns Taeyeon being away.

So she had to speak up fast. Otherwise her very concerned, lovable wife would start to regret picking her up, and start crying. She knew despite passing the first trimester, she would still be moody. But honestly, she missed those mood swings sometimes.

“I’m not mad, nor worried wifey. I’m happy that you wanted to see me, but I would have preferred having someone drive you here. Either Mr. Han, or like you said, one of the girls.”

“But they’re watching her and their kids. I didn’t want to spoil their happy moment, plus, they needed to make-up some excuse for me to leave, and you know how smart she is.”

“That’s ‘cause she takes up her appa.” A proud smile was on Taeyeon’s lips, before getting lightly slapped by Tiffany on the arm.

“That’s because she does have your genes.”

Tiffany was still pouting, though this time, she wasn’t really sure why she is. Then Taeyeon leaned in to kiss her wife’s pouting lips, she can’t help it, her wife was too adorable.

Getting that kiss, Tiffany knew why she pouting. And she was happy that her hubby, whether she knew or not, made it go away.


The front door opened to reveal Tiffany with Taeyeon following close behind. Upon closing the door, they could hear laughter coming from the living room. And although they both weren’t sure if their daughter would be surprised, they would still try.

“Mommy!” Seohyun stood up and ran to give Tiffany a hug, leaving Hyoyeon and Yoona to play among themselves. Tiffany Seohyun’s hair to make her look at her, “Mommy has a surprise for you~”

The curious look on Seohyun’s face was enough to make her realize that her frineds were able to fool the girl. It wasn’t that they intended to keep Taeyeon’s arrival a secret to the girl, but Taeyeon wanted to. She wanted to see what her little girl would do, when she sees her there in the house.

It didn’t take long for Seohyun to see the surprise. And surprise it was. There she was standing there beside her mom, staring at her umma standing at the hall. She didn’t know what to do really. Should she run? Should she cry? Should she shout? She didn’t know what the best reaction she could give. The reaction that says: ‘Umma I missed you so much.’ But she was just a little girl. A sweet, innocent three year-old girl, who misses both her mommy and her umma every time they leave for work. For others it could be normal, just having your parents fly to the other side of the world, but for kids, whether they say it or not, they would certainly miss their parents.

And if she already misses her parents when they go to work, imagine how it was like for her during that five months that Taeyeon was away. It didn’t mean that she doesn’t miss her mommy, she was actually ecstatic to find out that her mommy decided to just stay at home for work, since her aunt Jessica temporarily banned her mom’s presence in their office. But of course, whether or not her mom was banned, her umma still had to leave.

Since she didn’t know what to do, she let her instincts take over. She ran to give a hug to her umma, with tears starting to gather in her eyes. Taeyeon crouched down to lift her daughter in her arms, when she was finally able to hug the girl, she could feel her shoulder getting wet with Seohyun’s tears.

“Hey, why are you crying? Did you not like mommy’s surprise?”

Upon hearing the question, Seohyun immediately shook her head.

“I-I just, m-missed um-umma. I love mo-mommy’s su-surp-surprise.” Seohyun stuttered through her tears.

Taeyeon tried to swallow the lump in and tried to hold back the tears, but when she saw both Seohyun, who was still in her arms, and Tiffany, standing a few feet away, was crying. She couldn’t hold it, she cried with them.

“Sheesh, since when did the Kim family get so emotional?”

“Yeah, since when?”

Two slaps were heard.

“Don’t ruin the moment Seobang.”

“Shut it Youngie.”

Unfortunately for Jessica, the moment was indeed ruined, but it was worth it, because everybody laughed while Yuri and Sooyoung were sulking. And it didn’t help because…

“Appa you look weird pouting, don’t do that.”

“Yeah you too appa, you’re not cute.”

More laughter was heard and Sooyoung and Yuri didn’t know how to react to their kids.

“Is this how your kids speak to you? Hahaha” Taeyeon laughed at the two’s faces.

“It’s not like Seohyun hasn’t told you that.” Yuri tried to defend herself, but it didn’t work.

“No she hasn’t, because you know why?”


“Tell her Seo.”

“Because Kim Family is simply Cute!”


HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if it's not good, seriously, i was very bored, plus my dad left for the states so i kind of got in the whole mood. but nonetheless i was really bored. School's coming up next week and i'm not sure if i'll turn this into some collection. Truth be told i have a habit of making one-shots. So maybe if i feel like putting a story here i'll just add a chapter.

Lastly, it's YOUR choice, if you want to SUBSCRIBE, but COMMENT too if you like. :))))


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 1: Aww this is cute
Chapter 1: Aww!!! My heart...
HydeLess88 #3
Chapter 1: hehehe seobaby so cute!!!
taetaeppanyah #4
Chapter 1: Because kim family is simply cute and they indeed are cute :D
Bumella #5
Chapter 1: ahh a cute story.. kim family is sure cute
Josylol #6
its a cute story
Syahun97 #7
Chapter 1: Haha yeah its good though.Its been a long time I didnt read bout kim family..Cool :)