
An Anomalous Perhaps

Hea Jung could not get her head wrapped around the idea of seeing him in person.


Actually, she hadn’t even known that her mother had the slightest idea of her huge celebrity crush on Kim Myungsoo. But did it matter? She was going to see him. Even if it was from far away, she was going to be in the same room as he was.


In. The same. Room.


Even if it was with a whole bunch of other people.


“Oh, my God.” Hea Jung sighed happily, leaning back against her pillows, her fingers holding on to the ticket gently, not wanting to let it go, in case this was all a dream. She looked up at his photo above her bed.


“I’m going to see you,” She whispered. “I’m really going to see you.”


She reached up, her fingers brushing against his smile.


“I can’t wait.”




Her fingers ran up and down the keys, so fast, her eyes could barely keep up with the notes on the page in front of her. Rachmaninoff was her enemy, and she had to conquer him with everything she had.


“Hea Jung, will you please shut up?”


She stopped. “Sorry.” She sighed, her hands falling into her lap.


Her mother had always loathed her saturday morning practicing. While all the normal people slept in, Hea Jung would get up at seven every Saturday and begin playing her pieces. Her mother was definitely not her biggest fan.


Actually, her mother was never her biggest fan, no matter what time or day it was.


It was now ten in the morning, and she could hear her mothers muffled footsteps on the carpet as she walked down the stairs in her slippers.


“Why are you playing that silly music stuff again?” Her mother’s arms were crossed, her hair tied up in a messy bun. “People need to sleep.”


“It’s already ten, Mom.”


“It’s Saturday morning, for goodness’ sake. And besides, even if you were awake, you should be studying, not having fun with this.” She waved her hand toward the piano. “The university might take back your scholarship if you kill your exams, you know.”




I don’t care about those exams anymore. I might get into Juilliard…. JUILLIARD. Do you know how much I wanted this? I want to do music, Mom. I’ve never had interest business or law. Did you know that? It’s always been music. Music is my life.


“Yeah, I’ll go study.” She submitted, talking quietly. “Sorry.” She added hastily before hurriedly walking out of the room and up the stairs to the safe sanctuary of her room, holding back the words that threatened to teeter off the tip of her tongue and the tears that threatened to spill.




Hea Jung “studied” until noon. She spent three hours in her room, wondering what she could do besides studying for her pointless business and law exams.


At least after all this ruckus I’ll be off to Korea at the start of summer. I’ll finally see him.


She decided to study seriously for her exams. Besides, she knew that Juilliard would look not only at her audition, but at her academics as well. But every few minutes, she couldn’t help but to glance of quickly at the picture of Myungsoo taped to the wall above her bed, as if he would slip away and disappear any second.


Done with studying for a good, solid, short fifteen minutes, she took her phone and texted Jae the good news. His reply popped up on her phone shortly after she had sent the text.


That’s awesome! When are you going?


Hea Jung knew text wouldn’t cut it. She called him.


“Hello? Hea?”


“Jae!” She laughed, unable to contain her smile. “I’m going right after school ends. I actually can’t wait.”


“Aw, doesn’t that mean I’ll have to cover your shifts?”


She giggled. “Yeah, maybe. Sorry about that.”


“You’re leaving me to bus home alone?”


“That too. Come on, Jae. You can last a solid month and half without me.”


“Oh…. I don’t know, Hea.” His voice on the other end was teasing. If he was being flirtatious, Hea Jung didn’t notice it. “I’m sure that I’ll be crying every night, counting the seconds until you’ll return from Korea.”


“It’s seriously not that long, Jae!”


“I’ll fly over and bring you back home.”




“I mean it.”




Hea Jung liked Saturdays because it seemed to be the most peaceful day in the household, with her mother always making naengmyun for lunch and ordering or baking frozen pizza for dinner. It felt so comfortable, so comfortable that she felt as if her and her mother were at ease about her future.


Now, as Hea Jung ate her cold noodles, she marvelled at the fact that she and her mother could get into such monstrous fights. Of course, she was still aware of the fact that this Saturday was merely an illusion, and it could possibly be the last peaceful Saturday for a while. Her mother was going to find out about her audition soon, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hide it much longer.




“Yeah?” Hea Jung looked up from her noodles.


“You are going to Cali for university, right?”


Hea Jung looked back down. She didn’t want to ruin this last Saturday.


“Yeah.” She said.



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marshmelow011 #1
Chapter 9: thank you for updateing :)
marshmelow011 #2
Chapter 7: awesome I love your story please update :)
ValerieInTheNight #3
Chapter 3: Holy crap, you updated... XD

I SHIP!!! lol