Begin Again

Begin Again
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A little girl was crying so hard when she stumbled down the rough asphalt while she was running around the park.  A beautiful woman came to her aide, took her in her arms and caressed her back while walking towards the nearby bench.

"Where does it hurt?" the woman asked while positioning the girl on her lap.

The little girl sobs hard as she pointed at her reddened knee. The woman blew the girl's knee to ease and then kissed it as if it will magically heal. The woman smiled at the girl.

"Does it still hurt?” she asked.

The little girl pouted and nodded. This only gave her a clue that this girl on her lap wants something.

"Ok, honey, what is it?" she asked flashing a wide smile on the now smiling girl.

"Ice-cream!" the young girl excitedly answered almost immediately which caused the woman to let out a loud laugh.

"But you just had one today honey." she said which caused the little girl to frown.

"That was chocolate mommy!" she pleads as she peppered the woman with kisses on both cheeks.

"Ok! Ok!" she finally gave in. 

She stood up carrying the little girl on her arms.

"I love you mommy!" the girl hugged the woman very tight.

"I love you too baby." the woman finished with a kiss on the girl's forehead.



Two friends are just walking around the park, casually observing the happenings around them.  They noticed this cute little girl running around.  They can't help but watch the girl from afar.  She smiles as the little girl flashes beautiful eye smiles as she runs.

"She reminds me of someone" the shorter woman said.

"Let me guess, your first love?" the taller lady asked but didn’t get a response as she saw her friend looking worried as she witnessed the little girl tumble down. She was about to run to the little girl when she saw a woman running to her aide.

"Are you even listening to me?" her friend interrupted her.

"Huh?what were you saying?" she answered confused of what the taller woman is talking about. 

"Whatever! You think she's her mom? She looks young" she asked pointing her eyes to the woman who just carried the little girl.

 "How should I know Yul?! I don't know. Maybe, maybe not!"

"Gosh! Sica! why are you so irritated?!" Yuri sounded annoyed.

"I'm sorry it's just so hot in here" Jessica explained.

"That is so you!" Yuri smacked her friend's arm "Let's go get some ice-cream." Yuri said as she put her arm on her friend’s shoulders. Then they made their way to the ice-cream truck.

"What do you want?" Yuri asked her already spaced out friend. 

"Any fruit flavor will do" she answered while following her on the line who is just one person away from the counter.



"One strawberry ice-cream please" the woman in front of them ordered.

Jessica froze after hearing the voice. She looked at the back figure of the woman. This woman is familiar. It's more than familiar. She knows this voice. She knows it by heart. No. No. No. It can't be her, she thought. She jerked as Yuri elbowed her. Jessica shook her head signaling Yuri that she's back in reality.


"Thank you!" the woman in front of them said as she took the pink colored ice-cream.  As she turned around to look for the little girl she was with, she was faced with two friends who were completely frozen upon seeing her face.  The woman looked at the two frozen figures with shock.  She examined them closely and smiled after realizing who these two are.


"Oh my gosh! Yuri? Jessica?" they both nodded and she smiled and pulled them for a tight embrace.

"How have you been doing?" Yuri asked after parting from her hug. "I missed you!"

"Wow! Me too! I know, it's been a while" the woman said excitedly "are you here for good or just vacation?"

"Not sure yet. As you can see our great super model here is making her way to America" Yuri teased then pushed Jessica playfully. "Oh you know her, spacing out. AGAIN" she said putting a stress on the last word.

The girl laughed "of course, she is!”.

"I see strawberry?" Jessica laughed as she tried to bring her composure back after being caught off guard when she saw the woman for the first time in years.

"Well yeah, but this isn't ---"

"Mommy!!!" she was cut off by the little girl they were watching earlier who came to them running

"This is hers." she smiles as she sat down and carried the little girl in her arms giving the ice-cream to her.

"Thank you mom!" the young girl the ice-cream after giving her mom a wide smile.

"You're welcome sweetie" she smiled back at the girl.



Yuri and Jessica stared at the woman with their mouths open. They couldn't believe what they are witnessing.

"Mommy???" was the only word that Yuri could utter.

The woman laughed at the expression of her long lost best friends.

"Ah! Yes, I'm sorry. This is my daughter" she hesitates for a few seconds "Jessi" she finished. "Honey, give Auntie Jessica and Auntie Yuri a kiss" she instructed the young girl.

"Mommy she is Auntie Jessica?" the little girl asked her mom excitedly, she received a nod as a response.

"You know me?" Jessica asked the little girl with a surprised face on.

"Of course! Mom said she got my name from you." the little girl said proudly.


Jessica was beyond surprised. She wasn't even expecting to meet her "used -to-be best friend" ever again and have her name her daughter after her, was just too surreal.


"Tiffany? You dare to name your child after me?" Jessica asked staring blankly at her.

"I'm sorry, I never told you. I don't know where to contact you so I assumed it would be okay" Tiffany explained. 

"No.No.No. It's okay! I'm actually touched" Jessica smiled "after what I did to you, you still named her, Jessica?" she asked still doesn't know what to feel.

"It's not your fault. It's entirely mine" Tiffany said which was true. Jessica said spiteful words to her because she didn't like the guy she was dating. They never said a word to each other since that day. Jessica regretted this very much but couldn't find a way to say her sorry.

"and well to me... you are still my best friend" Tiffany continued.

After hearing this from Tiffany, a wide smile flashed on Jessica's face giving her now best friend "again" a tight hug.

"I'm sorry Tiffany. I was just angry cause of the choices you were making"

Jessica looked her in the eye after breaking from the hug. Tiffany smiled and nodded her head

"No. I am sorry"

 With these three words, everything was back to normal. The 7 years they spent apart was wiped away with the smiles and stories they started sharing. It was like nothing has changed. They were still the same best friends that they are.


"Mommy, can we go home?" the young Jessie asked as she hugs her mom's legs.

They are still in the park with Yuri and Jessica. Patching up all the lost moments when they were separated. Tiffany insisted on being the listener, which was rare since she usually was the talker amongst them. She just wants to know what happened to her best friend's lives for the past years. They didn't notice that they've been talking for almost 3 hours.


"Daddy's not yet---" as if a cue, her phone started to ring,

"Its daddy!" she then handed her phone to excited daughter

"Daddy! Where are you?" she silently waited for the other line to finish talking.

"I am with Auntie Jessica and Auntie Yuri" she told her father as if bragging about her new toy to her friends.

The two just watched amused at how this little girl looked and acted so much like their best friend.

"Mom, he said that he'll be here in a minute" she said as she excitedly pulled her mother to the parking lot.

"Your dad knows us?" Yuri asked the young girl.

She raised her eyebrows and gave them a smug smile

"Yeah! Mom and Dad always talk about you" she told Yuri sounding "as a matter of fact-ly".

The two do not have an idea whom Tiffany actually married. She stood firm on refusing questions about her telling “she'd rather talk about everything about her when her daughter is not around" in which the two complied to.

"Hey! She doesn't seem to have any similarity with her father, thank goodness she's so you, Fany!" Tiffany smiled at Jessica's joke.

Until now, both Yuri and Jessica think she married the guy that they hated the most that is why she keeps avoiding questions about her.

"Maybe you really married him huh? That’s why you don't want to talk about yourself? Don't worry... we'll try our best to mingle this time" it was Yuri who said the joke.

A car parked in front of them a fine looking young man got out of the car.

"Daddy!" Jessie run towards him and gave him a big hug.

He had pulled her on his arms and walked towards the ladies. He gave Tiffany a kiss on the cheek and smiled as he saw the surprised look of the two.

"Long time no see!" he said as he gave Yuri and Jessica a hug.

"You’re Jessie’s father?" Yuri asked with her eyes widely open, the guy chuckled with her reaction.


"Is there a problem, Kwon Yul?” He countered.


"Who would've thought that the great Tiffany Hwang would be married to the great Choi SiWon? Why didn't we know about this?" Yuri asked almost spitting every word in disbelief. 


"Daddy I'm hungry" Jessie interrupted.


"Yes, baby what do you want?" he asked cradling his baby. 


"Mac and cheese!". The little girl screamed excitedly.


"Mommy's Mac and cheese?" he asked while looking at Tiffany.


"Of course daddy!" she smiled.


"Then in that case, let’s go! Wait, why not let auntie have a taste of mommy's famous Mac and cheese?" SiWon suggested.


"Yehey! Great! Please auntie come to our house" she pleaded. 


"Gosh! Your kid is adorable! Of course sweetie" Yuri answered giving Jessie a pinch on the cheek.


"Yah! Did you even ask me if I want to cook?" Tiffany protested putting her hands on her hips. 


"Daddy put me down" he did as her daughter commanded and little Jessie run to her mom then pulled her for an embrace and peppered her with kisses on the cheeks.


"Alright honey!" Tiffany gave in. Jessie runs to her dad for a piggy back ride going to the car. 


“After all these years, I thought you ended up with the douche" then they continued to walk hand in hand towards the car. Tiffany pinched Jessica's hand as she finished her sentence.


"Watch your words, will ya!" she warned. 


Tiffany's ex boyfriend, Ock TaecYeon, who was exactly the reason why Jessica and Tiffany never spoke to each other again. Tiffany, Jessica and Yuri were all famous models 7 years ago. They went from places to places together. They've become best friends as the years went by. They met TaecYeon, a famous photographer, at a fashion shoot for a magazine. He and Tiffany started going out after the shoot. At first, he was the complete gentleman but as the months go by, he became very possessive of Tiffany; he shut her friends out including Jessica and Yuri. The last thing they heard was that Tiffany and TaecYeon migrated to the states and since then on, they heard nothing from their other best friend. Choi SiWon on the other hand is a famous male model who tried his luck in the United States. Jessica, Yuri and Tiffany have worked with him several times. They had great time with each others’ company. They would often spend special occasions together with few more friends. That was before he left Korea. And same as Tiffany, they lost contact with him.





"Wow nice place you have here" Yuri compliments as she walked around the kitchen.


"Thanks" Tiffany said as she puts the dirty dishes on the sink. 


"Yah! Since when did you start cooking?" Jessica asked as she observes her friend washing the dishes. "And since when did you become so domestic?" she continued letting out a giggle.


"Since I became a mom" she paused to think "actually no! Since I became a wife" she smiled at her two friends. 


"Anyways, you two have boyfriends?" Tiffany eyed them accusingly.


The two gulped, surprised with her question.


"Well you know, I have a..." Yul hesitated. 


"Oh wait how about girlfriend?" Tiffany continued as she laughed at her friends' reaction.  


Tiffany, Jessica and Yuri tried to explore their choices before. They dated both men and women but of all the three, Tiffany was the only one who took men seriously. That's why she's not going to be surprised if they admit to having a girlfriend. 


"Yeah! That" Yul smiled then blushed.

"Is she with you here? I want to meet her" Tiffany asked almost cutting Yuri off.


"She lives here. She’s probably the only reason why this came with me here" Jessica said while picking up a piece of grape before she was sprinkled with water by Tiffany. 


"Jess!" she warned once again. 


"Yes mommy?" her daughter yelled from the living from. 


"Not you honey! Auntie Jessica" Tiffany yelled back. 


"What?!" Jessica looked at Tiffany with widened eyes.


"Your language!!" Jessica laughed at this. 


"I'm sorry!" Jessica said sincerely. "Who knew you'd turn into a good mother?" she jokes. 


"Considering she won't even have the guts to look a baby in the eye before" Yul recalled. 


Tiffany blushed at the compliment she received from her best friends


"People change you know" then she laughed "What about you Jess? Are you in a relationship?". 


Jessica smiled but answered her sincerely


"Nah! Not interested".


"The last person she ever dated was  KiBum Oppa" Yuri informed Tiffany.


"Oh his perfect smile” Tiffany claps her hands on her chest as she imagined his face, she snapped back to reality.


 “wait! So you never dated ever since I left?”  Jessica nodded her head. 


"So let me guess this straight, you're still in love with him? He was your first love after all" she was very curious.


"Of course not!" Jessica strongly disagreed "and no he was no my first love" she whispered


They were interrupted by the loud laughter emitted by the father and daughter at the living room.


 "He looks like an amazing dad" Jessica noticed as she and Yuri both help Tiffany set the table. 


"Yeah, he is" Tiffany said as she look at him and her daughter lying happily on the couch. 


The father and daughter duo noticed them setting the table. 


"Get up! Mommy needs help!" he instructed her daughter.


"No need honey just sit down. You two, sit as well" Tiffany ordered


They gathered on the table and started eating 


"Jessie!" SiWon called.


"huh?" Jessica and the young Jessica let out both startled.


Yuri, Siwon and Tiffany laughed at them. 


"This isn't funny! This is crazy" Jessica complained while laughing along with them. 


"Seriously, you were cool with her naming your daughter after Jessica!?" Yuri asked Siwon.


"yeah, at that time it seemed like a good idea" he said with a smile on his face "I didn't expect this to happen since well you lost communication and everything" he continued as he looked Jessica on the eyes.


 "oh you're kidding huh?!" Tiffany cuts in while she wipes her daughters face. "He was like "Jessica?! you're not naming our daughter after THE JUNG JESSICA!?" you should've seen his face that day”.


They were laughing at Tiffany's story except Jessica who was uncomfortable being the subject 


"Hey Jess! Don’t get me wrong. It's not that I didn't like you or anything. I just didn't want my daughter to grow up being" he choked "arrogant and chic" he laughed as he reached her hand and put his hand on top of her.


"Naming her after me doesn't make her like that stu---" she was cut by Tiffany who hit her arm.


 "oww! what was that for?!".


 "language..." she warned for the nth time.


"She’s quite sensitive when she's around her daughter" SiWon said "anyways are you guys married yet?" he asked curiously.


Both girls shook their heads and he flashed her perfect smile on them.


"Stop! Smiling like that!" Jessica complained. 


"Why? Are you falling in love with me all over again?" he teased.


"You wish!" Jessica snorted.


"And you joke something like this in front of your daughter?" Yuri blurted while looking at little Jessie. 


"It’s alright, besides she knows a lot about you guys" SiWon explained while shuffling his daughter’s hair. 


"What do you exactly know about me?" 


The little girl started to think .


"That you and mom and Auntie Yuri were best friends. mommy's guy friend kept her away from you that is why you don't talk anymore. You worked with daddy many times before"


The girl stopped and started to think again.


"ahh and you have a big crush on daddy!" she said proudly.


Siwon, Tiffany, and Yuri started laughing while Jessica almost spilled the water on her glass.


"You're kidding, right?" Jessica couldn't believe what she just heard. 


"Well you have a thing for beautiful smiles so he assumed that he was your first love" Tiffany explained "and that's how he agreed to name her after you, thinking you were so cute and lovely because he thinks you like him" she continues.


"Yeah right! You’re dreaming!" Jessica laughed so hard.




After finishing their Mac and cheese they headed to the living room. The little Jessie showed Yuri and Jessica pictures from when she was young and when they go to vacation. With this, it felt like they didn't grow apart.  Piece by pieces, the puzzle of their lives apart is slowly getting pieced back together. 


"It's getting late. We should probably get going" Jessica suggested as she looks at the watch.


It's already 9 pm and they spent these many hours just laughing and telling stories.


"Auntie don't go yet" little Jessie pleaded.  


"Honey, Aunties need to unpack and rest. They just arrived today. And YOU" Tiffany pulled her in her arms "you have school tomorrow young lady!" she tickled her daughter. 


"How about daddy?" she looks at his dad with pleading eyes. 


"Daddy has to work tomorrow too baby but guess what? Mommy doesn't have work tomorrow" she smiles and kissed her daughter. 


"Can we go back to the park again? Can Auntie Yuri and Auntie Jessica come too?" 


"Yes of course!" Yuri said excitedly. 


"Yeah sure honey, after school we'll go" she smiled to her daughter and walked towards the stairs. 


"You know what, I'll put her to sleep and just bring them back to their hotel so you can still talk and such" SiWon said walking to Tiffany and took his daughter. 


"See you tomorrow.”  The little girl said as her daddy makes his way up.


"Wait! Wait! Daddy!" her dad stopped at the middle of the staircase jut enough for Yuri and Jessica to still see them.


“Auntie please comes to my birthday party!" she asked sporting her best puppy dog eyes. 


"She is so you fany-ah! Of course sweetie we will" Jessica assured the young girl. The little girl clapped excitedly as she was carried back upstairs by his father


"When’s her birthday?" Yuri asked Tiffany as they made their way out of the door.


"April 18" Tiffany smiled at her friend, riding to the front seat for her to drive them back to their hotel. 


The hotel was near the park they were in earlier today.


"You know you could just stay in our house and catch up" Tiffany told her friends as they unbuckle their seat belts. 


"Let’s just talk about this tomorrow" Yuri said kissing her best friend who's on the front seat. 


"Just send me a message, babes!" she smiled as she say her nickname for each other before. 


"You sure you don't want to go up the hotel?" Jessica asked her friend still hugging her tightly.


"Maybe tomorrow! I better get home. My Jessie would probably be looking for me” she says letting go of her best friend from a hug.


Her phone rings it's, SiWon, after hanging up,

"Your Jessie is looking for you?" Jessica joked. 


"Yah! You used to be my Jessi too!" Tiffany pointed as the two ride off the car. 


"I AM still YOUR Jessi" Jessica corrected her. 


"Glad to know!" Tiffany smiled. "I missed you both, so much!" 


"We did too! Don’t you ever leave us again" Jessica said as she reached for Tiffany's hand in the window. Tiff squeezed her hand assuring her that she'll not leave. 


"Take care going back babe" Yul shouted 




When Tiffany got home, she was greeted by a hug and a kiss on the cheek by SiWon. 


"Are you happy?" SiWon asked Tiffany looking her directly in the eye.


"of course, I am!" she assured him


"maybe there's still a chance, you know!" 


Tiffany laughed and stood up offering her hand for SiWon to take.


"It’s still too early to say. for the mean time it's getting late! you have an early schedule tomorrow!" SiWon took her hand.


They walked across the living room holding hands.


"You know I want you to be happy" he kissed her forehead.


"I know that! But Jessie" SiWon cut her by putting a finger on her lips.


"Jessie had fun today. I think she's happy" 


"Let’s just see. Are you ok?" Tiffany once again looked at his eyes.


"of course, I told you, as long as your happy and Jessie's happy I am more than happy" he smiled down to Tiffany.


"I love you!" he kissed her forehead once again,


"I love you too! Now you should get home and rest!" she said pushing him out of the door. "Take care. Don’t drive too fast!" 


"Tiffany, dear, I live three blocks away! What could terribly happen?" he joked.


"Shut up! I'll see you tomorrow!" she then blew him a kiss.






As soon as they went inside the hotel premise, Yul is just grinning so wide, the moment she sat on the couch,

"Stop that creepy grin of yours!" Jessica ordered her friend.


"Oh you know I can't help it! You know you're enjoying this" she friend as she pokes the side of her stomach.


"Of course I am happy we have our best friend back" she kicked her best friend.


"Not that silly!" she grinned wider to her friend.


"Are you dreaming or just simply stupid? They’re happily married. I wouldn't want to screw that" she told her friend with a smile.


"If you say so my dear" she said still widely smiling.


"Though I got to admit I was moved when they named their daughter after me" she smiled as she imagined the little girls smiling face.


That whole night, Jessica twisted and turned. Memories of her crying through the night kept replaying. She definitely does not want this to happen again.





The next day, Tiffany brought her daughter to school and went directly to the Hilton's to visit her best friends. She knocks on the door and Jessica lazily opened it.


"Who is it?" she asked annoyed.


She was surprised when she saw Tiffany in front of the door.


 "oh good morning! You’re here! Come in” she motioned for her to come in.


Tiffany hugged her tightly as she pats and squeezes her , just like the old days. Jessica smiled at this gesture just happy to know that she is still the old Tiffany. 


"I see you're still not a morning person. You never change Jess!" she smiles "looking so hot on those shorts babe!" Jessica is wearing simple denim short shorts just perfectly hugging her .


Jessica blushed at the compliment.


"You don't look bad yourself! Since when did you get s?!" she said exaggerating. 


Tiffany laughed at her joke.


"Since my daughter" she joked back.


"Where's Yul?" she noticed. "Let me guess, she went out to get breakfast?" she finishes as she sat her legs on Jessica's lap, like the way they used to. Jessica runs her palms up and down her milky white legs while Tiffany tangled her hands around her neck playing with Jess' hair. They stayed like this for a while as they remember those days where they lived together. 


"Yeah she did" Jessica answered Tiffany's question.


This was so Jessica. Back when they stayed together, Yuri or Tiffany would go out and grab a breakfast and coffee while Jessica is still passed out on the bed. Tiffany realized despite the years they were separated, nothing has really changed. She smiled at this thought.


After few more minutes, the door flew open, it was Yuri. She found the two girls still cuddling on the couch. She set the cups of coffee and sandwiches on the table adjacent the couch and joined the two. She placed her legs on top of Tiffany's which are still on Jessica's lap. 


"I missed this so much! Glad I wasn't late for this" Yuri said pulling both of her friends for a super tight hug. Jessica and Tiffany laughed at their friend.


"Did you get enough coffee for the three of us?" Jessica asked.


"I guess you better sacrifice yours Sica!" Yul said.


"Alright then sacrifice your breakfast" Jessica agreed.


"I'm kidding silly! of course, I figured tiff would be this early, as always." Yuri said reaching out for the coffee and plastic "One mocha for you" she hands one cup to Jessica "and one mocha no sugar low fat milk, of course" Yuri handed the other cup to Tiffany.




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Chapter 1: Ahhhh...cute story,..thanks
Jeti48 #2
Long but worth it to read .... I love it... Jeti are love
Chapter 1: Omfg this was so cute and just wonderful! It was a nice read and I love how you made Siwon's character a good one.
Chapter 1: Awww such a cute sending!!! Loved the whole story :Do just way too awesome :F
Chapter 1: This is Dae to the Bak!
I'm inlove in Siwon's character here such a kind gentleman. Glad that JeTi ended up together.
Chapter 1: i love long stories like this eue
thanks for this great JeTi here author x)
Chapter 1: Ohlala, that was one GREAT LOVELY JeTi ONESHOT! ^~^
It shows me that SOULMATES are really MEANT FOR EACH OTHER, even if it takes a lil while.... ;D
And the fact that YoonYul was a sidepairing here made me happy too! XD

smvalencia #8
Chapter 1: oh jeti is love.. .kekeke
gabe10 #9
This is totally great! Maybe you must make a sequel! Thank you for wonderful story
hahaxixihehe #10
Chapter 1: sequel please :D