Sometimes Silence Speaks The Loudest

Unexpected But More Than Appreciated
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       The two arrived home, each going their separate way as they walked through the door; Kyungsoo depositing his bag by the doorway. He made his way into the kitchen, searching the fridge for ingredients, whilst Jongin drifted into the lounge, absent-mindedly switching on the television. 

      Kyungsoo found his eyes always coming to rest on Jongin's still profile, whilst chucking in his ingrediants. He felt guilty. He hadn't meant to give off the impression he had back in the office, it was just the default he fell back into when he was confused. He watched as Jongin shifted, flicking through the channels, coming to rest on a program about food. He must be angry.. Kyungsoo could only guess from the back of the other head. Usually the kid would be sitting at the counter, occasionally attempting to steal pieces of food when Kyungsoo wasn't looking. Kyungsoo smiled at the thought. He bowed his head in guilt again when he glanced at Jongin. 

      Kyungsoo grabbed two bowls from the cupboard, then served up the kimchi spaghetti, making sure to pour more in for Jongin; Kyungoo suddenly didn't feel so hungry.

"Jongin? Dinner's served" Kyungsoo said in a careful tone. The other looked round and nodded in a tired way, hair flopping in front of his  

Kyungsoo went to bed without a word that night - head hung in guilt.



        Breakfast was ate in silence, Kyungsoo persistently glancing over at the other. Jongin, if he had been aware of the persistent staring, he hadn't said anything. 

        Kyungsoo sighed, choosing to move away from the counter, and back to the bedroom to get ready for the work day. It was his last day at work before Suho dismissed him on his forced holiday - something about a 'much-deserved' rest. It felt more like a school suspension to Kyungsoo.


 He grabbed his bag on the way out, chucking his balled-up pajamas on the unmade couch. Jongin looked to follow him out.

       "Jongin!... Jongin, would you mind.. just.. staying home today" Kyungsoo almost whispered, avoiding the eye contact. Jongin paused in his path, blinking, before his head bowed in a nod.

        "I can bring Chanyeol over, if you want?" Kyungsoo added. Jongin gently shook his head, retreating back to the couch. Kyungsoo could've guessed this would be his answer, he was being ignorant.

      "..okay. I'll see you later then.." Kyungsoo turned towards the door before Jongin had the chance to reply. He left in silence, guilt gnawing at his thoughts. He was being selfish, but it was all he knew to avoid the vulnerability he hadn't felt until now.



        Vulnerable became ridiculously understated, the way it constantly whispered its doubts into his mind was starting to give him a headache. He wasn't even sure how had had managed to survive up until lunch, with his unnerving co-worker and his persistently worrying boss. Though, Kyungsoo was starting to think Suho was right - he probably did need that holiday. He had spent the last hour just staring at his computer screen, praying the words would just appear on the screen - and the guilt to disappear off of his mind. The empty chair sat next to his one didn't help with clearing the depressing vibes, even Sehun must've felt them.

        "Urgh..uhhh" His held breath came out prolonged and taut as he buried his head in his hands, his bottled sanity also seemed to have escaped with it. He was just about ready to start bashing his head against the keyboard. He let his hands drop down away from his head, slamming down onto the keyboard. A jumble of letters appeared on the screen, and Kyungsoo could only groan.

A knock sounded at his door. He looked up.

"Come in?"

He said as he composed himself. pointlessly, it seemed.

"Baekhyun" He sighed, slumping back down onto his desk. The other smiled back, holding up the two coffees in his hands.

"Join me for coffee?"


       They left his building, Kyungsoo making sure to first check in with his boss, and went to the nearby park, dutifully provided by the company. It was made as a soace for the employees to 'relax and unwind', but yet.. it remained empty. They perched on one of the closest benches.

"So.. how is life with that overgrown child?"

        Baekhyun frowned slightly, before breaking onto a small smile; he had always been pretty rubbish at pretending. He had his cup gathered between his hands, shivering occasionally. He swirled the cup round in his hands, eyes softening.

"I'm actually really happy. I thought it would be awkward.. y'know, with the whole relationship status.. but I'm really.. "

A gentle smile graced his face.

".. truly happy"

        He takes a sip of his drink, clamping his eyes shut at the bitter burning in his throat. It must be unfamiliar for a guy who had to give up coffee for hot chocolate because of a roommate who practically has a seizure when he sees the stuff. Kyungsoo felt for the poor guy whose bittered lips still remained curved.

"Though it seems you and Jongin can't do anything to make things more awkward"

Kyungsoo scoffed, half rolling his eyes - though it was a front. His gaze fell onto the cup in his hands.

"What's actually happening with you two?"

Kyungsoo exhaled heavily.

"Stalemate is what's happening"

"How did it even get to this point?"

Baekhyun frowned in confusion, eyes piercing Kyungsoo. Disbelief sounded out in his voice.

"Jongin was like.. your least hated person?"

Kyungsoo didn't react to the snarky comment; just slumped forward, his elbows digging into his knees. The coffee jolted forward in his hands.

 "Jongin.. he didn't really but..he.."

Kyungsoo let out an exasperated sigh, sitting up and letting his head rest on the back of the bench.

"..I dont know"

       Kyungsoo had always hated the mushy romantics dramas that often played out on his tv, the ones with the deep talks about feelings and naive characters. And yet, it seemed, he had found himself caught in one. He let out another sigh, and bit the inside of his cheek, hoping it might clear some of his thinking.

"Listen. Kyungsoo...Nothing you say is going to sound stupider than 'I'm dating Chanyeol', the 7ft puppy" Baekhyun smirked in amusement, Kyungsoo let out a small, quiet laugh.

"And if you don't talk to me, your best friend, who are you going to talk to, huh? Chanyeol? Sehun?"

       Kyungsoo scowled, but nodded. Baekhyun had a point, there was no way he was going to either of those idiots. And he didn't want to rope his boss any further into his personal life - as it is he knows too much. And, Baek already knew all of his and Jongin's story up until this point, he really didn't think Baek would back out now.

"it's just.. Jongin said.. he said that he liked me.. after an incident we will not talk about"

Kyungsoo rubbed his neck in frustration, pulling his already high-collared coat up. Baekhyun had started to pout.

"But I might've run away.. and we haven't spoken since"

        Baekhyun leaned back on the bench, and in frustration he had started jogging his leg up and down, nearly spilling his treasured beverage. Kyungsoo didn't like the imposing silence from the other.


Kyungsoo flinched, preparing himself for the oncoming tantrum.

"You are so stupidly...defensive! You're so... stupid!!" The other seem to stumble on his words, now completely facing Kyungsoo, who could only co

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no but legit dude r u ing kidding jongig is so sweet
Kikux3 #2
Chapter 23: Awww! Soo you meanie, really. xD
Jongin is being SUCH a cute dork and you just settle for ignoring your feelings. *sighs*
JUST TELL HIM YOU LOVE HIM~ *Chanyeol Voice* ... / flops over xD
Wonder how the morning will be ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 22: \(^.^)/ I'm so happy you updated! Kyungsoo finally accepted that he can trust Jongin & puppy's so cute & happy! It was a really good chapter~ I can't wait for more (^.~)
Jaackk_Jaackk #5
Chapter 22: I love your fic! I hope you rest more Author-nim!
But I do hope Soo tells Kai or Kai like kisses Soo or something! cx
Can't wait for the next update!
Fighting Author-nim<3
Kikux3 #6
Chapter 22: Was so happy when I got the notification that heres a new chap that i re-read the whole again <3<3<3
Love it a lot! Hope Soo will man-up and confess!! ♡♡♡
Kikux3 #7
Chapter 21: whuuu i like this a lot : D XD
SoSquishy #8
Chapter 21: This is so cute~ The hunhan ghad xD Thanks for this author-nim <3 :*
Chapter 21: Badum badum badum
Sooo you have been ignoring dear Jongin hahuuu I mean come one you feel something~~~~ hmmmm

And hunhaaaaaaan hunhaaaaaan the feeeeeels!!