The EXO University Confession


EXO University is like any normal school in the country. Overstressed students, terror professors, and ocean of schoolworks. To keep the students from dying exploding, a group of students began a page called The EXO Confession. There, students can confess their deepest, darkest, wildest secrets. Some are fun, some are serious. Regardless of the nature of the confession, The EXO Confession caters to the secrets of its anonymous senders. The boiling pot of human encounters.

 Share your secrets. Reveal your wildest personality. Remember your experiences. Confess. 


A/N: New storyyyyyy~ *runs around like a headless chicken* I'll be honest. This is not yet fully planned out. I don't know what to do with it. But the foreword isn't lying. The story revolves on confession page theme. If you have insights or reactions, feel free to tell me! <3 <3




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