Guilt in Us

The Message Everyone needs to Hear.



Isn't that a word we don't usually think about. 

Why are we so ashamed of admitting to a certain guilt we have in our hearts.  I know as girls (of course boys as well) , we've all had a time when we've done something and didn't want to admit that We were Wrong.  Even though it feels right


Remember that saying: 


It's Good cause it feels good?  



Wrong.  If it WAS good you wouldn't have had that slight sourness or in other words Shame or Guilt in you. 


There are actually so many things we have chosen to ignore.

We are a generation where we have Talent of Materializing things.  

We judge so easily. I know it's not just me who has looked at someone for the first time and instantly categorised her as someone I disliked without knowing anything about her. 

And sooner or later found out she was definitely anything but what I expected. They were kind, loving, people that people chose to judge cause they weren't scared to stand for their own values and beliefs. These are the people the world needs.


And at those kind of times, Guilt is no stranger. 


We tend to brush off that feeling. Why?  Because everyone thinks guilt is something to be Forgotten.

I don't think that's true. 



Guilt should not be forgotten. It should be forgiven. 




There was a time a few years ago, I was sitting for an exam, I remembered I wasn't too good at that particular subject so I pretty much gave up on even studying for it. Instead I copied off  of one of my classmates who was sitting beside. 

I scored well. A little too well. 

I remembered people were much amazed from how poor I was at the subject to become some sort of star student. 

The funny thing was, I remembered I enjoyed receiving all these compliments. Good job. Wow you must've been studying really hard. I'm so proud of you.  


Those words to me were just words that never impacted me personally. Because I knew I didn't deserve those words.  

Guilt comes into the picture again.  


Time after time that little sourness will come. And hey it's a good thing.  Don't you for a second think guilt is bad.



What we've done was bad. But that feeling?

 No. It's a form of personality and reality that everyone has been ignoring. 



Thinking that if you've never had guilt, you would be perfect. 


Truth is.



Being NOT perfect is the most Perfect you can ever be and That's what makes you Beautiful.



So dig deep within and ask yourself. 

Was I ever guilty of something?  

Be absolutely honest with yourself. You might be surprised of the feelings you've been storing away. 


If you've nodded. Good.


Tell yourself  :


" You know what,  I've come a long way. And I've done things I'm not so proud of. But let me keep trying to be that person I want to be. The one that cares, loves and cherishes people. These guilts are forgiven not forgotten. " 






- from Reigning with love. 


Feel free to comment about any sort of topic you guys want me to talk about.


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Chapter 1: Hey, I know it's been awhile since you've written this, but I wanted to say "Thank you, I really needed this"
Chapter 3: I loveeeeee it! ♥
Chapter 2: Loving all these honest talk thingys.
keep up the good job! i liked it!
True. Indeed, it is. I love how this really describe us girls but let's live a positive life and sgop comparing ourselves to one another.