Prince Charming and Materialism

The Message Everyone needs to Hear.

Where to start girls. 

I think every girl out there has daydreamed about this perfect guy who is going to serenade you and sweep you off your feet.

We have this perfect idea of how our future boyfriend would look like and act like. 

But no such perfect guy exist.

To be really really honest.


We are all dreaming a unrealistic Dream. 


Girls are waiting for their Prince Charming while guys are waiting for their  Goddess. 

Let's look at this issue from their point of view. 

They would want a pretty girl, smart, caring, loving, rich, patient,  y, class, etc... 

These would be the materialistic demands of what guys picture in their heads. 


Do you think we are able to full fill all of those demands?  

Chances are NO. Why? Because we are not perfect. 

Some of us are naturally "pretty" and you girls know what I mean. They satisfy what society categorize as pretty. 

But these girls have flaws too.  It is easy to say "Yes I CAN fullfill those demnads."

But at some point along the way we will no longer be able to keep those expectations. (Are you able to wake up daily and place tons of effort into looking pretty? Girls need breaks too.)



If we can't be their goddess. What makes you think they can be prince charming. 



I say this because I've had friends that's have good guys interested in getting into a relationship with them but they have turned these guys down. Why? 


He's not rich.

What if people see me with him? 

 He's just not the one. 

 Ew.. he's a nerd. 

Look at him. He's just not as good-looking as XXX.  


Girls. Guys are not perfect. Just like we're not perfect. 

If all guys were the same. Perfect. 

We would all be dating the same guy.  


I don't think people know what a relationship really signifies. 

We are all naturally built to love and care for someone. 

And let me tell you that this person could be anyone. 

You are not dating so you could flaunt your boyfriend to your other girls saying stuff like " yea, he's the captain of the soccer team. " or " yea, his family owns this big company" 


Why do girls not say things like.  " yea he's pretty awesome. Cause he likes to dance while he eats his pizza. "


Okay maybe that wasn't the best example. But you girls understand what I'm trying to say right? 

Accept his flaws and let me tell you suddenly all guys seem pretty eligible to your interest.

I admit its Hard to believe that you wouldn't end up with this ideal guy you had in mind but hey guess what he loves you and he wants you to be his. How amazing is that?



A friendly advice, sometimes we need to be their Princess Charming.


Guys have emotions just as we do. They go through heartbreaks as well. They have times when they break down and get lost.

So hey give our gentlemen a break once in awhile and not decline them when they ask you out.



You wouldn't know, he might be The One.







Love you girls.







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Chapter 1: Hey, I know it's been awhile since you've written this, but I wanted to say "Thank you, I really needed this"
Chapter 3: I loveeeeee it! ♥
Chapter 2: Loving all these honest talk thingys.
keep up the good job! i liked it!
True. Indeed, it is. I love how this really describe us girls but let's live a positive life and sgop comparing ourselves to one another.