The Message Everyone needs to Hear.

The Message Everyone needs to Hear.

There are about 7 Billion people in the world and there is only One YOU.

YOU are made Perfectly.

YOU are Amazing.

YOU are Beautiful.

YOU are Talented.

YOU are Unique.

YOU are Loved.

Most importantly  YOU are Important.

And I found YOU.



Sometimes we forget that life is only so short.

We invest our time in the most unnessary things. We post selfies that people double tap and for whatever reason we feel WORTHY because someone "Liked" our picture.

Let me tell you that  the number of HEARTS can't be compared to how much you're worth.

You could be having the crappiest day and you post a status filled with negativity. Your friends on Social Media might not like or comment, but their day sure are much affected by your outrage.

STOP Thinking you're ugly cause you don't look like the models on billboards. Cause let me tell you that

Real girls are not perfect and perfect girls aren't real.

We are ALL going through something in life. Be it an important exam, or the torturous feeling of fighting an addiction or just dealing with a rejection.

WE ARE ALL VULNERABLE and need the constant reminder that we will get through it because we are STRONG.

It's OKAY to cry.

It's OKAY to let our walls down. Cause we're human and not machines.

And yet we look down on our bodies and we don't like what we see. Some of us are so self obsessed that we even JUDGE ourselves. I wanna say you look amazing just the way you are. You are invinsible. WHY? Because that girl you're comparing yourself to, she's worried if she might get a zit the next morning while you? You are going to look forward to improving what's on the inside.



Flowers are only pretty because they get the nutrients they need.

But a Rose that is not watered right and nurtured properly will eventually Wilt.



YOU are a Rose that has been nurtured for for So Many Years.

Those two hands, your dad and mom, thank them every once in awhile because it isn't easy to wake up early to water you.


But let me tell you (and I hope I'm not the first) that

YOU are making a difference in someone's life right now.

Whatever you're typing, doing, your very being has changed someone's life before.

Let it be a Good Change.

Let it be a Change this World Needs.

Remember, you are much LOVED. Words can't describe how much I care about my subscribers or any annonymous reader.

Even if you're a silent reader. Hey, you are so AWESOME and GREAT.


Show the world that you are HERE and not cover yourself with fears.



- Note from Reigning



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Chapter 1: Hey, I know it's been awhile since you've written this, but I wanted to say "Thank you, I really needed this"
Chapter 3: I loveeeeee it! ♥
Chapter 2: Loving all these honest talk thingys.
keep up the good job! i liked it!
True. Indeed, it is. I love how this really describe us girls but let's live a positive life and sgop comparing ourselves to one another.