
Changed Forever

          “Oh my god…it won’t close.” Heechul mumbled incredulously, attempting once again to tie the ends of an elaborate blue and black hanbok securely behind Siwon’s back. The ends of the ties wouldn’t even meet.

          “What do you mean it won’t fit?” Siwon panicked, head whipping away from Ryeowook, who was attempting to do his makeup, to send a wide eyed glare the older’s way “It has to fit!”

          “Well it doesn’t…” Heechul muttered, meeting the younger’s gaze only to find tears welling in his eyes. “Aish, don’t be such a drama queen.” He sighed, standing as he began trying to think of ways to remedy the situation.

          “We spent months looking for this…” Siwon trailed, a tear spilling over and staining the deep blue material a shade darker “And I’ am not being a drama queen…” he pouted, lips quivering. “I’m pregnant!”

          Ryeowook panicked as the guard began sobbing, the tears beginning to wash his hour of hard work away.

          “This is your fault.” Leeteuk sighed as his brother dropped heavily down beside him on the sofa, downing the entire glass of champagne he had poured just minutes before and fixing the older with a hard glare.

          “How so?”

          “You picked out that hanbok months ago, and you knew they were trying. You should’ve taken that into account.” Leeteuk chuckled as they watched the eternal maknae calm Siwon enough to begin salvaging what he could on his face.

          “Oh please…who the hell actually TRIES to get pregnant before they get married?” Heechul deadpanned.

          Leeteuk rolled his eyes “I guess everyone except you.”

          Heechul merely snorted, before standing once again, and making his way over to Siwon and Kibum’s closet on the opposite end of the room.

          He pulled a white sash from the top shelf just as a knock at the door had everyone turning to watch as Sungmin came waltzing inside.

          “Oh great what’s wrong with him now?” the man questioned, exasperated. “You know what…I don’t want to know anymore, but you better fix it quick because the final guests are arriving, and his parents want to see him once beforehand.”

          Leeteuk nodded and thanked the younger then exited just as quickly as he entered, probably off to find Kyuhyun and stake out a good seat before they were all gone.

          “Alright listen…” Heechul began, coming to a stop just before the younger who sat sniffling in his seat. “Pull yourself together now, or I’ll go get Kibum to come down here and do it for you.”

          Siwon’s eyes turned fierce “You wouldn’t dare…” He challenged, and Heechul snorted.

          “Please… do you know who you’re talking to? When was the last time I DIDN’T do something I threatened to?” He asked.

          “…Fine.” Siwon muttered, standing once Ryeowook was done “fixing” him, and allowing the older to drag him over to their full length mirror to begin making adjustments.


          “Any word on what’s going on?” Donghae asked as his lover finally returned and took the reserved seat beside him in the first row.

          They had all decided to sit on Kibum’s side since Siwon’s real blood relatives were there for the ceremony, but the younger only had them.

          “Siwon’s a bit of a mess. His hanbok isn’t fitting and Heechul’s trying to fix it, but it seems things are going to be starting late regardless.”

          “And Kibum?”

          “He’s nervous, but not like Siwon. It’s nothing Kyuhyun and Kangin can’t handle.” He smiled as his son crawled from Donghae’s lap to his own, with some assistance from his mother of course. Eunhyuk bounced Gijeok a bit on his knee, drawing short giggles of laughter from the infant, and scolding from his lover.

          Neither Siwon nor Kibum had quite been into the idea of planning a wedding, leaving most of the details to Heechul and Ryeowook, but despite the couples lack of input, the décor seemed to fit them perfectly; from the shades of dark blue and black that covered chairs, decorated windows, and the archway at the altar, to the white and light blue roses that sat atop cerulean covered table tops. There was nothing really feminine about the space, no bows and frilly things like there had been in many of the other weddings, they’d even used shields and swords to decorate some of the empty gaps on the walls.

          The wedding was small compared to both of the prince’s, but larger than Eunhae, and Yewook’s, since none of the four had any family to invite, barely twenty five on either side, and the majority of Kibum’s side made up of guards, but it was nice, personal even, something they all knew the couple enjoyed.

          The doors at the back opened once more and many of the guests turns, expecting Kibum, but grumbling in disappointment when they found only Kyuhyun and Sungmin instead, the latter dragging his lover behind him down the aisle.

          Donghae elbowed Eunhyuk, before waving the couple over with a smile, the older glancing momentarily up from his son to greet the newcomers as they took the seats beside them, Kyuhyun situating their son in his lap.

          “They got Siwon to stop crying. They’re almost ready, Kibum is out in the hallway waiting for his cue.” Sungmin explained giddily, barely able to contain his excitement. He’d always loved weddings.

          Kyuhyun couldn’t help but smile at the enthusiasm his lover possessed, and chuckled when the other squeezed his hand tightly in his own.

          It was after another few moments the doors opened once more and Yesung entered the room with Yun in his arms, and the twins, as well as Leeteuk and his youngest son trailing behind them. They joined them all and then the music began, everyone standing from their seats and facing the doors.

          Kibum entered first, dressed in a sweeping blue and white hanbok, its skirt layered in waves, with his hair gelled up and eyeliner heavy.

          Ryeowook, Hangeng and Aemi filed in a perfect line behind him, the men dressed in full black hanboks with light blue detailing, and a single blue rose pinned over their hearts, while the girl wore similar attire but with multiple roses pinned up in her hair.

          Kibum moved confidently, and quickly to the alter, kneeling before the table they’d set up there with his wedding party lining up behind him from shortest to tallest. He smiled bright when turned to find Siwon entering the room, with his own group behind him.

          The guard’s hanbok was held closed by the light blue sash Heechul had dug up earlier, leaving the back open, but at least it looked fashionable and wasn’t about to leave him standing in the aisle, not that he would have minded either way.

          Heechul, Kangin, and Minkyung followed him to the front, all of them wearing identical full white Hanboks with dark blue detailing, blue roses pinned over their hearts as well.

          Kibum stood once Siwon joined him at the altar and they bowed to each other, before sitting on opposite ends of the small table in front of them, and the man they’d hired to officiate the marriage began speaking.

          The ceremony was a mix of modern and traditional, with best men, hanboks, a bowing and soju ceremony, and vows.

          When it was Kibum’s turn to speak, he froze, but only momentarily, the loving look in Siwon’s eyes pushing him forward. He knew that no matter how sappy or jumbled the words were, Siwon would love them, because Siwon loved him.

          He’d spent days pouring over the emotions in his head, forming unfinished sentences and poorly worded paragraphs as he worked to find the perfect way to describe to the older just how deeply he cared for him, but even after all that time, the finished product was completely dissatisfying, not even close to conveying his true feelings for the man he was choosing to spend the rest of his life with.

          He had no idea how to tell the other the way he’d felt when they had first arrived there all those years ago, and he had been forced to train silently beside the older despite the feelings he was developing for him. How light he’d felt when he’d discovered Siwon had felt the same, and the amazing that had followed. He loved every second he spent with the older, and he was glad he would never have to spend another without him.

          “…And I love you…always.” He finished strongly, his voice not once wavering despite the tears clouding his eyes and constricting his throat.

          The audience was full of tears and small sniffles, the occasional babble from Gijeok, who was too young to comprehend what was going on, breaking the silence.

          Kyuhyun smiled when Siwon began speaking and Sungmin reached for his hand, threading their fingers together and squeezing lightly. He looked over to meet the older’s tear filled gaze and chuckled, ignoring the halfhearted glare he received in response as he leaned down to place a gentle peck on his lover’s cheek.

          Sungmin rolled his eyes, but smiled softly as he leaned to rest his head on the younger’s shoulder, Jinsang squirming restlessly in his lap.

          “Do you, Kim Kibum, take Choi Siwon to be your husband, through sickness and health…”

          Leeteuk nudged Yesung, the younger conversing quietly with Donghae who sat beside them. The kicked puppy looks he received from the pair had him rolling his eyes. He promised Ryeowook he’d keep his husband in check for him.       

“I do”

          “And do you, Choi Siwon take Kim Kibum to be your husband…”

          Gijeok began whining, and Eunhyuk again bounced him on his knee to keep him silent. Instead, it only succeeded in making the baby laugh, and Donghae tsked as he removed their son from the older’s arms, Eunhyuk shrugging as he redirected his attention back to the front.

          “I do.”

          “If any oppose this marriage, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

          Kibum, through his tears, glared out at the crowd, as if daring anyone to say a word, but he was met with silence.

          “Then I now pronounce you married. You may kiss your husband.”

          Kibum nearly shot forward, his lips connecting with Siwon’s so hard it nearly threw him off balance, causing a few laughs to sound from the crowd before cheers filled the room.

          “I love you.” Sungmin smiled, his emotions overriding his actions, before he mirrored the couple’s actions at the altar.

          “W-wha..?” Kyuhyun mumbled against the older’s mouth, before his eyes slipped closed and he kissed him back.

          “I love you too.”



A/N: So that's it...I guess :(. I loved this story so much, but there wasn't much more to do with it so I decided this would be the best way to end now I don't really know what to do with myself. Anyways, thank you all sooooooooo much for supporting this story; whether you commented, subscribed, or really just read it, thank you! I love you guys.

I'm gonna be starting (or trying) a new story soon so keep an eye out for that... THANK YOU!!!!

Bye for now!


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Chapter 17: I'm happy, YAYAYAYAYAY everyone's happy woooo - now if only Henry and Zhoumi got together somehow hmm
Chapter 17: awesome stories both are. happy ending for every couple. i's hoping Zhoumi to be be paired with henry. but it's all good. now off to search new fic to read.
Thanks for lovely story.
Chapter 18: subscribed... ^.^
Chapter 17: Awwwwe it ended with what I was waiting for a lo g time with SiBum wedding and u make me cry with the "I love you" from Sungmin ahhhhh i stay in shock i read it twice to see if i read it like the first one♡♡♡ thanks you
amuse_otaku #5
Chapter 17: It's end beautifully ..
From ever changing till changed forever, I always waiting so eagerly.. Ahh,, hope to read another fanfic of yours authornim ^^
Chapter 17: Ever changing was the first chaptered fic I've read when I became an ELF and it was amazing. I'd noticed you mentioned Taehyung and Namjoon so perhaps you're an ARMY? I am a VKook shipper myself and I'll be glad to read a fic of them from you. Your fics are beautifully written I may say :)
Chapter 17: Happily ever after....
mysterycodes #8
Chapter 17: Aww...such a beautiful ending.Glad that all of them happy. :)
Chapter 17: Beautiful ending :)
Chapter 17: Omg!! So beautiful!!! Sibum got married and sungmin finally said i love you to kyuhyun! ! wkyumin wedding ceremony as a extra? Please!